Running for Freedom(of the Seas) The Journey Begins Today!(Comments Welcome)

Good job Veronica! WOW out early.

Yeah let FIL do what makes him feel comfortable and you do what works for you.

I have not registered for the Applefest yet so I was looking at the Palio in Saratoga.???Some pictures showed them running on grass?

Do you get any bling? I know it is a scholarship type thing but I love my bling.The 2 1/2s I have done had a tech shirt and blingage!

I bet the course is beautiful at that time of year.

Good job Veronica! WOW out early.

Yeah let FIL do what makes him feel comfortable and you do what works for you.

I have not registered for the Applefest yet so I was looking at the Palio in Saratoga.???Some pictures showed them running on grass?

Do you get any bling? I know it is a scholarship type thing but I love my bling.The 2 1/2s I have done had a tech shirt and blingage!

I bet the course is beautiful at that time of year.


I hear there is good swag in the goody bags, don't know about bling. Running on grass, hmm, it does go through the Saratoga State Park, but I assumed it was all on roads, not the grass, unless some folks took a shortcut???:confused3 Course should be beautiful, Saratoga is a great town, except during track season (late July through Labor Day), then it is over run by tourists. I will see what I can find out and let you know.

PS I am always out early, only time I have and when I feel most comfortable running. After say 10am I can't get started, but I am not exactly a fan of getting up at 5:15 and heading out. But hey, its what I do.
Tried something new this morning for fuel-half a banana and some almonds. Seemed to work pretty well. I definately felt good the whole run. 3 miles, 32:55. Pretty good I think. I may have to try doing a 3 miler on a nice flat trail one of these days and see how fast I can go. My loops in the neighborhood and all up and down inclines, but I know that they are good for me. Tomorrow is a 2 miler, I'll do a fast run.

Linda-haven't heard back yet on the Palio, hoping to hear from the girl soon. Will let you know once I hear something.

Off to work soon-I go there to rest!:rotfl:
Good job Veronica!
If you are not good with math like me go to, click training, then along the left side hit pace calculator and it will have you put in your numbers.

I am so frustrated with this weight.I see people on here have lost like 30 lbs since May- I keep fluctuating between the same 2-3 lbs.I know how to do this but it just won't budge! Ugh!

Hope you have a great weekend,

I missed yesterdays 2 mile run due to the fact that it was POURING and it continued pretty much all day. So I will do that 2 miles tomorrow. Today was 3 miles, I took a new route (boy do I :love: my Garmin). The banana and almonds work out really well for me, keep me feeling good the whole time.

I am off to Fleet Feet this morning to pick up my new running shorts with the built in fuel belt and a couple of small water bottles. I am going to try them out on our long run this sunday.

Would love to take a nap, but DD has half day of school AGAIN so I have to pick her up before too long.
I really love going to Fleet Feet. The staff is so friendly and knowledgeable, and really take their time helping you. I knew what I wanted in shorts, they are Race Ready LD shorts. On the back at the waist is a built in fuel belt. They are really nice. I got two small Hammer water bottles to go in them, as well as a GU to try and some more sport beans. Fleet Feet offers a program where for every $250 you spend, you get a $25 gift cert. Since we had bought 3 pairs of sneakers and other stuff in March, I got my shorts and all my goodies for only $16 by using my GC. I wish I had more money to spend on some of the apparel there, but I will have to be patient and save my pennies to get more gear. Can't wait to try them out on Sunday! I feel like a real runner with all my cool stuff now!
Today was my 2 miler. Did it in 20:26, the first mile in 9:41! I was cooking. I did take some small walk breaks during the second mile to catch my breath, but still did pretty well.

FIL called to let me know about tomorrows long run-he and MIL have decided we are running a new route, one that involves a rather large hill. No mention of distance, though tomorrow is a 6 miler on my plan. It is frustrating that I don't get a say in where we are running or when, but I am trying to be a good team player and go with it. If I really have a problem, then I will just have to run alone from now on. I don't want to do that, but I need to do what I need to do. Also, the two of them only ran 1x during the week, where I ran 4x (staying on program). So now apparently I have to suffer because they didn't get out. UGGHHH. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Sadists. That's all I can say about my inlaws. They are sadists. The route they chose today had 3 HUMUNGOUS hills! Not just one but 3! All in the first 3.5 miles of our 6 mile run, but huge hills. We did our 6 miles in 1:11:12, an 11:42 pace, not bad considering I nearly died on the third hill.

I wore my new shorts with the water bottles and my sports beans. Worked out well. I only ate like 3 of the beans at mile 3, I don't know how much they helped since that was at the base of the last hill and I was dying anyhow. But I finished running and came home to make DH his fathers day breakfast. Now I am ready for a nap.

Tomorrow is 3miles, nice and slow and FLAT!
Well its Wednesday. I should have run on Monday and again today. Didnt happen. I ran 3 miles yesterday and was going to do 3 today. But I woke up with a sore throat and pretty sore muscles from doing more patio work last night. So I am resting today and will run tomorrow and Saturday. I'll miss a 2 miler this week, but that is okay.
That is funny about the hills! Your inlaws must be in awesome shape!!!!!!!

I ordered a Race Ready catolog and it came in the mail yesterday. Neat stuff- I would have done anything not to use a fanny pack in WDW last year but had to.I called around here for shorts with pockets- no one had them.

I am curious- I was reading your title and saw you are going on the Freedom after WDW- have you ever gone on a Disney cruise?

Hope you are feeling better.Saw my MD yesterday. Much better today.Alot of allergy symptoms.

Too bad about Micheal Jackson isn't it? Strange one but the talent he had esp. in the 80s WOW! Way too young.

Have a great day,
That is funny about the hills! Your inlaws must be in awesome shape!!!!!!!

I ordered a Race Ready catolog and it came in the mail yesterday. Neat stuff- I would have done anything not to use a fanny pack in WDW last year but had to.I called around here for shorts with pockets- no one had them.

I am curious- I was reading your title and saw you are going on the Freedom after WDW- have you ever gone on a Disney cruise?

Hope you are feeling better.Saw my MD yesterday. Much better today.Alot of allergy symptoms.

Too bad about Micheal Jackson isn't it? Strange one but the talent he had esp. in the 80s WOW! Way too young.

Have a great day,

My inlaws are in awesome shape. They are pretty obsessive about exercise. FIL teaches spinning, plays tennis 5x week, runs and does weights. MIL runs, walks, does lunges uphill etc.

The race ready shorts are awesome! I know that I could not run with a fanny pack on and these were just what I was looking for. I am anxiously awaiting my catalog. Funny thing, when I signed up for it, there was a comment section on the form. I wrote that I had just bought a pair of shorts and was looking forward to wearing them. Well Mary (who owns the company maybe:confused3) responded and said good luck with your training etc. How sweet!

We have been on 7 cruises, all on Royal Caribbean. We were going to try Disney, but things just haven't worked out for us to do it. DH and I do a podcast about cruising on RCI, so its considered "research":laughing::laughing: when we go.

I am starting to feel slightly better. I am on antibiotics for the sinus infection, still congested and have no sense of smell or taste. You would think this would work to my advantage:rolleyes:

Michael Jackson, what a shame. I really liked him during the 80's but he did get kinda weird in later years. But still 50 is too young to die.

Hope things are going better for you. I am going to try to get out tomorrow for our long run, haven't been out since Tuesday. I think if I take it slow and we don't do any hills, I'll be okay.
I feel like such a schlump. I haven't run in a week. This sinus infection is just such a pain in the you know what. I begged off the long run yesterday, thinking I would go out on my own instead of with the inlaws. But I woke up and said nope, not gonna happen. I know that my body needs rest, but as with my training, other areas of my life do not necessarily allow me to rest a lot. I am trying to finish my yard work before my 4th party this Friday. I now have 40 people coming (don't even ask how, I'm not exactly sure:rolleyes1) and am trying to figure out how much food and what I need.

Pray for me friends, its going to be a long week.............
Well I finally got out to run. MIL came over this morning and went out with me, which motivated me to go. It was great to get back out there, I haven't run since last week Tuesday. It was not terribly fast, but steady and consistent and felt really good.

Tomorrow is 2 miles, easy enough. Still battling this sinus thing, but getting better.
Finally got back out to run. Today was a long run, 7 miles. Did it in 1:24:53, not bad. Considering I hadn't run since Weds and its now Sunday, guess its pretty good.

I am almost over this stupid sinus thing. Gotta get back into the training schedule tomorrow.
Good job Veronica! Hope those sinuses clear soon they have a way of hanging around too long.

It is beautiful out there isn't it?

Have a great day and keep up the great work!

Sinus issue is finally on its way outta here, I am feeling sooooo much better. Did 3 miles today, 34 minutes, not speedy but okay. I am getting back into the groove, back on the program. My eating is getting better strictly by default-I have not had much appetite as of late so I am not eating as much. Hoping that with getting back into my regular running routine this will translate into weight loss.

Tomorrow is my off day. Then back at it on Wednesday.
Had a FANTASTIC run today!!:cool1: I could hardly believe how fast I ran or how good I felt. 31:43 for 3 miles. My fastest yet (well since I started using the Garmin at the beginning of June) by one minute. I was ROCKIN IT:rockband: today!!

Tomorrow is 2 miles, I will try to do a good tempo run, really go all out.
Two miles today, ran the first one in 9:41, fast for me. Finished in 20:35, about 9 seconds slower than the last time, but this time I only walked between mile one and two. Still felt pretty good.

Tomorrow is a 3 miler, then off on Sat. Sunday is 8, long slow and flat is the name of the game.
Great job on those runs.

Glad you are feeling much better.It is so nice to be able to focus on the run and find that you are kicking your own time in the butt.

Finally some sun today- have a good one,
So, I do love my inlaws, but yet hate them at the same time.

MIL and I talked during the week, saying we would run the path we ran last week, flat and long, for this weeks 8 mile run. So when FIL calls me last night and says she wants to run the hill route, I almost choke. There was no getting around it-I had to run the hills today. If I protested, then MIL would suddenly be "unavailable" to watch DD after summer school coming up. So I was stuck. Unhappy, but stuck.

So a bit windy and cool, but sunny and away we go. I did better with the hills than the last time, but they do slow me down quite a bit. I really tried to bite my tongue and not be snarky about it, since MIL was extra chipper today. But I did it, and am now rather tired and legs are sore.

Good news was that the SportBeans (w/caffeine) seemed to work out well and helped quite a bit. I may try using some PowerAde or Gatorade too at some point, along with my water.

Next week we are back to 6 miles, she'll probably have us do the hills again. UGH.


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