Something About Nothing.......part 2 (please join us)

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Eh...what the heck...I'll second that nomination!
Todd doesn't think he can handle them...they're not that spicy. Just spicy good! Not at all like buffalo wings spicy. I can't think of a good explanation of the spiciness of these wings. TODD, just have some friends with you and try them. You'll probably want them for yourself once you taste them!
Todd doesn't think he can handle them...they're not that spicy. Just spicy good! Not at all like buffalo wings spicy. I can't think of a good explanation of the spiciness of these wings. TODD, just have some friends with you and try them. You'll probably want them for yourself once you taste them!
I'll think about it but can't make any promises...k?

Since we're losing an hour tonight, I'm heading for lights out.

As Donny & Marie used to say....Good night everybody!
I'll think about it but can't make any promises...k?

Since we're losing an hour tonight, I'm heading for lights out.

As Donny & Marie used to say....Good night everybody!

K :thumbsup2
Nite Todd! :cloud9:
I'm calling it a night too. Sweet dreams homies! :cloud9:

I was selected for jury duty! Joy!

Do you think it's unreasonable to ask for the time off and not have to make it up? I don't expect to be paid, but I just can't make up any more hours. Is this unreasonable? I'm assuming there's some law that they have to give you time off for jury duty? You all know how reasonable and understanding my boss is! :mad: Hence the reason for my concern!

I am going to call my doctor first thing on Monday and see if he'll write me a note. I know I won't get excused, but really, I doubt that there's any way I could follow the entire trial with my hearing. I did write that on the pre-questionnaire. Basically that I'd probably need a written transcript in order to hear everything that was said. Hoping if nothing else that this will discourage them from putting me on an actual jury. Guess we'll see how it plays out! Sigh!

If you want to get out of it...then, good luck! My DH would LOVE to serve on a jury..... :sad2: When they ask you the questions during the selection process, just answer what you think they DON'T want to'll be a shoe-out :thumbsup2 (worked for me! :rolleyes1 )

Marcie - I think your boss has to give you the time off for jury duty, but is not required to pay you.

I agree.....

How was Hairspray Jennifer? What did JJr. think of it???

Pot Hole Hell.

Some of my neighbors are not too happy. We all lost frontage by eminant domain.

I can only imagine the potholes you guys have.... :scared: We have a couple around here, and we really haven't had a lot of snow... OR freezin' cold temps :confused3 You were better off being in the truck vs. a car tho.....

Let's not get me started on that whole "eminant domain" thing

Got a call from DS that he was bringing his new girlfriend over to watch a movie. Couldn't very well be stumbling around when I met her! Luckily they headed down cellar pretty quickly and I only had to check up on them a few times.

And how was your first impression of her?

They were Gigantic shrimp, fried, with the shell, tail and head attached. yeah, i aint kidding you.

:scared: NO friggin way!!! I would have been on the phone telling them I was coming back for my money.... That is just gross :crazy2: (...and I don't even eat seafood!)

Ok, about time I posted some of the pictures from Robotics weekend.

They even upgraded us to an executive suite.


:banana: :cool1:

Plenty of room for the bathroom door to shut!

:lmao: :lmao: You remembered!!!!!

A little background on the robotics comp. There are teams in every state and around the world. There are regional competitions and than the championship is held in Atlanta later in the Spring. Each team has 6 weeks to build a robot with the supplied kit of parts and can add on as their budget allows. The kids have to learn how to fundraise, manage the budget, market their team, learn about wiring, pnuematics, machining, programming etc. It costs 6K just to enter the comp. They have to raise money to pay for the hotel rooms, food, transportation etc.

As you can see, the teams all have a theme:

part 2 to follow soon!

Which pic was your son's team??? Cuz I am dying to know why he was 'pretty in pink' :rolleyes1 How did his team do? (Sorry if you told us, I can't remember :headache: )

Can't wait to read/see more....

tells my age that I use to love watching them when Johnny bench played catcher for them

:lmao: yep....your age is showin'.... :rolleyes1

it works!

keishashadow said:
actually, we slid down the hill sideways...sheet of ice; after dropping the 'lil darlings off @ the mall (different route than we took to get there)...DH is going to go the long way later & drop off the whole gang (thankfully @ another kids' house) for a sleepover...the other parents were thilled my "pro" did the driving lol. he's not exactly thrilled was up @ 6 am for work & isn't expected to get summoned for taxi duty until 1 am....worst thing, no beer:rolleyes1

Sounds really bad...I'm glad you had the pro behind the wheel....well, guess you would have to....since you can't see real well :rolleyes: When's the Rats game...Sunday? sorry...blonde moment....

keishashadow said:
I don't see much point in getting the laser if i have to use the drops too:confused3 . Making sure i take my negotiator (DH) with me for next appt to take notes.

Good idea! :thumbsup2
I'll think about it but can't make any promises...k?

Since we're losing an hour tonight, I'm heading for lights out.

As Donny & Marie used to say....Good night everybody!

Nite to you too.....

Hey! You ain't goin' to bed with Alison .... are you??? :eek:

somethin suspicious goin on around here... :scratchin

....Chinese food story.

The last time we were there, I ordered almond fried chicken.

When they brought me my plate, I kid you not, I had chicken strips (like you would get from a box in the freezer) cut up with brown gravy dumped over it(not brown sauce, mind you, gravy... like McCormicks powder brown gravy) and almond slices sprinkled on top.

I don't know what part of China that dish is from, but it must be in the Deep South. :laughing:

:confused3 Uh..I hope you didn't have to pay for they think WE'RE stupid??? :mad:

I have see alot of wierd stuff on a buffet but frog legs no

frog legs taste like chicken ;)

(No hanky panky in my house, unless I'm the one doing it!)

:thumbsup2 You tell 'em girl :banana:

Penny - do you remember the guy in Freeport who owns a Chinese Restaurant and had his 7 pet koi seized by the Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife?

Yep, it's illegal here in Maine to keep Koi. They are an invasive species.

It was quite a stink in the press for awhile. He had these fish on display for 15 years. He was finally granted a 5
year permit to display them in his restaurant, but had to post a sign saying that the fish are illegal in Maine without a special permit
WHAT??? :confused3 Oh wait...I see have to PAY for a permit and the Dept. had to get their money :sad2: ...I get it... dunno what this world is comin' to.....:sad2:

Good nght homies off to take some meds and see if I can get some rest :cloud9:

Nite...have a good one! :cloud9:
Evening everyone!!!

Been out ALL day.....have to remember to push the clocks ahead....spring is almost here!!!!

Matt says thanks for the birthday wishes...sorry that it made people feel old (but everyone looks so young!).......:rolleyes1
off to check out ebay for the tanning stuff;) i rarely use the stuff anyway...i've experimented (one leg with lotion, one without-cannot tell the difference other than one is softer:confused3 ; yet still i buy it:laughing: ) tingle, tried it once & got a pin-point rash for a few hours (or is that normal)?

Tanning lotion (aka 'accelerator') is to speed up the tanning process. does more 'good' than 'harm' or 'nothing'.... it keeps your skin moisturized (key to good tan) and magnifys the UV rays down further into the skin. You really should use one to keep the skin moisturized and get the most from your tanning. You got the rash from the tingle lotion because 1 of 2 reasons: reaction to it (as in allergy) or 2. your skin wasn't tan weren't ready for it. It's normal to get if your skin isn't 'ready' for it...and's normal to last a few hours....

Matt says thanks for the birthday wishes...sorry that it made people feel old (but everyone looks so young!).......:rolleyes1

since Gema is gone...YOU are our 'baby' here :grouphug: How did Matt's birthday go??? popcorn::
You're such a sweetie for offering to get us lotion! It does sound like Jodie got a great deal! I don't know much about different lotions...I'm probably ready for some "tingle" stuff if that's the way it works. I used some once and it lit me on fire :scared1: DH has some called Arctic Fever and I haven't used it in a while, but it's really weird (cold and hot at the same time), it's made by California Tan and says Dark Chilling Inferno. I might try it again tomorrow. I think only on my arms and legs though, I seem to be so much darker on the rest of my body than on my arms and legs :confused3.

Most any brand (professional) will do the they have 'bronzers' in the accelerators too...they continue to darken the skin for hours after UV exposure.... :thumbsup2 (You can visit any manufacturer's website to learn about it.... just search "Austrialian Gold" or "California Tan" and you should be able to visit their homepage... ;) Most times they will tell you what the product is (tingle, bronzer, etc...)) BUT, some bronzers can be 'streaky' be careful to see what it does and wash your hands after application. I like Supre and Fiji...Fiji has a lotion that is for legs...not only does it help the legs, it also (is supposed...haven't tried yet) inhibits hair, no need to shave as soon/often :thumbsup2 (I have GOT to try THAT one....) Hey...I really don't mind getting lotions and mailing them to you guys ...why not? I can be one of those 'people' that some seem to have :lmao: It's all about money and, if I can help someone, I will...besides, it might cut down the shipping cost from the distributor! :thumbsup2

t-and-a said:
Little sis is waiting on ME to get my 220 line in so she can tan here (her month was up on the 6th). This has been a rough month for her and she has not used her time wisely that she paid for (she bought the level 3 package and I bought the level 1 package)....I'm still tanning up town, whilst I wait on DH to run the line. DH has been sick and now he's still sick and working 12 hour nights, so it will probably be a little while before he gets time to do it. I can tan at the salon until the 18th and I will tan there until my time is up, even if he gets the line in before then, since it's already paid for I might as well use their bulbs and their electricity! DH didn't get another month. It was him that wanted the tanning booth so bad anyway since he didn't have time to go when he was working 12 hour nights. Hopefully we will have it up and running before my month is up.

Oh, and thanks for the "you look young"! Sis is can do the math.....DH keeps telling me that we are getting old, but I tell him, "NO, I'm not getting old!"

Well, I can see why Tim wanted his own booth...if he doesn't have time to get it installed, I can see he doesn't have time to go to the salon :sad2: Hopefully he'll feel better soon and be able to get around to it soon :goodvibes In the SHOULD finish tanning at the salon...may as've already paid for it ::yes:: Use their bulbs and electric...Lord knows YOURS is goin' up...SOONER rather than LATER :scared:

Tell Tim we ain't gettin' "old"....we gettin' "better" :thumbsup2

Doesn't he know that 40 is the new 29?? :confused3
Hey all -

Just finished reading 12ish pages

Wanted to say good night and will try to poast tomorrow - lots of cleaning to do :faint:

Happy thoughts, Hugs and LMAO to everything posted - (there, I am covered, right?
Hey all -

Just finished reading 12ish pages

Wanted to say good night and will try to poast tomorrow - lots of cleaning to do :faint:

Happy thoughts, Hugs and LMAO to everything posted - (there, I am covered, right?

What happened to you last nite?? You didn't have any kids...we was waitin' for a pui.....don't worry...Sharon had yer back! :lmao:


Lockin' up...again....

Turnin' lights off....

Pets are taken care of.....

Everyone is tucked....

I'm off to lose an hour sleep... :headache:

Till later today (Sunday).....

Jodie - I think this was the offer we got when I called the number from the infomercial. They kept sending us stuff about every 90 days. We did get a square of the "foam".

Just what in the sweet heck do they want you to do with a square of foam?? Blow your nose in it or press your thumb into it and imagine your whole body immersed in it, or what?!
it works!

yep, i've never been further east on the turnpike than harrisburg exit:confused3 always cut down south @ breezewood

actually, we slid down the hill sideways...sheet of ice; after dropping the 'lil darlings off @ the mall (different route than we took to get there)...DH is going to go the long way later & drop off the whole gang (thankfully @ another kids' house) for a sleepover...the other parents were thilled my "pro" did the driving lol. he's not exactly thrilled was up @ 6 am for work & isn't expected to get summoned for taxi duty until 1 am....worst thing, no beer:rolleyes1

ps naw, i gave up that hectic lifestyle years ago lol

ps - have decided, WTH...going with the flow & not going to stress about it.

never thought of buying it on ebay! feeling better from the shot, we tend to not get one until we wind up in the ER for whatever needs stitching;)

he's got talent!:lmao:

lionel ritchie or spidey? have never see this one before-:cool1:

that's what i see in the am when i look in the mirror:rotfl:

say the "couple" before...didn't think it'd slip thru;)

i defer to jennifer on tax advice...yet, think you could write off the clothing as a work expense:lmao: subject to withholdin

mac - thanx for the info, maybe different drops turn eyes different colors...maybe i'll get cool ones like Michael Jackson in Thriller:idea: ha. I don't see much point in getting the laser if i have to use the drops too:confused3 . Making sure i take my negotiator (DH) with me for next appt to take notes.

Sharon - sounds like you have a great night, funny about making a quick entrance/exit with DS & friend.

I'm sorry, Janet, why do I have an image of "dropping the kids off at the pool?!!!" Not everyone speaks in double entendres, Jodie ...... duh.

Thanks for asking, this shot kicked my butt for sure. I don't ever remember having a reaction like this to a stupid tetanus shot. My arm is still sore, but at least it's just isolated to my arm now.

Excellent and sage advice ... never thought of buying clothes as a "legitimate" business expense... :lmao:
Brab, thanks for offering to get the lotions. :hug: Did you check out some of the stuff on ebayexpress? I did wind up paying $9 in shipping, but I didn't think that was too bad for 3 big bottles. :thumbsup2 I don't like the tingle stuff any more. Actually, I did when I was a deeper color -- nothing beats the Hollywood Tans 60 booths (max of 8 minutes), but we got tired of going over the bridge for them. This white Irish and Slovak girl actually got a nice shade of brown in those booths, add the tingle ... well, I didn't look normal.

Sharon and Penny ... I love Maine for its seafood, but fast food is a different story. We can never find good Chinese or Pizza up there. Of course, whenever we venture far from home, they can be hard to find. Chicago was the only place I've ever had any luck, apart from the tri-state area. I don't know how I would've handled shrimp heads! Fish heads, fish heads, rollie pollie fish heads, fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum! I took a fish head out to see a movie, didn't have to pay to get it in (are you singing along yet?!).

Sharon, sounds like a fun-filled robotics weekend! Is James as handy as your husband?!

What else? You know I have the attention span of a 6 year old ....
P.S. Raven, forgot to add that I booked our airfare for our October trip. HHN, baby!!!! Can't wait to book the RIP again. :cool1:
Yes Todd, I don't do Coasters. I had no clear idea of what Space Mountain was before we rode it. stupid us. and i screamed with my eyes closed in the dark. so, i dont do coasters. Dumbo? yes.
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