Running Down a Dream 2: It's All About the Swag

Hi Scott,
Good luck on your run today. I believe you have every right to brag about your accomplishments,did you ever think you would be talking about running a marathon and a half? WOW!

I know you said rain but what are the temps like there at this time?

We bought our nephews Rockband and our DD Guitar Hero 3, I'll let you know how it goes :)

Have a great holiday,
Hello :wave:

Just wanted to pop in and say....NO MORE LONG LONG RUNS!! Yes!!

As much as I like distance running, it sure is nice to have the 18 miler in the bag and be heading down the taper highway :)

Today was a very successful run for me. The weather did NOT cooperate...I know some people were battling flooding, snow, wind and cold...but to have to deal with a nice downpour for about 5 miles, then a solid misting for another 5, then a drop in temperatures along with a 10-15mph wind for the remainin 8 miles was not so fun. Kind of stinks to be totally soaking wet and then have a cold breeze to contend with! But it wasn't too bad may have slowed my pace a bit today, but this long run was about completing it, not how fast I was going.

I feel better after this 18 than I did for both the 14 and 16 mile runs :) I'm a bit tight in the lower legs, especially the calves and hamstrings but other than that I feel pretty good! I attribute eating well and drinking a lot of water to making my recovery that much easier.

It's nice to have this confidence builder going into this Goofy madness.

I hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend!

I'm off to go rest up and either read or watch football...have a great day!
Hey Scott!

Congratulations on getting through your last LR!! You must be so excited to finally be in taper mode!!! Sorry to hear you had to battle the elements, but you made it through and you are DONE!!!

You are going to do so awesome in a few weeks!

I hope you have a great Christmas!
Merry Christmas Scott....I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. And I hope Santa is good to you too!!! :santa:

Hopefully you are recovering well from the 18 miles yesterday. Your pace was insanely good (sort of jealous of that) ;). Anyway..I hope all the aches and pains are gone and that you can enjoy the next few days with fresh legs LOL!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Scott!:santa: You did an amazing job on your 18 mile run....You are so ready for the Goofy!:cheer2:
Merry Christmas, Scott! :santa:

I know you've been training hard Goofy man. So I can say with complete confidence that you're gonna have a great race! Please make sure to fill us in when you get back (and have gotten some rest!).
Good evening....

While everyone was gathered up for their festive holiday celebrations, I saw it as an opportunity to get a nice run in.

I was surprised to see that we had some sleet in the morning eventually turned in to just a solid rain that hung around all afternoon. So, I think we can say that Atlanta is slowly making it's way out of this "drought" that the media has concocted.

I jumped on an opportunity around 2pm...a break in the head out for a nice run. It was cold out but manageable and I ended up walking a mile...running for 3...and then walking a mile back home. The rain stayed away all the way up until that last mile, when it decided to give me another good soaking (that's three runs in two weeks where I ended up wetter than a fish).

The good news is that everything felt completely fine...I can safely say that I made a full recovery from those long 18 miles. I feel pretty confident about WDW now. I still have a 5 miler to do on Thurs and a 10 miler on Sunday, with XT thrown in between...but I'm enjoying the scaled back training for sure.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day today
McSpeedy!!! Congrats on your 18 miler! You must be so siked! I'm so proud of you!

GREAT JOB!!! :thumbsup2

I so can't wait to see how you guys do! No worries! You'll be great!!!

Hope you have a great weekend!
Hey Scott! Glad to hear you felt good on your xmas day run! That is great that you weren't that sore. Sorry to hear about the rainy weather you have been having..that kind of stinks.

You are going to do so great in the Goofy!! I can't believe it is only 15 days away for you!! Are you getting excited yet???
Wow...seems like the DISboards are FINALLY working better after this server upgrade :) Thank goodness!

Geesh, I haven't posted since Christmas Day...yikes!! Let's see...after running on the holiday, I was going to XT on Wednesday and run on Thursday....but....Wednesday was a LTO nightmare thanks to daughter's basketball game running late and the FC closing early that night so I found myself alone in a parking lot (no car) at 9:30pm, what did I do? Ran home of course! So I ended up substituting 30 minutes of running for 30 minutes of XT...then went back the next morning and did the elliptical to even things out (did any of that even make sense??)

Friday I did another 30 on the elliptical and Saturday I got out there for a nice 5 mile walk.

Yesterday was the 10 mile taper run (still amazed that 10 miles is a taper LOL) and of course, it was POURING down rain. The little voice in my head (who consistently offers great advice ;) ) told me to not chance anything and just go run on the I did. All 10 miles. On the stinkin' treadmill. And it actualy wasn't that bad!

So here we are on New Year's Eve. It's supposed to be a rest day but I kind of feel like doing the elliptical tonight...I feel very strong and don't think I did as much as I could have on Saturday (I'm missing those long bike rides!) We'll see how it shakes out since the FC closes early again (darn holidays)...luckily I have zero plans so that won't impact anything :)

I hope everyone had a great week...and that you guys stay safe thru this New Year's celebration (water, couch and tv for me :) ).
Happy New Year

I ended up doubling up on the workouts tonight. I did 30 minutes of pilates before heading up to the FC to knock out 30 on the elliptical. I know that it was supposed to be a rest day...and I know I'm in taper...but sometimes you just have to workout, ya' know?

So 2007 was good to me from a running/workout perspective. I completed a marathon and two half marathons...ran four 10k's (qualified for a sub 50 P'tree seeding group during the last one)...finished three 5k's (placed 3rd in my age group twice)...bought a road bicycle and added rides into my routine...incorporated pilates into my schedule to give me much needed core work...and completed training for the Goofy Challenge.

Wonder what 2008 will bring?

Hopefully I'll be successful with the whole Goofy deal...I'd like to run at least two more half marathons (Apr/May and DL in August ;) )...I'd like to increase my base a bit so that I can pull off finishing all of the Elite Series events (think Rock and Roll) in '09...and maybe finally figure out how to swim, find a spin class or some other form of intense cardio to take, and continue to eat healthier.

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable New Year's celebration.

.....this journal will self destruct in 20 days.....
HI Scott!!! What a busy bee you have been!!! I've been off work and therefore I get off my schedule, get lazy, I don't know, but it seems you've managed to stay focused and get in some great workouts!!!

Sounds like 2007 was a great year for you training wise and I know 2008 will be just as successful!

WOW, Congratulations on a great 2007! You sure have been busy.@ more weeks until the Goofy right? You must be so excited to get out there knowing all you have put into it.

Happy New Year, I am sure it will be as successful as 2007 was for you,
Hey there Scott! Just checking in! Not too much longer before you'll be Goofying it!

Hope you have a great day!
So 2007 was good to me from a running/workout perspective. I completed a marathon and two half marathons...ran four 10k's (qualified for a sub 50 P'tree seeding group during the last one)...finished three 5k's (placed 3rd in my age group twice)...bought a road bicycle and added rides into my routine...incorporated pilates into my schedule to give me much needed core work...and completed training for the Goofy Challenge.

Wonder what 2008 will bring?

Hopefully I'll be successful with the whole Goofy deal...I'd like to run at least two more half marathons (Apr/May and DL in August ;) )...I'd like to increase my base a bit so that I can pull off finishing all of the Elite Series events (think Rock and Roll) in '09...and maybe finally figure out how to swim, find a spin class or some other form of intense cardio to take, and continue to eat healthier.

:faint: I need a nap after reading that.

Just stopping by to WISH you luck at the Goofy. :thumbsup2 And for crying out loud...take a REST DAY!! :laughing:
Wow....just stepping back for a moment to take note of your 2007. Incredible really. It all started with your selfless act during the marathon...when you made sure I finished and never quit on me...never once did you consider going on ahead and leaving me there. That's something I'll never forget!!! :goodvibes You've been an awesome friend and running partner!!!

But beyond just truly came into your own as a runner and as an athlete. You just continue to impress me week after week with your dedication and hard work. Adding the biking in, which you took to like a champ. Adding the pilates...which just blows me away how dedicated you are to the practice. are an inspiration to me and continue to help me push past my limits. Thank you for that!!! :hug:

I wish you all the best in 2008. I hope you are able to complete all the events and remain healthy. I hope you are able to enjoy time with your DD and carve out time for yourself as well. I know there are more events to run...and more training plans to complete. But that's what keeps us going....and it's what I look forward to most in the coming year. Thanks for making 2007 really special!!! And here's to a sub 4:30 in 2008 :thumbsup2 .
Hi Scott! I was talking to my sister tonight and it got me thinking... I just want to personally thank-you for sharing your journey with us. What you accomplish is amazing. You and Amy training for the Goofy, though ya'lls fitness levels are much higher than mine, really help keep me focused. I always look forward to reading your journal and seeing how much more you have accomplished. I know you have had a very successful year that will culminate at the Goofy! (I'm not an english major, so did that make sense?)

Thanks for your support in my journal!

All the best!
:woohoo: Scott,

Your 2007 was amazing. You have accomplished so much, and you should be really proud of yourself. I know you will reach all of your 2008 goals because you define determination and consistancy. Now, if your shoes would only dry out from all that rain.

Take care of yourself,
Hi, Scott. What an amazing year you have had! I am sure 2008 will see you accomplish all the goals you have set for yourself. You are a wonderful example of what happens when you put your mind to something and keep pursuing it no matter what. I can tell from your posts that you are SO READY for this Goofy thang!! I wish I could be there to cheer you on, but know that I am there in spirit - my heart is with you guys.

If you have to self-destruct your journal in 20 days, is there any chance you could start a new one (maybe after a little break)? I get so much strength from reading it, I would miss it if you stopped completely!

Anyway, keep on keeping on - almost there! Hope you have a great day.



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