Something About Nothing............ #14

:wave2: quick stop in! It's been a hot minute again.

Super busy with the healthcare job. The full-time gal is on holidays. They hired a new girl to replace the one who moved to a different department. New girl lasted 4 shifts - and she quit. This desk is NOT for the faint hearted and extremely busy. And I won't get started on how they have now asked me to change our Xmas and New years plans instead of moving me into the position and hiring for my position. I would have adjusted our plans to accommodate the hours of the new position - but I won't now. Your urgency and lack of planning doesn't constitute me changing my plans for your lack of foresight and planning.

Started wrapping gifts last night while watching " The Sound of Music" Love that movie. Still have more wrapping to do tonight. I'll get dh to help wrap the last ones for granddaughter and the boys.

I'm leaving work a bit early today - to hopefully finish up my baking. I didn't get nearly as much on Saturday (my only day off) as I needed to clean my disgusting house. Dh also had his company Xmas party that night too. It was a nice night and see some of the guys that I hear tales about.

Well, I should run. Trying to tie up loose ends here at the full-time job as today is my last day here until 2024. We are closed between Xmas and New Years. But I am working a couple days later after Xmas at my homecare job.

Have a great day everyone!!!

I`m sure you`re house is lovely Pumpkin......and yes, don`t let work muck you around, family time is far more important!!!

Love The Sound of Music....haven`t watched it in years though!!

Have a lovely day, hope you`re not too busy....

Weirdly mild here......almost 58F out there and it`s almost 8pm.

Muppet Christmas Carol coming up.....

We ended up watching Christmas Vacation........but Muppet Christmas Carol is on the list coming up. That is a funny scene!!

sounds like Schumi is having a heat wave…..

It is really weird!!! 56f Sunday night, 50F last night during the night, it is warm!! Hope it stays that way for travelling to Scotland this weekend!

Yes, very mild temps for us at this time of year is unusual to say the least, today and tomorrow will get some shopping in and last minute purchases but Thursday we`ll be hibernating as 50+mph are forecast, sounds nasty.

So, on Thursday we`ll cook a turkey and slice it up in gravy and freeze several portions for January. As long as it`s eaten fairly quickly, it stays perfect. I doubt we`ll find a fresh turkey when we get home after Christmas so this is the next best thing.

The Icelandic Volcano we`ve all been watching has erupted during the night, shouldn`t affect flights the way the massive eruption in 2010 did....hopefully!! Wonder how Miss Mikkimus is getting on.....lovely young lady from Iceland who used to post here, I often think of her, their little boy won`t be so little now!

Doing spicy chicken stir fry tonight for dinner, will get some lo mein noodles to go with it, spicy plum sauce too, chicken noodle soup I made for lunch and will bake some American style biscuits.....similar to Red Lobster biscuits to go with it.

But, bit of shopping, bit of housework and a bit of wrapping along side baking again.

First, pot of tea, poached egg with some smoked salmon, bought a new one to try we haven`t tried before. Love smoked salmon!!



6 more sleeps till Christmas 🎄

Happy Tuesday :santa:
Taco Tuesday it is. The day to enjoy a meal from Taco Bell or a favorite taco place. Hehe, with older one and me ride the other day, Taco Bell meal. I think we are thinking Chinese food order for dinner tonight. So that taco eating won’t be today, I doubt it.

And so, that up early, and since we are two degrees above freezing, we are snowy. Though phone says this light looking snow will stop in the next hour. Then some sun in the early afternoon, before clouds cover the sky. A cool 39 degrees is the high temp today. So at least enough sun will melt any snow that sticks. Traffic sounds normal and fast, so that snowy air should only be very light in weight. Phone app says a half an inch of wet by the ending of the snow today. So a wet morning and cool feeling day. Time to get those winter jackets out.

Time to go back to routine and my tea.

Most Terrific Taco Tuesday to all.
Chicken stir fry in plum sauce with lo mein noodles, that`s Chinese food isn`t it???? :rolleyes:

Change of plan since I mentioned this morning we were having stir fry, decided on a shrimp, smoked salmon, mussels, calamari and crab board for the two of us tonight, always love a good seafood plate!! Will have the biscuits then with that with some dips and some salad, lots of lemon too!!

We did manage to pick up the first of the fresh turkey`s from our butcher, so will cook it on Thursday as planned and portion it up....lush!!!!

Managed to get a lot this morning, going to do some wrapping this afternoon which is always fun and usually find some gifts I bought months ago and forgotten about them.

Beautiful day here.....not cold and sun is bursting through the trees now, bi-fold doors are wide open now the sun is streaming in, you`d hardly believe it was December!!

Chicken noodle soup is simmering and biscuits for lunch and dinner are almost ready!!
busy bee mode. We did get snow (sitting on top of a layer of ice). Jury out on whether I’m heading out early afternoon there.

loving the cookie tables! Why is everybody else‘s so fancy looking?:worship:

i try to clean up as I go but, area usually looks as tho a cookie bomb went off, especially when still on the racks cooling. thus far, only double batch of M&M cookies. Do have dough made in fridge for chocolate chip ones. will make the dough for the cut outs today, make tomorrow. that will be be nut grinding day for other cookies.

I do portion them out and freeze so they are always fresh on the tray. Ever go to somebody’s house, grab a cookie and almost break a tooth. Where’s the dog when u need one to hide the evidence lol

Decided to go simple this year, no need to make 10 doz different ones as I wind up eating most of them. Whether I keep to that resolution is doubtful

Also, no idea of dinner, either oven chicken & rice or takeout

The Icelandic Volcano we`ve all been watching has erupted during the night,
Amazing video there
decided on a shrimp, smoked salmon, mussels, calamari and crab board for the two of us tonight, always love a good seafood plate!! Will have the biscuits then with that with some dips and some salad, lots of lemon too!!
I’m drooling, have only eaten a cookie thus far. jr coming for late breakfast. Time to go make some taters.

Have a good one all :)
Since I was away two weekends, we did cut down on what we made, Keisha. Last night, we packed all up to give way. Little one made herself a box of those chocolate pretzels. I keep none, as we will have treats all this weekend. Will be bringing in some to my office tomorrow. Kids delivering for me today. We always give family and friends a present of our cookies, muffins, and chocolate items. Sometimes even fudge, and seasoned roasted and caramelized nuts, last year. And this year, we had a request for more of our chocolate covered marshmallows. So this year, we made double, so had more to share. Per requests, we always make a triple batch of chocolate chip cookies. Sampling after out of oven, has the most taken from those batches. We used up quite a bit of our older supplies, so at after holiday sales, we’ll be looking to see any cheap replacements.
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busy bee mode. We did get snow (sitting on top of a layer of ice). Jury out on whether I’m heading out early afternoon there.

loving the cookie tables! Why is everybody else‘s so fancy looking?:worship:

i try to clean up as I go but, area usually looks as tho a cookie bomb went off, especially when still on the racks cooling. thus far, only double batch of M&M cookies. Do have dough made in fridge for chocolate chip ones. will make the dough for the cut outs today, make tomorrow. that will be be nut grinding day for other cookies.

I do portion them out and freeze so they are always fresh on the tray. Ever go to somebody’s house, grab a cookie and almost break a tooth. Where’s the dog when u need one to hide the evidence lol

Decided to go simple this year, no need to make 10 doz different ones as I wind up eating most of them. Whether I keep to that resolution is doubtful

Also, no idea of dinner, either oven chicken & rice or takeout

Amazing video there

I’m drooling, have only eaten a cookie thus far. jr coming for late breakfast. Time to go make some taters.

Have a good one all :)

I`d stay in if I was you when it`s so cold!! After me telling you how warm we`s gone colder now, not snow cold....but chilly.

Takeout is always good......I`m sure your boy will love breakfast today. Yes, Robbie`s cookies look lovely dressed up like that.

We don`t really do cookie making for Christmas over here, it`s not really a thing, we just like to get together and bake now and again, but it`s never cookies it`s usually something more elaborate. And it`s not a thing to give cookies out or serve them this time of year.....generally speaking of course.

Have a great day....well, what`s left of it!!

Quite pleased with myself today, got mostly everything wrapped and I did find 2 gifts I`d forgotten about.....both for Scotland. Someone is getting 2 extra presents now.

It did get cooler as the day went on, but so lovely seeing the sunshine for a time, calm before the storm.

Seafood platter was lovely, very fresh and quite filling too, gosh we`re full though.

Muppet Christmas Carol tonight for sure....nice bottle of Chenin Blanc to enjoy too. Gotta love Christmas!!!

Love it.

A Christmas Carol is my favourite of all Dickens works, I`ve got many copies of it in different styles and read it every December, it`s tradition.

I`ve only got a couple of pages to read and I`m done for this year, yes I probably do it know it word for word, but I adore it. The copy I`m reading this year is one I bought from the NYPL several years back.
Hi Everyone: I am trying to catch up with all the goings on at the SANs! It's crazy what I missed since Friday. So here goes a long, long post:

Charade: I wish you a very belated Birthday! I have enjoyed reading about your trip to the Smokey Mtns. I would love to go to Dollywood one day to -i t's on my bucket list. It's funny but when we lived in Tennessee, I only went to Gatlinburg once and the grand ole opry once!
I am glad your husband found his keys in the other coat pocket. That's a big fear of mine and I'm always checking to see if I have my keys!
I am enjoying your lovely photos of your trip:)

LynneG: Wow, that's all I can say about your delicious looking cookies. I know it takes a lot of work. I am only making peanut butter fudge and regular fudge and sugar cookies for our contribution to the sweets at Christmas!

Pumpkin: It looks like you are having work woes with new help. I hope things work out for you soon. It's so frustrating to have that happen, especially when You know what needs to be done. It looks like you have been very busy this season too!

Keishashadow: We aren't going to have a white Christmas this year! We have very little patches of snow with ice underneath too! We usually have at least a foot of snow by now, so this warmer weather is really weird! I've never seen anything like since moving up here.
I just read about your scary situation in Walmart! I can't believe they would let anyone in the store with a pit bull, let alone 2!!!!! And no service dog vest, just too vicious dogs riding in the cart! Wow.
I bet you were scared to death. I probably would of have words with that rude person, and called the police to report it too! This thing of taking any dog anywhere without being service dogs is getting out of hand. So far, around here the only dogs with a vest have been really small friendly dogs. I hope that WM has changed their policies before someone gets hurt. I would also write to management and also go in and see the manager. If someone gets hurt, then they will make changes!!!

Robo: We lived about an hour West of Nashville for many years, then moved to Dickson which is about 30 miles West of Nashville later on. I also went to college in Clarksville, so am very familiar with that part of the state. I am so glad that you did not have the horrible storms and tornadoes where you live. I hear that Goodlettsville got a lot of damage too. My brother lives 30 miles west of Nashville and luckily he didn't get those tornadoes. But they are always a threat in the deep South. I remember waking up many nights to alarms of approaching tornadoes. I admit that I don't miss that any more! The only thing we have up here is snow, ice, and COLD.

Carole: It's good hear that your present wrapping is just about done. I really had it tough because I had to wrap one present, LOL. I really didn't have to wrap it, but it's for my 18 month great grandson. It's one of those dog plushies and I admit I am in love with it! But he will get it for Christmas, sigh.
I'm surprised to hear that Christmas baking is not a tradition in the UK. It's always been that way here. Everyone in the family and friends brings some baked goods or candy to the gatherings. I'm only making a few things, as I posted on Lynne's post.
We are having a heat wave here with up to the 40's at Christmas and very little snow. It just doesn't seem right to be that warm this time of year. I keep waiting for the 2 or 3 foot blizzard snow to show up.

This week there was a water rescue at Red Lake (north of here). It is a big lake and 35 people had to be rescued off of a floating island of ice that was quickly going out further in the lake. The fire department had to get a special ice boat to rescue them. They were lucky that they all got rescued without problems. It seems that every year some people have this happen. They also drive on thin ice and go through at least once a year. I don't go out on the ice, even if it is thick! Too scary and I don't trust it.

I love the Muppets Christmas and we always watch it. It's a riot! We also watch Home Alone, A Christmas Carol with Alistair Sims (it's the old one in black and white but we like it better than newer ones), Miracle on 34th Street, and It's a Wonderful Life :) I don't like the Wizard of Oz. I watched it when I was little and have been scared of tornadoes and monkeys since. Yes, don't laugh, but monkeys freak me out, LOL.

Well, I've yakked away again,
but I think I have caught up:) for now.

Hi Everyone: I am trying to catch up with all the goings on at the SANs! It's crazy what I missed since Friday. So here goes a long, long post:

Charade: I wish you a very belated Birthday! I have enjoyed reading about your trip to the Smokey Mtns. I would love to go to Dollywood one day to -i t's on my bucket list. It's funny but when we lived in Tennessee, I only went to Gatlinburg once and the grand ole opry once!
I am glad your husband found his keys in the other coat pocket. That's a big fear of mine and I'm always checking to see if I have my keys!
I am enjoying your lovely photos of your trip:)

LynneG: Wow, that's all I can say about your delicious looking cookies. I know it takes a lot of work. I am only making peanut butter fudge and regular fudge and sugar cookies for our contribution to the sweets at Christmas!

Pumpkin: It looks like you are having work woes with new help. I hope things work out for you soon. It's so frustrating to have that happen, especially when You know what needs to be done. It looks like you have been very busy this season too!

Keishashadow: We aren't going to have a white Christmas this year! We have very little patches of snow with ice underneath too! We usually have at least a foot of snow by now, so this warmer weather is really weird! I've never seen anything like since moving up here.
I just read about your scary situation in Walmart! I can't believe they would let anyone in the store with a pit bull, let alone 2!!!!! And no service dog vest, just too vicious dogs riding in the cart! Wow.
I bet you were scared to death. I probably would of have words with that rude person, and called the police to report it too! This thing of taking any dog anywhere without being service dogs is getting out of hand. So far, around here the only dogs with a vest have been really small friendly dogs. I hope that WM has changed their policies before someone gets hurt. I would also write to management and also go in and see the manager. If someone gets hurt, then they will make changes!!!

Robo: We lived about an hour West of Nashville for many years, then moved to Dickson which is about 30 miles West of Nashville later on. I also went to college in Clarksville, so am very familiar with that part of the state. I am so glad that you did not have the horrible storms and tornadoes where you live. I hear that Goodlettsville got a lot of damage too. My brother lives 30 miles west of Nashville and luckily he didn't get those tornadoes. But they are always a threat in the deep South. I remember waking up many nights to alarms of approaching tornadoes. I admit that I don't miss that any more! The only thing we have up here is snow, ice, and COLD.

Carole: It's good hear that your present wrapping is just about done. I really had it tough because I had to wrap one present, LOL. I really didn't have to wrap it, but it's for my 18 month great grandson. It's one of those dog plushies and I admit I am in love with it! But he will get it for Christmas, sigh.
I'm surprised to hear that Christmas baking is not a tradition in the UK. It's always been that way here. Everyone in the family and friends brings some baked goods or candy to the gatherings. I'm only making a few things, as I posted on Lynne's post.
We are having a heat wave here with up to the 40's at Christmas and very little snow. It just doesn't seem right to be that warm this time of year. I keep waiting for the 2 or 3 foot blizzard snow to show up.

This week there was a water rescue at Red Lake (north of here). It is a big lake and 35 people had to be rescued off of a floating island of ice that was quickly going out further in the lake. The fire department had to get a special ice boat to rescue them. They were lucky that they all got rescued without problems. It seems that every year some people have this happen. They also drive on thin ice and go through at least once a year. I don't go out on the ice, even if it is thick! Too scary and I don't trust it.

I love the Muppets Christmas and we always watch it. It's a riot! We also watch Home Alone, A Christmas Carol with Alistair Sims (it's the old one in black and white but we like it better than newer ones), Miracle on 34th Street, and It's a Wonderful Life :) I don't like the Wizard of Oz. I watched it when I was little and have been scared of tornadoes and monkeys since. Yes, don't laugh, but monkeys freak me out, LOL.

Well, I've yakked away again,
but I think I have caught up:) for now.


Baking yes, is immensely popular over here Ruth, just cookies aren`t the big thing over here at Christmas, more of an afternoon thing with a cuppa on any given Wednesday.......proper cake baking though is huge over here. I`ve never been to anyone`s home here at Christmas and been given cookies. Sweet mince pies are incredibly popular this time of year, you can also do iced topped mince pies too, gorgeous!! They are Tom`s favourite.


Alastair Sim Scrooge is my all time favourite version of A Christmas Carol, he really was Ebenezer Scrooge we watch that last with White Christmas on the same day. We have around 16 movies we watch every December, never get bored with them. I do love The Wizard of Oz......:)

I showed Tom your birthday gift....he loved it!!!!

Muppet Christmas Carol on now..... ☺️

Little one made herself a box of those chocolate pretzels. I keep none, as we will have treats all this weekend
I’ve never like how my choc covered pretzel rods have come out. For some reason, the chocolate always looks a bit flat, for lack of a better term. No issue with choc covered strawberries (which only make easter appearance here).

When out today, I was happy to find my beloved choc covered cherries with the clear liquid, not that cloying white creamy one. Also, finally the hard strawberry candies with the gooey middle...two bags of those babies :)
Per requests, we always make a triple batch of chocolate chip cookies.
mine are cooling on the racks. The M&M ones made it to the freezer

dinner will be dominos & jersey mikes for the mr. he looks quite pale and tired today, think he caught a concert bug.
nice bottle of Chenin Blanc to enjoy too. Gotta love Christmas!!!
oh yeah!

did u see the rumor U bought land and might be bringing a park to UK?
`ve got many copies of it in different styles and read it every December, it`s tradition.
indeed a classic, don’t know a soul who doesn’t enjoy it.

Will say, my go to when I think of it is an old Mr Magoo cartoon from my childhood. Reminds me I want to buy it for prime video with shipping credits. I remember being so scared as a kid watching the one part

just too vicious dogs riding in the cart! Wow.
I bet you were scared to death. I probably would have have words with that rude person, and called the police to report it too! This thing of taking any dog anywhere without being service dogs is getting out of hand. So far, around here the only dogs with a vest have been really small friendly dogs. I hope that WM has changed their policies before someone gets hurt. I would also write to management and also go in and see the manager. If someone gets hurt, then they will make changes!!!
Well, one in cart, the other leashed to the side of the ECV.

upon reflection, think I will mention to WM next time I’m there. If only as it was really tantamount to animal abuse.
It seems that every year some people have this happen. They also drive on thin ice and go through at least once a year. I don't go out on the ice, even if it is thick! Too scary and I don't trust it.
I have a weird phobia about that. Ice fishing really used to be quite popular here before ahem global warming. Now, even 2 hours north on Lake Erie, you have to be really careful going out to fish.

I made my mr give me the keys the time he insisted on wandering out to one of the fishing shacks to smooze with the guys as I waited in the the truck. We were up there for a sporting event, ice was starting to melt in the shallow areas. He was somewhat offended, far as I’m concerned, I was being pragmatic:rolleyes1.

semi interesting, they have to put ice booms at the river’s mouths to avoid messing up the hydro electric plant & avoid property damage.

hasn’t been warm enough the last two years for the big dunes to form on Presque isle but, we always make sure to drive up to see them when they do, rather majestic.
Chinese food for our dinner. I’m full enough. May get into the chocolates later.

The snow we had in the morning, never covered anything white, only a cool feeling breeze as we were out late afternoon.

Going into office, a balmy (not!) 28 degrees the temp will be in morning commute. At least will be 44 by the time I do that afternoon commute from the restaurant. Yay, casual attire with holiday sweater allowed. I’m not a big holiday sweater person, but I will wear a sweater, that’s a dark blue color. Close enough.

Hope all are having a good night, and that camel will be showing he’s going to be warmer than me.
I’ve never like how my choc covered pretzel rods have come out. For some reason, the chocolate always looks a bit flat, for lack of a better term. No issue with choc covered strawberries (which only make easter appearance here).

When out today, I was happy to find my beloved choc covered cherries with the clear liquid, not that cloying white creamy one. Also, finally the hard strawberry candies with the gooey middle...two bags of those babies :)

mine are cooling on the racks. The M&M ones made it to the freezer

dinner will be dominos & jersey mikes for the mr. he looks quite pale and tired today, think he caught a concert bug.

oh yeah!
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did u see the rumor U bought land and might be bringing a park to UK?

indeed a classic, don’t know a soul who doesn’t enjoy it.

Will say, my go to when I think of it is an old Mr Magoo cartoon from my childhood. Reminds me I want to buy it for prime video with shipping credits. I remember being so scared as a kid watching the one part

Well, one in cart, the other leashed to the side of the ECV.

upon reflection, think I will mention to WM next time I’m there. If only as it was really tantamount to animal abuse.

I have a weird phobia about that. Ice fishing really used to be quite popular here before ahem global warming. Now, even 2 hours north on Lake Erie, you have to be really careful going out to fish.

I made my mr give me the keys the time he insisted on wandering out to one of the fishing shacks to smooze with the guys as I waited in the the truck. We were up there for a sporting event, ice was starting to melt in the shallow areas. He was somewhat offended, far as I’m concerned, I was being pragmatic:rolleyes1.

semi interesting, they have to put ice booms at the river’s mouths to avoid messing up the hydro electric plant & avoid property damage.

hasn’t been warm enough the last two years for the big dunes to form on Presque isle but, we always make sure to drive up to see them when they do, rather majestic.
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I love that my friends call me Mrs Christmas!!! I wear that crown with pride......or paper hat whichever works.....:) I don`t have that sweater it, always gotta have the Christmas Sweaters!

You`ve reminded me I need maraschino cherries.....I love them and could sit and eat them straight for the jar as opposed to one in a cocktail, the amount of times Tom has went in and commented we do go through a lot as the jars are finished again......guilty as charged M`Lud......

Yes, Universal is planning a park in the UK. My initial thoughts are we don`t have the weather, but apparently it`s going to be similar design and layout to one of the Far East parks and maybe have more an indoor theme, and it`s going to be close enough to Watford where the Potter experience already is. I`m sure it`ll be wonderful, not sure if i`d ever give up America to go visit it though.

They`ve also plans for Aventura Park in Spain, that`s going to be a thing soon too we were told. They`re certainly making plenty of investments for sure.

I have a terrible fear of water in general, add in frozen lakes and I`m completely spooked!! I blame the Omen 2 where there is a horrible scene I`ll never forget involving someone going under the ice!!!! wouldn`t catch me on an ice rink never mind a frozen lake that might have defrosted!!! I used to hate watching Ice Road Truckers for that don`t think I could watch folks going out to fish in those conditions!!!

One of my cousins was a life guard for many years in his spare time as he loved the water, I could never understand it myself, but as soon as he was old enough to do it, he was a life guard wherever he could. For the last 20 years as well as his regular career he volunteers for the RNLI which is a huge charity in the UK that enables life boats to be operated around the coastline of the UK and all manned completely by volunteers. I have no clue how they can go out to sea in the worst of weathers, but such pride in them all.

Hope the mister feels better soon, no one wants to be poorly over Christmas!!! A couple of your lovely cookies as well as looking after him and he`ll be fine I`m sure.

I was so tired last night at bedtime, didn`t see beyond 10.30pm and slept soldly till just after 6.30. Tom said one of the air sea rescue helicopters flew over us around 3am and they are loud, but I never flinched so must have been tired as they usually wake me if they fly over at night.

Out early again today to hopefully get the last of what we need also popping into a lovely little store we use for glasses as I`ve decided to replace some white wine glasses and get all new ones, this store has some lovely options and decent sized ones too, we like glasses that are aquariums on stems!!! Hate a tiny wine glass. But, not much to get todayand we should be done.

Wind is starting to build today, but tomorrow will be dreadful and Saturday too, hibernation time for us.

Toast with marmalade for breakfast, lunch will be some lovely soup I made yesterday from carrots, red and yellow peppers, onions, garlic....lots of garlic, sweet potato, butternut squash, basil, tomatoes, thyme, butter, ground black pepper and some gorgeous chicken stock, so we`ll have a bowl of that and half a sandwich each....or I should say we`ll split a sandwich!!!!


Dinner will be chicken breasts stuffed with Brie and some cranberry sauce then wrapped in bacon and roasted, one of our favourite dishes, although I think I love it slightly more than Tom does! Definitely mashed potato with that dish and some extra cranberry sauce, will cook that down today too.

Once we`re home I plan to finish up all the wrapping I have to do and Tom will drop off some gifts to folks we won`t get to see now before Christmas, some friends will drop in here and there too which is always lovely.

But, pot of tea time first, then when sleeping beauty gets up we`ll have breakfast which will be quick then head out to beat the crowds.

Have a lovely Wednesday, getting closer to Christmas now....... :santa:




Ah that Wednesday feeling. Who do I see?

Ah, camel’s in that holiday wishing and dropping off gifts mode. And he’s here to remind all, that get over this hump of a day feeling, that most Fabulous Friday, the one before that Holiday Monday, is then only a day away. Woot! Week before that holiday week, starting with a Monday holiday, and ending the next week after that with another Monday holiday. Woot. Woot.

But yeah, 28 was the temp, and window scraping I did. Yes, car, roads could be icy this morning. Good thing no wet around, roads were dry. And I guess with all back soon enough, lot more come in with me. Had to park down from my favorite spot, but at least being early, I still got a good spot. Here’s how dark it was after I got settled in my office:
Yeah, standard time, sunrise at 7:18 this morning.

Most Wonderful Wednesday to all. Good morning. Holiday office lunch today, and brought in my treats to share. Yay, family may have to make their own dinner. Lol
Hello everyone. Mostly slow day at work today. I am looking forward to my 5 day weekend.

I finally got the cross stitch that I am making for a friend finished. I’m just going to use a wooden embroidery hoop as the frame. No time to do anything else. Several people in my cross stitch FB group think the frame should be black, so I may paint it.

I’ve got 30 minutes to kill before lunch. I need to find something to do to stay busy or I will fall asleep at my desk.


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