Something About Nothing............ #14

I’m doing continuing Ed, mandatory child clearances jik I do volunteer again this year. I’m literally into the 3rd hour of it. Far longer process than in the past, surely can’t argue they didn’t address everything, twice

Saw Sunday when we pick up the Mr’s newest toy. A dumping yard cart/large wagon. Of course, first thing I thot of when noticing the large tires was it might work on the beach to haul gear

Oh my, no in house masks at hospital yesterday. That’s scary. Stay safe

Oh,that’s a real feast. It goiNg to be some sort of takeout meal here as I’ve still a soccer practice run & Ross for sr day (hehe) I’m of the mind this is the time to start digging for random Xmas present fillers

It was, he is a really good cook, but I tend to just do most of the cooking! I should let him do it more often......

Love some random christmas shopping!!

Another late check in. I’ve been playing with Caspian trying to get him worn out before bedtime. I got him a new toy he seems to like.

We had a funny moment yesterday. The boy from my neighborhood came over to mow the lawn. I guess he was in a hurry to get out of the heat and go home because when he finished mowing he left without getting his money. Dh texted his mom and let her know. I don’t think he has a phone yet.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that restaurants are already getting booked up. I don’t even know what we are doing for Christmas this year. I should ask dh what he wants to do for his birthday. There aren’t many restaurants around here that are open then. (The 24th)

And I thought I was planning early. I felt the same about the price of the Celtic Thunder tickets, but dh said go ahead and get the best seats you can.

It’s a good show. I only just started watching it a few years ago. I’ve never seen the Manchurian Candidate. I’ve only seen her in pleasant roles though her character in Gaslight was rather snarky.

So not looking forward to the heat. I’m thinking of doing park mornings and maybe evenings, but spending the hotter times of the day in my room.

That is so sad to hear.

This is good to hear. I just got a standard room though.

Time for sleep.

yes, seems many places are filling up already. We know we`ll be in Scotland for Christmas so might as well get the restaurants booked too.

View attachment 787453 I’m sure quite un PC these days, however, I’m feeling Igor today. Heavy Rainstorms forecast late afternoon thru morning and everything is aching…enough, my early warning system, I hear you already.

never did cross off the to - do list yesterday. life has a way of lobbing you softballs, beats a hard line drive :)

I procrastinated doing it, then didn’t save/bookmark my work on Monday. The old provider saved it automatically. That was a real surprise yesterday

food was better than expected, short staffed, took forever off hours in February. I did think a bit skimpy and they were consistently out of different things. the bones are there for the food court, all they need is a better management team to iron out the issues

oh, that ‘fish bowl’ pool don’t get me started on it. It’s the main reason we are paying more in two weeks to stay at CB vs A for first part of our trip. third time’s a charm that CB will win me over.


that’s prime time, pool time :). Which resort did you settle upon this year? Not much left anywhere last I checked

we are only eligible to stay there in Sept & January. Every single year I forget to check Did you ever stay there? Looks nice to me, large rooms, appears not much in theming tho. Not a deal breaker for me

Love that movie!!! Anything unpc works for me....far too much of it today!!!'s devastating and horrible to watch any news coverage of it.

Sadly, forests need to regenerate every 25- 30 yrs - and that hasn't happened for MUCH longer than that.

I hope the fires are not in your neck of the woods.

I/We had planned to be in Kelowna this past weekend to celebrate our 30 wedding anniversary but as soon as there was news coverage - I cancelled our reservations. Guess we will visit again a different time.


Hope your cat was quiet throughout the night for ya, Charade. We have a standard room this time, and oddly, I booked September so long ago, looked at it the other day, and it’s a water view. I’m sure I just saw the price and booked. We tend to stick to standard rooms, as we don’t spend much time in it. I just like a quiet one.
Thank you. He was surprisingly.
I had a lagoon view when I stayed at SF last time. The view was nice, but I hated the long walk back to the room.

that’s prime time, pool time :). Which resort did you settle upon this year? Not much left anywhere last I checked
I’m not much of a pool person, but may bring my suit anyway. I’m staying at Aventura. Going budget this time. I thought about Cabana Bay since it was the same price as Aventura, but am hoping Aventura will be quieter. I booked my room back in January.

I’m counting the minutes until lunch. I spend the morning dealing with Medicaid issues.

Very early walk this morning, the sea was a calm as we`ve ever seen it.

Friends txt to say they were joining us for our walk this morning which is always nice, so they picked us up which was unusual as they don`t live anywhere near us, they live inland. Picked us up early, I had just sent mac off an early email too, then we walked 10 miles and I was shattered when we were done as it was warm....planned to be lazy the rest of the day, but she told us she`d give us enough time to shower and dress then she`d be back for us as we were going to her place for the day.

Turns out she had arranged an early birthday brunch for Tom which was lovely and so unexpected. 9 of us altogether and it was a perfect way to spend the day! I think we have have overdone the bubbly today, but again, it was so lovely. So no need to cook tonight and both of finally had a snooze, lunchtime drinking is something we`re not used to.....generally speaking 😉

And it was nice enough we managed to sit out all day.

And finally got a call back from my stylist, she`s back at work next Tuesday, so have an appointment for a cut and blow dry, short appointment of around 45 minutes to an hour, but still nice. It is far too long right now!!

Highlights are so good for how long they last, would hate to have to get a colour every few weeks, best getting it done right. Just need a good tidy up.

So another "perfectly lazy" night ahead for us....I do use those words a lot it seems!!
Say that three times, fast lol.

congrats on that milestone anniversary!

Thanks for that mini review lynne. I need to figure out how early we could try to book for next September. The rooms go so fast there.

hoping Aventura will be quieter. I booked my room back in January.
It seemed deserted when we were there midweek in February, even the rooftop area.
Highlights are so good for how long they last, would hate to have to get a colour every few weeks, best getting it done right. Just need a good tidy up.
Yep, i just cancelled my appt next week for touch up. Even tho it will be 8 weeks and color was applied heavy, the mr even said skip it. He’s usually more aware of roots peeking thru than me. Will throw me off my rotation tho as it pertains to trips lol.
Yep, i just cancelled my appt next week for touch up. Even tho it will be 8 weeks and color was applied heavy, the mr even said skip it. He’s usually more aware of roots peeking thru than me. Will throw me off my rotation tho as it pertains to trips lol.

Oh that`s annoying with the timings at times isn`t it!! I know I`m mentally counting weeks till a trip when I`m due my appointment for highlights again......priorities!! I am however looking forward to Tuesday to get a decent amount of my length as it has grown, but yes, roots are fine so no top up needed this time.

95 now and next few days predictions at 99

I only know this as just checked weather site

had to come out to the screen in porch as house is cranked up to the level of an ice burg

Ok, stretching that out a bit as Mr Mac requires ac on 24/7

That is hot and add in the humidity and yes, aircon is essential, but I can see why you`d need to escape it as mr mac does like it cooler!! Like you I`d be popping in and out.

We did have a lazy night last night, both of us snoozing on and off which is unusual, but went to bed reasonably early and slept like logs. Had some rain and doesn`t look good for the rest of the day, so I doubt we`ll be out walking this morning as it is grey and damp outside, the sea looks incredibly dark today, might brighten up as it is early.

Once sleeping beauty gets up I`ll make us breakfast which I think he wants to just have toast, works for me, I have some fresh marmalade, one jar left of that lovely home made produce, Tom won`t eat it so we have a selection of other preserves for him, he is partial to some honey on toast.

No idea for lunch but I`m making lasagne for dinner, I did cook down the meat and sauce last night, will use some and portion up the rest for the freezer, I think there`s enough for 3 more lasagne`s, just need some fresh basil for a finishing touch.

So, kettle on again for tea, nothing quite like that morning cuppa......or any other cuppa throughout the day!!




Have a splendid Thursday 🥰
Ah that Thirsty Thursday is here. Woke up exactly when my alarm should have gone off. But today, time to get ready a day earlier. And so, was starting as did a load of wash last night. Probably at least one more today. And by tonight, mostly done.

And was a bit thirsty today, as even though house feels a bit cool, lots of tea drinking this morning. Even made some coffee for DH. Made waffles, so most are left. Kids can heat them up if they want. Though I think little one said she’d like breakfast out at the one deli we both like. Eh, will be ready for more food when she wakes up. Told her though, would like to not make it closer to lunchtime today. We shall see. And so, tea and two waffles and the big tv remote. Not much new to see, but I like the background noise.

So a good morning and hope all have a most terrific Thirsty Thursday. Drink up, not only Friday is tomorrow, it’s Schumi’s DH Tom’s birthday tomorrow. So get ready for a Fabulous Friday celebration of Tom’s birthday.

Week almost over now. woot!
It’s been one of those days!

I already told some of you ladies, got a call this morning to say I won a prize from charity raffle tickets we bought weeks ago……how lovely was my reply!

It’s a bliddy mountain bike…….. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I swear my backside will never grace a seat from a mountain bike! Wouldn’t have minded third prize as it was membership to a gin club for 3 months……or even one of the lesser prizes, but no……it had to be a bike!

Long story short, instead of delivering it to me, it’s going to Freddy, one of my godsons, he is a cyclist and will get use out of it.

Might buy a lottery ticket this weekend and see if it’s as lucky! And then Tom reminded me it’s not the first time I’ve won a bike! I’d forgotten about that one!

Apart from the hilarity that call caused with Tom and I laughing, quiet day, had a nice lunch of grilled sandwiches, still to make the cheese sauce for the lasagne tonight but not much else.

Still have to write his card and wrap his gifts up, will do that later, but for now, time for a pot of tea together. And maybe a scone to go with it!
No doughnuts here, darn it. no problem, we’ve finally got our first tomatoes from the garden. I could eat a garden tomato sandwich every day for the rest of my life and be happy :)

no so much opeNing up the daily email from the post office that shows pictures of the mail coming daily. Appears the mr is receiving a jury duty notice. Has never been called beforehand.

Sweating it out a bit due to the impending upcoming travel scheduled. Google indicates you can try to plead your case as to having non-cancellable prepaid plans in place and ask to be rescheduled. :scratchin
95 now and next few days predictions at 99

I only know this as just checked weather site

had to come out to the screen in porch as house is cranked up to the level of an ice burg

Ok, stretching that out a bit as Mr Mac requires ac on 24/7

It’s a bliddy mountain bike…….. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I’ve got ‘nuthin to add, other than…
View attachment 787674
No doughnuts here, darn it. no problem, we’ve finally got our first tomatoes from the garden. I could eat a garden tomato sandwich every day for the rest of my life and be happy :)

no so much opeNing up the daily email from the post office that shows pictures of the mail coming daily. Appears the mr is receiving a jury duty notice. Has never been called beforehand.
View attachment 787675

Sweating it out a bit due to the impending upcoming travel scheduled. Google indicates you can try to plead your case as to having non-cancellable prepaid plans in place and ask to be rescheduled. :scratchin

View attachment 787676

I’ve got ‘nuthin to add, other than…
View attachment 787677

Fresh tomato sandwich that`s been home grown is absolute bliss!!

I know in the UK you can mis one jury duty due to a planned and booked vacation, but apparently you can`t cancel a second time. Fingers crossed it works out, I`m sure it will, something I never want to do. Kyle did it two years ago, first case was somewhat minor but the second case was a historical family sexual abuse case. He didn`t talk about it, but the second week we guessed it was something like that with his demeanour in general.

Er, yes.....laugh is about all we`ve done today.......a flippin mountain bike!!! My godson is delighted though!

Rain back on again, but it`s so humid which is unusual for us, so the doors in the kitchen are pulled back so it`s all open, everything is so full and green....although the trees that aren`t evergreens are starting to turn and it`s getting more noticeable now.

I think Autumn is slowly creeping in for sure.

Quiet day today. It’s so nice outside right now. Lower temps and humidity. Too bad it will be in the high 90s tomorrow.
I am trying not to sleep at my desk. Both dh and B were up early this morning (B had to be at work at 7:20) so I was awake too. I will probably nap when I get home.

Turns out she had arranged an early birthday brunch for Tom
What a nice surprise.

It’s a bliddy mountain bike

Long story short, instead of delivering it to me, it’s going to Freddy, one of my godsons, he is a cyclist and will get use out of it.
That’s too funny. At least it will go to good use. I don’t think I have been on a bicycle since the mid 80s.

no so much opeNing up the daily email from the post office that shows pictures of the mail coming daily. Appears the mr is receiving a jury duty notice. Has never been called beforehand.
I’ve only served once. I was the alternate but they ended up not needing me. That was also the week I discovered I was expecting B.
Dh got jury duty postponed a few years ago because we had a scheduled vacation.

Almost time for lunch.
Keisha, I was scheduled last year during my September trip. Filled out an excuse form, and within a few days, said excused accepted, with letter from Court, and would be rescheduled. When got home, got another one with date in late October.

Like Charade, cooler and was drizzling for about an hour. For us, chance of thunderstorms later in the day. 72 out, but with 63 at the dew point. Muggy.

Errands and breakfast out done. Traffic and breakfast place was busy. Not used to being lazy on a Thursday.

I guess time to open the closet and get my luggage and backpack out. See what I need to still want to wash, get out as done the need, and start to put in. Hehe, remove hotel hard from lanyard. Will be switching it from a HR one to a RP one. I always leave the old hotel card in my lanyard until the next time.
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:wave2: Finally getting a chance to do a good proper stop in!!!!

We had a busy last few days here. We had a different weekend than we had planned.

We didn't go to Kelowna because of the fires - as soon as I heard that they were even in the area ( which was only a day or two before the big ones starting) I had cancelled. Then dh's family was here evacuating - so we thought...we wouldn't plan anything else. In hind sight - we should have done plan #2. Oh well - we will be planning something special anyways. Not sure yet what that entails - but we will be doing something.

Thank you for all the anniversary wishes :love:

Busy couple days at the homecare job. I was covering for someone on holidays - and of course on the busies day for our desk - task wise - I was alone, and interrupted every 10 minutes. I got 80% of the major task done yesterday - and who is working today can finish it. The task was getting the schedules done for the 75 HCA's that go out into the community for the week. It's a big task and takes one person a full day to do - even when there are 2 of us working the desk. One does the schedules - the other answers phones and all the other small tasks that happen during the day.

We have had good soaking rains here the past 48 hrs. It is still dribbling out. We always need the moisture - just bad timing as the farmers need to get out and start harvesting now. We wish we could have sent it to other places - I guess Mother Nature thought we needed it more :rolleyes2

Turns out she had arranged an early birthday brunch for Tom which was lovely and so unexpected. 9 of us altogether and it was a perfect way to spend the day! I think we have have overdone the bubbly today, but again, it was so lovely. So no need to cook tonight and both of finally had a snooze, lunchtime drinking is something we`re not used to.....generally speaking 😉
Sounds like it was a fantastic day!!!!!

I hope your nephew enjoys the bike! The Gin of the month club sounds more like my prize too :laughing: I would be selling/giving the bike to someone else.
Thirsty Thursday is here. Woke up exactly when my alarm should have gone off. But today, time to get ready a day earlier. And so, was starting as did a load of wash last night. Probably at least one more today. And by tonight, mostly done.
I am so glad everyone does their own laundry. Dh does his own plus all the towels. I do my own laundry and then I take care of the dishcloth and tea towels. I like those done a special way to loads of bleach and hot water!!!! We take turns doing our bed linens.

Laundry is the one chore I DISPISE!!!!!
No doughnuts here, darn it. no problem, we’ve finally got our first tomatoes from the garden. I could eat a garden tomato sandwich every day for the rest of my life and be happy :)
YUM!!!!!! I/ WE love fresh garden tomato sandwiches! We had our first meal of those the other night! They really are the best.

I have had that letter show up twice. The first time I served on a jury for a sexual assault charge - the second time I wasn't picked.

Here we are required to show up. If you can't serve IF your number/name gets picked - you can easily opt out. The last time I was there - the judge made a ruling that everyone who didn't show up that day - would receive another summons for the next court case needing a jury - and if they still didn't show up - they would either pay a 2,500 fine or time in jail for now showing up. She wasn't going to play around :laughing:
I am trying not to sleep at my desk.
I struggle some afternoons with that.

Well, I should find more papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!
Quiet day today. It’s so nice outside right now. Lower temps and humidity. Too bad it will be in the high 90s tomorrow.
I am trying not to sleep at my desk. Both dh and B were up early this morning (B had to be at work at 7:20) so I was awake too. I will probably nap when I get home.

What a nice surprise.

That’s too funny. At least it will go to good use. I don’t think I have been on a bicycle since the mid 80s.

I’ve only served once. I was the alternate but they ended up not needing me. That was also the week I discovered I was expecting B.
Dh got jury duty postponed a few years ago because we had a scheduled vacation.

Almost time for lunch.

It was a lovely surprise for both of us.

We last had bikes as a family about 20 years ago! Where we used to live had fantastic cycle lanes everywhere not on the main roads, where we live now is either country lanes or onto main roads, neither of which I`d dare to cycle on today, roads aren`t designed for bikes anymore.

Hope you get a nap later, it`s horrible feeling so tired.

:wave2: Finally getting a chance to do a good proper stop in!!!!

We had a busy last few days here. We had a different weekend than we had planned.

We didn't go to Kelowna because of the fires - as soon as I heard that they were even in the area ( which was only a day or two before the big ones starting) I had cancelled. Then dh's family was here evacuating - so we thought...we wouldn't plan anything else. In hind sight - we should have done plan #2. Oh well - we will be planning something special anyways. Not sure yet what that entails - but we will be doing something.

Thank you for all the anniversary wishes :love:

Busy couple days at the homecare job. I was covering for someone on holidays - and of course on the busies day for our desk - task wise - I was alone, and interrupted every 10 minutes. I got 80% of the major task done yesterday - and who is working today can finish it. The task was getting the schedules done for the 75 HCA's that go out into the community for the week. It's a big task and takes one person a full day to do - even when there are 2 of us working the desk. One does the schedules - the other answers phones and all the other small tasks that happen during the day.

We have had good soaking rains here the past 48 hrs. It is still dribbling out. We always need the moisture - just bad timing as the farmers need to get out and start harvesting now. We wish we could have sent it to other places - I guess Mother Nature thought we needed it more :rolleyes2

Sounds like it was a fantastic day!!!!!

I hope your nephew enjoys the bike! The Gin of the month club sounds more like my prize too :laughing: I would be selling/giving the bike to someone else.

I am so glad everyone does their own laundry. Dh does his own plus all the towels. I do my own laundry and then I take care of the dishcloth and tea towels. I like those done a special way to loads of bleach and hot water!!!! We take turns doing our bed linens.

Laundry is the one chore I DISPISE!!!!!

YUM!!!!!! I/ WE love fresh garden tomato sandwiches! We had our first meal of those the other night! They really are the best.

I have had that letter show up twice. The first time I served on a jury for a sexual assault charge - the second time I wasn't picked.

Here we are required to show up. If you can't serve IF your number/name gets picked - you can easily opt out. The last time I was there - the judge made a ruling that everyone who didn't show up that day - would receive another summons for the next court case needing a jury - and if they still didn't show up - they would either pay a 2,500 fine or time in jail for now showing up. She wasn't going to play around :laughing:

I struggle some afternoons with that.

Well, I should find more papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!

You`ll get something planned to celebrate your special anninversary I`m sure....any anniversary should be celebrated, especially the special ones!!

My godson will love the bike, he has been a cyclist for years, he works in CiD so he enjoys getting away from it all and can cycle huge distances in a day, so yes, glad it could go to someone who will appreciate it....and yes, I`d much prefer the gin!!!

I`m completely the opposite, I don`t mind laundry and happily do it all, then I know it`s done how I like it. I think Tom would let laundry build up if he did his own and that would annoy me too much 🥰

Lasagne was lovely, I think it may have been a little drier than usual, but still so tasty, had it with a little salad and coleslaw. Salted caramel ice cream to follow with a chocolate flake stuck on top.....very 1970`s but we like it!

Candle season has started.....yep, dark enough now around 8pm for the Yankee Candle`s to be brought back out, need to go stock them up again though, didn`t bring too many back from Orlando in May. Tonight we have a mango one burning and some tea lights. Cosy.

And having a pre birthday glass of wine, a gift especially for tonight from our friends J&M..........❤️


Re-watching the UK version of Life on Mars.....the US version was dreadful, but this one and the follow up Ashes to Ashes are both excellent.
Ah Friday here. Fabulous Friday feeling.

So glad the week day routines are over today.

Woke up to it raining, and still raining as I fired up that laptop. Seems phone saying will be ending in the hour. Very dark out. Another rainy, at times, day with cooler feeling and 80 degrees the high. Seems a good day to keep that tea mug full.

And so, a good morning to all, and ooh that rain is loud sounding. And a hope all have a most Fabulous Friday and the most Wonderful Weekend. And a happy birthday wish to Schumi’s Tom today. :bday:
I had very little sleep last night and when I woke up, could have sworn this was Saturday

( until I saw Lynne’s post that it’s Friday)

Happy birthday to Tom!
Celebrate all day long😍
I had very little sleep last night and when I woke up, could have sworn this was Saturday

( until I saw Lynne’s post that it’s Friday)

Happy birthday to Tom!
Celebrate all day long😍

Thanks mac......we have been celebrating since I made him Eggs Royale for breakfast this morning, very much appreciated by him too!!

I need to go back to doing the meme with the day on it is easy to mix up days!!

Yep, early morning walk in the sunshine, home for breakfast and then had some friends pop round to see the birthday boy, made a little buffet lunch for everyone which was nice, offered champagne, tea or coffee.......I didn`t have to boil the kettle, well except for one who was driving.

He hasn`t opened any cards or gifts yet, waiting for Kyle to come round tonight before he does.

Takeout tonight for us, whenever Kyle gets here we`ll order, then gift and card time. And a store bought cake as there is one he really`s chocolate though so the others can enjoy it, I have ice cream!!

Had to contact smugmug today as some of my pictures wouldn`t post, most were from several years ago, then it did work after I emailed them. They are so good at replying back to queries and helping where they can, well worth the yearly fee, so fingers crossed some of the older pictures will be fine now to post.

And no tea today, definitely a bubbly-red wine day...all day!!! 🥂🍾🍷



The storm last night kept waking me via the flashes lighting up the sky. Literally, like day time. Oddly, not that much thunder. Pooch given his 2nd gummie & donned his thunderbest, he was so much calmer-hooray!

Gd scored her first goal of season. Apparently, no mercy rule in play. To the coaches credit, he pulled first string. After the half, all the girls got a chance. Nice to see that level of sportsmanship vs running up the score for bragging rights

First Friday night lights tonight good thing I enjoy sports

Fingers crossed it works out,
Well, he got an immediate, conditional, approval online

Had a range of dates pop up He could select. Went with right after the 2nd trip 2nd week in October. Figuring even if picked for a high profile one it’d be over in 5 weeks (I hope lol)

Keisha, I was scheduled last year during my September trip. Filled out an excuse form, and within a few days, said excused accepted, with letter from Court, and would be rescheduled. When got home, got another one with date in late October.
Yes, they said they’d be sending out a new summons with the date he selected in a few weeks
The last time I was there - the judge made a ruling that everyone who didn't show up that day - would receive another summons for the next court case needing a jury - and if they still didn't show up - they would either pay a 2,500 fine or time in jail for now showing up. She wasn't going to play around :laughing:
Law & order!
So glad the week day routines are over today.
Yippie! Do u leave today or tomorrow?
we have been celebrating since I made him Eggs Royale for breakfast this morning, very much appreciated by him too!!

He deserves a “royale” birthday, including fancee eggs. Need to Google, never heard of that

Happy Friday. Today is another fun day of laundry and house cleaning. I’m currently washing old towels that will be donated to our local humane society. They put out an appeal for towels and blankets. I also purchased several blankets from Amazon that should be here later today.
Also working on another cross stitch project. This one is another give away. When I’m done with the current project I am going to make something for myself.

I am so glad everyone does their own laundry. Dh does his own plus all the towels. I do my own laundry and then I take care of the dishcloth and tea towels.
Same in our house except I do all the bath and kitchen towels. When B first went to college people kept telling me that she would bring her laundry home (she didn’t). I said that was fine since she knew how to use the washer. She’s been doing her own laundry since she was 10.

Candle season has started.....yep, dark enough now around 8pm for the Yankee Candle`s to be brought back out, need to go stock them up again though, didn`t bring too many back from Orlando in May. Tonight we have a mango one burning and some tea lights. Cosy.
You would have loved the Yankee Candle store in Williamsburg, Virginia. Sadly it closed a few years ago.

Gd scored her first goal of season. Apparently, no mercy rule in play.

Congrats to her and the team.

Time to get back to cleaning.

Happy birthday to Tom!
Good Friday morning everyone :wave:



First order of the day….….Happy Birthday to Carole‘s hubby Mr. Tom



May you have many more Happy Birthdays.

Today was moving day from Aventura to Royal Pacific. We loved our room at Aventura, it was a deluxe room with curved wall, all floor to ceiling windows. And the food we had at the food court was surprisingly good. Didn’t care for the pool.
We’re all settled in our RP room ready for bed! Have a great water view of pool and parks. Too bad the castle light show isn’t happening.
Sue good to hear you are enjoying your vacation. So nice to hear you are getting to enjoy RPR too during your stay.

I have never stayed at Aventura, but have enjoyed a stroll over to the Starbucks there when I‘am at Sapphire Falls. I have also enjoyed the fruit bowl in their food court a few times and it was very good.

So not looking forward to the heat. I’m thinking of doing park mornings and maybe evenings, but spending the hotter times of the day in my room.
Doing morning park is a good idea if you are a morning person. This will help with dealing with afternoon heat. The thing is that in September it typically either rains in the morning and then clears off in evening or visa versa. So being flexible is the game plan. No matter the weather, you will have a wonderful time.

I/We had planned to be in Kelowna this past weekend to celebrate our 30 wedding anniversary but as soon as there was news coverage - I cancelled our reservations. Guess we will visit again a different time.
Sorry to hear you Anniversary weekend celebrations have had to be cancelled.

Happy Anniversary

Very early walk this morning, the sea was a calm as we`ve ever seen it.
Pretty picture of the calm sea.

I’am looking forward to plopping down by the ocean when I get back home to Florida.

Long story short, instead of delivering it to me, it’s going to Freddy, one of my godsons, he is a cyclist and will get use out of it.
I’am sure your godson will be over the moon with your gift.

no so much opeNing up the daily email from the post office that shows pictures of the mail coming daily. Appears the mr is receiving a jury duty notice. Has never been called beforehand.

Not the kind of email one wants to receive. Hopefully it all works out.

Lynne you and your daughter will be on your way tomorrow. Have a safe trip.

I made a stop over to Bath and Body for a few more Halloween things and could not pass up this casket skeleton plug in air freshener.


They have really cute mini hand sanitizer Halloween holders. I will give a few out to the girls in the family.


The candle plays music.

I started getting Halloween decorations out yesterday and have put a few things in family room and formal living room. Was moving furniture and vacuuming and aggravated my upper back. So trying to take it a little more easy today. Don’t want any issues before my trip.

15 days until my sis and I leave for vacation.

Looking forward to the trip.

Went out for some groceries yesterday and it was smoking hot. Temperature was 95 and with the humidity the feels like temp it was 105. We are going to break that today.

Stay cool everyone in the hot climates.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone doing whatever it is that makes you happy.
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