Stupid names for a child

People are going to pronounced it as it looks. Then there is Alan, but they pronounced it Ah-Lon with the accent on the second syllable.
We have an Alan who is pronounced Ah-Lan this year too - he is Hispanic, so I assumed the pronunciation is cultural.
Someone I knew in school was named Candis Kane. Yes, her parents did this to her.
My high school had twins named Fame and Fortune. Funny thing is, they were drama majors and wanted to be actors. Guess they didn't get the fame and fortune.
I know someone who named their son "Vader". WTH were they thinking?!?! I also cringe a bit at "Anakin" but at least he was good at some point and the little boy who played him was super cute.
No punctuation. Who needs an apostrophe or dash for life?
I have two last names with no hyphen (a dash is a different mark), and it's difficult to keep the hyphen out. Lots of clerks/customer service types say, "Well, it has to have a hyphen." No, it doesn't.
I once worked with a girl whose name is Lark. I commented that it was a pretty name.

She replied, "I think my parents were high when they named me." 😄
I believe the actress who played Lisa on Saved By The Bell was Lark Voorhies and that was the first time i'd heard of that name. Another boy's name I think is weird is Chase and I don't know why boys are named Chase? Because when I heard that name it brought to mind the game show from ABC but one of the original teens from The New Mickey Mouse Club was named Chase. But to me Chase is a name that sounds weird and is popular today
Did you think Chase was a weird name Kennywood?
"Weird", no. "Unusual", yes. That's a name that will be made fun of all the time.

I just wish that parents would think long-term when naming a child. A name that might be cute or pop-culturally relevant now, will probably end up causing problems for the child later on in life.

And here is a public service announcement: Stop with these "unique" or even bizarre spellings of first names. The child will spend their whole life telling people how to spell their name. And it's most likely going to cause problems on official or legal documents.

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We had twin girls in our class; Alexa and Alexandra. Dressed identical every....single.... day. So confusing and the names didn't help, most of the kids would just say "hey Alex!"
Someone I knew in school was named Candis Kane. Yes, her parents did this to her.

The mother of one of my former co workers was also Candy Kane. Kane was her maiden name and apparently her father had planned to name his sons Hurri and Raisin but he never got the opportunity I guess.

I have two last names with no hyphen (a dash is a different mark), and it's difficult to keep the hyphen out. Lots of clerks/customer service types say, "Well, it has to have a hyphen." No, it doesn't.

That's funny. I do have a hyphenated last name and have trouble getting to put the hyphen in. My medical records don't have a hyphen. It hasn't been a problem yet, thankfully.
I believe the actress who played Lisa on Saved By The Bell was Lark Voorhies and that was the first time i'd heard of that name. Another boy's name I think is weird is Chase and I don't know why boys are named Chase? Because when I heard that name it brought to mind the game show from ABC but one of the original teens from The New Mickey Mouse Club was named Chase. But to me Chase is a name that sounds weird and is popular today
Did you think Chase was a weird name Kennywood?
I worked with a Chase (he's probably in his mid-30s if not older by now) and DS played soccer with a Chase (late teens now).
Someone I knew in school was named Candis Kane. Yes, her parents did this to her.
Decades ago I was flipping channels at 3am and came across women’s college volleyball on ESPN. It was right before Christmas. One of the players was named Candy Kane and the announcer was snickering over it.
I don't know why names have become so weird but I remember when boy names were a huge fad and were gentlemanly like Parker Harrison Winston and Rodger but now I noticed that any boys names with J are popular. Like I cannot figure out how Jeremy became a popular name but you see few boys named Jeremiah and I think Jeremy became popular because of Jeremy Renner and a lot of Hawkeye fans named their boys Jeremy because of this. Another name that is very odd but is popular is Scott with one T and I used to see boys spell Scott with two t's but now it's one t now and I find that weird and the same thing happened with Todd too. Speaking of weird names is there anybody who names their sons Dodger as well
It may not always be obvious that English is not the family's first language. My sister grew up being told her name was spelled wrong, or being called different names. It's not; it's French. Unless someone was very close to our family, they wouldn't have known that my father's first language was a French dialect. Our teachers rarely knew. I'm sure some of them judged my parents for my sister's name. Not everyone chooses a spelling to stand out or be different- oftentimes, there is a cultural reason. Maybe that name or spelling means something to the parents.
And here is a public service announcement: Stop with these "unique" or even bizarre spellings of first names. The child will spend their whole life telling people how to spell their name. And it's most likely going to cause problems on official or legal documents.
or maybe some are just ignorant when they think a name is spelled wrong. I have spent my whole life telling people how to spell my name. My mother is from Ireland, I am named after the most important female Irish saint, and the spelling is Brigid. Growing up in Irish areas I know a lot of people with the name spelled correctly like mine (it was even Angela Lansbury’s middle name). Just because you haven’t seen something don’t say it’s bizarre!
Slight variations of names are to be expected: Chris vs Kris, etc.

I'm talking about truly bizarre spellings like Stefany, Alexandre, Jazzmyn, etc. It might seem cute, but parents are simply setting up their children for a lifetime of problems.

Parents need to remember: You're naming a child, not a puppy.
Slight variations of names are to be expected: Chris vs Kris, etc.

I'm talking about truly bizarre spellings like Stefany, Alexandre, Jazzmyn, etc. It might seem cute, but parents are simply setting up their children for a lifetime of problems.

Parents need to remember: You're naming a child, not a puppy.
Alexandre is French.


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