Sad News about Rich Hyams

Lisa, our deepest regards. You know of course how much Rich contributed to this board. We will all miss him.

Dear Lisa and family
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope that you realize how much Rich contibuted to this forum. I pray in time that the sadness is replaced with the fondness of your memories.
Sincerely Tara
So sorry to hear of your loss. Our condolences. We always enjoyed reading his view on DVC.

I am so very sorry to hear about this. I was out most of the day yesterday, and I'm just cactching up now. I'm stunned and saddened to hear about this.

Rich has been around here for a very long time, and yes, has engaged in his share of controversy. I venture to say that even those who disagreed with him the most will miss him. He had a unique and inventive sytle of sharing his thoughts, and even when you didn't agree with him, there was something about the way he expressed himself that was charming, mischevious and fun loving. Even though many of us never met Rich in person, he was a part of our family here, and this place is lesser for having lost him, especially at such a young age.

I will honestly miss his contributions here, and the ocassional emails I would get from him. You and your family are in all our thoughts and prayers.

Prayers go out to you -- Rich will be greatly missed here on the DIS boards. Thank you for sharing him with us for the past several years. He brightened the day for many of us.
Deepest sympathies to you, and your entire family, Lisa. Your DH's posts almost had me convinced to buy OKW resale. He will be missed.
I have missed his posts for some time and have been wondering what happened to him. Thank you for letting us know.

You and your daughter will be in my prayers. I'm so sorry for your loss.

God Bless -
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Even though I never knew Rich, I always enjoyed reading his posts. He will be greatly missed here. You and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lisa, sometimes the words just won't come. Fortunately for us, Rich never had that problem.

My deepest sympathies to you and your family and friends.

...for all your thoughts and prayers. I'm going through the 300+ responses here - and I cannot express how much this means to me right now.

For those of you wondering why he hadn't been posting lately, I suspect that it had more to do with him being busy with his real estate investing business than anything else.

Rich had an aortic heart valve replacement and ascending aortic root aneurysm repair back in 2000. They replaced his aortic valve with a mechanical one - and as a result had to take blood thinners and other medications to keep the thing "ticking". And it did tick! Quite loudly at times. You can only imagine the fun he had with people he met because of this. One time, a client said to him "I hear something ticking, is that your watch?". Of course, Rich replied "what ticking, I don't hear any ticking". So the client proceeded to wander around the office trying to figure out the source of the tick-tick-tick! Rich told me that he never did tell the guy about his valve, and pretty much left him in the office scratching his head! But that was Rich - the prankster and jokester.

The doctor had told him back then that the valves can last up to 15yrs....but he stressed the "up to" part. I suspect that the valve failed, because it happened very quickly. He literally fell down in our kitchen and was gone within minutes.

We both knew that he was not long for this planet, but it was more of an unspoken thing. I think that is why he lived each day like it was his last, and never held back in saying things - or doing things that most people thought were impossible. And with all his health problems, you never heard him feeling sorry for himself or complaining about what a bum rap he had in life. His typical response to "how are you Rich?" was always: "Better than you can possibly imagine!"

Again, thanks so much for all of your support and kind words....I cannot tell you how much they mean to both me and my daughter.

We had planned a trip to WDW in January, so both my daughter and I will be going. For the rest of our days it'll always be our special connection to him.

Lisa Hyams
Lisa, Thank you for posting his story, I cannot believe that surgery was back in 2000, I thought it was last year... The year's go by too quickly :confused:

My heart goes out to you and your daughter, please take comfort in all the good times you had.... Rich will be there in spirit with you in January.....
Oh my gosh--I'm just now finding out this news. I'd missed him since the close of the Debate Board. I always looked forward to what he had to say, so entertained by his posts.

Just this past weekend we were in New York and there was a headline in the paper about unions--I thought of him and the story he told once about how he worked for a union in New York and how that affected his philosophy on business and the economy. You know that certain posters have made an impression on you when you think of them not only away from the DIS, but when you're on vacation to boot.

I really admired that he homeschooled his daughter--something I couldn't imagine myself being able to pull off, much less my husband. And though I didn't own DVC, I had to smile at the debates over BVW/OKW and 5-to-a-room, but especially enjoyed his reviews of OKW because they brought back good memories of my honeymoon there when it was still called Disney Vacation Club.

I wish you and your daughter all the best and hope you have many loved ones surrounding you to support you and bring you comfort.

I'm so sorry for your loss. He will be missed.

God Bless :(
My deepest sympathies to you, your daughter and family. Yes, I'm a "Richyams Fan" too. Thank you for letting us know where he is, and for updating us again. I can't imagine your feelings right now. Enjoy your trip to WDW this Jan, and all ever after. I always agreed with Rich on the OKW being the best deal in all aspects of DVC, and we don't hear from too many people who share that view. We'll all miss him here, but never to the degree that you and Jacqui do...


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