Sharon's Journal -150 here I come!

Hey Marsh - you hit my journal while I was writing my saga!:crazy:
I am thinking of seeing either Cheaper by the Dozen or Miracle. (I know you would vote Miarcle, but I'll probably leave it up to the kids to choose!)
And I was feeling so poorly, that I didn't even watch Friends!:( You'll have to tell me what happened after you watch it!:tongue:
Thanks for stopping by!
oh no, sharon, you seem all sorts of icky :(

first off, the points thing. that totally sucks. maybe you could just leave your weight at 174 so that you wouldn't keep yo-yoing (it put *** in place of i-n-g, i hope it goes through this time...weird!) with the points. i know it's kinda not being true to the system, but i don't know what else to suggest. that's gotta be tough to deal with it changing all the time. and then add in trying to do wendie at the same time...not something i'd like to be dealing with.

as for your general feeling of yick, i'd go with your first idea of trying to cut out the dairy. if you have some sort of intolerance, that could be hurting you. i know we're supposed to have dairy servings, but if they're making you sick, i think it would be okay to elminate them and just take the viactivs instead. no need to wreak havoc on your body just to check off the little milk bottles :p . i don't know if veggies and fruits could have an effect on it either. maybe you could experiment by trying to eat less gas-y causing ones. i'm not sure which those would be, but i'm pretty sure broccoli is one of em. or how bout trying some beano? i've never used it, but i've heard of it, and it's supposed to help eliminate gas caused by eating gas-y type foods. whatever you do, i still think it's a good idea to mention it to the doc in a couple weeks.

you're too funny with the hair coloring. you *have* to. hehe. if you say so :teeth: . you really do have a busy day planned out! if you're not feeling well, please do take it easy. if you can't make it through a workout, don't push it. listen to your body. i mean it! we don't need you making yourself feel worse.

i'm sorry that you missed friends last night. i'll definitely fill you in after i watch my tape. ooh, i could even send you the tape if you'd like. i know your location is somewhere in ct, and since i'm in nj, it probably wouldn't take too long to get to you. just let me know :)

haha, and yes, i would vote miracle! i want to go see that so badly. maybe i can con my parents into taking me tonight. my best friend is gone for the weekend, so i'm flying solo. but like you said, gotta let the kiddies choose. hope you have a good time with that.

and like i said, please take care of yourself today. make sure not to push yourself too hard. feel better :hug:
Sharon, I hope you're feeling all better soon!! You've been doing great at staying on plan AND at conquering that evil stepper! I'm sure you won't have any more problems with that scale since Marcia's visit!

By the way, a belated congratulations for your DD at her dance competition and for you for doing your best to eat right and exercise while away all weekend!!

Have fun with the kids tonight, but keep DS from any gooey candy while that filling hardens!!
Okay, what a messed up day yesterday turned out to be. Went to dentist with DS, guess what? Appt is for next Friday! Man, how'd I do that?:scratchin Oh well, we went to get him new pants for school which he needed anyways....
Didn't get to the movies either. The kids wanted to go to the toy store and electronics store, so we did that and went out for dinner at Applebees. We had never been there before. It was okay, nothing great. Ruby Tuesday is much closer and pretty much the same food, so that would suit us fine in the future.
Doe, thanks for stopping by and the kind words for DD.
Marcia that is an idea about keeping the weight at 174. I am hoping to go down to that (and then some;) ) this week and NOT go back up again. But I'll keep that in mind in the future when the pts target is changing.
I am happy to say, I feel much better today. It was gas that had me feeling so awful and I think it was from the dairy. I steered clear of dairy and veggies yesterday. I think I can handle one or the other, but not both. I'm just gonna have to listen to my body a little more closely from now on!:listen: I sure am glad those icky feelings are past!:smooth:
The food for the day went like this

72 oz water (too bloated feeling for my usual 100 oz)

B- Cinnamon bread with marg 6 pts
L- Ore Ida tater tots 4 pts
D- steak & cheese wrap 18 pts
S - 3 chocolate pieces 4 pts

Total 32 pts (target 24, APS 3 pts, flex 5 pts)
It was supposed to be a higher pt day on Wendie. (Maybe not quite that high, but thats okay:rolleyes: ) I'll bring it back down to a medium pts day today.
I'm gonna do more of that never ending laundry today, plus some more cleaning. We have been trying to go through cabinets and such and clean out all the old stuff. May squeeze the movie in today that we didn't get to yesterday.
I did 20 min on the *evil* stepper yesterday. (I'm still laughing Marcia - HOLY CRAPO!:laughing: ) I'm going to do 30 min today, plus either a WATP or Firm tape. I've got the time and I really need to step up the exercise.
I never did get to have my veal the other day. I bought some veal for stew though. I've got to go hit my recipe books and see what I can make with that.:scratchin Thats the plan for today guys.
Hope you have a great weekend!:sunny: :sunny: Hope you get to see lots of that!
Hey Sharon~
Glad to see that you are feeling better! Way to adjust your schedule yesterday! I'm sure DS wasn't too upset about not having dentist appt. yesterday. Wasn't he scheduled for a filling? ;)

Hope you have a great weekend (despite the yucky weather)!
HI Sharon. We love both Applebee's and Ruby Tuesdays. The best thing on Applebee's menu is the bourbon street steak. Not sure about WW points but for low carbers that menu item is a very good choice.

Sounds like you ahve a busy day ahead of you. I haven't been to a movie in so long!

Sharon~I'm glad you're feeling better! It's no fun to feel yucky. It looks like you're getting back on track with everything--great job! That's too funny about DS appointment--now he has something to look forward to! ;) Does too much dairy make you feel sick, or is it just the combination of veggies and dairy? Maybe you could try lactaid and if it's only latter, just on days you want both??? I know it works for me, but I don't eat much dairy b/c of it. Anyway, have a great day! Enjoy your workout--those pounds are yours to throw away. Oh, and I hope you find a great recipe for your veal--I know you've been wanting it for a while now--ENJOY! :tongue:
Hey Denise - Its too much dairy that makes me ill. I am lactose intolerant. I can have some dairy, just not too much. Apparently 3 days in a row of the McDs yogurt parfait is too much for me!:o I avoided the veggies yesterday because my poor tummy just couldn't hack it!:eek: I do have the lactaid pills in the house. My DH is also lactose intolerant, so he uses them. I may have to think about using them myself once in awhile.
I did 20 min on the stepper so far today. I wanted to do 30, but I did it while coloring my hair and needed to go do step 2 after 20 min. :teeth: Didn't want to see what might happen if I waited an extra 10 min!:crazy:
Got LOTS done around the house. I am almost caught up on laundry. Another 2 or 3 loads tomorrow ought to do it!:tongue: Cleaned out a bunch of stuff and got organized a little. I always feel so good when I clean out cabinets and stuff. It makes me feel like I'm in control, instead of the junk controling me!:tongue:
I'm making a taco ring for dinner tonight. The veal will be for tomorrow, since I didn't have all the ingredients I needed. I'll go shopping in the morning. We didn't make it to the movies again - the kids didn't want to go!:earseek: That's fine with me! I got more done and saved a bunch of money to boot!:teeth:
I'll post the whole menu from the day tomorrow morning.
hey sharon, just wanted to stop by quick before heading out to dinner. shouldn't have left your journal for last, cause now i'm cramped on time! i will know better next time :p

every time i read now that you've done the stepper, i'm going to be more and more imprssed. not that i wasn't impressed before, but since my encounter, well, it gives me real perspective. you go girl. you rock! :bounce:

hope the rest of your day went well, talk to you later :sunny:

I just caught up with your journal. I love that as busy as you are you stay with your goals and you find the time to exercise...your a terrific role model! Your children must be very proud of you and your healthy living journey!::yes::

Have a great night,

E. - Thanks! What a nice thing to say!:blush: My kids are actually very supportive of me. They won't share their fries with me if we stop for fast food!:p
Marcia, Amanda, Denise, Tracy - thank you all for stopping by to check on me. I really think one of the reasons I'm trying so hard to be faithful to this WOE is because I have to answer to all of you! So, again, thanks for holding me accountable!
My DH just took the kids to the diner for breakfast. We used to do that every Sunday, but got away from it a year or so ago. We go every once in awhile now. But I told them I couldn't afford the points, so I had to skip.:angel: Thats alright, it means I could do my journal update to while they are out!:smooth:
I have LOTS I want to do today. I'll probably not get to it all, but I'll do enough. Family room, kitchen already cleaned; refridge cleaned out; WW online updated; Journal updated (almost!). I'm doing good already!
Yesterday looked like this:

100 ++oz water (I was really thristy yesterday!)

B- none, not hungry
L- grilled cheese on rye 7 pts, peanuts 6 pts
D- taco ring 11.5 pts
S- Edys sugar free ice cream 1 cup 3.5 pts

Total for day 28 (target 24, APS 2, flex 2)

Today is supposed to be a super high day for Wendie plan. I'm not too sure about the menu for the day other than veal stew for dinner. Haven't had anything yet because I'm just not hungry, but I'm sure I can bump those pts up for a day!;)
I'm off to get more accomplished while no one is home. I'll stop by everyones journals later or tonight!
Have a great:sunny: Day!!
good morning sharon :)

so i'm anxious to know...what else did you eat for your super high day? hopefully some good stuff you normally don't get to endulge in. super high days can be a nice break :)

and your super high day was a super busy day too! hope you got "enough" done. i'm glad you took the time when the fam was out to have some personal time with your journal, even though you had lots of other stuff to get done. gotta have "me" time for yourself too :)

hope you have a great day today :sunny:
Good Morning everyone!:sunny:
I am in a really good mood today. No particular reason... maybe because the sun is out and it is a little warmer. Next week will be March and the first day of spring is in March! Yippee!!!:sunny:

I am VERY proud of myself for yesterday. I really stood up to temptation and stayed OP! And I feel really great for it too. AND, DH gave me a hug last night and told me how proud he is that I am sticking with my program this time. It has been quite a while since I've stuck with a new eating plan this long. :rolleyes: And DH usually doesn't say too much about my eating habits, so that was a real shocker to!
Any how, as I said, I sent DH off with the kids for breakfast yesterday. I skipped because I really didn't want to eat that much off plan. (I always get french toast or belgian waffle when we go out:earseek: ) Then yesterday, we went to my MILs house for dinner. She made stuffed cabbage, fried, boneless chicken breast, ziti with sauce and meatballs, cabbage noodles, cottage cheese noodles and tomatoes with mozzarella cheese (cold dish). That woman loves to cook. Oh, and I didn't mention, she made cheesecake and yellow cake with chocolate frosting for DH's birthday. I should tell you DH has a very large family, so that much food isn't unusual. I really stayed OP! NO cake!!:teeth: And as you'll read below, I only had food that was OP and small portions to boot. I was seriously proud of myself for that.::yes:: So it was agood day for me!

100 + oz water
B- none, wasn't hungry
L - liverwurst on a hard roll with lt mayo, carrots, peanuts 12 pts total
D- 1 small chicken breast, 1 cup cottage cheese noodles, tomatoes with mozzarella (no dressing:angel: ) 11.5 pts

Total for day 23.5 (target 24) It was supposed to have been a high pts day on Wendie, but I just wasn't that hungry. Well, if I go a little higher today, no problem.;)
I didn't do the stepper last night. Got home about 7:30. DH made a fire and I felt guilty to go upstairs to exercise after he was so thoughtful. Plus it gets really hot in our bedroom when we have a fire. I would have REALLY been sweating it out!:crazy:
Okay, thats my day yesterday. I'm off to get some work done here today!:p
There are some evenings when you just have to relax. And how for you and DH to have a fire and enjoy it. Congrats on doing so well at your MIL's. You read my journal and i did not fair as well as you.

You had such a busy weekend and did a great job staying OP. Great job, Sharon! :) I'm so proud of you; I don't think I could have resisted so many different temptations. Have a wonderful day--your *evil* stepper will be waiting for you later--it's ok to take a day off! TTYL :sunny:
Sharon, your weekend sounds like it went really well! Congrats for staying on plan! It's great that your DH is noticing and complimenting you!! I know we're trying to live healthy mainly for ourselves, but it sure is nice when the people close to us notice. ::yes::

Sitting by a warm fire.....ahhh, sounds heavenly. I don't blame you for taking a break from the *evil* stepper! :sunny:

Hope Monday is as good as your weekend was! ::yes::
Sharon, Great job resisting temptation. I'm impressed. You are blessed to have a husband who notices the hard work you are doing. Keep him around.;)

Everyone needs a break from evil steppers now and again.

Hey Sharon!
Great job this weekend! :Pinkbounc I'm glad that you were able to relax and tell the evil stepper to take a hike for one night!;) A warm fire sounds sooooo cozy. I'm hoping that our next house has a fireplace. :teeth:

It's great that your family is so supportive. I think that having your loved ones encouraging you to be the best that you can be is such a blessing. I am also blessed with a very supportive family.

I hope that you have a wonderful day today! Keep up the good work! You are an inspiration!!:sunny:
Just stopping by to see how you are doing. And you are doing great, bu ti noticed you haven't been eating breakfast, I used to do that, found that if I eat breakfast (even if I am not hungry) I eat less the rest of the day. Just a thought.

Congrats on staying on the plan over the weekend.

I don't get to post often but I will not forget about you. Just a little busy that's all. :) Have a great day today! :sunny:
hey sharon. i could have sworn i posted in your journal this morning, id on't know what happened. i know i only made it to a few because i got work dumped on me (and i actually have to go do lots more in a few minutes), but i could have sworn yours was one i got to. i know i read it, maybe i typed it out and forgot to hit the send button. i do not know. very odd. :confused: . wow, i'm slow...i just went and checked again, and i did post! it was before you did, that's why i dind't originally see it. oh man, somebody slap me, i think i'm losing it! :crazy:

aaaaanyway, i'm so glad you're in a good mood today. maybe it has a little to do with the fact that you had a great yesterday! look at all that temptation, and you stayed way away from it!!! i am so proud of you :bounce: . and even on a day when you could have splurged and gone high on wendie! amazing. if you couldn't tell, i like to take advantage of every point due me :p .

that fire sounds absolutely wonderful. sweet dh, how great is he for doing something so nice :blush:

hope the rest of your day went well and that you still have that :sunny: disposition :bounce:


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