Something About Nothing ... #12

Morning! Working my way through the coffee this am. Boy woke us up with ear pain at 4:14 am. then back up at 7 to take middle to last day of summer school/PE. Tired.

Meal plans-looked at meal plan for August trip, tried to make numbers work but just can't-not even if middle eats steak daily. We (adults) like to have a drink or two while touring FW, and I want to try some offerings at AK. Plus we like the Brown Derby lounge at DHS. I promise we aren't alcoholics, but we are on vacation:) Thinking of TiW instead as when I run numbers we will save a couple hundred.

Thanks for reminder @Lynne G on the eggs-ran out to look for crazy chicken-heard her clucking and found her spot. Tossed her into coop in nesting box as I didn't see egg at first (boy was she mad at being locked in!). Went to uncover her hidey hole and there is an egg-still pretty warm-so just missed her laying. So I put the dang egg in a nesting box to hopefully guide her there tomorrow. Heard another chicken squawk after I let crazy one out so I am sure she took her upset out on another hen...

Tacos/nachos for dinner lunch/dinner tonight.
MonyK ear pain is the worse!

Hope it is still not with youse

Haven't been on the boards much today
Just taking it easy

Saw our gas prices are $1.75
Too bad I don't need gas

Hope all doing fine
ugh.. .cold pizza is just so gross. I can't do cold tomato sauce. Pizza is probably the perfect food, but it has to be hot! (or at least luke warm)

I avoid Epcot during the F&W festival.. It's like the whole park gets one big drunk on and I can't deal with that at all.
I went three times this year during F&W and it wasn't like that at all. However- we weren't there on a Friday or Saturday night.
Not really a rumor as July 1 should be the start of ep for potterville

But t not sure how lines will changed

Hope they don't take it t the srl for ep

I use the srl as very little wait time
I had no idea they were starting that. I need to pay better attention. We'll see how that will affect my group on July 3rd.

I was going to read more and reply to more but child #3 is yelling for me. Maybe someday I'll be able to put him to bed and not have to return to his room until morning.
Good Morning! Ah, another quite nice sleeping night. Beautiful starry sky, and 58 degree low. Getting warmer though, but the unseasonably cool couple of days has been refreshing. Low humidity, bright sun, few clouds. However, that high is starting to slide off the coast, so hot and soupy, and wet, low weather system is arriving soon. Expecting our 3rd heat wave to start on Friday. While 68 right now, oh so slightly steamy 89 by this afternoon. Hello AC. Glad to have the house cool and dry. Closed up the windows this morning. And with heat, rain is coming. Hopefully overnight would be nice.

So, in honor of this warmer Thursday, drink up homies. Thirsty Thursday is upon us.

oh - --
. Guess my next dog will be Tea. :D

and a funny for MonyK. Is this your crazy chicken?

With that, I have to get another cup of tea.

Monyk aw, that stinks. Hope the youngling feeling better today.

Re gas, saw on the national news the prices have dropped. Ha not in western PA. Put in a little over 3/4 of tank yesterday & it broke $40. Approx a $1 more a gallon than mac reported, so grrreattt to live in the state of taxes.
Taxes high on booze & smokes too. I get the hit the vices up but gas is a need not a want.

They are proposing video gaming here outside of the casinos. I'm all for it if the funds will take some heat off the taxpayers. Currently, those funds are directed to the needy seniors as to prescription help (PACE), etc.

I'm only buying the mouse plan, as since we are going over Christmas, I am assuming higher holiday pricing, and at least I am fixed on the price months ago. Already it's increased a few dollars more than I paid so far. Plus, with the crowds, having a sit down meal once a day is a good reprieve. I agree though, the quality is lower and lower. And for me, not a drinker, I rarely have alcohol with my meal, let alone just drink as I tour. Not doing any plan for my solo trip. When it's hot, I don't eat as much. The last time we had the plan was 5 years ago, and that was when we got the table plan free with a POP stay. Most of the time, we do military or TA room only, military tickets, and OOP dining. Either way, food prices are getting so high.

Yes we find we eat little when it's really hot in MCO. Might have something to do with staying hydrated all the liquid fills up our gullets.

Now the GD, well she's looking for food every 2 hours this summer. I'm planning on making a grocery stop & gettting a ton of prepackaged snacks to drag into the park along with usual bottled water/Gatorade or she'll bankrupt me lol.

Need to whittle down the TS i have booked sometime today. There is such a thing as too many character meals

I've yet to get TIW numbers to work for us. Really don't drink much when in MCO, the heat & all. We have our favorite restuarants just offsite of WDW, especially enjoy doing lunch during afternoon breaks or pre parks when doing pm EMH. Savings more than pay for the rental car most trips.

Now & again will do a real steakhouse but up in convention area.

Steak is decent @ Miller's roadhouse & they have tons of other offerings and drinks are cheap :drinking1GD says their chicken & dumpling soup is excellent. It's the sort of sports bar we enjoy @ home. I get a kick out of seeing all the people in their uniforms dining there that work in the industry enjoying themselves too. We don't have sweet tomatoes at home, always try to work it into the rotation. No Buffalo Wild Wings near us either, usually make a stop.

In the parks we do enjoy BoG (lunch & dinner now & again), Garden Grill/CPalace, Kona & Coral Reef. Like yak & yeti, especially how without an ADR we go to FOTL with the Landry's card;)

@ Universal we eat onsite, period:goodvibes
-- I hear ya Keisha. Gas went up a penny from last week. Sigh. Need for me too. At least we don't get taxed on most clothing.

Ear pain is not fun at all. Hope your ear is not hurting anymore MonyK. Has crazy chicken used the nesting box yet?

Kolby, hope kid number 3 is sleeping and you're enjoying a quiet morning. I was lucky, both kids are good sleepers. Both are tired from working with those camp kids. Always a hard start, then fond memories by the time camp ends in 8 weeks. So nice to have them working together.

Yep, Mac. It's Thursday. While camel tends to only appear on Wednesdays, like a glass of wine, appropriate any time.

IMG_0585.jpg The current fav read here
Lynne that's nice your kids worked a camp, builds character and also helps to pad the collegiate application Glad those days of filling out forms are over!
Morning Sans family :wave:.

Getting things ready to leave with hubby on his hunting trip. Looking at weather through some areas on our way to our final destination in South Dakota. Tornados in Iowa. Hope the weather settles down for trip departure in the am.

The Bad Kitty book series looks cute Keisha.

Granddaughter is a Riley's kid and while she was in the hospital in Indianapolis many years ago they were having a book sale and she saw this.

We laughed so hard reading these books.
Now the GD, well she's looking for food every 2 hours this summer. I'm planning on making a grocery stop & gettting a ton of prepackaged snacks to drag into the park along with usual bottled water/Gatorade or she'll bankrupt me lol.
Those prepackaged things aren't cheap either but definitely cheaper than in park. This has me worried-my son and I have 3 days before the rest catches up with us-promised him some pool time and Sorcerers game at MK-he eats every 2-3 hours too. At least we can stop for groceries the night we get in before DD takes her car to her housing complex!

Steak is decent @ Miller's roadhouse & they have tons of other offerings and drinks are cheap :drinking1GD says their chicken & dumpling soup is excellent. It's the sort of sports bar we enjoy @ home. I get a kick out of seeing all the people in their uniforms dining there that work in the industry enjoying themselves too. We don't have sweet tomatoes at home, always try to work it into the rotation. No Buffalo Wild Wings near us either, usually make a stop.
LOve love love Millers ale house! It has become our 1st night tradition! Stumbled upon HH a couple years ago-generous portions, good prices good drinks.
We won't have a car full time this august trip-depends on DD's schedule. Convinced DH we didn't need a rental as we can utilize disney transport (including Magical Express) and save some $$ this trip...but I am already feeling "trapped". We have never ever not had a car at WDW...we are at SSR though, so hoping we can find some cheaper eats at DS. BWW is OK but I think they are overpriced for the wings. Haven't been to Sweet TOmatoes yet-probably on November trip. ANd we have a Laundry gift card from a couple years ago as a gift-totally forgot that we can use that at Yak&Yeti!!!. Once I figure out rough plan for November guess I will stalk an ADR there.

Tornados in Iowa
Yeah these clashing fronts are NOT fun. We take tornadoes seriously here. Am in Joplin today where the F5 devastated so much of the town 6 years ago-in fact where I work here I can see a large part of the rebuild. Trees are finally starting to show some variance in height again. Be safe! and hope the weather settles down for you!

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I have a hen who looks just like this-this is the crazy hide-my-egg layer and also the leader of the mean girls. I put her egg in a nesting box yesterday, but this am I discovered the roo had camped out in that box (her favorite) last night. So I moved the egg but that may be the problem-He is still pretty sweet but he is starting to get a bit bolder around the big girls. They pecked him back into his place last night but that ain't gonna last much longer.
Hot and humid starting back here too. Gonna have to freeze some meal worms into ice cubes for the hens to pack at and stay hydrated/cool. The kids can take care of themselves:rotfl:
Am in Joplin today where the F5 devastated so much of the town 6 years ago-in fact where I work here I can see a large part of the rebuild. Trees are finally starting to show some variance in height again. Be safe! and hope the weather settles down for you!

I remember hearing about that. Yep, tornado's are nothing to take lightly. We had a F3 come through our area in November 2005. Not typical for them to hit this area that time of year. Struck about 2 am and millions in damage many lives lost. A local weather man went on the TV and radio asking people who had family in my town to call their family and friends and let them know to take cover as the tornado was heading right for us. That man saved lots of lives that night.

My sister called me at 2 am and it hit at 2:05 am. The sound was deafening, devastation and debris terrible. The entrance to our town was shut down by the National Guard. I will never forget that night.

My heart was saddened deeply when I learned how many folks died both young and old. We were lucky. You can always repair and rebuild, but you can not return lives that are taken so tragically. I can't imagine going through a F5. My heart goes out to folks when I see that on the news.
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Guess who's almost done packing? I'm actually looking forward to sitting in GD's gym this morning just to not look at the mess my house has become in the process. Talk about a tornado hitting.

Family invited themselves for pizza & hoagies to see us off. Um not working with my time table but how can i resist? I stocked the house with picnic food for them to come & hang out here & have a pool party on the 4th. Town has a big FW display.

YUP! The way my week has gone, I am not surprised at all!

Booking last minute flight changes is brutal on the SWA RR Points. I wouldn't recommend it!!!

Packing suitcases...again.

Why, yes it is! We r sneaking in a trip after Thanksgiving. I only agreed when the mr said he'd 'eat' the airfare on the way down that Saturday.:rolleyes1No way was i going to blow thru my SWA RR points on one stinkin flight. Booked over the weekend, he put on his CC. No flights open on Friday & just 1 lousy connecting flight thru ATL on Saturday. Yesterday, when checking my fights, saw that all saturday's NS flights magically opened up & we now have a small credit. Go figure lol
Morning Sans family :wave:.

Getting things ready to leave with hubby on his hunting trip. Looking at weather through some areas on our way to our final destination in South Dakota. Tornados in Iowa. Hope the weather settles down for trip departure in the am.

The Bad Kitty book series looks cute Keisha.

Granddaughter is a Riley's kid and while she was in the hospital in Indianapolis many years ago they were having a book sale and she saw this.
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View attachment 247663

We laughed so hard reading these books.

Never heard of that series, will have to look, thanks.

Those prepackaged things aren't cheap either but definitely cheaper than in park. This has me worried-my son and I have 3 days before the rest catches up with us-promised him some pool time and Sorcerers game at MK-he eats every 2-3 hours too. At least we can stop for groceries the night we get in before DD takes her car to her housing complex!

LOve love love Millers ale house! It has become our 1st night tradition! Stumbled upon HH a couple years ago-generous portions, good prices good drinks.
We won't have a car full time this august trip-depends on DD's schedule. Convinced DH we didn't need a rental as we can utilize disney transport (including Magical Express) and save some $$ this trip...but I am already feeling "trapped". We have never ever not had a car at WDW...we are at SSR though, so hoping we can find some cheaper eats at DS. BWW is OK but I think they are overpriced for the wings. Haven't been to Sweet TOmatoes yet-probably on November trip. ANd we have a Laundry gift card from a couple years ago as a gift-totally forgot that we can use that at Yak&Yeti!!!. Once I figure out rough plan for November guess I will stalk an ADR there.

Yeah these clashing fronts are NOT fun. We take tornadoes seriously here. Am in Joplin today where the F5 devastated so much of the town 6 years ago-in fact where I work here I can see a large part of the rebuild. Trees are finally starting to show some variance in height again. Be safe! and hope the weather settles down for you!

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I have a hen who looks just like this-this is the crazy hide-my-egg layer and also the leader of the mean girls. I put her egg in a nesting box yesterday, but this am I discovered the roo had camped out in that box (her favorite) last night. So I moved the egg but that may be the problem-He is still pretty sweet but he is starting to get a bit bolder around the big girls. They pecked him back into his place last night but that ain't gonna last much longer.
Hot and humid starting back here too. Gonna have to freeze some meal worms into ice cubes for the hens to pack at and stay hydrated/cool. The kids can take care of themselves:rotfl:

Believe there was a dis'er couple that perished in that storm, such a shame.

Tornados rare here, we take them very seriously. Lots of unsettled weather forecast today. Not thrilled to see more hail. Up until the last few years only happened a few times i can recall. More this year thus far, eeeeek

The best part of the landry's card is you don't need an ADR! Whaaaaaat, flexibility @ WDW hahahaha. Every time people are stacked up outside Y&Y, we walk up & are green-lighted within 5 minutes.:goodvibes. has worked to a lesser degree @ TREX. Had a late ADR, showing the card 3 hours earlier, we 'only' waited 20 minutes. That's a win there lol.
i'm guessing robo has started her trip at this point to the wild wild west.
well first stop iowa but its right near the wild west adventure.

one tip robo, don't drink a lot of coffee before you start the car travel.

have a safe journey and come back in one piece.

happy friday all.

keisha, what a nice way to start friday morning by watching little in the gym.


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