Single Parent Support Thread

Thanks for starting this thread!

I'm a mom of a 8 year old DD and a 4 year old (this week!) DS. I've been single since I was pregnant with my second. Not so much as a date.:sad1: I am planning my first trip to Disneyland this fall with some family (my mom said she'd take each grandkid when they turn 8) But next year, will be the big one where I take both my kids to Disney World. I'm so excited for it!
Hi Everyone!! I am the single mom of 2 dd's. We are making our 3rd trip to WDW in Aug. :woohoo: My friends have told me that I'm brave to take my dd's by myself. I don't feel that way at all, we have a great time when we go.
I have been a single mom for 5yrs since my ex left me for a girl 10yrs younger than me(ouch!) He sees the girls a few times a week but does not really pay any kind of support to speak of.
I don't have any family except for my dd's. Everyone has passed away.
I have been on a few dating sites, and did have a long-term boyfriend for a while but it just didn't work out. I have dated a lot of guys but I don't think it's the right time for me right now. :confused3
I'm so glad I found this thread.
I'm in! I became a single mom about 2.5 years ago when I adopted my son. Love it but, yes, there are some times when I wish I had a little help.:rolleyes:

I took my son to Disney last December when he was 22 months. He did fine but I was a mess. It was more work than I ever anticipated -- especially dealing with the food court at POP. I was completely exhausted at the end of the week but am already planning (in my head, at least) our next trip...possibly in fall of 2011.

We saw TSIII this morning and had a blast! I couldn't help but notice how Andy's mom still appears to be a single mom -- you go, animated girl!!
Too funny, I noticed that too after watching the first two last week and then when i took DD1 yesterday noticed the picture of her and the 2 kids sans dad.
Yay!! A few more joined in! Welcome! :cool1:

Just a quick pop in before I do some crunches (yeah, not as fun as DIS-ing). If I don't get back tonight, I hope everybody has a great night!
I hope I'm welcome here, I was a single mom for 5 years (boyfriend split once I told him I was pregnant) and then almost 2 years ago I bit the bullet and got married. Always said I'd never do it, but I did. I hate to say but I find being married harder than being a single I met my husband, got engaged 7 weeks later, got pregnant 2 months after that and then was married and had DD all in a total of 12 months. It was a huge life adjustment for DD6 and myself. We moved, she got a step dad and a sister all in a few months. She is such a great kid though and while she had some trouble at first she quickly got over it when her sister arrived. She is so in love with her and visa versa!
I've been taking DD6 to Disney by myself since she was 7 months old and I've had no problems. My husband came once for DD's 4th birthday and he hated it. He doesn't like the heat, crowds, traveling or waiting for anything. It was just an awful, awful trip....never again. When DD1 arrived, he thought I'd stop traveling because I couldn't possibly handle two kids. That was what he thought, but I knew differently. I took both DD's when they were 15 months and 6 (turned 6 while there). It was not super easy to get kids and luggage into airport, but once we got there it was just fine. With both kids I've used a hip hammock to carry them around the parks (with DD6 I did it from 7 months to 2.5 years) when it's close to nap time or they looked tired so that they could sleep and rides could still be done without interrupting the nap and it's worked perfectly. I also put her in the hammock at the end of the night so that if she falls asleep either before we leave the park or while waiting for the bus I don't have to wake her up by taking her out of the stroller to get on the bus. Again it's worked like a charm so far. DD1 is not a good sleeper but she didn't wake up even when I'd get to the room and change her diaper and put her in the crib. I am now planning trip number 2 with my DD's and we'll be leaving in 2 months and 1 day. I'm so excited as DD1 is now really into the Disney characters and loves Mickey, Pooh, Tigger and Toy Story characters especially Woody. I'm thinking of being a little more crazy and see if my dad will let me take my DB who is 8. My DB8 and DD6 get along really good and I think they would have a blast on the rides together plus DB8 has never been as my dad has no desire to go. DSM still hasn't been able to convince him. I take my kids everywhere, camping, movies, out to eat, zoo, park, etc by myself and usually try to bring my DB8 as my dad and DSM are older and don't really do those kinds of things so I know he'd be fine and listens really well to me.

So for all you single moms/dads don't worry about taking them yourself, just relax and go with the flow and it'll be a wonderful memory making experience!!!
My friends have told me that I'm brave to take my dd's by myself. I don't feel that way at all, we have a great time when we go.

I've had people say the same to me, but I've always replied that WDW is the perfect vacation spot for single parents. I love that I can check our bags at the airport and not worry about them again. There's no need to rent a car and drive in an unfamiliar place. There's a ton of stuff for both DD and I to do. I can use the Kids Clubs if I want a night to have some time to myself. And DD and I have a blast.

As for dating, I'm in the "I don't have time for that" camp. I was in a long-term relationship with someone, but when DD really started to have problems, he made it known that marriage was not in the cards. He didn't want to have to deal with her issues on a day to day basis. It hurt, but I'm honestly better off without him. DD is my first priority and will always be that. I'm focused on her right now and I'm at peace with that.
Good Morning, just checking in - excited to see my ticker under the 60 day mark! I think I'm going to go for a walk at lunch today since it's supposed to be 95 and HUMID in NJ here today to prep for our August trip :rotfl:

Everyone have a great day!
Good Morning!

Single MN mom here! We have been to Disney many times (I work for an airline so air fare is free) just the 3 of us :) I have 2 boys ages 16 & 9--we are very busy with sports & school activities. My oldest son just told me this week that he doesn't want to play football this year so I have been trying to re-arrange our August trip. I originally had everything planned for 8/4-8/11 now I'm pricing out different weeks in August to find the cheapest deal. We are going to stay at the ASSports--CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Anyone else going in August??

After our cruise we're staying at WL from August 3rd to the 7th. Only 36 days until we leave for the world!!!
Just a quick pop in to say hello! Another long day for me, I'm getting a few hours in on a research project with my class group tonight.
joining in!! im a single mom to my DS. he is 9 month old. we r taking his 1st disney trip oct celebrating his 1 bday. it is very hard i work and im in college studing respiratory since he was 2 months. i dont graduate till dec 11 but im sure it will be worth it. i am a little worried with being so busy that he will think grandma is mom. im so thankful my mom helps me!!

Mom's are awesome. :banana::banana: My mom has been a huge help with my son. The coolest thing about having my son is seeing how much joy he has brought to my parents and how much they love being Grandma and Grandpa.

Your son will have a special bond with both you and your mom. My son was a C-section and my wound reopened so I had 2 months of home care so my mom was a godsend helping out with my son while I was being taken care of then I went back to work full time when he was 3 months old - my mom watched him until he was 18 months old.

She didn't want to stop but she had breast cancer and needed a mascestomy - it was torture for her to not be able to hold him for 2 months while she healed and he didn't understand why Grandma couldn't cuddle him. It was heartbreaking for both of them. Thankfully, my mom is now cancer free and strong again. I pulled him from day home for the summer because she wants to have the summer to hang out with him before he starts school. I am so lucky to have the mom I have! :love:

We went to Hawaii last month to celebrate her being cancer free and she is also joining us in Disney in November. My dad is afraid to fly so my mom has to travel with us which I love and my son loves it even more because he gets all of Grandma and Mommy's attention on him.
Mom's are awesome. :banana::banana: My mom has been a huge help with my son. The coolest thing about having my son is seeing how much joy he has brought to my parents and how much they love being Grandma and Grandpa.

Your son will have a special bond with both you and your mom. My son was a C-section and my wound reopened so I had 2 months of home care so my mom was a godsend helping out with my son while I was being taken care of then I went back to work full time when he was 3 months old - my mom watched him until he was 18 months old.

She didn't want to stop but she had breast cancer and needed a mascestomy - it was torture for her to not be able to hold him for 2 months while she healed and he didn't understand why Grandma couldn't cuddle him. It was heartbreaking for both of them. Thankfully, my mom is now cancer free and strong again. I pulled him from day home for the summer because she wants to have the summer to hang out with him before he starts school. I am so lucky to have the mom I have! :love:

We went to Hawaii last month to celebrate her being cancer free and she is also joining us in Disney in November. My dad is afraid to fly so my mom has to travel with us which I love and my son loves it even more because he gets all of Grandma and Mommy's attention on him.

Congrats to ur mom for cancer free! im really glad she is here. i was actually on bedrest for 5 months with DS. the 1 st month was the worst casue i was in the hospitol and my mom was off for the summer casue the works for the school system and she came eveeryday! i wouldve went crazy without her company. im glad everything went well with you!!
Congrats to ur mom for cancer free! im really glad she is here. i was actually on bedrest for 5 months with DS. the 1 st month was the worst casue i was in the hospitol and my mom was off for the summer casue the works for the school system and she came eveeryday! i wouldve went crazy without her company. im glad everything went well with you!!

Wow, 5 months of bedrest must not have been easy - I can't imagine how difficult it must have been. I am glad that you have such an awesome mom who is there for you. What a great way to celebrate your son's first birthday by taking him to Disney. I could not imagine life without my son - he makes everything worthwhile and fun. I hope you have the best Disney trip ever with tonnes of Pixie Dust - you have had a long year and half so it is time to just have fun with your son. You are one amazing mom!:banana:
Hey everybody!

I had a rollercoaster of a day in the emotions department. An employee's daughter is having a rough time right now. Quite a bit of behind the scenes stuff had to take place to assist (ex. scheduling a vacation day, so today wouldn't count toward her attendance). Very stressful. It would be wonderful if you could think about her & her daughter and send some pixie dust their way.

I am mentally exhausted and am nearly knocked out from a nice relaxing shower.
Hey everybody!

I had a rollercoaster of a day in the emotions department. An employee's daughter is having a rough time right now. Quite a bit of behind the scenes stuff had to take place to assist (ex. scheduling a vacation day, so today wouldn't count toward her attendance). Very stressful. It would be wonderful if you could think about her & her daughter and send some pixie dust their way.

I am mentally exhausted and am nearly knocked out from a nice relaxing shower.

Have a great sleep and I will be sending Pixie Dust their way. :wizard: Take care!
Browsing through these posts - there don't seem to be many single dads around.

My daughter turned 5 last April. We've been on our own since October of 2005. We came home one day to find Mom (as well as most of her stuff) gone. We didn't hear a peep from her for several months, when she called me from New York, and wanted a divorce. She came last August for a visit (arrived Thursday PM and left first thing on Sunday).

We've been to Disneyland twice, and went to WDW for her birthday this year. I am planning on taking her back in December. She deserves a nce Christmas, and with just the 2 of us, I never get too fancy with the decorations.

Browsing through these posts - there don't seem to be many single dads around.

My daughter turned 5 last April. We've been on our own since October of 2005. We came home one day to find Mom (as well as most of her stuff) gone. We didn't hear a peep from her for several months, when she called me from New York, and wanted a divorce. She came last August for a visit (arrived Thursday PM and left first thing on Sunday).

We've been to Disneyland twice, and went to WDW for her birthday this year. I am planning on taking her back in December. She deserves a nce Christmas, and with just the 2 of us, I never get too fancy with the decorations.

She is just beautiful. I'm always amazed how any parent can just walk out on their child. It would take death for me to do so and even then I'd be there right beside my kids watching over them.
ATSRDW - hope things are better for your co-worker - thinking good thoughts for her daughter

Santadad - Welcome! My daughter's father decided he didn't want to be a dad to her anymore also, he's made no attempt to contact her or see her, nor does he help out financially in any way. I look at it as his loss much more than hers, but I do feel bad my daughter has a father who is so neglectful. Luckily she is super close with my father, they are best buddies and she has several other positive male role models in my uncles and my brother so she doesn't have the same sense of loss with her dad not being around. She doesn't even remember him since she was 14 months old when we split up and she just turned 5. I am always very happy to see some great dads out there!

Busy day at work for me today - hope everyone has a good day!
Another sneaky post from work. My employee's daughter is out of danger. She is doing better but has a long road.

Have a great day! Welcome to our newest single dad!
I decided on our new dates:) August 15-22nd ASSports :). I was able to make 5 of my 7 dining reservations today! Not all are ideal times but they'll do. This will be our 10th trip (or so) to Disney & believe it or not we have never done EPCOT :confused3-- I purchased 2 days of tickets & we are using our Disney volunteer tickets. So we will have 3 days of parks, maybe a day at Sea World, 2RELAX/POOL days, & 1 Downtown day.

YEAH!!!!!!:cheer2::hug: Anyone else??

I decided on our new dates:) August 15-22nd ASSports :). I was able to make 5 of my 7 dining reservations today! Not all are ideal times but they'll do. This will be our 10th trip (or so) to Disney & believe it or not we have never done EPCOT :confused3-- I purchased 2 days of tickets & we are using our Disney volunteer tickets. So we will have 3 days of parks, maybe a day at Sea World, 2RELAX/POOL days, & 1 Downtown day.

YEAH!!!!!!:cheer2::hug: Anyone else??


Have you thought about Gatorland? We had a ball there last year.


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