Shutdown or Lockdown in your area?


DIS Veteran
Aug 3, 2019
Entire San Francisco Bay Area is now officially under shutdown. Different from lockdown in the sense that there is no imposed fine or prison time. But, the police will monitor the streets and tell people to stay inside, except with a valid reason.
Not even allowed to go outside to ride a bike or scooter, etc.

This will affect almost 7 million residents and lasts until April 7 for now.

The exceptions to shelter in place:
  • Hospitals
  • Grocery stores
  • Low income/homeless shelters
  • Pharmacies
  • Child care facilities
  • Gas stations
  • Banks
  • Laundry businesses
I’m sure we’ll get to making it a forced lockdown if some people keep ignoring the situation. At that point, you just can’t fix dumb.
My DD lives in SF, has already been working from home. She is a big biker, I really don't understand the prohibition from running and biking outside, if you stay away from other people. She is prone to depression and I am worried about her.

My other DD has friends all over the world, one friend in Spain was out for a run and stopped by the police and told to go home, so they are serious!
I am in Santa Clara County, listened to the entire press conference. Exercising outside, as long as you maintain that safe distance between you and others is still allowed.
There have been rumors of this happening all over, but so far nothing. My feeling is this: Shouldn't it be all or nothing? Should we all be doing this, not just the Bay Area? I know it would be difficult for the entire U.S to shelter, but I would rather be uncomfortable for a few weeks if it means ending the madness. I just don't want this virus to linger because we were not aggressive enough in the beginning. Or have it get under control in one area only to explode in another area. Things are closed in one state but open in another. This business of slowly closing things and gradually decreasing the suggested size of gatherings is just dragging things out IMO. Rip the band aid off.
There have been rumors of this happening all over, but so far nothing. My feeling is this: Shouldn't it be all or nothing? Should we all be doing this, not just the Bay Area? I know it would be difficult for the entire U.S to shelter, but I would rather be uncomfortable for a few weeks if it means ending the madness. I just don't want this virus to linger because we were not aggressive enough in the beginning. Or have it get under control in one area only to explode in another area. Things are closed in one state but open in another. This business of slowly closing things and gradually decreasing the suggested size of gatherings is just dragging things out IMO. Rip the band aid off.

That’s been my strong opinion from the very beginning. We’ve seen what happens in Europe and China. China did immediate lockdown versus gradual shutdown in Europe, and guess which one faring better now? I won’t get into politics, and so will leave it at that.

Even before today’s shutdown, too many people still arguing we’re overreacting to a bug, and how this will all pass soon. Read on nextdoor, these forums, anywhere online. You still have people not acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

We are allowed to go outside for certain things. Exercise being one of them.

Thumbs up. Good to know.
I was reading a pre-announcement memo.
So are people who can’t work remotely losing their jobs or are they still getting paid? I’m thinking factory workers. Are factories shutting down?
So are people who can’t work remotely losing their jobs or are they still getting paid? I’m thinking factory workers. Are factories shutting down?
not sure I think it depends on the company you work for anyone not working because of it I think can apply for unemployment. I think some cities have also stopped evictions and talks about stopping rent and mortgages has been talked about but i have not rally been following closely. I do know PGE said they were not going to shut off service to any one for non payment. Also Comcast, internet provider, will be having their hotspots free of charge. Schools will be giving out food packages to kids if needed.
There have been rumors of this happening all over, but so far nothing. My feeling is this: Shouldn't it be all or nothing? Should we all be doing this, not just the Bay Area? I know it would be difficult for the entire U.S to shelter, but I would rather be uncomfortable for a few weeks if it means ending the madness. I just don't want this virus to linger because we were not aggressive enough in the beginning. Or have it get under control in one area only to explode in another area. Things are closed in one state but open in another. This business of slowly closing things and gradually decreasing the suggested size of gatherings is just dragging things out IMO. Rip the band aid off.

They won’t do it that way cause that would be too logical.
An excerpt from an email I received:

Stanford has been working on guidelines and new policies in response to the rapidly changing situation and wants to reassure you that, at this time, the university commits to continue to pay all full-time and benefits-eligible part-time (“regular”) employees at their current base rate of pay without respect to the number of hours worked.
Yes, my area is shutdown. We are still allowed to go outside, but discouraged from gathering. All nonessential businesses were asked to close after today. My employer told us on Friday not to report to work on Monday. Still waiting to hear whether I will be paid or if I need to apply for unemployment. The school board is voting soon. Cross your fingers for me.
It's a little more each day. More restaurants going pick-up only, schools closing this week, churches going to online only for main service and canceling all meetings, the mall has reduced hours. Just today a lot of kid-type places announced they were closing, like play places and public libraries. I think it's in response to school closures.
Dallas has closed all bars, theaters, etc for now. Restaurants pick up, drive thru or delivery only. Schools closed maybe through end of school year. I live in a neighboring county and we will probably follow suit.
Things keep changing by the hour and it's really starting to stress me out.

Death by a thousand cuts.
Schools in Dallas County are closed but daycare centers are open. So only some kids are important enough to protect?
Things keep changing by the hour and it's really starting to stress me out.

This is how I feel. They tell you something and it is completely different in an hour. Some states/towns are doing one thing and the next state/town is doing something completely different. We need some continuity. What we have is chaos.


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