Single Parent Support Thread

I haven't dated since my daughter's father and I split up. I really could find the time if I wanted to, but I don't really want to, i hope someday that will change LOL! My daughter is 5 TODAY :-)love: ) and we haven't seen or heard from her dad since she was 14 months old ( :rolleyes1 ). I agree with one of the previous posters that you never know when you could meet someone, I just haven't been looking either :lmao: Great to have this little group to chat with!

When my daughter woke up this morning she said I'm 5 today - are we going to Disney world now...hahahahaha, I'm like, no, not until August! When am I going to learn not to tell her stuff too far ahead of time :rotfl:
I haven't dated since my daughter's father and I split up. I really could find the time if I wanted to, but I don't really want to, i hope someday that will change LOL! My daughter is 5 TODAY :-)love: ) and we haven't seen or heard from her dad since she was 14 months old ( :rolleyes1 ). I agree with one of the previous posters that you never know when you could meet someone, I just haven't been looking either :lmao: Great to have this little group to chat with!

When my daughter woke up this morning she said I'm 5 today - are we going to Disney world now...hahahahaha, I'm like, no, not until August! When am I going to learn not to tell her stuff too far ahead of time :rotfl:

Happy birthday to your daughter!

I too am glad we have a group to chat with.
I haven't dated since my daughter's father and I split up. I really could find the time if I wanted to, but I don't really want to, i hope someday that will change LOL! My daughter is 5 TODAY :-)love: ) and we haven't seen or heard from her dad since she was 14 months old ( :rolleyes1 ). :rotfl:

Jumping on the bandwagon here..!:dance3:

I've been a single mom for 1.5 yrs; was married for 13yrs. I will be taking DS6 to Disney in August as a birthday present (even though his 7th bday is 'til September). He went with me in 2007 but only did 2 days of Disney since I was stuck in a business conference for the majority of the time.

There is definitely huge struggles being a single parent especially if you don't have the other parent to help... but hey we've been trotting right along pretty good. And I am one lucky person that has a great support from my family, wouldn't had made it this much without them.:worship:

Looking forward to making some new friends! :wizard:

I've been a single parent since March when my husband passed away after a long illness. My daughter is 7 and my son is 5 months old. We just got back from our first vacation alone. I took them to Virginia Beach for 5 nights. It was a lot of work as my son isn't event sitting upright on his own yet. Add to that it was his first time away from home. Va Beach is 3.5 hrs away for us, so I drove and I brought quite a few of his things (infant rocker, boppy pillow, comforter, 3 blankets). Lots of lifting for just me, but worth it. I needed to give my mind a break and get us away from the hustle and bustle of our daily routine. While we were gone I talked to my daughter about why we were away-that it was important for us to spend time together like that, where we could just hang out together.

We had an ocean front room at a Holiday Inn. We did the aquarium, zoo, a dolphin watch boat tour, played in the hotel pool and on the beach. I put my son's feet in the ocean for the first time and he loved it. He also loved the sand-ICK! Not the introduction to solids I had in mind. Other than that he stretched out under the tent I bought and watched his sister play in the sand. He also took a nap in it while my daughter and I played in the waves. Love that tent, so worth the money.

Quite a few people say they could never have done that beach trip, but for the most part, it went smoothly. My husband was sick for quite a while so my daughter and I had traveled alone before and at 5 months old, my son just went with the flow as long as I didn’t let him get too hungry and he could nap. Although the Godparents (who are beyond amazing) said we could take vacations together, I know a lot of times I'll be on my own. Plus, I feel like it's important for me to have time alone with my children. And I will admit to being pretty proud of myself after our trip.

Like the OP said, it may feel like I'm the only single mom, but far from it. So while it looks extraordinary to many, most of the time I just feel like I do what I have to do. People's eyes widened and their mouths drop when they see me holding an infant and find out my husband is dead, but I also frequent a young widow's board and I couldn't believe how many moms lost their husbands either while pregnant or right after their baby was born like I did. It is is really hard, but I know my husband would want us to enjoy life and being the fighter he was he wouldn't have "let go" and left if he didn't think I could do this.

Onward and upward I hope. I'm hoping to do a surprise Disney trip with them for my daughter's fall break this year. It will just be 4 days so we'll likely just do MK or 3 day of MK and one day of HS, so there's no pressure (can't see it all anyway) and I'm motivated to do it again.

Hugs to all
Welcome! I will make a proper post this evening when I have something more than my phone.
LUVMY2BABIES, you should be so proud of yourself, you are doing such wonderful things for your children all while grieving the loss of your husband. Welcome :)

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I hope my little girl is enjoying her day at school, we brought cupcakes for snack today. Can't wait to get out of work today. My parents are coming over, we are making tacos (my daughter's favorite!) for dinner and Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream Cupcakes for dessert! Family and friends party on Friday to celebrate too :cheer2:
Good Morning!

Single MN mom here! We have been to Disney many times (I work for an airline so air fare is free) just the 3 of us :) I have 2 boys ages 16 & 9--we are very busy with sports & school activities. My oldest son just told me this week that he doesn't want to play football this year so I have been trying to re-arrange our August trip. I originally had everything planned for 8/4-8/11 now I'm pricing out different weeks in August to find the cheapest deal. We are going to stay at the ASSports--CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Anyone else going in August??
We are staying at the All Star Movies from 8/25-8/29, we are driving down from NJ, leaving on the 21st and stopping in Ocala first to visit my dad's father and step-mother. We did the free dining plan too :thumbsup2
It sounds like we can draw on each others experiences. I am so thrilled that so many are finding this happy little thread.

Still posting from my phone, come on 4pm!
Good Morning!
I originally had everything planned for 8/4-8/11 now I'm pricing out different weeks in August to find the cheapest deal. We are going to stay at the ASSports--CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Anyone else going in August??

We'll be at ASSPorts from Aug 15th -20th...!!! DBro, SIL and their 2kids will be coming along too, this will be their 1st Disney trip. They got the QS Dining Plan. I went with the children play & stay for free offer. Dining plan won't work for DS6 & me since I don't eat much after having RNY surgery.

Hope you find a good offer that works for you..!
I'm a single mom to my 10 y.o. DD. We've been going to WDW at least once a year since 2006. We just went in May and upgraded our tix to APs since we are also planning a trip in Oct. to meet old friends of mine. I'm not sure this AP thing was a good idea as I have three other short trips I'd like to take since "we already have tickets". :rotfl: Better plant that money tree seed in a hurry!

I've been a single mom since she was 2 1/2. It's hard at times, but I have wonderful family and friends who are always there for support.

To the OP, best of luck on earning your college degree! I just completed mine (graduation was Sunday, woo hoo!). It was tough for both DD and me, but it had to be done. I know all the hard work will pay off. And of course when you are done, celebrate with a trip to Disney!
Hi - another single mom here to a son. He will be 5 in September. I have been a single mom since he was 18 months old. Thankfully, my ex-husband signed over Sole Custody to me during the divorce so we are free to travel.

We did our first trip to Disneyland 2 years ago (June 2008) - alone - I originally was going with one of my best friends and her son but she ended having a difficult pregnancy with her daughter so had to cancel at the last minute. So my son and I went by ourselves - what an amazing time, it was the first time that I was not the sole focus of my son's attention and I could just enjoy hanging out with him and having fun - it was such a great deal because his Disney tickets were free because he was under 3 and his flight was free as Alaska Air had a kids fly free promotion on. Total trip cost was $1,200.

For his 3rd birthday (Sept 2008), we invited my mom to join us at Disneyworld which we stayed at a timeshare and it was so much fun. This trip was more expensive because I paid for my mom - it cost about $1,700.

Then in February 2009, Alaska Air had the kids fly free promotion on again so we took advantage and went back to California. This trip was $1,300.

In July 2008, I had been randomly looking at timeshare resales and I came across one for Grand Beach Resort - 3 bed, 3 bath for $500 for every 2nd year use. So I bought the timeshare from a wonderful woman and was able to book and invite my brother and his family to join us in August 2009 - we were able to get our Disney tickets through a rewards program and found a great deal on flights. It was a wonderful vacation and so awesome to be the little sister and a single mom and be able to invite my big brother and his family along. For them - having the accomodation covered meant they could do the trip. It was a great vacation and so much fun. This trip cost $1,200.

Then this past April 2010, I used my timeshare to book a 3 bed/3 bath condo in Kissimee so I invited another single mom from work to join me. Her daughter and my son got along so good and we had an awesome vacation. My friends ex had taken their daughter to Disneyland the year before so it was nice for her to have a trip that was so affordable and be able to take her daughter to the World. This trip cost $1,350.

We are heading back to Disney this November 2010 with my mom again. We are treating mom again but I got our flights for $345 each - I expect this trip to cost $1,600.

I am very fortunate to have a good paying job so even though my ex does not pay child support very often or much - we are okay and doing well. He is supposed to pay $300 per month - he gave me $50 in September 2009 and $100 this past week. He owes over $9,000 in back child support. The last couple of months, he has been wanting to spend more time with my son and be a good dad to him. I am glad for this because my son loves his daddy. He actually shocked me this past Saturday because he called and said that he had a little bit of money to give for our son because he realizes that he has a responsibility to provide for Dom.

I have to say that it does feel really good as a single mom to be able to take my son to Disney. Disney is a vacation for me because I can just hang out and have so much fun with my son. It will be funny when my son is in school and comes to realize that not every kid has been to Disney, let alone how many trips he has been. I don't think that very many people realize how truly affordable Disney can be and how great of family time it truly is.

I look forward to hearing other single parent stories and what their Disney experience is.:wizard:
luvmy2babies - your post brought back memories. My dad passed away when I was 8 years old. I can't imagine losing a spouse with a baby. Great big hugs adn kudos to you!

Adaygaby and amtag - we are just missing your trips. We leave for WDW on 9/2.

Pixie Princess - Thank you! Going back to school has done wonders for my ego. Of course, I will celebrate with a Disney vacation. I couldn't think of any other place better.

Amtag - Ocala brings back some memories. My first real boyfriend was from there. Knee deep in Florida horse country!

Jennyf2 - you might get a better deal in mid-August. Value season and free dining kicks in.

Singleminnie - I completely understand wondering how I made it too. Having a great support group is awesome.

It'sWDW4me - I bet your son thinks it's cool that his uncle is 5 months older than him. Love it!

One thing that I found difficult for me to accept was that I needed/deserved time to myself. Really, that was huge. Once I finally realized that this, my world changed for the better. Emotions & self-worth went through the roof.

Forgive me if I missed welcoming anybody! I think it is great that we found each other.
Kat&Dom - you snuck in on me! Welcome. Sounds like you had some great deals! I would love to visit Disneyland, but WDW is so much closer for us. Not to mention that we have great non-stop airfares to Orlando.
Kat&Dom - you snuck in on me! Welcome. Sounds like you had some great deals! I would love to visit Disneyland, but WDW is so much closer for us. Not to mention that we have great non-stop airfares to Orlando.

Thanks for the welcome and thanks for starting this thread. I knew there were lots of single parents out there but it is so cool to actually hear some of their stories.

I love Disneyland and WDW - they are both awesome.:banana:
Thanks for the welcome and thanks for starting this thread. I knew there were lots of single parents out there but it is so cool to actually hear some of their stories.

I love Disneyland and WDW - they are both awesome.:banana:

Thank you! I was so frustrated that day. My kids were arguing and just wouldn't stop (desperately needed something to take my mind off of it, lol). When I saw that no thread existed, I felt compelled to do something about it. I'm so glad I did. So many of us are lucky - we have people in our lives to lean on, but it is SO nice to have new people to chat with.
joining in!! im a single mom to my DS. he is 9 month old. we r taking his 1st disney trip oct celebrating his 1 bday. it is very hard i work and im in college studing respiratory since he was 2 months. i dont graduate till dec 11 but im sure it will be worth it. i am a little worried with being so busy that he will think grandma is mom. im so thankful my mom helps me!!
Another single mom here. I have been a single parent since DS was born.
His dad hasnt seen him in about 2 yrs.

I work for the airlines so DS and I have been traveling to Disney since he
has been a yr and 1/2. We try to go every Sept during free dining.
This year, I THINK we are going to try to go down the end of Nov/
beg. of Dec.

Anyways, just wanted to join and say HI to everyone
My girls are gone to stay with my parents in MO on the farm until July 1st. They left this past Sunday. I love them to pieces, but I can def. say it is nice to get to work early, out early and come home to watch the news and put my feet up without someone saying they are hungry or needing to run someone to a friend's house! Although my boyfriend has his kids this week, we are going on a date tomorrow night to see a movie. I used to feel guilty liking my time alone, my friends have told me that I have a right to enjoy it. By the time they get home (then they are off to their Dad's for 12 days) I will be missing them! Ready to be "fun Mom" again. :cool1:


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