Something About Nothing............ #14

Good Thursday morning Sans family :wave:

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Sounds like a wonderful tour. Patty and Joe are wonderful hosts and she plans out tour so well. Seth is awesome.

Thank you Carole.

I’am getting things in order at home little by little. I really enjoyed my vacation.

So nice you are there for your friend. I hope all needed paperwork falls into place so the death certificate can be completed.

I enjoyed our visits too Lynne. It would be nice to visit again next year if our travel dates align.

About 14 hours if I leave to go back to Southern Indiana from Orlando and about 16 hours if I leave from my home in Vero Beach.

Traffic and stops for gas, welcome centers (for bathroom breaks and walking) and food breaks can all play into making it longer at times.

I try to leave very early in the morning 3:30 or 4 am to try and get through the most difficult areas Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta.

Safe travels Sue and enjoy your vacation.

Glad to hear Kyle is back in the office. I think it has been hard on the young ones during Covid office closures. Social interactions in the work place are Important to them.

Thank you. Now just getting caught up on a few things now that I’am home.

Sounds like a fun time. This area of Indiana was settled by predominantly German people so we have a big German Volkfest every year with German food and music. It’s in October. I haven’t check to see if they are having it this year or not. Hubby is 100% German.

Sorry to hear you have to deal with diverticulitis. That is so painful.

I didn’t know what those glasses were called. WOW that is expensive. I remember while I was in Nursing School nothing was cheap as far as the equipment we needed to purchase. Even the books were very expensive. No complaints though. It was what was required.

Patty what a lovely group you had for your HHN TOUR. So nice to hear you all had a great time.

That sounds yummy.

Such a tragic thing to go through. I’am sorry you lost your young cousins.

Lynne hope you got to sleep ok and hope the transition to SF goes smoothly.

I enjoyed our visits too.

Enjoy your visits with Mac, Sue and Charade.

You are a commando on the rides in the morning. You did get a lot done.

Mac hope you enjoyed your 6 house tour. It really makes those houses more enjoyable knowing a lot of the back story on them.

What a nice gift. So glad they called you back and you were able to make your trip. Sounds like you had a lovely time.

Great pic Lynne. Yep the feet do take a little bit of a beating with all the walking. Prop your tootsies up and relax.

So nice that Universal sets aside some time for TM’s to enjoy HHN

I hope you are able to get Seth for your tour.

Have a great Thursday Lynne.

Breakfast with a fire breathing Dragon sounds nice 👍

Sounds like a good day to be in the parks.

Nice pic Lynne.....Bet you didn’t pet him or her ......LOL

Having my morning coffee and looking out the window. We had a few days of warm temps here up to 90 degrees. It is slowly tapering into the low 80’s again.

We fired the lawn company we have use for past 4 years here. They have slowly killed areas of grass in our yard. Whoever the franchisee is they have let their business slip severely.

We hired our neighbors company and they were out and aerated and seeded our lawn yesterday.

I need to get up in my office today and go through some paperwork that is mounded on my desk. I also need to look at Christmas presents I bought and figure out who else I need to buy for on my list.

Our older grandson is coming in for a visit for a couple days. He will be here this evening. He and his wife and our cute great-granddaughter live in Kentucky. I will freshen up the guest room he likes to stay and in.

We always enjoy anytime we get to spend with family.

Hard to believe I was on the road back to Indiana this time last week.

I had such a nice visit with my niece when she flew in Sunday through Thursday at the beginning of my trip. She is so fun to be around. I think it is fun to look at the world from a younger ones eyes. It forces me to be more adventurous in my choices of food and drink. I enjoyed spending time at the pool with her and shopping. We had a great time at HHN.

It also gave her some time to getaway and enjoy a little vacation time. She has a happy, busy little toddler who we all adore J. His birthday celebration is Saturday and we shopped some fun things for him at Universal.

I usually watch little J every Friday morning. He is the Apple of his Aunt Robbie’s eye for sure. He is adorable.

I’am enjoying doing the trip report. It was a wonderful vacation. I’am reminded how much is involved in taking the time to do them, but I’am enjoying looking at the pictures again and laughing about the fun things.

I really enjoy reading others reports and looking at the pictures they take.

Carole I hope you and Tom are able to make your trip over soon so we can all enjoy one of your trip reports. I do believe you have inspired many to take a step out of their comfort zone and write a trip report.

Tom’s great photos on the reports have helped me look more closely at the photos I choose to take. You have both inspired me. Thank you both. I do need a gentle nudge out of my comfort zone every now and again.

Safe travels Sue as you travel to Sunny Florida today. Enjoy your vacation.

If I remember correctly Charade you are flying Saturday. Have a safe flight and enjoy your vacation.

Lynne enjoy the remainder of your vacation and your meet ups with the Sans family members.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.
Have a wonderful visit with your grandson and his family!!!

Everything is packed except for a couple of medications I need in the morning. I’ve done online check in for the flight and hotel. My alarm is set for 5:00. I’m ready to go.

In honor of my flight tomorrow.

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Thank you, he is loving being back in the office.....yes, they do need that connection with others more than we do I believe.

And thank you for the TR report compliment.....I`m enjoying your a lot and will pass on the compliment to Tom......:)

Hope the new lawn firm are better. What a shame the other one let you down. Our gardener is basically a one man band with an apprenticeut my goodness he works his socks off and is working to build his business into a bigger one, but with Covid it has delayed his plans a little. He promises not to forget the ones who gave him a chance now though, I`d hate to lose him. Fingers crossed this one is better for you.

Sounds like some lovely family time with your niece and your grandson`s visit, that`ll be lovely. And your little great nephew too....hope the celebration goes well tomorrow, they are adorable at any age really!

Yes, I hope the border announcement is soon too, for so many people.

Have a lovely weekend.....

Charade, hope you have a safe flight and a wonderful trip...... :wave2:

Been a busy few days here with our little mini break and yesterday one of my cousins who lives on the outskirts of Manchester spent the day with us. She works for the police in CID and was down this way for an event, so took an extra day to see us. She always has the best stories! Had a lovely day with her and took her to lunch and dinner yesterday before dropping her at her hotel, she`s leaving early this morning to travel back up, but another nice little surprise for this week.

Also spoke to my cousins who were both at RP over the last few weeks, they had a blast and happy to report no bad issues anywhere and both of them enjoyed our suggested restaurants, they had lovely evenings at The Palm which I was so pleased about and the only place they didn`t enjoy was Big Fire.....I did tell them not to go there as so many folks who I trust with their opinion said not to bother. But happy their trips were a success. One is back next week, but trying PB as her niece is now working there as part of her training.

Today weather looks sucky.......high winds are hitting us now and again and some rain, but weekend looks mixed, but getting much cooler.

Going some clothes shopping this morning and hope to find some new boots, yes, it`s that time of year...... and maybe walk this afternoon once the wind dies down and sun is due to pop up.






Happy October 1st and Happy Friday 🎃👻
Sounds like a great day spent with your cousin!!

And awesome that the RP and The Palm experiences went well for your travelers!!

Good morning! Waking up in Orlando! Flight was great! Free upgrade to premium economy ThanKyocera Alaska! And middle seat was empty! Took Universal shuttle over. Left airport at 7:00pm. Sat 30 min waiting for passenger. I’m used to that with Disney shuttle.
SF is nice, what I’ve seen of it. Room very comfy. Walked over to Cabana Bay food court for dinner.
Busy day today. Time to get rolling!
Yay Sue! Have lots and lots of fun!!

I’m at the airport in Roanoke. Flight boards in an hour. I’ve got too much time to kill.
Almost there!

Hi Sue, I’ve been up, but not moving fast. Give a text if like to meet up in parks. And yay, both at SF, with Charade close behind.

Yay, first of October it is Schumi. Nice to get away, family visit, and maybe did some boot shopping today. Hope the weather cleared for a walk this afternoon.

And so, my tea is done. May try to start getting ready. Another 91 degrees partly cloudy day, with no rain in forecast. Perfect for my last full day here. The time has flown by, and I leave tomorrow. But have had a great time meeting homies, sharing meals, chatting, and enjoy the parks during the day, and nights.

Fabulous Friday feeling homies. Yay!
Enjoy the last full day Lynne!!

Checking in

our room view at BWV was

[ATView attachment 608923
Got a kick out of watching where 2 eagles would perch

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Harmonious at Epcot preview Disney started to get wildly busy Wednesday

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Moved over to HRH yesterday. Just dawned on me I haven’t looked out the window, yet

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long day yesterday, nice early dinner at finnegans. Lots of walking at HHN. Did see all the houses. Jury is definitely out for all of us there. Hoping for better timing on scares tonight. Planning on a dip in pool when I can rouse the mr Well before jr awakens & hustles us to parks

feet don’t fail me now!:p
Did you watch Harmonious from a spot in Epcot, or from your resort? I've watched a few videos with mixed reviews....what did you think about it?

Looking to be a rainy Sat/Sun, with today still holding onto sunny skies and 82. Will certainly spend some time outside enjoying while it lasts!

Hard to believe it's already October 1st. Where has this year gone? 85 days until Christmas...get those shopping lists organized!!

Hope all the SANS friends in Florida have an awesome time!!!!!!!!!!
Yay, first of October it is Schumi. Nice to get away, family visit, and maybe did some boot shopping today. Hope the weather cleared for a walk this afternoon.

Yep, had a lovely few days and did get new boots this morning and some other things too which was nice, I hate shopping for clothes, but it was nice to walk back to the car laden with bags for the first time in a while....

Enjoy your last full day.

I’m waiting to board. There is a cute little boy sitting across from me. He looks to be about 4 years old. He has a Spider-Man shirt, shoes, mask, backpack, and headphones.

Have a good flight Charade.

Checking in

our room view at BWV was

[ATView attachment 608923
Got a kick out of watching where 2 eagles would perch

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Harmonious at Epcot preview Disney started to get wildly busy Wednesday

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Moved over to HRH yesterday. Just dawned on me I haven’t looked out the window, yet

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long day yesterday, nice early dinner at finnegans. Lots of walking at HHN. Did see all the houses. Jury is definitely out for all of us there. Hoping for better timing on scares tonight. Planning on a dip in pool when I can rouse the mr Well before jr awakens & hustles us to parks

feet don’t fail me now!:p

A Keisha sighting! Glad you`ve been having so much fun so far.....

Pics are lovely......and good to hear about HHN......seems a common view this year that the jury is out.....

Have fun today and tonight too....... 🎃

Have a wonderful visit with your grandson and his family!!!


Sounds like a great day spent with your cousin!!

And awesome that the RP and The Palm experiences went well for your travelers!!

Yay Sue! Have lots and lots of fun!!

Almost there!

Enjoy the last full day Lynne!!

Did you watch Harmonious from a spot in Epcot, or from your resort? I've watched a few videos with mixed reviews....what did you think about it?

Looking to be a rainy Sat/Sun, with today still holding onto sunny skies and 82. Will certainly spend some time outside enjoying while it lasts!

Hard to believe it's already October 1st. Where has this year gone? 85 days until Christmas...get those shopping lists organized!!
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Hope all the SANS friends in Florida have an awesome time!!!!!!!!!!

I was so happy they had a blast Lori as i had arranged a lot for both big phew!!

My cousin is a bit of an enigma......she is a long serving CID officer and can come across as a bit abrasive if you don`t know her, but she has a heart of gold and so funny...I swear I never met anyone who is as naturally funny as she is, so yes, lovely to see her and have a good old catch up in person.

Make the most of your weather Lori before it changes......ours is lovely today, but high winds are around, not as bad as forecast though. But heating is on in the evenings now for a little while. And yes, started my Christmas list a few days ago......I always think I`m quite organised, but this year......nope. I will be though.

Have a great weekend........

Got a good haul at the stores this morning, surprised to find plenty of clothes I liked and did get my yearly new winter boots. Ended up with two pairs of the same ones as they had them in a lovely tan colour too.

Came home and decided the weather was decent enough to walk, so got changed and wandered along the front. Only did 4 miles as the wind was a bit wild, but all my washing I hung out is dry......exciting life really.

Pulled pork with spicy bbq sauce and sweet potato wedges tonight for dinner, slow cooked the pork overnight, smells delicious.
:wave2: It's Friday Afternoon :woohoo: :cheer2:

Heading out early today for an appointment. And the clock seems to be stalling today. My focus in not here today. Took me forever to get my required paperwork completed and sent off. I seen to have the attention span of a flea today. Too many other things happening around me to focus on work today.

Not much planned for the weekend. Puttering around the house and getting ready for next weekend. Everyone will be here Friday - if no more restrictions are implemented.

I received a text from a dear friend on Wednesday night. She had been very sick in the hospital. She actually ended up having very bad pnuemonia in one lung and they wouldn't start antibiotics right away instead making her wait a 3 days for 2 covid tests to come back saying she was negative (on both)for covid :furious: like seriously. She was extremely sick, They were not holding out much hope for her and were calling in family to sit with her. She finally got out yesterday after 10 days in the hospital. She is angry. Her new husband is very angry - and a prominent person in our community. I have a feeling this will be put into full blast around here.

So I'm making a few meals for her and her dh. I gave her a list of meals to choose from. So I will be cooking a few meals for her. Lasagna with zucchini noodles (she is gluten intolerant) beef and barley soup, and seafood chowder (she asked for that one) and I'll whip up some nanaimo bars for her as well as they are her favorite.

Other than that...not much else. Dh and ds are off hunting this weekend. They were finally drawn for some big game - so we are hoping for some to come home.

I see peeps are arriving and meet up will be happening. I'm a little envious right now. I hope everyone has a fantastic time!!!!!

Well, I should get going. Might try to fit in a walk tonight after supper. Korean taco bowls for supper tonight.

Have a great evening everyone....stay safe!!!!!
Love the Golden Girls! It`s a little dated now, but still so funny......and I think most folks know or knew someone a little like Blanche.......well, I certainly
You may never look at me the same way again but...a guy I used to work with once told me I reminded him of Bea Arthur because of some of my facial expressions and quick wit. I hope that doesn't ruin us. :rotfl:'s Friday and I have ordered a pizza from one of my newer Italian places. I have had their pasta which is excellent but not the pizza. It's supposed to be really good! :teeth:

I hope everyone is doing well! :)
Just got in to Sapphire Falls. I’m going to relax a bit before dinner.

My view.

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Lovely view Charade…….I love that hotel too! Have a wonderful time…..

:wave2: It's Friday Afternoon :woohoo: :cheer2:

Heading out early today for an appointment. And the clock seems to be stalling today. My focus in not here today. Took me forever to get my required paperwork completed and sent off. I seen to have the attention span of a flea today. Too many other things happening around me to focus on work today.

Not much planned for the weekend. Puttering around the house and getting ready for next weekend. Everyone will be here Friday - if no more restrictions are implemented.

I received a text from a dear friend on Wednesday night. She had been very sick in the hospital. She actually ended up having very bad pnuemonia in one lung and they wouldn't start antibiotics right away instead making her wait a 3 days for 2 covid tests to come back saying she was negative (on both)for covid :furious: like seriously. She was extremely sick, They were not holding out much hope for her and were calling in family to sit with her. She finally got out yesterday after 10 days in the hospital. She is angry. Her new husband is very angry - and a prominent person in our community. I have a feeling this will be put into full blast around here.

So I'm making a few meals for her and her dh. I gave her a list of meals to choose from. So I will be cooking a few meals for her. Lasagna with zucchini noodles (she is gluten intolerant) beef and barley soup, and seafood chowder (she asked for that one) and I'll whip up some nanaimo bars for her as well as they are her favorite.

Other than that...not much else. Dh and ds are off hunting this weekend. They were finally drawn for some big game - so we are hoping for some to come home.

I see peeps are arriving and meet up will be happening. I'm a little envious right now. I hope everyone has a fantastic time!!!!!

Well, I should get going. Might try to fit in a walk tonight after supper. Korean taco bowls for supper tonight.

Have a great evening everyone....stay safe!!!!!

That is a horrific story Pumpkin!! Goodness me she could have died waiting to be treated, it is the stuff of horror movies.

Yes, that needs to not be forgotten and made very public.

You may never look at me the same way again but...a guy I used to work with once told me I reminded him of Bea Arthur because of some of my facial expressions and quick wit. I hope that doesn't ruin us. :rotfl:'s Friday and I have ordered a pizza from one of my newer Italian places. I have had their pasta which is excellent but not the pizza. It's supposed to be really good! :teeth:

I hope everyone is doing well! :)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I just spluttered my tonic water all over my iPad……..OMG! You do have a very distinctive facial expression at times, but not Bea Arthur…….well, now I need to think back to our many conversations……… do have a quick wit though.

Tom just looked and said no……just no…….lol……nah, won’t ruin us!

I still think you have more than a passing resemblance to an actor, I think I told you once, not sure you’ll remember, but hope you took it as a compliment as it was meant to be!!

Pizza sounds good…….::yes::

Hope mac and Keisha enjoy their tour tonight at HHN…’ll be fabulous I’m sure :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Cant wait to hear all about it.

Almost bedtime here…….we did plan to have a day off of walking again tomorrow, but weather is going to be ok. Cool, as in around 48f early morning, but sun will be shining so might as well.

Then have some baking to do and typical Saturday things……and we all decided we’d like fish and chips from the chippy tomorrow night, so that’s what it is.

But, bacon up first for brunch though, I think since we’ll be out early, don’t want to walk on a tummy full of bacon!

Hope your Friday evening is a good one.
Sitting at SeaTac waiting for connection to MCO! Flight boards in 30 min. Waiting for food at airport kiosk.
Almost missed flight this morning. I set my watch for 2 am. Must have slept through it yikes. A first. Next time I’ll use phone. Got to airport 70 min before flight. Good thing my airport is empty.

I have an alarm clock set to an annoyingly loud sound, and it's across the room. Otherwise, I will just turn it off in my sleep and not even realize it. My husband usually does the alarm on vacation, because he can just set his phone to wake me up and let our son sleep in.

Hope your trip is great!

Checking in

our room view at BWV was

[ATView attachment 608923
Got a kick out of watching where 2 eagles would perch

View attachment 609093
Harmonious at Epcot preview Disney started to get wildly busy Wednesday

View attachment 609101
Moved over to HRH yesterday. Just dawned on me I haven’t looked out the window, yet

View attachment 609102

long day yesterday, nice early dinner at finnegans. Lots of walking at HHN. Did see all the houses. Jury is definitely out for all of us there. Hoping for better timing on scares tonight. Planning on a dip in pool when I can rouse the mr Well before jr awakens & hustles us to parks

feet don’t fail me now!:p

Looks awesome! We bought DVC at BWV summer of last year. This fall will be our first stay with our DVC points. We love the resort. Hope your trip is good!

@macraven @Charade67 Hope your trips are good.

@Lynne G I know your trip is going great:thumbsup2
Quick drop in while waiting for call to get son from band at the football game. Yes we are horrible for not going lol! In my defense I did get my flu shot today and actually came home and took a nap-only went in to work for a couple hours to help with some computer training as I have day off today.
Hit ground running when we got home last sunday-late flight in as we got home around midnight. Had enough time to kill in Charlotte airport we were able to find a pub to have a couple drinks and something to eat. Hubs worked a couple long days then off to lake for his dad's golf tourney he sponsors every year. Feet so swollen from all the walking and time on plane it took until wednesday till they went down-to dog's disappointment. But resumed the daily walks with him then. He's my dog-comes to me first-that when hubs out of town he cried outside the bedroom door. He's not done that since he was a puppy, so yes he got to sleep in my room.
Going to put fall/halloween decorations up this weekend.

Another pic of toda
Gorgeous!! Just gorgeous!!
This cart will give me a little more room for food prep and a little extra storage.
Very cute! When we took the huge island out of our kitchen (really took too much space) we replaced the counter top with butcher block and put it on wheels. Just taking off the overhang made it more reasonable size-and now I can move it out of way by wall or pull into middle of kitchen when we do holiday baking for more counter space. You will love having that flexibility.
We did our 10 miles today after all.
Another gorgeous picture!! Good on keeping up the walking. The dog comes with his big brown eyes and sweet face if I forget or just don't want to walk every day. He's a good motivator.
We did not want to close the park down. We were tired, but great fun with all that was with us.
Ha-we did literally close it down-seth walked with Patty, joe Travis and me to the boats! Fantastic guide. Must do again next year!
Had no idea Polka bands were a real thing..
oh yes....upper midwest weddings growing up had polka bands
Here's our group photo from our tour!
One of these years Sue- you have to try it! I'm a big chicken too, but now I HAVE to do HHN every year!! Safe travels, my friend!!
Yes it is fun and with a group it really isn't bad at all. In fact if you were going to try it this is the year. Unfortunately for us who really like the scares-the vinyl in place kinda telegraphs most scares.
Now my daughter-in-law wants chickens!!
I really really enjoyed talking with her-need to get in touch still-been a busy week. Loved Troy's friends too-they are fun. In fact-can we just be adopted by you? :rotfl2:
A little while ago I got an email from the airline telling me that I can change my flight at no additional charge. There was a button that said “see additional offers”. I clicked it and got “We’re sorry. There are no flights available.” So what was the purpose of that email?
?American? They seem to be doing that alot
Had a lovely stay
So nice that happened! Sounds super relaxing quick break!
received a text from a dear friend on Wednesday night. She had been very sick in the hospital. She actually ended up having very bad pnuemonia in one lung and they wouldn't start antibiotics right away instead making her wait a 3 days for 2 covid tests to come back saying she was negative (on both)for covid
Oh goodness glad she is recovering. I suspect there is this type of thing going on behind all the so called "hospitals too crowded with unvaxed so routine gallbladder patient died" stories. That is just flat out medical malpractice. NO self respecting MD would be involved in WITHOLDING treatment until all tests are back when a condition is evident. They may change some meds (different class of antibiotics once sensitivity culture comes back) but not start at all?
Yes I hope this blows up in the press and HUGELY. This business of avoidance of a single virus at cost of literally everything else has gone on long enough.

Looking forward to hearing from the peeps at HHN now! Glad we went, but I do feel like I had my fill this year. Hoping next year is normal and back to usual scares etc.
Well it is crowded here at hhn but on a private tour so no issues with house waits

Only have 4 more hours in the park
They close at 2 am tonight

Charade … don’t forget to put the porch light on
so I won’t stumble on the porch steps if I come back here later
Nice meal at Amatista with Charade, Sue, Bobbie and her DH. Think we could have talked all night.

Safe travel tomorrow to Sue. I’ll be home tomorrow too. Was nice to meet up with you.

Mac, so glad you are having a great time on touring HHN tonight. Keisha hope you are having fun too.

Some more park fun for me, before that trip back in the evening. Flight still showing will be on time. I hope we get as early arrival as little one did flying home Sunday.

Hope all have a good night, and MonyK has a doggie and me sleeping soon.
Quick post since I need to get some sleep. Had a really nice dinner tonight with Lynne , Bobbie, Bobbie’s husband, and Sue. Unfortunately since we spent so much time talking we forgot to get a picture.

I’m going to try to get up early tomorrow. It it all depends on how well I sleep tonight.
Quick drop in while waiting for call to get son from band at the football game. Yes we are horrible for not going lol! In my defense I did get my flu shot today and actually came home and took a nap-only went in to work for a couple hours to help with some computer training as I have day off today.
Hit ground running when we got home last sunday-late flight in as we got home around midnight. Had enough time to kill in Charlotte airport we were able to find a pub to have a couple drinks and something to eat. Hubs worked a couple long days then off to lake for his dad's golf tourney he sponsors every year. Feet so swollen from all the walking and time on plane it took until wednesday till they went down-to dog's disappointment. But resumed the daily walks with him then. He's my dog-comes to me first-that when hubs out of town he cried outside the bedroom door. He's not done that since he was a puppy, so yes he got to sleep in my room.
Going to put fall/halloween decorations up this weekend.

Gorgeous!! Just gorgeous!!
Very cute! When we took the huge island out of our kitchen (really took too much space) we replaced the counter top with butcher block and put it on wheels. Just taking off the overhang made it more reasonable size-and now I can move it out of way by wall or pull into middle of kitchen when we do holiday baking for more counter space. You will love having that flexibility.
Another gorgeous picture!! Good on keeping up the walking. The dog comes with his big brown eyes and sweet face if I forget or just don't want to walk every day. He's a good motivator.
Ha-we did literally close it down-seth walked with Patty, joe Travis and me to the boats! Fantastic guide. Must do again next year!
oh yes....upper midwest weddings growing up had polka bands

Yes it is fun and with a group it really isn't bad at all. In fact if you were going to try it this is the year. Unfortunately for us who really like the scares-the vinyl in place kinda telegraphs most scares.
I really really enjoyed talking with her-need to get in touch still-been a busy week. Loved Troy's friends too-they are fun. In fact-can we just be adopted by you? :rotfl2:
?American? They seem to be doing that alot
So nice that happened! Sounds super relaxing quick break!
Oh goodness glad she is recovering. I suspect there is this type of thing going on behind all the so called "hospitals too crowded with unvaxed so routine gallbladder patient died" stories. That is just flat out medical malpractice. NO self respecting MD would be involved in WITHOLDING treatment until all tests are back when a condition is evident. They may change some meds (different class of antibiotics once sensitivity culture comes back) but not start at all?
Yes I hope this blows up in the press and HUGELY. This business of avoidance of a single virus at cost of literally everything else has gone on long enough.

Looking forward to hearing from the peeps at HHN now! Glad we went, but I do feel like I had my fill this year. Hoping next year is normal and back to usual scares etc.

Hope you feel ok after the jab Monyk.....and no reactions to it.....sounds like a busy time and I`m sure you`ll be forgiven for not going!

Puppy sounds so cute though, and yes dogs are a great motivator forwalking, you don`t really have a choice with them, but so good for fitness. I know Tom would love a dog one day, just not yet.....

You said theexact same words as one of my cousins about HHN.....glad they went, but that was enough.

Have a great weekend......

Well it is crowded here at hhn but on a private tour so no issues with house waits

Only have 4 more hours in the park
They close at 2 am tonight

Charade … don’t forget to put the porch light on
so I won’t stumble on the porch steps if I come back here later

Sounds like you are having a ball tonight on your Private tour.........don`t forget to give the Keisha family a big hug from me....... ::yes::

Quick post since I need to get some sleep. Had a really nice dinner tonight with Lynne , Bobbie, Bobbie’s husband, and Sue. Unfortunately since we spent so much time talking we forgot to get a picture.

I’m going to try to get up early tomorrow. It it all depends on how well I sleep tonight.

Hope you have a good sleep makes all the difference.

Earlyish night for us last night, and today although still pitch black, looks as if it`ll be decent once the sun is up.....46F right now, but I did buy some warmer long sleeve tee shirts yesterday for under the fleecy jacket, think I may need a wamer fleecy soon or wear a proper walking jacket.

Not sure if the usual friends are joining us this morning, it is a little chilly, but the ones with the dogs are I know that, we`ll wait and see when we park at the beach.

Forgot to say, I finished the book Metro West recommended...Chasing the Boogeyman a few days ago, it was very good and rather a unique perspective, I`d read it again, thanks again Todd for the suggestion.

Cup of tea time before waiting for the light to come up.




Have a wonderful Saturday and weekend :flower1:
Morning all. So many meet ups going on! Shame no photo Charade but you have the memories in your head.

Pumpkin glad your friend is recovering but can’t understand why they didn’t treat her immediately. Healthcare is a hit and miss affair these days.

I was up early with Louie snd the sunrise was really beautiful. With so many trees gone we have an open sky to one side now

The children are away this weekend so we are getting jobs done and I am going to do some meal prep as the fridge is stacked with produce I don’t want to waste.

Hope those still away continue to have a wonderful time and those arriving home clear the laundry quickly!

Happy Saturday all.
Ah yes, last of the tea for me.

Had a excellent time enjoying the parks and some of the stores and restaurants around in the area. But the time has come, back to that routine. But happy to be in my own bed tonight. While I have no trouble with the two beds I was in, still, it’s good to be back in my own bed.

Was very happy the rain held off most of my stay. Though arrived in a nice heavy downpour, and saw some good thunderstorms that soaked many an HHN goer. But happy to say, did not interfere with any of my plans, and only had a few drops on me as trotted from boat to inside. Then we watched the rain from our window at Strong Water, and wandered back to my Royal room after the rain stopped. The other, was when at pool, and did get some more swim in, before lightning in area cleared pool. But oddly, most of the rain was in the evenings, most of the night too. But that stormy Sunday I came, was the lowest and nicest way to walk into the HHN houses, and go to the show without much waiting, when MonyK and I decided to go to HHN until after the rain had stopped. Though was so muggy that night, even after the rain. But then a few days later, dry and not as humid weather. In fact, last couple of days, there’s been a breeze. But still enjoy it hot out.

So, I’m packed up, will check out, leave my bags, and enjoy the last of my fun times, until next year. Already plotting and thinking of when to use my flight funds before they expire, as both little one and I have some.

So super sized Saturday to all the homies.

Safe travels to Sue this morning.

And safe travels to arriving DisneyLife.
Have a safe flight home tonight Lynne.....

Hope mac and Keisha are sleeping late after their private RIP tour last did sound like a lot of fun was had!!

Funny old day today.....was quite mild and calm this morning for our walk, so it was a pleasand 8 miles and only the friends with the dogs and one of their daughters joined us 4. But, now, it`s windier and not very nice to look out to. No plans to go out the rest of today, except they`ll pop out for the fish and chips for tonights dinner.

Baking this afternoon and plan to cook diced beef in Ale overnight tonight for tomorrow`s dinner, have it already soaking in ale now so should be delicious.

Enjoyed some bacon for brunch when we came in from our walk and it was good!

Time for a large pot of tea now and a scone........


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