Sarah & Fred - 1.11.07 - AK/MK - The Perfect Midnight Stroll

Cool, just wondered as sometimes you get posts that are meant to pull your chain, and it was just I couldn't find any other posts by this person, just seemed a bit sus:guilty: Sorry, don't want to offend anyone and I'll take it all back when I see a post from the OP;)
When the poster put this out on the DIS I thought it was wonderful - but this has been going on since January 22 - and no other word from her. I check all the time - and read wonderful responses from everyone. BUT - I do think this is some kind of hoax - it has been over a week and no other info - also no info from before the wedding with all the wedding plans. If you click on the posters name and look for other posts it comes up with nothing. I don't know if this was an actual wedding that happened - or if it is just a set up. Maybe someone with really good photo equipment was able to superimpose all the guests and pictures of the bride and groom on Main Street.

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that Sarah normally posts on the other board and is waiting for the rest of her pics before posting a trip report....she's been planning for a while over it is truly a magical wedding...
The Disboards are the only boards I check out so I have not seen any info on other boards. Glad to know that this is real - I was getting disapointed reading these all the time and never getting any more information.

Yeah, thanks. I'm not normally sceptical but to get teaser pics with no story or anything just seemed a bit strange. Normally people post before their wedding so we already know who they are. It's a shame we missed out on the planning of this momentous event.
In Sarah's defense I know her photos are not all up yet and this is why she hasn't continued. I think it was nice enough that she share her day here and she just wants to make sure she can do it properly. I mean how often do we get to see a mk wedding?

She had amazing photographers who do live in Maryland so I am sure between that and the intesive amounts of photos (Sarah did host a real showstopper from what I can see) it is just taking a while.

Thanks for sharing Sarah;)
Sarah - Congratulations on your marriage and welcome to the Wedding Boards!!

FYI - I have no idea if this is the same girl, I don't have the messages any longer, but I was PM-ing with a girl last year about her MK wedding. If this is not her, then we'll have another one coming up!
Summer-Caitlin - I know what you mean - I think about one point sometime this summer someone came on and said they had no budget and went on and then suddenly came up with some story about inlaws in then vanished - I was skeptical - but as I said Sarah is truly legit- actully I will pm you
We are real. :)

(I’m sorry I never thought about it that way. Had I not lived it, I would probably think it was a hoax as well.)

We decided not to post recaps until we had the photos to go along with them. Our photographers are working really hard, but they have many photos to go through and other weddings to photo. Although I doubt that it will be much longer. Also, I would post about the events leading up to the wedding, but unfortunately the family friend who served as our unofficial photographer sent a blank CD instead of the CD filed with photos.

(JandJ ~ I am the same girl. Thanks again for your advice.)
WOW!! Im so glad you came back to us!! I cannot wait to read about everything-- especially the type of budget that went into planning something about this. We all know Disney is expensive... especially since we have all paid our dues to them in one paycheck/credit card or another.

Thanks so much!! Cannot wait to see the photos, hear the stories, and relive your magical dream with you!!
Yay, you're a real person and everything:goodvibes Glad to hear it!

I am really looking forward to reading about your day and obviously seeing the pics, sorry that you never got your pics yet, bummer!

Thanks for setting the record straight, I apologise for being cynical;)
Sarah, I cannot wait to see the rest of your pictures! That's frustrating that the pictures are taking so long to come back to you. I'm sure your day was so magical :goodvibes I am patiently waiting to hear all about it popcorn::
We are real. :)

(I’m sorry I never thought about it that way. Had I not lived it, I would probably think it was a hoax as well.)

We decided not to post recaps until we had the photos to go along with them. Our photographers are working really hard, but they have many photos to go through and other weddings to photo. Although I doubt that it will be much longer. Also, I would post about the events leading up to the wedding, but unfortunately the family friend who served as our unofficial photographer sent a blank CD instead of the CD filed with photos.

(JandJ ~ I am the same girl. Thanks again for your advice.)

Sarah I am so happy it's you!! That's wonderful - I'm so glad everything worked out for you :goodvibes Congratulations again!!
I am sorry I ever doubted you. I must say your wedding looked wonderful. I can't wait to read more about it and check out all your pictures. I am sure you had THE most wonderful day and THE best memories. I will be checking my email all the time now waiting until you post more information. :surfweb:

Nice to see you posting over here too!! Your day looked wonderful! Cant wait to see more pictures!!
I am so glad to see that you haven't abandoned your thread!!! I can't wait to hear about your magical wedding!!! I am sure it will be well worth the wait.
I too was beginning to be a little skeptical, but didn't want to get flamed. Whew! Now we can start hoping for the pictures again. Yay!!! :woohoo:


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