Rude people on vacation!

When we were in Disneyland in California Adventure, we got seats right against the railing for World of Color. Both my wife and I were first timers to that park. During the show, a few children squeezed in between us to get a better view. I wasn't necessarily upset at the children but their parents behind them that didn't say "oh sorry about them." as I lost my space. I would have probably given them my spot if their parents ran up and grabbed them. I found that pretty rude.

Also, in Disney World, in general and it's probably a cultural thing but the lack of personal space given to you by tourists usually foreigners.
Rude people don’t stop being rude because they are on vacation. While the vast majority of people who vacation in places like WDW are not rude and are just out enjoying themselves, there are so many people that you can’t help come across plenty of people that I consider rude. From line cutting, flash photography, berating CMs, talking throughout rides, etc.etc.etc. Over the years I have seen plenty of behaviour that I outdone consider rude. Sadly it seems to be escalating. There appears to be a huge feeling of entitlement.
The people who don't decide what they want until they are standing at the CM are the worst. We had a similar situation at Electric Umbrella one time. It was a mom/dad/son/daughter family. They all waited in line together for a while and then dad sent mom/son to find a table. When it was their turn, Dad didn't know what mom/son wanted and he sent daughter to find them and ask. Daughter came back with their order, but didn't specify which side son wanted with him kids meal - daughter goes off again to find out what side he wants. It was an exhausting process.

I was at the Grand Floridian sitting at a table on the patio outside of Gasparilla waiting for Hallowishes to start. Now, if you are not familiar with Gasparilla's patio, there are all these tables staggered and some are pretty much up against the fence on the Seven Seas Lagoon. My family and I had returned from HS on a party night and decided to grab a snack and eat outside while we waited for the show to go off. We sat at one of the tables up against the fence with nothing in front of us and about 15 minutes before the show started, we all moved towards the far end of the table so we could all see HalloWishes.

Two minutes before the show started, an intoxicated woman came stumbling with her husband/boy friend/significant other (whatever) and a large bottle of wine. She took a chair from a nearby table with only two occupants and dragged it loudly to my family's table and plopped it right in front of me, almost touching the fence. The guy was glaring at her the whole time. As she went to sit down, I loudly said "excuse me, you can't sit in front of me, I've been waiting here over 30 minutes." She slurred her speech and said "I WASN'T GOING TO" and the guy she was with continued to glare at her looking uncomfortable and then they both decided to walk back to their room.

Sorry. Get your own table or pay for a theme park view.
Also, in Disney World, in general and it's probably a cultural thing but the lack of personal space given to you by tourists usually foreigners.

Totally agree! One day we were in line for the Jungle Cruise. DD was waiting for one of the spiders to start moving around in its cage, and the line in front of us started moving. It moved maybe 5 feet and stopped. The woman behind me proceeded to push me, with her stomach. I said "Excuse me?" and she pointed to the empty space in front of me. I told her we won't get there any sooner if we fill in that 5 feet and she just kept pushing me with her stomach! DH then stood between us. Every time I looked back at her, she was pushing her stomach against DH. Personal space is a lovely thing, enjoy it.

We were on a Disney Cruise a few years ago with my MIL. While we were on CC, a torrential downpour hit us. Everyone was running for shelter. I was behind my MIL to make sure she got there okay (she has bad knees), and a woman literally ran over my MIL's feet with her wagon, almost causing her to fall over. I said to her "Do you mind?" and she said she was trying to get out of the rain. I told her we all were going to the same place and she didn't need to be run people over with her wagon.
One time, we were on a trip to Disneyland and walking through the Grand Californian Hotel. 3 old ladies on ECVs were barreling through the lobby at break neck speed with no regard for all of the other people around them. It was nuts. 1 of them shouted to 1 of the other ECV ladies, "THEY'LL JUST HAVE TO MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!"

Sorry, that visual is hilarious :lmao:
This one wasn't a big deal, but it had a funny twist. We were at Universal in line for Rip Ride Rockit for the very first time. We were in the Express Lane queue which wasn't busy at all, people just trickling in. We were detained for a moment by an attendant who asked my Wife to put her hat a little deeper into her pocket to secure it. In that brief time the couple walking up behind us brushed by instead of just waiting a second. No biggie like I said. But when we got to the loading zone they were seated in the last seat while we got the very front of the next train.
If someone stops to do something in line. Why wouldn’t you just walk past them. I would consider that rude. It’s more rude not to tell the people behind you to go ahead.
I had a teenage girl jump over the front of the stroller I was pushing my granddaughter in and the stroller hit her ankle and she screamed and gave me a dirty look. I had to say it, "If you wouldn't have tried to jump in front of us, you wouldn't have hurt yourself". She really thought it was my fault too.
More of a general rudeness. What in the heck is everyone carrying in those overstuffed backpacks? I have never been hit by more backpacks in my life! If you feel the need to carry your life around on your back, then please be aware of where you’re swinging that thing!

We were recently at Magic Kingdom and just about got trampled while getting on the ferry to the TTC. As we were walking up to the ferry, the cm pulled the gate and stated the ferry was full. No problem as we could seen the other one coming in. When the cm opened the gate to load, you would have thought it was Black Friday and they were handing out money! I have never been pushed and shoved so much. Ended a lovely day on a very bad note.
This one wasn't a big deal, but it had a funny twist. We were at Universal in line for Rip Ride Rockit for the very first time. We were in the Express Lane queue which wasn't busy at all, people just trickling in. We were detained for a moment by an attendant who asked my Wife to put her hat a little deeper into her pocket to secure it. In that brief time the couple walking up behind us brushed by instead of just waiting a second. No biggie like I said. But when we got to the loading zone they were seated in the last seat while we got the very front of the next train.

So they "won." ;)

I like the back seats of most coasters.
More of a general rudeness. What in the heck is everyone carrying in those overstuffed backpacks? I have never been hit by more backpacks in my life! If you feel the need to carry your life around on your back, then please be aware of where you’re swinging that thing!

I wonder about those backpacks too. A couple years ago we were at Epcot and saw a young couple (no kids with them) and both the guy and girl had on HUGE backpacks and the girl had a purse. I remember thinking "What in the world are you hauling around with you?"
More of a general rudeness. What in the heck is everyone carrying in those overstuffed backpacks? I have never been hit by more backpacks in my life! If you feel the need to carry your life around on your back, then please be aware of where you’re swinging that thing!

We were recently at Magic Kingdom and just about got trampled while getting on the ferry to the TTC. As we were walking up to the ferry, the cm pulled the gate and stated the ferry was full. No problem as we could seen the other one coming in. When the cm opened the gate to load, you would have thought it was Black Friday and they were handing out money! I have never been pushed and shoved so much. Ended a lovely day on a very bad note.
I have wondered the same. Just reading on here the things people take into the park is ridiculous.
Our kids were pin trading with CMs at World of Disney, and some grumpy old man gave them an eat **** look, and mumbled..."dumb kids blocking the aisle," loud enough we all heard.
It wasn't an aisle. It wasn't blocked. They are kids. With Cast Members. At DISNEY. I asked him to address adults in the future if he had a problem. He just shut up and disappeared, most likely to go gripe about something else kids do while at frigging DISNEY. Ugh.
We were recently at Magic Kingdom and just about got trampled while getting on the ferry to the TTC. As we were walking up to the ferry, the cm pulled the gate and stated the ferry was full. No problem as we could seen the other one coming in. When the cm opened the gate to load, you would have thought it was Black Friday and they were handing out money! I have never been pushed and shoved so much. Ended a lovely day on a very bad note.

Man, the backpacks! People don't realize they are extensions of their bodies, especially when they stick out 18 inches! I would also add that when getting on a packed bus or ferry or something, take the backpack off and hold it at your feet. You can get another person into the space they take up with that thing. Multiply that by the number of backpacks and we can get a lot more people on. They should make announcements about this.
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When we were in Disneyland in California Adventure, we got seats right against the railing for World of Color. Both my wife and I were first timers to that park. During the show, a few children squeezed in between us to get a better view. I wasn't necessarily upset at the children but their parents behind them that didn't say "oh sorry about them." as I lost my space. I would have probably given them my spot if their parents ran up and grabbed them. I found that pretty rude.

Also, in Disney World, in general and it's probably a cultural thing but the lack of personal space given to you by tourists usually foreigners.

In China, in the more densely populated cities, there is no such thing as personal space when it comes to an invisible buffer line around you in public. If there's enough room fine, if not, well there isn't.
Several years ago, I went to EMH at Magic Kingdom while my family slept in. I headed out of MK around 9:00 am and had to walk back to the bus area. Naturally, there was a sea of people heading towards MK and I made sure to stay to the far right as I walked. I was actually pressed up along the fence as I tried to get to the bus because there was no where else for me to walk. A woman walked by me with her children and said to them that "some people are so rude", obviously referring to me going against the crowd.

I think about that woman and her comment and wonder what did she think I should have done differently.
I must be lucky or something because we rarely encounter rude people while vacationing anywhere (or at least I don't remember any).

One incident years ago was a different kind of rudeness though. I was doing laundry at the Poly (regular room) and after sitting and patiently waiting I carefully moved dry laundry that had been sitting in a dryer for at least 30 minutes into a basket. When I did this, $20 dollar bills fell out; probably $80 or more; I didn't count.

I was afraid that someone else seeing that money might just walk off with it so I held onto it while waiting for mine to dry. When the owner returned to the laundry room I handed her the money. Her response was "Is it all there?" I was shocked; all I expected was a simple thank you. A couple women seeing this seemed as surprised as I was. Maybe she was embarrassed or surprised but the whole thing made me feel guilty.
We haven't really encountered too many rude people at any of the Disney parks. I hear about them all the time, but aside from some bad CM experiences, the only two bad ones I can recall for Disney are...
1. The guy last December in MK who was puking into all of the flower beds and shrubs from the area outside of Casey's and then up and down MSUSA
2. The lady at DL a few yeas ago who couldn't pick all of the wide open spaces around me to pass and instead grab me by my rear end and shove me out of the way. I didn't stop in front of her or anything like that...she just didn't want to have to walk around anyone.

Beyond that, we were in Yellowstone over the summer and I saw more rude and horribly ignorant/destructive tourists than I've seen anywhere else. I lost count of how many times I grabbed onto my kids because they were shoving their way around thermal features or pushing their way into the "perfect" selfie by some steep drop off...and don't even get me started about the idiots walking into off limit areas or sticking their hands into things that could hurt them.
Hmm I guess I could also add the family that let their daughter rip out an entire section of plants with her hands until a CM came over the second week Pandora opened and the family that decided it was best to let their son urinate up against one of the straws while exiting Toy Story Land just last week. The bathrooms aren't far from that exit! o_O
We haven't really encountered too many rude people at any of the Disney parks. I hear about them all the time, but aside from some bad CM experiences, the only two bad ones I can recall for Disney are...
1. The guy last December in MK who was puking into all of the flower beds and shrubs from the area outside of Casey's and then up and down MSUSA
2. The lady at DL a few yeas ago who couldn't pick all of the wide open spaces around me to pass and instead grab me by my rear end and shove me out of the way. I didn't stop in front of her or anything like that...she just didn't want to have to walk around anyone.

Beyond that, we were in Yellowstone over the summer and I saw more rude and horribly ignorant/destructive tourists than I've seen anywhere else. I lost count of how many times I grabbed onto my kids because they were shoving their way around thermal features or pushing their way into the "perfect" selfie by some steep drop off...and don't even get me started about the idiots walking into off limit areas or sticking their hands into things that could hurt them.

How is the poor guy puking being “rude?” He probably just rode the tea cups with his family or got sick from Casey’s. I’d feel some empathy for the man. Jesus.


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