Scared Silly But Loving It

We had a quick look at the dolphin underwater viewing area and then we headed to the Dolphin and Whale Stadium. By that time, it was about 10 minutes until the first show of Blue Horizons, but we got perfect seats in the middle section and quite high up so we had a great view. This is my absolutely favourite show from any park. They have tweaked a couple of segments, but the show was as great as usual. One of the segments that had to be tweaked by necessity is the segment that used to feature the False Killer Whale that has sadly passed away since I last saw the show. Still, at SeaWorld San Diego, they use Pilot Whales for this segment and they now have a number of Pilot Whales that live at the Dolphin and Whale Stadium. They are still quite young, but hopefully eventually they will feature in the show. The other segment that was tweaked is the finale, which used to feature Sun Conures. They always used to be trouble and tended to fly off into the palm trees. So obviously they got tired of this as they are now using a variety of parrots for this segment. Still, this was even more stunning.


When we left the stadium, I was quite thirsty. I had read before the holiday that they have something called Coca Cola Freestyle near Antarctica  Empire of the Penguin. As Graham had melted one of my old SeaWorld cups in the dishwasher shortly before the holiday and I was planning to get a new one anyway, I decided to try this out. Supposedly the Coca Cola Freestyle machines can dispense 100 different flavours. I could not quite figure out where that number comes from as I saw about a dozen different flavours and no obvious way to customize them. There was however a limited edition flavour called South Pole Chill, which was sparkling water with vanilla flavour and I decided to go with this. This was actually pretty nice. Once I had rehydrated, we headed for Antarctica.

When we first entered the area, the waiting time was 10 minutes and we were not sure if it was actually worth using Quick Queue. In the short time that it had taken me to get the drink, the waiting time had shot up to 20 minutes so using Quick Queue definitely appealed. I could not figure out where the access was as there were no signs. I asked a passing member of staff, who pointed towards a chain and advised that there should be a member of staff there. When she realized that nobody was there, she went inside the ride and got somebody. After this it was plain sailing. The member of staff ticked the relevant box on our Quick Queue Ticket and then escorted us to the pre-show room. After a short film, we then proceeded to the entrance to the loading area where we were then given the choice between the wild and mild version. I had managed to find very little information about the ride before our trip and therefore decided to play it safe and go for the mild version. The ride vehicles look like giant flying saucers and they just slide through the ride area like you are on ice. There are plenty of visual effects, but the ride part left both of us bemused. The ride ends in front of the new penguin habitat and this is absolutely stunning.

There is only class at the bottom of the habitat to keep the water in and therefore it is freezing. It was great to be able to see the penguins up close and personal. A couple of penguins were sitting on ice that is above the walkway. Graham had heard that they have an escape artist that has made it as far as the loading area for the ride. SeaWorld have done a great job with this area on the whole even though we did not get the ride part. When we left the ride, there was a penguin character opposite for a meet and greet. As he had no line, I decided to have a photo taken with him. Little did I know that my first character of the holiday would be a penguin?

We wanted to see the midday showing of One Ocean. We still had plenty of time so we headed to Pacific Point to see the seals and sea lions. We saw more birds in this habitat then seals and sea lions. We saw various kinds of egrets, white ibis and storks. There was one kind of egret that looked like it had a bad hair day. They were quite amusing. It was also quite amusing to watch some of the sea lions trying to scare the birds away. This was somewhat futile, but nevertheless entertaining.

Around 11:30, we slowly made our way over to the Shamu Stadium. Again we managed to get good seats or at least they were good seats when we sat down. We ended up having a group of very excitable primary school children sitting in the row in front of us and they kept standing up blocking our view. We had to ask them on a number of occasions to sit down. They complied happily enough, but a minute or two later, they were standing again. Instead of a pre-show they now have a variety of cartoon sea creatures popping up on the screen and are encouraging people to text a unique code for there favourite sea creature to support him or her. Just before the show started there was a race between those sea creatures and the progress each sea creature made was based on the number of text messages received. I have to say this slightly rubbed me up the wrong way. I am not sure if people in the USA normally pay to send text messages and if SeaWorld benefits from this in any way financially, but this was clearly aimed at children and I just did not feel this was right.

We had not been to SeaWorld since One Ocean started or even since the tragic incident that cost a trainer’s life. So we were quite curious about One Ocean. I have to admit that neither of us ever got Believe. On the whole it would probably be a good idea if SeaWorld left the storytelling to Disney. They are just not very good at it. The one exception is Blue Horizons, but even there the story is somewhat thin and confusing. It just does not matter in that case as so much is going on. Like Believe, One Ocean left us largely cold. There was one part that I thought was rather cute. Near the end of the show, there was a segment where two killer whales slide out on the submerged platform at an angle and they look like they are kissing each other. I have since heard that there will be a new killer whale show next year. I am hoping that they will move away from trying to tell a story and towards a more educational presentation. They used to have a really great dolphin show at SeaWorld San Diego that showcased some terrific leaps and jumps and linked this to all kinds of facts about dolphins and why they are doing certain behaviours. I would love to see something like this done with the killer whales.

One thing surprised me and to a certain extend shocked me. I have read a lot about the ongoing dispute between SeaWorld and OSHA and I know that the citation applies to water work, where the trainers enter the water with the killer whales, but also dry work; where the trainer is on a ledge, slide out or platform that can be accessed by the killer whales. Indeed the incident happened in a dry work scenario. Specifically for dry work it states that this is only permitted where a physical barrier exists. There were a number of occasions during the show, where trainers were in very close proximity to the killer whales with no physical barrier on the semi-submerged platform at the front of the stadium. As far as I could see, there was nothing to stop a killer whale grabbing a trainer by the arm or by the ankle and dragging them into the pool. For what is worth, I think the restrictions that OSHA placed on SeaWorld are complete overreaction on their part considering how many hours the trainers have spent in the water with the animals without anything happening, but as long as those restrictions are in place, I think SeaWorld would be well advised to stick to them.

When One Ocean had finished, we headed over to Wild Arctic to experience the Polar Express overlay. We were able to do this 2007 and really enjoyed it. Normally I would not dream of heading there straight after a show at the Shamu Stadium has finished, but with Quick Queue, I thought we could chance it. The standby line went straight across the plaza in front of Wild Arctic, but the Quick Queue line had about 10 people in it. This time round it was actually clearly marked, but there was no obvious access to get to it. We just ducked underneath some chains and were met at the other end by a member of staff who checked with us if we wanted the motion or non-motion version. We opted for the motion version. We were then escorted to a holding pen and shortly afterwards we boarded our “train”. This was a lot rougher than I had remembered it from 2007, but we still enjoyed it. Wild Arctic looked very festive and there was a delicious cookie smell in the air. Santa was also holding court in this area, but we bypassed him. We spent a while observing the various animals and particularly enjoyed watching the Belugas both above ground and in the underwater viewing area.

Once we had admired the various animals for long enough, we headed out again. We followed the waterfront and enjoyed all the colourful Christmas trees that form the Sea of Trees show after dark. We then headed to the Sky Tower. This used to cost extra, but is now included with the ticket. It was also included in Quick Queue. As we approached the Sky Tower, it was just going up so we had a brief wait. We had a stunning view. Once we were back on the ground, we headed over to the dolphin nursery where they have three calves at the moment, two of which had only been born a day apart at the beginning of November. I was surprised how independent they already were and they were a lot of fun to watch.

By then we were definitely ready for a snack. After all, we had breakfast at the crack of dawn. We headed to the bakery. Graham had some Coffee and a Danish Pastry and I had a Caramel Macchiato and Vanilla Cake with Cinnamon Frosting. They now serve Starbucks Coffee at SeaWorld so I thought I knew what I was letting myself in for, but I think they got the syrup mixed up as there was a distinct mint taste to my Caramel Macchiato. It was not unpleasant, but somewhat unusual. I had to admit that I preferred the old view when the Flamingoes were next to the bakery. Now we had Manta swooping past. Still, this reinforced the realization that this is definitely not our kind of ride.

At that point, we were essentially done. With the early start; we were starting to run out of steam. However, there was one thing we still wanted to do: Turtle Trek. We headed over to that area. Turtle Trek is in the area that used to be the manatee underwater viewing area. Again, we used our Quick Queue. The setup is a little strange. We lined up and at some stage the doors opened. However, rather than heading for the actually attraction, we ended up in the underwater viewing area. This has been redone and is great. There are two separate underwater viewing areas. The first one is a freshwater habitat and contains the manatees and assorted freshwater fish. The second one is saltwater habitat and contains the sea turtles and various saltwater fish. This habitat is a lot nicer than the old turtle habitat and both underwater viewing areas are fascinating. A short while later, we were then called to pick up our 3D glasses and to proceed to the attraction. It is a real shame that you can only access the two underwater viewing areas if you want to do Turtle Trek. The idea behind the film was that you follow a female sea turtle from birth to returning to the beach to lay her eggs and showcases the dangers that the turtles face. The film is visually stunning as it uses both surround cinema technology in a dome were the images are all around you, but also above you and 3D technology. Unfortunately even though you are not moving during the film, I still got a strong sense of motion sickness. Once the film was finished, we had a look at the outdoor part of the manatee habitat and watched them for a little while.

We then headed out. We had walked enough for one day and decided to take the I-ride Trolley back to the hotel. To my delight, the trolleys were decorated. They all had a wreath on the outside around the front light and garlands with Christmas baubles on the inside they all looked rather festive. When we got back to the hotel, we had to go to reception. We had a letter over night to advise us that the locks would be changed and that we needed to collect new room keys before returning to our room that evening. We were issued new keys, but were asked if we still had our old keys, as they were not sure if the lock on our room had already been changed. We did and headed over to our room. When we got there, they were in the process of changing our lock. This was one of the new RFID kinds where you just have to touch the card to the reader and the door opens. This is essentially the same technology that the Disney Magic Bands work with. We were told that they would be about 10 to 15 minutes. We went into the room and chilled out until they were done. I checked in online and caught up with my emails. Once the lock had been changed and we had checked that our key cards worked, we got changed into our swim stuff and headed for the pool.

One of the hotel pools was very close to our room. This was supposed to be the family pool, but all that this meant is that it had the bow of a pirate ship with some water cannons outside the pool at one end and some pool toys like pool noodles available. This also happened to be the only pool area in the hotel that had a hot tub. There were no children around, but quite a few adults. The pool is a decent size and even though it was just before sunset, it was still quite warm and the water was a lovely temperature. There were some other people from the UK and we chatted with them for a couple of minutes and then swam some length. We were treated to quite a nice sunset while we were swimming. Once we had swum enough, we headed for the hot tub. The hot tub was very nice and a good size and it was a shame that I never managed to get back. The people from the UK were in the hot tub, too and we chatted with them a bit more. About 20 minutes later, we decided that we had enough water for one day and headed back to the room. We got dried off and changed and then went outside to the stop for the I-Ride Trolley.

I had asked Graham to decide where we go for dinner that evening. We got on the I-Ride Trolley heading north on International Drive. I asked Graham where we were going for dinner and he told me I just would have to wait and see. We passed the stops for Pointe Orlando and Olive Garden and I started to get a little puzzled. I figured maybe we were heading for Chili’s or Sweet Tomatoes, but once we crossed Sand Lake Road, Graham indicated that we would get off at the next stop. This was the stop for what used to be our favourite restaurant, Salt Island Fish Market and Chop House. Unfortunately they have gone under a number of years ago and the restaurant had stood empty since. I had heard that a new restaurant was due to open there and Taverna Yamas had actually opened in November. This is where we were headed. It was advertised as a Mediterranean restaurant, but the food was all Greek. It was a little surreal. When Salt Island closed, they had obviously left all the fixtures and fittings behind and Taverna Yamas took the premises over just as they were. It was a bit sad to see the familiar surroundings but having a different restaurant there. I was also not sure if the décor works for this kind of restaurant. The food however was delightful and the service was very attentive, which may have something to do with how few people were in the restaurant. I had every intention to have a cocktail that evening, but in the end it did not appeal. I think I had got quite dehydrated and was also quite tired so I went with a Fruit Punch. Graham had a glass of Rose Wine and we both had some water. Graham had decided to order a Caesar Salad to start his meal and this was huge. It would easily have fed a family of four. We decided to share this and it was delicious. They also brought out some Hummus with warm Pita Bread for us to share. Now, I am an absolute Hummus snob. Having been Dubai so often and having tasted proper, freshly-made Hummus, I have little tolerance for the Hummus you can buy in supermarkets or that most restaurants serve. This however was amazing. Graham had the Ottoman Lamb Shank with White Bean Purée for his main course and I went with the Pastitsio, which was layered Macaroni with seasoned Minced Beef, Béchamel and Tomato Sauce. We both enjoyed everything we tried. The food was fresh and delicious. I wish them the best of luck and hope that they are still there the next time we come to Orlando.

Once we finished our meal, we headed out to the trolley stop. We just saw this pulling up once we stepped out on the so we took a little jog. Fortunately there were plenty of people getting off and one and we managed to catch the trolley. Once we got to the hotel, we were both ready for our bed. We got ready for bed and then called it a day.
You take wonderful pictures. :thumbsup2
My dd loves all things dolphin, and she enjoyed reading along with me.

Corinna, like always I love, love your photos and trip report! Thank you for sharing with us!
I loved the Sea World Review. I am still debating on doing this in March. We did it in April of 2011 and enjoyed it and only saw a small portion of the park. And I do have 2 free tickets...but it means one less day at Disney for us then. I really need to get a plan started and decide out days.
Love the pictures from SeaWorld. What a great day. Sorry your favourite restaurant wasn't there any more. But it sounds like the replacement is more than acceptable.
Absolutely loving all your beautiful pictures of the animals! I definitely need to plan a trip to Seaworld. I had no idea the variety of animals they have.

Glad dinner was a success!

Branston pickle does not sound pleasant to me either.
Love the update! We enjoyed SeaWorld also. I adored the Penguins aren't they just so cute :-) the ride kept breaking down though and it was freezing in there!

I enjoyed the show with dolphins and the birds! I can't stand Branston pickle either but DW adores it! I think it's like Marmite you love it or hate it. Your hotel sounds like it's in an ideal location! How nice :-)
Have to try and remember that restaurant and hope its still open when we return as I look Greek food.
I loved the Sea World Review. I am still debating on doing this in March. We did it in April of 2011 and enjoyed it and only saw a small portion of the park. And I do have 2 free tickets...but it means one less day at Disney for us then. I really need to get a plan started and decide out days.

If you have free tickets, I would definitely go.

Wow, what a busy first day!

Yes, it was busy, but a lot of fun.

What a fantastic day!

Jill in CO

It really was.

Love the pictures from SeaWorld. What a great day. Sorry your favourite restaurant wasn't there any more. But it sounds like the replacement is more than acceptable.

The replacement was very nice, but it looks like they are already in trouble and probably won't last much longer.

Absolutely loving all your beautiful pictures of the animals! I definitely need to plan a trip to Seaworld. I had no idea the variety of animals they have.

Glad dinner was a success!

Branston pickle does not sound pleasant to me either.

SeaWorld have a huge variety of animals. They do not only have marine mammals and fish, but also alligators, turtles and huge variety of different birds.

Love the update! We enjoyed SeaWorld also. I adored the Penguins aren't they just so cute :-) the ride kept breaking down though and it was freezing in there!

I enjoyed the show with dolphins and the birds! I can't stand Branston pickle either but DW adores it! I think it's like Marmite you love it or hate it. Your hotel sounds like it's in an ideal location! How nice :-)

I would definitely take an extra layer the next time I get to visit Antarctica. Blue Horizons is my all time favourite shows. I even have it on DVD.

Have to try and remember that restaurant and hope its still open when we return as I look Greek food.

I think you may be out of luck. Our friends in Orlando mentioned that they are really struggling. There is however another Greek restaurant at Pointe Orlando: Taverna Opa and that is pretty well established by now.

That day at Sea World looked very nice. I would have enjoyed the dolphin feeding as well.
Hopefully I can keep up better with your reports this time. I mentioned a while back about how poorly my phone handled the size of your pictures vs the text size. I recently changed browsers on my phone and Google Chrome handles the picture to text ratio so much better than the other browser. I was able to read this update with ease! There are several folks whose TRs were difficult to read previously and now i'll have no problems keeping up since I can read easily from my phone!
Great report so far .... looking forward to hearing about your scary rides experience and of course what you think of the re-imagined Magic .. only 18 weeks until I will find out for myself :yay::yay:


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