Sharon's Journal -150 here I come!

I hope you're feeling better today and you're able to get on that *evil* stepper! Setting concrete goals is the way to go and it's great that you're not just looking at the 8s, it is important to realize the 10s as a step between--it makes your goals more attainable. Make sure you're losing weight for yourself too (I know you are I just had to say it). I can't wait until I look great for DH, but it wasn't until I realized I wanted to do this for myself that I actually started losing weight. You'll be there and spring is definitely a realistic timeline. I'm glad work is getting less stressfull--that always helps. Have a great day! TTYL
hey sharon, i hope you are feeling better! sick days are definitely days to just listen to your body and not really worry about sticking to plan. so i'm glad you did just that and rolled that bear over :tongue:

and do take it slow getting back with the stepper...especially if you are feeling a little under the weather still.

have a great day today :sunny:

I'm glad you're back and feeling better. Don't worry about exercising until you feel you're over the bug. You don't want to make yourself sick again. That dinner you cooked sounded really yummy! Any leftovers?? Take care of yourself and when you get back to the stepper he'd better be ready to take a beating cause I'm sure you'll show him who the boss is.
Thanks Marsh, Steph, Denise and Satine! It is always so nice to check in here and see all of the support and encouragement.::yes::
I am feeling much better today. That *evil* stepper is all mine tonight ladies!:eek: Seriously, I'll shoot for 20 min and see how I'm doing; if all is okay I'll go for the 30 min.
Boy, I sure have had a bunch of things crop up to try to throw me. Stressful situation at work, getting the stomach bug, and now my DD is sick with strep!:crazy: i just can't seem to catch a break! She is not feeling too badly, but trying to find someone to watch her so I don't have to use up all my days is always tuff. Oh, and on top of that, the girl who watches DD and DS on Tues & Thurs after school just called today to tell me as of March 1 she can no longer watch them.:earseek: Man, when it rains, it pours! i've got an idea of where I might be able to find someone reliable, I just hope that it all works out okay and in time! But I will not let these things come in between me and my goals! I will loose the weight this time!::yes:: It might take longer than I had originally hoped, but that is okay, as long as it goes.
I had a little mini weigh in this am. The scale said 174.5. So the 1.5 lb I gained last week plus an extra .5 are gone. I only hope it stays like that or gets better by Wed!:teeth:
So far, so good today. I'm a little lite on the water, but I'm working on it. I was also thrown off a little by DDs illness, so I'm very light on fruit/veggies and dairy. I'll work on that tomorrow.;)
So far today
B- what breakfast? Forgot to have that!:crazy2:
L - 3 leftover chicken strips, matza crackers 11 pts
D- leftover lasagna (yes, steph there are leftovers!:teeth: ), large salad with lettuce, spinach, and mozzarella cheese 8 pts
S - 1/2 cup Edy's FF ice Cream with Splenda 2 pts

That will put me at 21 pts ( target is 24, but I was aiming for 20 today with the Wendie plan)
So, if all stays on plan, I'll be rolling my bear again today!:smooth:
yeah sharon, hit that stepper, and roll that bear!

you are doing so great! i've heard of the wendie plan, never gave it serious consideration because i don't think i could handle the super low days...especially with the running i do. but i do try to vary my points, and definitely do a low day after a high day, stuff like that. seems to be working for you!

poor dd! i hope that she is feeling better. and that stinks that your sitter is not going to be available. is she a high schooler? have a spring sport to play? or just got another job? that's tough. i know it's hard to find someone that you and your kids feel comfortable with. i used to babysit all the time from about when i was 12 until the end of high school. have i ever mentioned that i love kids :p ? hehe. hope you can find somebody that you and your kids love.

mini weigh in, you little cheater! haha, just kidding, just kidding! i'm so glad it's moving in the right direction. and i'm sure it will keep going that way by tomorrow.

have a great day today sharon :sunny:
Hi All! I guess all the craziness is just gonna keep right on going through the weekend for me. :rolleyes: Oh well, I'm just gonna roll with it!

Work is very hectic and DD has a big dance competition this weekend, so I'm not sure how much I'll be around. Sorry I haven't posted to anyone's journal, but I have been reading along! :cool: I'll post soon, but please know I'm thinking about you all!

Yesterday turned out okay. I stayed on track points wise. Still too lite on the veggies/ fruits and dairy, but with all my running around it just can't be helped right now.

74 oz water
B - honey nut cheerios, black coffee 2 pts
L - 1 chicken thigh with skin 4 pts
D - BK salad with shrimp, lasagna 17 pts
no snack

Total for the day 23 pts. Finished eating about 8, but didn't get home till 7:40pm, so it couldn't be helped. I'm counting it as a cheat free day.:)

Had my weigh-in today - 173.5!!! Hooray! The 1.5 lb gain from last week is gone, plus another 1.5 lbs!! I am so excited about that! To date, 7.5 lbs have been forever banished from this body! Doesn't look like I'm gonna make it to my VD goal of 10 lbs gone, but that is okay. The scale is moving in the right direction and I am happy with that!::yes::

Still haven't gotten back on track with my exercise, but my schedule is just too crazy to fit it in. I promise to get back on program next week though. Actually, I will be away this weekend for DDs dance competition. If the hotel has a treadmill, I am going to try to squeeze in a little walking on it. We will see how it all works out though.

Alright, that's it for right now. I am feeling good :sunny: and very positive. Thanks for all the support I get from you guys!::yes::

Hey Marcia! It wasn't cheating!:teeth: Just a little pick me up for my self!;) And according to the scale this week, there might just be something to this Wendie plan. I'm gonna keep trying to do it.

hey sharon, sounds good to me! i was only kidding about calling you a cheater with the scale :p , i know the feeling!

congrats on the lost poundage!!!! :bounce: and i'm very proud of you for accepting that you're not going to make your vday goal. because you are going in the right direction and you are doing a great job of it!!

sounds like you've sure been a busy bee, and you're going to continue that way! way to stay on plan all through it. and i'm very glad the wendie plan is working for you. that's wonderful :)

glad you're feeling so positive, hope you stay that way! hope you make it through this crazy busy-ness ok, and don't worry about the other journals while you're going nuts! we know you're thinking about us :). if i don't talk to you before then, have a great weekend away and good luck to dd! :sunny:
Sharon~congrats on the lost pounds! That's awesome! It is so wonderful that you are able to stay on target with such a busy week and w/ sick kids. I'm glad everyone is feeling better. Have a great time this weekend--I'm sure DD will do a great job! Make sure you take time for you. :) Don't worry about the exercise until next week.
What a nice weigh in you had. :cool1: And don't worry about making the VD goal. Sometimes you can make it and sometimes you can't - you've had some major stresses lately and you've still been able to stay on track and lose weight. That definitely deserves celebration in its own right (plus I'm sure that those 10bls will be gone before you know it).
Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!:teeth:
It's always nice to come to my journal and find all this wonderful positive support.:sunny: Thank you Marcia, Denise and Steph - you've made my day!

Today is going very well so far. I am off from work because of Lincolns B-Day, so I am running around doing errands. But it is good because it is things I have to get done before the weekend, so having it out of the way will eliminate stress!! I have also avoided any fast food places and walked right thru the food court at the mall without succumbing to temptation! I came home and had soup for lunch and will be heading back out soon.
Yesterday ended up looking like this

100 oz water

B - honey nut cheerios, black coffee 2 pts
L - chicken strips and small fry 12 pts
D - lasagna (still eating leftovers:rolleyes: ) 10 pts
S - FF popcorn .5 pts

Total for day 24.5 (22 target, 2.5 flex) With my new weight, my target pts have dropped to 22 from 24. I'm finding it a little tuff to adjust to, so I may end up using more flex this week. But that is all right.;)

That's all for now. I'll try to read everyones journals later. Hope you are all having a GREAT day!:wave2:
Sharon, congrats on those banished pounds!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

You have truly done a great job in spite of a billion obstacles!! I like that you are so flexible and you roll with whatever life throws you - no guilt, no fretting - just an attitude that says "I've done the best I can with the situations I've been given!".

Good luck to DD this weekend! Hope you're totally recovered from your tummy bug and she has sent that strep packing!
sharon, you made it through the food court when you were hungry??? way to be strong :smooth:

hope your busy day went well, and have a great one today :sunny:
Hi all! Thanks for stopping by Doe! And yes, Marcia, making thru the food court while hungry was a MAJOR accomplishment - did I tell ya how lovely it smelt?!:eek:

So I got a lot accomplished yesterday and I'm happy about that. Lots more to do today, but baby steps will get me thru!:smooth:

Yesterday added up like this

100 oz water
B - 2 slices rye toast with marg 4 pts
L - chicken soup 2 pts
D - chicken teriyaki 9 pts
S - 2 small sugar cookies 3 pts

Total for day 18 pts (target 22)
I had to make sugar cookies for DDs class for VD. I managed to only eat 2 small ones. I also stopped at KRISPY KREME and only had a black coffee!!!:earseek: Talk about self inflicted torture!

It is getting close to TOM. I'm feeling bloated, but the scale (so far) is holding steady. That would be good!! I'm going out to dinner tonight with DH for VD. I'm gonna be careful, but I'm not gonna worry. I will be away for Sat & Sun for DDs dancing. Again, I am going to try to make smart choices, so hopefully this weekend won't go too badly. :crazy:

Gotta run now. If I can get on the internet this weekend, I'll try to catch up with you all. Otherwise, have a great weekend! I'll be thinking about you (which is why I'll try to be good!!):teeth:

Happy Valentines Day!:lovestruc
Wow! I am impressed at your willpower! I know that if I went into a Krispy Kreme, I'd probably eat an entire dozen donuts before I realized what I was doing.....:earseek: That is wonderful that you were able to limit it to a cup of coffee. Great job!

I finally had a chance to read through your journal and found out that you are doing the Firm videos too. Do you like them? I have found them to be challenging, but addicting too. I have to watch out though because of a bad knee and a bad back, but will keep moving ahead.

Enjoy your VD dinner with DH! Have a great weekend and thanks for the encouragment in my journal!
way to go for being able to say no to a krispy kreme donut. I know I'm not that strong yet. Good luck with adjusting to the new points, use those flex if you really aren't feeling full and be sure to eat your APs if you need them.

Happy Valentine's Day!:lovestruc
Hi all!:wave:
I've got a few minutes while my DD is in a dance class, so I was catching up with my WW online and figured I'd try to hit a few journals (depending how long the laptop battery lasts!)
It has been a hectice few days, but I've managed to do okay. Friday night out to dinner with hubby - went WAY over pts, but that's okay, it was Valentines Day!:lovestruc
Yesterday, I did well considering the schedule. I was under on my pts, but I wasn't happy with the food choices. It was SO crowded here at the hotel that I couldn't get to a healthy/better choice meal. Ended up with chinese takeout. It was good, but high in fat. Oh well, I've got till Wed AM to make up for this bad stuff! That's my weigh-in time.:crazy:
72 oz water
B- honey nut cheerios 2 pts
L - chicken strips, sm fries 12 pts
D - lobster bisque, salad, shrimp and pasta with a light creme sauce :teeth: 12.5 pts

Total 26.5 pts ( 22 target, 4.5 flex)
I also had some toll house cookie pie (warm and gooey amd YUMMY:earseek: ). I couldn't figure the pts, so I'm not even gonna try!!! (Don't even WANT to know!!)

72 oz water
B- croissant and honeydew and canteloupe 7 pts
L - none
D - shrimp loMein, Pork Fried Rice, Egg roll 14 pts

Total for day 21 pts ( 22 Target)

After I finish up here, I'm gonna go down and hit the fitness center. I'll try either to find a treadmill or elliptical open for 30 min or so. I figure its better than nothing!;)

Toystory - yeah the Firm tapes are pretty challenging! I try to follow along as best I can. I can't do ALL the ab work ( I sit some out and catch my breath :tongue: ). The weights and stuff I do okay. Not too graceful, but thats why I like to do it at home!

Steph - how bout that?! Krispy Kreme will power! It was only because I knew how bad this whole weekend was gonna be. Couldn't add Thursday to it as well, could I?!

Oh, by the way, DD got a high silver on her jazz solo, a gold on her hip hop group, and a high gold on her jazz group. She was pretty happy with it! It was her very first solo and I had tears in my eyes as she performed. (I have tears again while I write this too!:rolleyes: ) She really is something special!:lovestruc
Okay this is long enough and I've gotta run. Talk to ya all later!
Sharon~ I am so excited for you and DD! That is awesome! Don't worry about the weekend--it actually doesn't look that bad and I know you'll be right back on track when you return home. :) Good for you for making it down to the fitness room too in the middle of all the madness. Enjoy the rest of your weekend--TTYL :sunny:
look at how dedicated our busy little sharon is! not only posting to wish while she's away, but also getting in some exercise and staying on plan with her eating (let's forget about vday, shall we? :p)! hehe, why am i talking to you in third person or whatever it is? i don't really know :)

big huge congrats to you and dd! that's so great that she did so well, i'm so happy for you guys!!! :bounce:

hope the rest of your weekend went well :sunny:
Well, my crazy weekend is over. Time to get back on track here! I'm feeling good and as promised, I will return to my exercise today. No time to lose with that bad weekend and weigh-in coming up on Wed!:crazy:
Thanks for the kind words for DD! I can't tell you guys just how proud I am of her. She is a fairly shy girl, so getting up and doing a 2 min dance SOLO is a huge deal for her.:smooth:
Okay, yesterday wasn't too bad, but certainly not good. Ohwell, lets just put it in the record books and then forget about it. I knew this weekend was gonna be tuff anyhow.

100 oz water

B- croissant, pineapple, bagel 9 pts
L - hamburger, 6 or 7 fries 12.5 pts
D - steak, sugar snap peas 5 pts
S - 2 Reeses PB cups :eek: 4 pts

Total for day 30.5 ( target 22, 8.5 flex)
Well, at least it was supposed to be a high day on the Wendie plan. Here's hoping I can get it down to a low day today!:crazy:

Kids and I are home today for Presidents Day. DH works retail, so no day off for him. We're gonna do some cleaning and laundry and then hit the toy store. I owe my DS a toy for his good report card.:hyper:


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