Spectacular September - September 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

Friday already... this feels like it was a short week, maybe because of the different routine of going into the office Wednesday?

I've decided for sure that the ADHD meds are not for me and haven't taken them for three days. I meet with the Nurse in a week to discuss other alternatives but I'm feeling like meds maybe aren't the answer. I do need to figure something better out tho.

Plans for the weekend... last week I impulsively bought a new sofa, so have been trying to figure out what to do with the current one and decided the easiest is to have the Got Junk people pick it up, which means I need go thru the piles of stuff in the basement for them to also pick up. The new sofa should come the second week in October so I'm aiming for a junk pickup by the end of September, which means I need to get going right now. Fun times, but will feel so good to get done.
Happy Friday! Was such a weird week with the kids being home on Tuesday due to primary elections.
Had our first official cub scout meeting of the year last night so thankful for all my amazing "arrows of light" and their parents. It's been such a joy watching these kids grow. Thankful as well for the leader of DS7's den she is amazing with them.
Tomorrow is my niece's birthday party and then the kids are having a pj party at my in-laws while DH and I go to our first show of the season...the Tina Turner musical, really looking forward to it!
Made a big pot of sausage basilsoup and divides it up in freezer containers for easy lunches. Now that I am back in the office a bit more regularly need some healthier easy options beyond leftovers. Probably should have frozen the pasta separately so it turns into less of a stew but that's ok.
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@Oneanne DH, DS1 and DS2 have ADHD and they have all followed different paths as far as managing their symptoms. Currently they all chose to be medication free, but they have certainly tried meds without desired results over the years. It’s a life long battle and please know you are not alone ❤️

@Summer2018 I hope you feel better soon !

@ShannyMcB have so much fun at the show!!

@glss1/2fll enjoy your drive free weekend!!!
Happy Happy Saturday!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday so far!

How is the weather where you are today?

We are supposed to have great weather today-sunny, 85 and no humidity!! DD has soccer at 9am and I am walking dogs at the SPCA at 2pm so I will be enjoying the weather!
The weather was lovely. About 70 degrees and sunny, but it is supposed to rain during the night.
Today DH climbed on the roof and used a broom to get the moss off! My job was to collect all that off the edge of the roof and gutters. According to the directions on the get rid of moss stuff we bought, we now need to wait until the weather changes and it starts the growing season before we sprinkle it. So probably another week!
I have eaten unhealthy foods all day long. I had a peanut buster parfait for dinner for heaven's sake! But I had blueberries for dessert. Tomorrow is a new day!!!
Self care Sunday!!

I know I am guilty of thinking about Monday all day Sunday so I thought this would be a good reminder to anyone else who may do the same!!

What self care does everyone have planned for today?

I am hosting a birthday dinner for DH and he does not eat cake so I made chocolate chip cookies this morning. The last batch is in now, as soon as it’s done the dog and I are taking a long walk!
I have always felt such a sense of dread on Sunday afternoon/evening...and Monday holidays, Labor Day especially. I much prefer to do fun things on Saturdays than Sundays because Sundays seem to go much faster and end sooner with an earlier bedtime along with preparations for the workweek.

I am feeling better, and I would love to go in the pool today since temperatures will be in the 80's. Unfortunately, my neighbor mowed his lawn, and I'm allergic to cut grass. If I hold off until 3:00pm, it might be okay. Otherwise, I'm focusing on resting because I plan on returning to the fast paced chaos of school tomorrow.
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Nothing major on the self care front today. Lots of open windows as the temp is close to 80. The show last night was great, lots of energy from the amazing cast. If TINA is touring near you go see it!
Unfortunately dad had a seizure a couple nights ago and is not doing great. The nursing home is bringing in a hospice consult early next week. So just kind checking in here and there. Very thankful for the amazing staff and further reminded that the move to the nursing home was the right choice.
Just started the celery water experiment to amuse the boys. I needed one celery stalk for the soup I made Friday...what to do with the rest of the bunch? You can only eat so much celery with PB.
@ShannyMcB :grouphug:
@PAsFab5 I literally burst out laughing when I saw your post. Just a minute before coming on here I was doing work! It didn't take long, but I was definitely responding to a couple text messages and then had to check something online for them. Sigh!

No planned self care, but I certainly accomplished nothing today! Will probably only get 2,000 steps in. I've just been a sloth.
@Oneanne DH, DS1 and DS2 have ADHD and they have all followed different paths as far as managing their symptoms. Currently they all chose to be medication free, but they have certainly tried meds without desired results over the years. It’s a life long battle and please know you are not alone ❤️

@Summer2018 I hope you feel better soon !

@ShannyMcB have so much fun at the show!!

@glss1/2fll enjoy your drive free weekend!!!
Thanks. 'm also thinking meds are not going to be the solution for me, but am willing to give one more option a try.
Catching up...

Weather here has turned autumnal, cool over night and in the earlier hours of the day but warming up in the afternoons, so pretty much perfect.

Self-care Sunday was to continue doing little bits of things around the house. I finally swapped out microwaves, the new one had been sitting in its box for over a month, so it is nice to have the box gone and also nice to have the more powerful microwave in use.

A couple words have popped up for inspiration this week. The Autumnal Equinox is later this week, bringing 'balance', and the bridge that is our primary artery to the city and points east and north is back open after being closed for repairs for over two years, bringing 'ease' to the way we move around. Not yet sure how I'm going to apply those words to my life, but I'm thinking on it.
Happy Monday everyone!!!

Motivation this week is to recover from this weekend!!!

I didn’t work out or walk Friday or Saturday, which is completely out of routine for me! Friday my niece was so clingy all day I could not put her down-not even for a walk in the stroller! Saturday there was a emergency at the animal shelter and I ended up helping out with other stuff instead of walking dogs.

It was also DHs bday weekend which means special meals-habatchi for lunch Saturday and homemade Chinese food yesterday…and he brought home alllll kinds of treats from a Amish bakery Friday night-I stood at my kitchen counter at 11pm Friday eating pumpkin rolls one bite after another 🫢

But I did enjoy the weekend! And todays going well ☺️
Nothing major on the self care front today. Lots of open windows as the temp is close to 80. The show last night was great, lots of energy from the amazing cast. If TINA is touring near you go see it!
Unfortunately dad had a seizure a couple nights ago and is not doing great. The nursing home is bringing in a hospice consult early next week. So just kind checking in here and there. Very thankful for the amazing staff and further reminded that the move to the nursing home was the right choice.
Just started the celery water experiment to amuse the boys. I needed one celery stalk for the soup I made Friday...what to do with the rest of the bunch? You can only eat so much celery with PB.


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