Running for Freedom(of the Seas) The Journey Begins Today!(Comments Welcome)

Little bit of slacking this week-only ran Tues and Fri (today) and will run tomorrow. That puts me behind by 2 miles for the week. Okay I guess.

Todays run was pretty good-32:49 for 3 miles. Not too bad, considering it was late (8:15) when I left and it was HUMID as all get out. Hoping the rain lets up enough for me to get out there tomorrow morning for quick 3 miles.
So I haven't posted in week. Hmm. Last Sunday was a 6miler, hills again, I am getting much better at them. We bested our last 6 mile time by 3 minutes. Not too shabby.

Ran Tues (3mi), Weds (3mi) and today (3mi). Tomorrow I'll do a fast 2 then Sunday is back to 8. I did fartleks today, trying to incorporate new things into the routine. Seemed to be okay, time was 33 minutes even for 3 miles. I tried not eating before I went out the last two times, and boy do I notice the difference now!! So I will go back to my almonds and banana before my short runs. The sport beans and G2 worked out well on last sunday's long run, so I am sticking with those. I do have a Gu to try, but I am kind of :scared: about it. The beans I am good with, I may just stick with them.

Its hard to believe in another week it will be August! Then I will be able to say that "next month I am running my first half marathon!" I am a bit nervous about it, but excited too. Guess that's normal.
Today was our 8 miler, we did the hill route. Bettered our time by 4 solid minutes. But my god it was humid!! I have never drank that much water/G2 during a run as I did today. And when we finished, MIL had water for us, I downed one bottle immediately and started another! I can't remember being that thirsty after a run before!!

Went in the pool when I got home, kind of like an ice bath, legs are sore. Now I am thinking about a short nap.

I did all my running this week, didn't miss one.
I had to look up what a half marathon was...I had no idea...You go girl! Keep up the great work, I'll be here cheering you on :cheer2:
Veronica - again thanks for stopping by my journal. You are really dedicated to run with in-laws (I avoid my FIL like the plague.) You appear to be right on schedule to be ready for your 1/2 marathon. :cool1:

My principal and one assistant principal trained all last summer for their first triathelon. With hilarity, their recount of near drowning and finishing the bike and run well after the pack would have made me quit rather than face that kind of punishment (not to mention the humiliation of finishing after the timer's table had been packed up.) But they stuck with it and by the last day of school, each had not only moved up to finish respectively within mid-pack, but my principal also did the Boston Marathon! The changes in their bodies were also amazing. Several others on staff also began the training program and also looked great by year's end. Me, I'm way too busty to run comfortably, but I love to walk.

Keep up the awesome work. You can do it. And I'll stop by when I need some inspiration to keep going to.

Veronica - again thanks for stopping by my journal. You are really dedicated to run with in-laws (I avoid my FIL like the plague.) You appear to be right on schedule to be ready for your 1/2 marathon. :cool1:

My principal and one assistant principal trained all last summer for their first triathelon. With hilarity, their recount of near drowning and finishing the bike and run well after the pack would have made me quit rather than face that kind of punishment (not to mention the humiliation of finishing after the timer's table had been packed up.) But they stuck with it and by the last day of school, each had not only moved up to finish respectively within mid-pack, but my principal also did the Boston Marathon! The changes in their bodies were also amazing. Several others on staff also began the training program and also looked great by year's end. Me, I'm way too busty to run comfortably, but I love to walk.

Keep up the awesome work. You can do it. And I'll stop by when I need some inspiration to keep going to.


This made me laugh out loud!! I am way to busty to run too, but if ya strap em down with enough spandex, its not too bad:scared1::laughing: Once I reach goal weight, I am having breast reduction. Seriously. My ob/gyn says go for it, my PC is like ehh (this would be the fundamental difference between men and women:rolleyes:). I will say that with my weight loss I lost band size (down to 36 from 42) but cup size is still D/DD. Rather frustrating. But something to work towards!!
Congrats on an awesome week! Good for you.I know the 1/2s will be here before we know it.I can't believe it will be Aug. on Sat., a lousy summer went to fast.

Oh well still better than winter!

Keep moving,
While we have been waiting for the rain to end and "summer" to finally get here, I was so not loving it this morning. It poured here last night, and this morning was very muggy and sticky. Not a ton of fun for running. But out I went, sweating like nobody's business. Still am. At this point, I am looking forward to some winter weather-well at least fall weather.
Well I can now say I have run the farthest ever, 9 miles. FIL is suffering with his knee/leg from all the hill work, so todays run was nice and flat. We went slow, a solid 12min/mile pace. Weather was nice. Bugs, however, were plentiful and I even managed to swallow one :scared1:

Last night we went out to dinner with friends from out of town who were driving through on their way home from vacation. We went to Red Robin for burgers, and while I couldn't even finish mine, I still felt really yucky later. REally nauseous, stomach ache. We haven't been eating out at all lately, and I think this was a poor choice, but it was where our friends wanted to go.

Back to healthy eating today (mostly, as we are going to the movies to see Up and will have popcorn).

DH and I earned our Bachelor's degrees at Univ. of Washington with the original Red Robin just a bridge drive away. There wasn't a week that went by that our group of friends wasn't there. Then it franchised (but still not as good as the original) and we have one really close by. (Very tempting). I can't finish a whole burger either, so I usually take off the top bun and eat it with a knife and fork. I'm jealous of your popcorn too, but with all that running you can afford the carbs. :)

What is the course like for the race you are training for? There doesn't seem to be much elevation at DW; is the hilly training really necessary? (I've walking some pretty steep grades, OK going up, but really hard on my knees coming down.) Also, sorry about the bug.

Keep up the fantastic work!
Excellent mileage there sister!!!!!!!!! Red Robin- Mmm! Deadly though I know.

Hill work starting to bother FIL, that's too bad.Your 1/2 is coming soon right?

Yeah the humidity and bugs are the pits.

Have a great day


DH and I earned our Bachelor's degrees at Univ. of Washington with the original Red Robin just a bridge drive away. There wasn't a week that went by that our group of friends wasn't there. Then it franchised (but still not as good as the original) and we have one really close by. (Very tempting). I can't finish a whole burger either, so I usually take off the top bun and eat it with a knife and fork. I'm jealous of your popcorn too, but with all that running you can afford the carbs. :)

What is the course like for the race you are training for? There doesn't seem to be much elevation at DW; is the hilly training really necessary? (I've walking some pretty steep grades, OK going up, but really hard on my knees coming down.) Also, sorry about the bug.

Keep up the fantastic work!

The half in September has some hills, nothing really bad, but the hill training helps work different muscles different ways and helps with endurance. WDW has no real elevation, but there is running up and down on/off ramps and under Bay Lake by the Contemporary. I figure adrenaline will get me through all of those!

Excellent mileage there sister!!!!!!!!! Red Robin- Mmm! Deadly though I know.

Hill work starting to bother FIL, that's too bad.Your 1/2 is coming soon right?

Yeah the humidity and bugs are the pits.

Have a great day


Half is 7 weeks from yesterday. This week we drop back to 7 miles, then do 9, 10, 11. FIL did okay with the flat, just can't do any hills. Course it would help if he backed off on the tennis and spinning, but he won't listen.

Bugs and humidity, ehh what can you do. Soon enough it will be cold and snowy and we will have to put up with that.
Today was a 3 miler, 32:41, good time. I am coming to realize that time is not the end all be all of running, but that running where I am comfortable is more important. I think by letting go of that pressure to run faster, I am letting myself enjoy my runs and am running better. I am never going to be a speedster, but endurance I can do.

Food continues to be up and down, trying to do better.
I believe you're right; run at the pace you are comfortable running for the distance and terrain.

My principal made an analogy about interval training last year in a staff meeting; pushing harder, then backing off to a slower pace, then pushing again. He said that with running/walking, interval training actually helps build fitness faster. He wanted us to consider the same ideas in our classrooms to increase the rigor and expectations, but give students breathing room to build comprehension before the next push.

Keep up the great work.
Today was another 3 mile run, 32:05. I was moving right along as I REALLY had to go potty about 1/4 mile into my run. Wasn't going to go back home, so I just kept on moving along quickly.

Feeling kind of blah, last nights dinner doesn't seem to be sitting well. We had pasta with broccoli and chicken. May have been too much garlic, but I am not feeling fantastic at this point.

Tomorrow I have a drs. appt, I know he will complain that I have gained some weight since I saw him last. Oh well, I am training and working hard, the weight will eventually come off.
Remember muscle (and all that running has got to building up muscle) weighs more than fat and takes up less space. If your clothes are fitting better, then that's a gain, right? Doesn't matter what the scale says--or so the clinic tells me when weight stalls out as long as I'm losing inches.

Funny about needing the restroom after heading out for exercise; with so much water, I'm constantly making a first loop right back to my house before heading too far from home or praying my friend who lives in the upper part of the neighborhood is home to let me into the bathroom. I can relate. ;)

what doesn't kill us, makes us begins on Sept. 2 this year for us--where did summer go?

Today was 7 miles-seems funny that this is now an "easy" run. We ran into some other runners training for a full, they were doing 17 today. Nice folks, we talked to them for a bit before they ran on past us (they had a much quicker pace than us)

Little stress today-taking DD to sleepaway camp for the week. She is very nervous about being away from home even though we know that she will have an absolute blast once she gets settled in.
Since DD has been at camp, I have been feeling kind of lazy. Today was the first day I ran since Sunday's long run. Did 3 miles in 32:05, not too bad. It is warm and muggy which is not fantastic for running, but early mornings aren't too bad at this point. Our summer is just finally starting, when the kids only have 3 more weeks of summer left.

We have been missing DD quite a bit, but we are able to keep up with her via the camp blog and photos. We pick her up on Friday, can't wait to see her and hear all about her adventure.
I sure hope your daughter had a fantastic camp experience. (I loved going to summer camp when I was a kid--played all kinds of pranks and fell in love with horses.)

But now you'll have to get motivated again. ;)

Just keep swimming (er running that is),
We have our baby back home. She only showered once on Weds:scared1: so first thing was a good long hot shower. She had a fabulous time, didn't seem to care that we were there to get her. Can't wait to go back next year.

This sunday is 9 miles, gonna be tough with the heat we have coming. We will go early and hopefully it won't be too humid. I went to Fleet Feet today and got another water bottle and plenty of SportBeans. Only 5 more weeks until the first half marathon!


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