Scared Silly But Loving It

Oh Corinna, I was worried sick about the flight at you know with all the severe weather warnings that had been issued :scared1:

Well I honestly don't know what I was worried about as it was one of the most smoothes flights we have ever had :lmao:

Your food in the hotel looks :lovestruc:lovestruc

Really looking forward to the next update :thumbsup2

I am glad that everything worked out OK with the flight. I am a little behind with the updates. We had our New Year's Ball from work on Saturday and I had to get my hair put up on the way to work. I did not get much sleep Saturday night as I was working yesterday, too. I am heading to work now and then I will post the next update tonight.

Corinna, right after I messaged you I was able to locate your report. Now to get caught up....

Welcome on board. I saw your message before I saw this so sent you a PM with the link.

It really was a nice start to the vacation. I noticed in May that when I stay at home the last night before the vacation, I think of 101 different things that I need to do and then it takes longer to settle down. There is not a great deal to do at the hotel so I am just forced to relax.


I wish that Fran would buy into this theory. She always tells me that we will be gone from the cats too long and they won't recognize us when we come home, but what I would give for a night to relax before the whole trip gets underway!
I wish that Fran would buy into this theory. She always tells me that we will be gone from the cats too long and they won't recognize us when we come home, but what I would give for a night to relax before the whole trip gets underway!

Well, it would probably only be a question of a few extra hours. I can definitely recommend it.

Day 2

I had woken up a good hour before the alarm went off, but managed to get back to sleep. When the alarm did go off, we got up and got ready. Graham had already reorganised his suitcase in the evening and I did mine while he got ready. Once we were both done, we took our stuff and went down to the Club Lounge for breakfast. Graham had some Fruit with Granola washed down with Coffee and Orange Juice. I am not really a breakfast eater at the best of times and being excited about going on holiday did not help either. However, they had some Mini Bagels and I had one of those with Salami and Pastrami. Even though they were so small, I did struggle to finish them. I had some coffee and could not resist the J2O Glitterberry.

After breakfast, we went to check out. There seemed to be a long line, but it turned out that most people were not actually waiting for the front desk, but were there to sign in for a conference at a table opposite. In the end there was one person in front of me. Check out was smooth and we did not have to wait long for the airport shuttle. Before we knew it, we were at the terminal. I had done online check in the day before and the baggage drop was very smooth. My suitcase was about 1.5kg over, but nothing was said about this. Graham had weight to spare so we could easily have added a couple of things to his case if this had been necessary. We had our hand luggage weighed and tagged and then we were released with our boarding cards. Security was the emptiest that I have ever seen it and to our surprise none of our hand luggage went down the channel for manual inspection. Graham had his telescope and I had a serious zoom lens in my hand luggage, but they obviously both passed muster.

Once we were through security, we did some shopping. Graham wanted a book for the flight and he did manage to find one, but it was the size of a house brick. I wanted a couple of the Christmas sets from MAC Cosmetics. I managed to get the one with the eyeliner, paint pot and mascara that I had been after, but the mini lip gloss set had been sold out. I was still happy with my haul. Graham also spotted something he wanted to buy. He got a new monopod for his telescope and camera as his old one did not survive our Alaska trip.

Once we both finished our shopping, we found our departure gate and made ourselves comfortable. I was hoping to use the free WiFi with my iPad for a bit, but this proved to be absolutely useless. So I decided to use my iPhone instead. The screen is smaller, but it was very quick with 4G and I have a very generous data allowance. I caught up with my emails, various forums and Facebook. Graham read his new book in the meantime. Soon it was time to board. The boarding process went quite smoothly. I was seriously impressed when I stepped onboard. They have completely renovated the plane we were on and the seats looked very comfortable. We had a lovely surprise. I had reserved the seats right at the back of the aircraft where there are just two seats together and nobody behind. Normally this means that those seats also have minimal recline as they usually have the toilets right behind. This time round, there was the emergency exit behind, which meant that the seats fully reclined. We probably had the best seats in economy.

They also have a new entertainment system. It is infinitely better than what they used to have, but still not even in the same ballpark as the one my employer has. There were plenty of films, but most of them were quite old. There was really only one film that I wanted to watch. The entertainment system now starts to work as soon as they have shown the safety video, but they ask that you use the headphones that they provide until you are at cruising altitude. I was flicking around the channels to see what was available, but waited to watch the film I wanted to see until I could use my own headphones. I opted to watch The Internship, which was seriously funny. I got interrupted a few times. First they brought drinks and pretzels. Graham had some orange juice and I had Coke. They they started the food service. They do this in two parts now. First they serve the starter and main course and once that is cleared, they bring the dessert and hot drinks. I really liked how this was done and the food was pretty nice, too. Graham had a Mixed Salad with Apples and Raisins, a Bread Roll and Sausages and Mash with Peas and Carrots. I have to be careful with yeast so the Bread Roll was out and the salad was too fancy for my liking. So I just had the main course, for which I had chosen Butter Chicken with Rice and Peas. This was utterly delicious. We both had some white wine to wash it down. For dessert, we had Key Lime Pie washed down with coffee.

When my film was over, I was a little lost as what to do next. In the end I decided to watch an episode of a soap I used to love, but for some reason stopped watching: Emmerdale. I managed to watch 11 episodes and I definitely have to make the effort to watch this again. At some stage they brought around Fab Ice Lollies. I never had one of those before, but rather liked it.

About an hour before we landed in Orlando, they brought around a snack. Unfortunately it was a Cheese and Pickle Sandwich, which I won't eat and a Banana and Toffee Cupcake, which I can't eat as I am allergic to bananas. Graham was only too happy to have mine, too. On the whole, the flight was very pleasant and seemed to pass quickly. We both agreed that this was a much more positive experience than the flights we took with Virgin Atlantic in 2011. Having the refurbished plane helped, but they really seem to have improved the service a notch. I wonder if this is the influence from Delta.

I had been a little concerned about clearing immigration at Orlando. I have been thoroughly spoiled by flying indirect and taking care of the formalities in Atlanta where the process is ultra efficient. I also remembered the mess that this was in 2011. To give them credit, this was very soon after they changed to the single line system. This time round it was fine. Because we were right at the back of the aircraft, we were one of the last people off the plane. When we got to immigration, the line looked impressive, but it moved quickly. There was some confusion as to what desk we should go to. We were sent to one desk by the person organising the front of the line and then were sent to another desk by the person near to the original desk. We probably benefitted from this as the people already at the desk where we were then sent to were nearly done. We were asked a number of questions again like what our plans were; when we had last been to the USA; what we did back home and how much money we had on us. We must have given the right answers as our passports and customs forms were stamped and we were told to have fun.

Once we were through immigration, we hit a snag. Even though we were one of the last peopler through immigration from our flight, the luggage had not started to arrive. We took turns going to the bathroom and once we were both back, it still took a good ten minutes until the first suitcases arrived. Ours took their time and eventually turned ups on the carousel that was used for Premium Economy and Upper Class. Fortunately Graham had turned round just as our suitcases were approaching. They came both together. The line for customs again looked quite long, but was moving quickly. We had considered putting our luggage back on the band and collect it at the main terminal, but the line for this was huge so we took our luggage with us on the the train.

When we got to the terminal, the moment of truth had arrived. For the first time, I had got myself a US Pay As You Go Sim Card. I was not entirely sure if this would work. I had booked our transfers to the hotel through Supershuttle and this works a bit different in Orlando than in the other cities were we have used them. On the confirmation it stated to call them once you had your luggage and the driver would then meet you at the bottom of the escalator coming down from the baggage hall. So having access to a mobile phone made this easier. I called them and was advised to head out to one of the shuttle pick up spaces outside the terminal. I was told that the driver would be with us within 15 to 20 minutes. I was fine with that. Even though the sun had already gone down by the time we got outside, it was beautifully warm. I expected the van to just pull up to the pick up space that we had told to wait at, but 20 minutes after I made the call, he approached us by foot carrying an iPad with my name on. He advised us that he was waiting for one further person and asked us if we were OK to wait for 5 minutes. We were fine with this. About 5 minutes later the other person arrived and we were off. We headed back inside the terminal building and towards the area where the Mears desk is. I never realised that there is something behind this. I am still not sure what the purpose of this structure is, but our van was parked near the entrance. Our luggage was loaded and we were on our way. I wish I had my camera ready. As we were driving to the exit, we drove part beautiful metalwork with Disney characters.

It turned out that the other person was heading for our hotel as well so there were no stops on the way. This made the trip very smooth. When we got to the hotel, there was also nobody in front of us at check in. So this process did not take very long. We were also presented with a lovely warm Chocolate Chip and Walnut Cookie each. As Graham can't eat chocolate, I got two. Our room was at the opposite side of the hotel from where we always stayed on previous visits. The distinct advantage of that was that our building was virtually next to the walkway to Seaworld. It was a bit of a hike from the lobby, but that was OK. We headed for the room. It was only about 19:00, but we were both ready for bed. I had one of the cookies while Graham got ready and it was absolutely delicious. Once I had my cookie, I got ready for bed, too and I was asleep just as soon as my head hit the pillow.

How long was the flight?

Your entry seems fairly uneventful; especially as we have also heard the horror stories of getting through immigration and customs at MCO.
Great Corinna! We love staying in a hotel the night before also. It's the start of the holiday for us and Jo working as hard as she does can just relax! It's so nice isn't it. I love that version of J2O! Your room looks nice at the airport hotel :-)

Goad your flight was ok and that immigration wasn't too bad? We looked at the queues behind us in September and gulped! We pass through the wheelchair part which takes a different line.

So landed at Seaworld. Looking forward to hearing about you screaming on Kraken and Mantaray!
Glad you flight went smoothly and things had been updated!

Jill in CO
How long was the flight?

Your entry seems fairly uneventful; especially as we have also heard the horror stories of getting through immigration and customs at MCO.

The flight was about 9 hours. I have experienced the horror stories with immigration and customs at MCO myself which is why we tend to fly indirect now and why I was so worried.

Great Corinna! We love staying in a hotel the night before also. It's the start of the holiday for us and Jo working as hard as she does can just relax! It's so nice isn't it. I love that version of J2O! Your room looks nice at the airport hotel :-)

Goad your flight was ok and that immigration wasn't too bad? We looked at the queues behind us in September and gulped! We pass through the wheelchair part which takes a different line.

So landed at Seaworld. Looking forward to hearing about you screaming on Kraken and Mantaray!

When we did our Christmas food shopping, Sainsburys had a buy one get one free offer on the four packs of Glitterberry J2O. So I got two packs. One pack I had over the holidays, but one pack is still intact.

Immigration was a pretty smooth process this time round. The only thing that really delayed us was the issue with the luggage.

Me being brave only extended to Walt Disney World. I gave the rides at Seaworld a wide berth. The next update will be about our first day at Seaworld.

Glad you flight went smoothly and things had been updated!

Jill in CO

The flight was really rather pleasant. I wish I could say the same about the return flight.

Looking forward to hearing about your rollercoaster experiences and well done on raising so much money.
Subbed and looking forward to the rest of your trip! :thumbsup2

Sounds like a very long day, but I'm glad the flight was uneventful and the customs process was easy for you.
Glad travel day was a smooth :) Bummer you couldn't eat either of the snacks, but bonus that you could enjoy the cookie later. I have never heard of a cheese and pickle sandwich?
Sounds like a very long day, but I'm glad the flight was uneventful and the customs process was easy for you.

It was a relief that everything went so smoothly.

Glad travel day was a smooth :) Bummer you couldn't eat either of the snacks, but bonus that you could enjoy the cookie later. I have never heard of a cheese and pickle sandwich?

A cheese and pickle sandwich is something typically British. I combines grated cheese (usually strong Cheddar) with Branston Pickle. Branston Pickle is made from a variety of diced vegetables, including swede, carrots, onions, cauliflower and gherkins pickled in a sauce made from vinegar, tomato, apple and dates with spices such as mustard, coriander, garlic, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, nutmeg and cayenne pepper with sugar. I love cheese, but can't stand Branston Pickle.

Let the fun begin ::yes::

Welcome on board.

Man am I gutted to have missed BOGOF at Sainsburys Glitterbury! Lol.

I have to say I felt rather smug when I spotted this.

I am going to ask a very dumb question....what is the difference between imigration and customs? I have heard others doing this too and I just thought it was all the same thing...but I am obviously wrong.

What hotel did you stay at? I am starting to plan our March trip...but we have our hotel....but I wonder if it is one near where we are staying as we are right by Sea World as well.
I am going to ask a very dumb question....what is the difference between imigration and customs? I have heard others doing this too and I just thought it was all the same thing...but I am obviously wrong.

What hotel did you stay at? I am starting to plan our March trip...but we have our hotel....but I wonder if it is one near where we are staying as we are right by Sea World as well.

In a nutshell, immigration is interested in the people that try to enter the country and customs is interested in what people bring into the country.

We stayed at the Doubletree by Hilton Orlando at Seaworld.

Day 3

I am pretty used to waking up at 5:00 AM on the first day or two when we go to the USA. However, this time round, I was wide-awake at 3:00 AM. I got up and checked my emails and checked in on Facebook and then about 30 minutes later, I headed back to bed and managed to sleep for another couple of hours. By that stage we were both awake. We decided to get up and go in search of breakfast. As I had not much to east the previous day, I was definitely ready for my breakfast. We decided to head over to the IHOP. As it was still so early, we needed to walk, but that was no hardship. It was actually nice to stretch the legs. It was already quite warm and we were treated to a nice sunrise during our walk. What I had not bargained for was that I would struggle with hay fever. I am allergic to tree pollen, but never in my wildest dreams would I have expected that I would have issues with that in December.

The IHOP was relatively empty when we got there. There were a couple of people already there and a family arrived shortly after us. We both had Coffee and Orange Juice. Graham went with the T Bone Steak with Fried Egg and Pancakes. I did not feel quite so hungry and went with Sirloin Tips with Mushrooms, Onions, Hash Browns and Fried Eggs with some Pancakes on the side. I am not normally a big fan of pancakes, but they do lovely Butter Pecan Pancake Syrup and with this, I actually enjoy them. I was a little concerned if I would enjoy the Sirloin Tips, as I normally prefer my steaks medium rare. I ended up loving them. Even though they were well done, they were very tender and had a lovely marinade on them. Once we finished our meal, we paid and then headed off in search of one of my favourite shops.

I have always really loved Walgreens. So I did not need much encouragement to visit one as soon as possible. When we approached IHOP, we saw a road sign that had Walgreens listed for this turn off. It was not immediately obvious where this was, but we just followed the road around and managed to find this. The first order of the day was to find some anti-histamine and fortunately they had my favourite one in stock. While we were there, we had a good look around. I spotted a great deal on Ghirardelli Squares. Essentially I got two bags for less than I would pay for one bag at the Ghirardelli shop at Downtown Disney. I also managed to stock up on Orange Soda. Graham managed to get himself a new Grumpy t-shirt. With the shopping all done, we headed back to the hotel. On the way we had a look at the area around the hotel. This looks a little sad. There were two restaurants opposite that had gone under some years ago. One of them now has another restaurant in it, but the other one is still empty. There is also a little strip mall across the road and most of those shops and restaurants are empty. We had found a lovely Chinese restaurant there on a previous visit, but that has unfortunately gone, too.

The hotel we were staying at is now an official partner hotel for SeaWorld. This came with a number of perks. One of those was Quick Queue, which gives you front of the line access once a day for all of their major rides and attractions with the exception of the shows. Normally SeaWorld charges for this, but people staying at our hotel get this for free. We had asked about this when we checked in the previous night and were told that we would need to get this from the Expedia desk that was at the other end of the lobby. This went quite smoothly. We were advised that until the new year, the free Quick Queue pass does not apply to Antarctica – Empire of the Penguin, but the person assisting us also told us that he had recently had some guests telling him that it was included. I was a little disappointed as this was the main reason why I wanted this. Still, there was nothing I could do. We were given a confirmation number each and were advised that we needed to use this at one of the self-service ticket machines at SeaWorld and would get our Quick Queue Passes that way. We also bought our trolley passes at the same time.

Our room was very close to the walkway to SeaWorld. So we took the shopping back to the room and then headed for SeaWorld. We arrived there about 8:30 and had plenty of time to sort out the Quick Queue Passes. They are quite low-tech. Essentially it was a little card with the attractions printed on it and a check box next to each one, which would be ticked once we had done the attraction. To my delight, Antarctica – Empire of the Penguin was on there. With those in hand, we headed to the entrance. We got our admission as part of our Discovery Cove package. This always used to be a bit involved if you wanted to go to SeaWorld before you had been to Discovery Cove. It used to be a question of taking the confirmation letter and a form of Photo ID to Guest Services, who would then issue a day ticket. This needed to be repeated every day. This time round, we were both sent an eticket with a barcode and were able to go straight to the turnstiles. This is so much easier.

Once we were inside, we picked up a map, as I needed the show times. We both took some photos of the beautiful Christmas tree. I have to admit that the Christmas music did feel out of place. This is a bit strange as I love it at Walt Disney World, but it just did not feel right at SeaWorld. We then headed as far into the park as we could, as I wanted to do the first dolphin feeding and wanted to be in the best position for this at rope drop. We were able to go as far as the Flamingo habitat. It is nice to see that the Flamingos are back on display. On the other side we could see Manta, which was being tested. We were both kind of curious about this and had wondered if we should give this a go, but getting to look at this closer, neither of us had the wish to try it.

After rope drop, we headed straight to Dolphin Cove. We were obviously not the first people to have this idea, as there was already quite a line. Graham headed off to one of the overlooks and I got in line. The line was moving pretty swiftly and I had no problem getting my fish. They even had an offer that you paid $7.00 for the first tray of fish and $5.00 per tray for each additional one. I ended up getting two trays. They have changed they way they are doing this again. In order to keep the fish as fresh as possible, when you purchase the fish you are just given a receipt. You then line up behind a rope and once the animal care staff are ready; people are allowed in the feeding area, but asked to stand in front of the hedge that is behind the interactive wall. They then give the safety talk and once this has happened, the group is allowed to step up to the wall. Only then will the Animal Care staff come around with buckets and hand out the trays with the fish. I know that there have been some reports in the past that people felt they were rushed, but we had plenty of time to feed the dolphins and interact with them. I had some very nice interactions. By the time they asked us to make sure that we feed our last fish, I was ready to leave. I was surprised that they did not take a single photo. Graham managed to take some photos from the overlook and he commented that there was only one SeaWorld photographer, which is very unusual.



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