Something About Nothing............ #14

Is everyone getting excited as Christmas is getting closer!
The cats and I are !

I always give them more kitty treats on the 25th.


Always excited for Christmas!!!!

Hello everyone. Mostly slow day at work today. I am looking forward to my 5 day weekend.

I finally got the cross stitch that I am making for a friend finished. I’m just going to use a wooden embroidery hoop as the frame. No time to do anything else. Several people in my cross stitch FB group think the frame should be black, so I may paint it.

I’ve got 30 minutes to kill before lunch. I need to find something to do to stay busy or I will fall asleep at my desk.

Hope to see the finished product Charade....hope your day passes quickly and you don`t fall asleep!

Been a busy day today, but I think everything is wrapped that needs to be wrapped and I`m organised!! Listening to Christmas music with the trees all lit up as I wrap is one of my favourite things to do, one friend was round and she did help a little as she loves wrapping too. May even have had some prosecco....well it is Christmas!

About to prepare my chicken, just need to stuff and wrap it then pop it in the oven later for dinner.

Wind is getting up out there, hope it`s not as bad as forecast tells us it`s going to be!!
It is wild and woolly here again, 40-50mph winds and it sounds like it for sure, heard the wind get up last night and there is something very cosy about being snuggled up in bed listening to it as we fall asleep. Too much schmalz????? I agree....... ☺️

Turkey cooking day, we`ll have some for dinner tonight and freeze the rest into portions for January, love the aroma in the house when cooking a turkey, buttery, bacon and the turkey itself.

Plan to do some housework that leaves us the next few days with not much to do before we got to Scotland, weather seems ok for that journey up there, gifts are organised and wrapped so we`re ready to go. Still haven`t decided what to wear as we`re out Christmas Eve, always get dressed up Christmas Day and we`re out Boxing night for dinner too.....I`ll have to decide what to take.

As we`re not going out, fussier breakfast this morning, going to make pancakes, we have bacon and Tom will make us poached eggs to top them.....huge pot of tea too to go with that, I love my Christmas Pudding teapot on the kitchen table in the mornings at Christmas.

Lunch again is my home made soup, will bake some biscuits this morning to go with it and yep, turkey for dinner tonight minus a lot of the trimmings....

It`s still pitch black, sunrise isn`t till after 8am this morning, but shortest day of the year.....not much difference from every other day this time of year.`s dark.

Early pot of tea for me till sleeping beauty gets up, listening to a Carol service on the radio from King`s College last year, always enjoy that on Christmas Day live.

And will take a moment today to reflect on it being 35 years since the PanAm flight 103 that exploded over Lockerbie in Scotland heading to New York on this day in 1988. A terrible act or terror that killed so many people and affected us all so much from that day on.

But, hope your Thursday is a good one.....🍹




4 more sleeps till Christmas :santa:
Ooh Winter arrives late this evening, and will give us some much cool days before the predicted 52 degrees on Christmas Day. Woot! Break out the shorts for older one.

Hair salon visit late this afternoon. Ah, looking forward to being that blonde, even though little one liked my white hair that appears before it turns blonde.

Thirsty I am. Made eggs and bacon, as picked up both last night. But that food was hours ago now, and I’m already ready for lunch. Tea drinking from that wee hour wake up time.

Have a most terrific Thirsty Thursday all. Good to be hydrated during this soon to be Winter season.
Another super slow day at work today. I will
Probably leave a little earlier than usual. One therapist is off today and the other has a dental appointment this afternoon. No need for me to be here if they aren’t.
I need to buy one more food item and wrap one gift and then I will be ready for Christmas. We didn’t put up our tree this year (didn’t want to leave the cat home alone with it for several days) and now the house doesn’t look very Christmasey. (We put up outdoor decorations and decorated the mantle.) I’m thinking about getting a little tree so at least we have something.

I’m going to find something to do for the next 2 and a half hours.
Another super slow day at work today. I will
Probably leave a little earlier than usual. One therapist is off today and the other has a dental appointment this afternoon. No need for me to be here if they aren’t.
I need to buy one more food item and wrap one gift and then I will be ready for Christmas. We didn’t put up our tree this year (didn’t want to leave the cat home alone with it for several days) and now the house doesn’t look very Christmasey. (We put up outdoor decorations and decorated the mantle.) I’m thinking about getting a little tree so at least we have something.

I’m going to find something to do for the next 2 and a half hours.

Little tree is better than nothing, I know what you mean about it looking bare. It`s nice to be organised and sorted a good few days before Christmas.

And yes, hope you got sorted and home early, much better to be home.

It has been a very windy day, calming down a little now, but very cold. We popped over to the farm to drop off some turkey and their Christmas gifts, it`s so open that the wind doesn`t miss you up here. She made us a cup of tea and a slice of one of her cherry cakes, she is the best baker I know, so light and tasty.

Turkey turned out well, we enjoyed dinner and froze 6 good sized portions for January. Just had another pot of tea and a slice of cherry cake she gave us away with us.

Christmas movie coming up soon I think.

Tomorrow, so last minute items including smoked salmon for Saturday morning`s breakfast.....doubt that`ll be copied!!! The hotel we`re staying at in Scotland does amazing breakfasts so we`re looking forward to those as well as some lovely meals out. Then the diet starts!!

It really has felt like a lovely long day today :sunny:
Good Thursday morning everyone :wave2:



Tink it was so good to see you stop by. I hope you and your family are doing well. Merry Christmas to you all.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Because of our trolley ordeal last night I didn’t get any birthday cake, so I had some belated birthday pancakes this morning.
Your welcome. That looks like a celebratory stack of pancakes for sure. Looks like peanut butter and chocolate syrup.

Being retired is the best Robbie....although technically I retired in my 30`s so I`ve been told my views don`t count! I categorically disagree of still love that feeling of not having to go to work!!
I often wonder how I did everything when I was still working. I do enjoy being retired and callling my time my own for sure. Somehow I still find plenty to do though.

Nothing wrong with being able to retire at any age. It is a blessing for sure.

I too will cut someone out if need be, no excuses for certain behaviours and once you`re`re out with me, no going back. It`s a shame, but we can`t put up with nonsense. I often wonder what`s wrong with people when they behave in a certain way.

Occasionally with age does come wisdom. I think my tolerance for nonsense and ridiculous behavior has diminished significantly.

In this day and age especially with all that is going on in the World we should be lifting each other up not causing trouble.

My wish is for everyone to have peace and a Happy, Merry Christmas.

Cookies look lovely Robbie......I spent the weekend baking and cooking myself and it always makes me feel so wholesome
Thank you.

Great description on the joys of baking. I have baked more in the last couple weeks then I have in sometime. I do enjoy being in the kitchen.

I know you like cooking and baking. Your meal choices and baking goods always sound delicious.

Handed in all the cookies and treats to Kyle`s office, that was our first job of the day. He is so happy in this place, nice people who all get on well and no more working from home nonsense....he`s far too young to be stuck at home, he didn`t enjoy that with the previous job, and he very much enjoys the social interaction of the work place, it`s good that they`re all friends, that helps too. Nicest group of people ever.

I‘am sure Kyle and his office friends are happy recipients of your yummy baking.

i try to clean up as I go but, area usually looks as tho a cookie bomb went off, especially when still on the racks cooling. thus far, only double batch of M&M cookies. Do have dough made in fridge for chocolate chip ones. will make the dough for the cut outs today, make tomorrow. that will be be nut grinding day for other cookies.
I think everyone has a little bit of a baking bomb go off in the kitchen during the big cookie bake.

I think making the cookie dough up is the big job for sure.

loving the cookie tables! Why is everybody else‘s so fancy looking?:worship:
The reason mine looked halfway decent I had already cleaned up and put everything in plates. Other wise it would have not looked that good.

Robo: We lived about an hour West of Nashville for many years, then moved to Dickson which is about 30 miles West of Nashville later on. I also went to college in Clarksville, so am very familiar with that part of the state. I am so glad that you did not have the horrible storms and tornadoes where you live. I hear that Goodlettsville got a lot of damage too. My brother lives 30 miles west of Nashville and luckily he didn't get those tornadoes. But they are always a threat in the deep South. I remember waking up many nights to alarms of approaching tornadoes. I admit that I don't miss that any more! The only thing we have up here is snow, ice, and COLD.

Thank you.

The weather has been strange around here for this time of year for sure.

I was sorry to hear so many were affected by the Tornado and the loss of life was so sad.

That area around Nashville, Clarksville, Kentucky and Southern Indiana where my home is are pretty bad areas for tornados and bad weather. We have had multiple tornados come through here over the years.

We have had minor damage to our home in the past considering the severity of what others have suffered.

Our last F-3 Tornado here was in November 6, 2005. We had severe damage around here and 25 people died. Was so very sad. The National Guard totally closed off the entrances to our town do to the damage. Was a very sad and scary time.

So glad to hear your brother and family are alright.

I’ve never like how my choc covered pretzel rods have come out. For some reason, the chocolate always looks a bit flat, for lack of a better term. No issue with choc covered strawberries (which only make easter appearance here).
Add a little coconut oil to the chocolate. It will make it nice and shiny and the chocolate harden quicker.


When out today, I was happy to find my beloved choc covered cherries with the clear liquid, not that cloying white creamy one. Also, finally the hard strawberry candies with the gooey middle...two bags of those babies :)
I never knew there was a different version of the chocolate covered cherries. I will have to look for those when I‘am out next.

Is everyone getting excited as Christmas is getting closer!
The cats and I are !

I always give them more kitty treats on the 25th.

And will take a moment today to reflect on it being 35 years since the PanAm flight 103 that exploded over Lockerbie in Scotland heading to New York on this day in 1988. A terrible act or terror that killed so many people and affected us all so much from that day on.

Terrible tragedy. So sad.

My older sister D is celebrating her birthday today. I’am wishing her a wonderful birthday.
I called to make sure she received her gift from me yesterday and she did. I was glad she liked her bracelet.

I started writing this early this morning then had to stop when hubby wanted to go have an early lunch out.

The weather is cool here, but pleasant so we took his sports car and he opened it up and gave it a good run on the open road. My particular sphincter muscle may never be the same, but he had a good time…….LOL……

Watched little J Monday and we had the best time. We always stop at Target and go to the Starbucks inside before we look around the store. I always get him his juice and he wanted a snowman cookie. He really enjoyed his cookie.

Then it was off to the Mall play area to run and play.

When I returned to my nieces home with little J my niece was home from work and little J looked at her and said “Lets go to Starbucks please”……LOL

All presents are wrapped. Cards have been sent off in batches. Food has been bought for the celebration. So just some baking to do tomorrow and Saturday then the big family celebration here Christmas Eve.

Not sure how the overall economic picture will be this Christmas season, but it appears around here ours is quite robust. People have really been shopping this season for sure and our local Mall is doing well. Always good news for the local economy.

So nice to hear about and see all the baking everyone is doing. It does make things seem much more Christmasy for sure.

Have a wonderful Thursday afternoon everyone.

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Came home to DW and Goddaughter finishing up wrapping while I was out.
We'd only mostly noshed all day so I made some scrambled eggs with white truffles and asiago to thank them.

Hoping everyone stays warm and happy til Santa comes.
Last time it snowed here was '89 and it was a catastrophe.
Supposedly gonna rain about an inch on Christmas day.
Good evening. It is so great knowing that I have the next 5 days off. I have almost no plans. I need to find a restaurant that will be open on the 24th since that is dh’s birthday. We have Christmas day with our friends. Other than that, nothing else is planned.

One of the therapists I work for gave me a Disney gift card. I told dh that we needed to plan another trip so I can spend it.

Ooh Winter arrives late this evening, and will give us some much cool days before the predicted 52 degrees on Christmas Day. Woot! Break out the shorts for older one.
Right now we are showing 57 for Christmas day. I’m quite happy with that.

She made us a cup of tea and a slice of one of her cherry cakes, she is the best baker I know, so light and tasty.
I’ve never had cherry cake, only pie. Sounds yummy.

Tomorrow, so last minute items including smoked salmon for Saturday morning`s breakfast.....doubt that`ll be copied!!! The hotel we`re staying at in Scotland does amazing breakfasts so we`re looking forward to those as well as some lovely meals out. Then the diet starts!!
Safe travels for you. I will be traveling about 2 miles from my house on Christmas Day.

Looks like peanut butter and chocolate syrup.
That’s exactly what it was. So good but I couldn’t finish it.

My older sister D is celebrating her birthday today. I’am wishing her a wonderful birthday.
Happy birthday to her.

Almost forgot. I got the best news today. My insurance claims person called and told me that they finished the investigation and have determined that the other driver is 100% at fault. I was so relieved to hear that even though I knew I wasn’t at fault. I have an appointment on the 28th to leave my car for repairs.
Charade in the 8 years we have been in GA, we had snow once.
Schools closed down all for one inch of snow.

It melted by noon.

We live on a ridge and we do not have the equipment for really any snow removal.

Salt trucks come out but and spray but that’s about it for services in our hoa.

I have never been a snow bunny

The one thing we that had us to move south was to avoid snow and cold weather.

In my area, some snow could happen but it melts quickly.

We grew weary with harsh weather in the north for years until we moved south.
Good Thursday morning everyone :wave2:

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Tink it was so good to see you stop by. I hope you and your family are doing well. Merry Christmas to you all.

You welcome. That looks like a celebratory stack of pancakes for sure. Looks like peanut butter and chocolate syrup.

I often wonder how I did everything when I was still working. I do enjoy being retired and callling my time my own for sure. Somehow I still find plenty to do though.

Nothing wrong with being able to retire at any age. It is a blessing for sure.

Occasionally with age does come wisdom. I think my tolerance for nonsense and ridiculous behavior has diminished significantly.

In this day and age especially with all that is going on in the World we should be lifting each other up not causing trouble.

My wish is for everyone to have peace and a Happy, Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

Great description on the joys of making. I have baked more in the last couple weeks then I have in sometime. I do enjoy being in the kitchen.

I know you like cooking and baking. Your meal choices and baking goods always sound delicious.

I‘am sure Kyle and his office friends are happy recipients of your yummy baking.

I think everyone has a little bit of a baking bomb go off in the kitchen during the big cookie bake.

I think making the cookie dough up is the big job for sure.

The reason mine looked halfway decent I had already cleaned up and put everything in plates. Other wise it would have not looked that good.

Thank you.

The weather has been strange around here for this time of year for sure.

I was sorry to hear so many were affected by the Tornado and the loss of life was so sad.

That area around Nashville, Clarksville, Kentucky and Southern Indiana where my home is are pretty bad areas for tornados and bad weather. We have had multiple tornados come through here over the years.

We have had minor damage to our home in the past considering the severity of what others have suffered.

Our last F-3 Tornado here was in November 6, 2005. We had severe damage around here and 25 people died. Was so very sad. The National Guard totally closed off the entrances to our town do to the damage. Was a very sad and scary time.

So glad to hear your brother and family are alright.

Add a little coconut oil to the chocolate. It will make it nice and shiny and the chocolate harden quicker.

I never knew there was a different version of the chocolate covered cherries. I will have to look for those when I‘am out next.


Terrible tragedy. So sad.

My older sister D is celebrating her birthday today. I’am wishing her a wonderful birthday.
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I called to make sure she received her gift from me yesterday and she did. I was glad she liked her bracelet.

I started writing this early this morning then had to stop when hubby wanted to go have an early lunch out.

The weather is cool here, but pleasant so we took his sports car and he opened it up and gave it a good run on the open road. My particular sphincter muscle may never be the same, but he had a good time…….LOL……

Watched little J Monday and we had the best time. We always stop at Target and go to the Starbucks inside before we look around the store. I always get him his juice and he wanted a snowman cookie. He really enjoyed his cookie.

Then it was off to the Mall play area to run and play.

When I returned to my nieces home with little J my niece was home from work and little J looked at her and said “Lets go to Starbucks please”……LOL

All presents are wrapped. Cards have been sent off in batches. Food has been bought for the celebration. So just some baking to do tomorrow and Saturday then the big family celebration here Christmas Eve.

Not sure how the overall economic picture will be this Christmas season, but it appears around here ours is quite robust. People have really been shopping this season for sure and our local Mall is doing well. Always good news for the local economy.

So nice to hear about and see all the baking everyone is doing. It does make things seem much more Christmasy for sure.

Have a wonderful Thursday afternoon everyone.

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We`re never bored for sure, we pass our time easily but love that relaxed feeling of not having to do anything except what we choose to do, it is wonderful and we`re lucky Tom chose to retire early, I know not everyone is in that position but the thought of working till you`re in your 60`s in unusual over here, thankfully!!

Yes, that expression don`t suffer fools is one that has definitely become my mantra more and more since I turned people must be very sad and miserable to want to bestow misery on others. We consider ourselves very lucky to have so many wonderful friends who are always there for each other and yes, lift each other if we need it. That is a blessing indeed.

Belated birthday wishes to your sister....hope she had a lovely day.

lol.....yes at times the kitchen can look like a dust bomb has gone off, I`m lucky Tom is a little like an assistant chef and tidies up as I go along especially if I`m doing a lot, I tend to stick to over one side of the kitchen, but we are lucky to have extensive worktop space and he often wonders why I have stuff over the other side too.....I just smile and say it`s a gift......bless him!!

Glad you got to spend time with the little one, they are such a joy!! And I agree, the economy seems to be thriving over here too, stores are mobbed and people are buying, which is good to see. And it`s also heartening to see donations to food banks are much higher than usual, yes, it`s sad we need them anywhere, but Tom volunteered a few days ago and said the place was bursting with some nice treats for those worse off.

Have a lovely weekend Robbie :)

Good evening. It is so great knowing that I have the next 5 days off. I have almost no plans. I need to find a restaurant that will be open on the 24th since that is dh’s birthday. We have Christmas day with our friends. Other than that, nothing else is planned.

One of the therapists I work for gave me a Disney gift card. I told dh that we needed to plan another trip so I can spend it.

Right now we are showing 57 for Christmas day. I’m quite happy with that.

I’ve never had cherry cake, only pie. Sounds yummy.

Safe travels for you. I will be traveling about 2 miles from my house on Christmas Day.

That’s exactly what it was. So good but I couldn’t finish it.

Happy birthday to her.

Almost forgot. I got the best news today. My insurance claims person called and told me that they finished the investigation and have determined that the other driver is 100% at fault. I was so relieved to hear that even though I knew I wasn’t at fault. I have an appointment on the 28th to leave my car for repairs.

Yes, we have a long drive on Sunday, we`ll leave early though, can`t wait to see everyone!

That is such good news Charade about the accident. I`m so glad they handed back the correct outcome, one less thing to worry about.

Charade in the 8 years we have been in GA, we had snow once.
Schools closed down all for one inch of snow.

It melted by noon.

We live on a ridge and we do not have the equipment for really any snow removal.

Salt trucks come out but and spray but that’s about it for services in our hoa.

I have never been a snow bunny

The one thing we that had us to move south was to avoid snow and cold weather.

In my area, some snow could happen but it melts quickly.

We grew weary with harsh weather in the north for years until we moved south.

I have that romantic view of snow, only want to see it on Christmas Day/Boxing Day then it`s gone after it looks pretty for a time! But, the reality is very different, add in the slush, the wind chill and the`s pretty darn miserable!!

Living right beside the sea we tend not to get it as bad as other places unless it`s severe, but last time it was like that was 2010 and 2011...long enough. So many little kids have never seen a proper winter.

It`s a cold one today, but damp grey cold, not a nice crispy sunny cold, might rain later too so we`ll get out early as stores will be mobbed today, we don`t need much so shouldn`t take long.

Had a facetime with our friends and goddaughter who are still in Orlando, they`re having a wonderful time, think they`re the only folks who have gone to Anna Maria Island and didn`t enjoy it as much as they thought they would. But, loving Orlando and they went to St Augustine for the lights, I wish we had done that now as it looked beautiful.

I think we`re going to the pub for dinner tonight with a couple of friends, so no cooking, probably takeout tomorrow night then away Sunday, but making grilled turkey, brie and cranberry sandwiches for lunch today, very christmassy of course but breakfast next few days will be smoked salmon as we bought some lovely stuff from the deli yesterday, another christmassy treat we enjoy partaking in. Tom will cook the poached eggs to go with it.

But, time for my first pot of tea of the day then straight after breakfast we`ll head out for the bits we need and hopefully we don`t need to go out tomorrow at all.

Happy Friday, hope it` a good one......



3 more sleeps :santa:
A very happy birthday to Robo’s sister.

That is good news, Charade. Hope they have the parts to not keep the car longer then a few days.

Junkie family getting ready with wrapped gifts and good food yesterday.

Quiet day so far, though DH is already loud. Both of us have coworkers that are early birds like us. Ooh 25 degrees said the outside thermometer as tossed trash out in that predawn time. It’s overcast, so can’t blame that clear sky overnight. But it was glorious sunshine yesterday. Sigh, coldest day this week.

Ooh news said traffic is picking up. I think so, roads have been filled with more traffic starting Wednesday. We made the mistake going into a store on Wednesday night. The lines were into the clothes’ aisles. Sigh. I should know better than to go to that store, instead of driving up pick up. That night, they had two checkout lines. And yesterday, the hair salon was busy, but not as busy by the time I left. My stylist said they are very busy the next two days. Already made my next appointment, but a later time. Will be coming out of the city that day, and I always give my self extra time. You never know how much traffic creates a longer trip. Hehe, she said she will call me, if it’s a snowy day. She won’t travel in snow. Hehe, I’ll ask for situational telework, as I have travelled in the city in snowy and icy days. If I don’t have to, won’t if that day chosen is to be snowy. Be interesting if we do see snow. Local news has said we have had no appreciable amount of snow for over 5 years. I’ll just say, I’m fine with a pattern of no snow in our winters. But that cool start today. Glad not icy or snowy today.

Soon enough, turning off that screen. Took off half the day, and have that 59 minute rule today too. Almost even a shorter day. Then back to the office three days a week, starting the new year. Will see how that goes. But I assume, will be routine before I know it. Hoping they decide to change back to two days a pay period, like we went back to, when first back to office. But at least I took off the week before. So a nice break before that new year start.

Most Fabulous Friday feeling. Hope all have that today.
I thought had posted this several hours ago, but I forgot to hit post.

Quick good morning. I have some errands to run today and also need to do laundry.
I just finished the picture for my friend for Christmas. Since Carole has been asking - here it is.

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Charade, that is beautiful.

Thank you for posting it, must have taken incredible patience to sit and make that, I`m sure your friend will be thrilled to receive that as a gift for Christmas.

You must be very pleased with it now it`s done :)

It`s been a lovely day here, not weather wise as it has gone cold, but got the last of our bits and bobs, stores were mobbed at 9.30 this morning so we were glad we didn`t need much, in and out in no time.

Nice light lunch, some housework, quick visit to friend`s house then out to an early dinner with six friends in one of our local pubs, food is always amazing and it was the same tonight.

I think six out of eight of us had steaks, all perfectly cooked, we all shared four appetisers between us and there were so many sides none of us had any room for dessert which was annoying as they had a white chocolate cheesecake on the menu, my favourite, but not tonight.

Tom just opened us a lovely bottle of wine, going to watch something Christmassy now.....tomorrow afternoon is Alastair Sim`s 1951 Scrooge which is our favourite version of A Christmas Carol and White Christmas, always our last two movies we watch this time of year.

Jammies on, wine poured, movie on...can`t get better this time of year!!!
NYC was great. Picture taking and some shopping. Train back was delayed 15 minutes due to police on tracks. So we backed up to wait at the last station we passed. Thankfully it was that short. And scored our local train as we got off the delayed one. Little one took most of the pictures, so I’ll ask her to share.


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