Rude people on vacation!

My dh got someone escorted out of Epcot earlier this month who ran over me, (knocked me to the ground) and when he suggested maybe you apologize to my disabled wife, he swore at me yelling about how I was too front of the kids who were already upset I fell (the kids know I have bad balance). Dh was pissed. He reported the guy to a cm at a kiosk and plain clothes (who did speak to us for a minute) were already on the way, apparently the guy was cutting his way through the crowds And we got the general feeling maybe I wasn’t his only roadkill. We went on to Marrakech and had a lovely night even with the crazy f&w crowd. Great time to take the kids on rides in fw thereafter and we even got to enjoy a couple of adult drinks after dinner between ws and fw.
I was on a cruise to the Bahamas and we went on a party boat excursion.

There was a couple who couldn't have been older than maybe 21 (I was only 25 at the time) who were beyond smashed. We were on the upper deck of the party boat. When the boat reach it's destination, we started down the stairs and drunk female takes a header down 6 stairs right in front of me. I kneel down to ask if she was ok and her equally drunk boyfriend start yelling at me that I pushed her down the stairs.

I didn't even respond to him and helped her up while keeping an eye on loud dingus. I and 2 other people have her about to her feet and he takes a swing on me. And missed by about a foot and a half. He swung so hard and wild he himself fell down. Well, then his missus starts screaming saying I punched her man and she was going to kill me. So I let go of her arm and she flopped back on the floor. (I made sure she went down gentle, I didn't just throw her or anything) My wife looks at me, laughs and off the boat we go.

We head to the little bar on the beach and hear yelling behind us. What do we see? Captain drunk dingus and his lady yelling at more people. It took all of 5 minutes and both were detained and in handcuffs.

The next morning we see drunk girl walking around the deck of the ship. She see me and approaches with her head held down. She apologized about 100 times and told us her man was not aloud to leave his room and she was not aloud any more drinks. She also tells me she is so embarrassed. I responded with an "I bet you are. Have a nice day". Then she asks hey could you guys get me a drink? I said sure, went to the bar, and came back with coffee. She called me an ****** and off she went.

Some people huh.
I have two stories.

Last year, we got set up for viewing the Boo to You parade. We put my youngest in front, then my older kiddo (both under age 11) then my husband and I in the back to make sure other little ones could be in the front. two women with kids in strollers parked side by side to the right of my kids. My kids were excited and thoroughly enjoying the parade, when the lady in the second stroller starts making nasty remarks that I should make my kids move so her friend's kid (the one immediately to our right) could see. Not that my kids were blocking anyone's view by standing in front of them, but that her friend's kid couldn't see 50 feet down the road to what was coming up. My kids also had the view down the road blocked by adults standing to their left, but they were just enjoying the parade. The lady to our immediate right apologized for her friend and just told me not to worry about it.

This fall, we were at Food and Wine fest, my husband and I with a couple we are close friends with. My friend and I bought food at a booth while our husbands were tooling around outside the line. Her husband decides to pop in and stand with his wife, meanwhile another woman had made a purchase and was waiting behind us with her food ticket. He says "im not cutting in line" as he moves to stand with his wife. The lady behind us starts LOUDLY complaining to her husband about how people are just pushing ahead in line. So i turn around and tell her that he was going to stand with his wife, he didn't buy anything and wasn't cutting ahead of anyone waiting for food. She just got nasty so I told her to have a better day, we got our food and left. She kept standing in the middle of the walkway pronouncing how wronged she was (by getting her food at exactly the same moment she would have if friend's husband hadn't joined us in the food line) and we moved on. It was just plain silly.
An woman who threw a fit that my nephew’s stroller (tagged as a wheelchair) was taking up a space in the wheelchair/handicap section of FOTLK. She wasn’t even sitting in those seats! No one was asked to move to make room for us, or anything. I don’t know why it bothered her so much. We decided to just ignore her.
This one wasn't a big deal, but it had a funny twist. We were at Universal in line for Rip Ride Rockit for the very first time. We were in the Express Lane queue which wasn't busy at all, people just trickling in. We were detained for a moment by an attendant who asked my Wife to put her hat a little deeper into her pocket to secure it. In that brief time the couple walking up behind us brushed by instead of just waiting a second. No biggie like I said. But when we got to the loading zone they were seated in the last seat while we got the very front of the next train.
Both of my "rude" encounters were actually dangerous. 1. After Fantasmic ended 2 teenage boys decided to use the handle of my scooter and my shoulder to leap over me to get out of the bleachers. 2. Some woman on Main Street, paying no attention to the crowd or where she was going rammed her stroller into me on my scooter and jammed one of the wheels under it. Her husband cursed me out for being in the way and lifted and tilted the scooter while I was trying to get off of it so he could get the stroller moving again and dumped me into the wall. A CM saw that one and brought me into the store and gave me bandaids and a bottle of water. She also said that Disney needed to make an "I survived WDW on a Scooter" pin.
Ok maybe I am the only one who will think this story is rude.

We were in line at Kusafari Bakery in Animal Kingdom. If you aren't familiar, it's just a little walk-up window. You order with a CM and then you step up to the window to get your food. It literally serves 4 kinds of paninis and some pastries, nothing wild. This lady was online for about 3-4 minutes when it became time for her to order. She gets up there and she is like "wait hold on I need to call so and so". She calls whoever on the phone. She is reading the whole menu including what is on every single panini. She hangs up "hold on they are just on their way over" we wait for two more family members to show up. They show up, now there are going over the 4 panini offerings extensively. The man asks for no mustard on his sandwich. The CM tells him that the sandwiches are premade. The man is now ranting with the CM about why it still can't be taken off. The finally finalized their order when ANOTHER family member shows up to look at the menu to order. It took them over 10 minutes to order. The line was at a standstill for 10 minutes. Everyone else before them was ordering in less than a minute. I just thought it was so rude. They knew they were holding up the whole line and didn't care. A lot of people behind me just left the line. I think after 5 minutes the CM should have told them to step to the side till they had their order figured out. When you get to the CM to order you should have your selection pretty much made.
Ok maybe I am the only one who will think this story is rude.

We were in line at Kusafari Bakery in Animal Kingdom. If you aren't familiar, it's just a little walk-up window. You order with a CM and then you step up to the window to get your food. It literally serves 4 kinds of paninis and some pastries, nothing wild. This lady was online for about 3-4 minutes when it became time for her to order. She gets up there and she is like "wait hold on I need to call so and so". She calls whoever on the phone. She is reading the whole menu including what is on every single panini. She hangs up "hold on they are just on their way over" we wait for two more family members to show up. They show up, now there are going over the 4 panini offerings extensively. The man asks for no mustard on his sandwich. The CM tells him that the sandwiches are premade. The man is now ranting with the CM about why it still can't be taken off. The finally finalized their order when ANOTHER family member shows up to look at the menu to order. It took them over 10 minutes to order. The line was at a standstill for 10 minutes. Everyone else before them was ordering in less than a minute. I just thought it was so rude. They knew they were holding up the whole line and didn't care. A lot of people behind me just left the line. I think after 5 minutes the CM should have told them to step to the side till they had their order figured out. When you get to the CM to order you should have your selection pretty much made.

Oh no! That is rude. They should have stepped off line and waited.
Rude people often say " I dont sugar coat nothing I just give tell you how it is" and that dont fly, your an *******
We were in Alaska going on a float trip down a river that had some class 2 rapids, nothing special. We get to the float and a group comes up and demands the front of the float. So ok go ahead, no big deal. They started in on the guide about being in front and try not to get us wet. Just being rude and obnoxious. We had been talking with the guide up until this time so we get on the float and proceed down the river and come up to a class 3 rapid. Guide turns to us and says should I get them wet and we just smiled.
Ok maybe I am the only one who will think this story is rude.

We were in line at Kusafari Bakery in Animal Kingdom. If you aren't familiar, it's just a little walk-up window. You order with a CM and then you step up to the window to get your food. It literally serves 4 kinds of paninis and some pastries, nothing wild. This lady was online for about 3-4 minutes when it became time for her to order. She gets up there and she is like "wait hold on I need to call so and so". She calls whoever on the phone. She is reading the whole menu including what is on every single panini. She hangs up "hold on they are just on their way over" we wait for two more family members to show up. They show up, now there are going over the 4 panini offerings extensively. The man asks for no mustard on his sandwich. The CM tells him that the sandwiches are premade. The man is now ranting with the CM about why it still can't be taken off. The finally finalized their order when ANOTHER family member shows up to look at the menu to order. It took them over 10 minutes to order. The line was at a standstill for 10 minutes. Everyone else before them was ordering in less than a minute. I just thought it was so rude. They knew they were holding up the whole line and didn't care. A lot of people behind me just left the line. I think after 5 minutes the CM should have told them to step to the side till they had their order figured out. When you get to the CM to order you should have your selection pretty much made.
This is part of why we don’t even try to do counter service anymore.
Several years ago, at Disneyland, waiting in line for Mr Toad’s Wild Ride...we get right up to the door to enter and the gal in front of us turns around and calls out to someone not in line, but right near us. I thought she was just telling someone something, but no...she proceeds to let her party of at least 8-10 to remove the line chain and they all enter in front of us. I made a comment about cutting in line and she told me to “chill out, it’s none of your business what they do”! Sadly, there was no CM nearby to deal with them.
On another trip to Epcot, we had sat down at the rope barrier for Illuminations in order to get a good upfront view. After sitting there for about 90 minutes and right before the CM removed the rope, a couple of gals had walked under the rope off to the side of everyone and proceeded to walk right up to the front middle of everyone. The CM told them they had to move behind the rope to the back of the crowd...they then proceed to just backup and lift the rope over their heads to stand right in front of everyone. People were complaining about them, but the CM, who saw what they did, said nothing.
Ok maybe I am the only one who will think this story is rude.

We were in line at Kusafari Bakery in Animal Kingdom. If you aren't familiar, it's just a little walk-up window. You order with a CM and then you step up to the window to get your food. It literally serves 4 kinds of paninis and some pastries, nothing wild. This lady was online for about 3-4 minutes when it became time for her to order. She gets up there and she is like "wait hold on I need to call so and so". She calls whoever on the phone. She is reading the whole menu including what is on every single panini. She hangs up "hold on they are just on their way over" we wait for two more family members to show up. They show up, now there are going over the 4 panini offerings extensively. The man asks for no mustard on his sandwich. The CM tells him that the sandwiches are premade. The man is now ranting with the CM about why it still can't be taken off. The finally finalized their order when ANOTHER family member shows up to look at the menu to order. It took them over 10 minutes to order. The line was at a standstill for 10 minutes. Everyone else before them was ordering in less than a minute. I just thought it was so rude. They knew they were holding up the whole line and didn't care. A lot of people behind me just left the line. I think after 5 minutes the CM should have told them to step to the side till they had their order figured out. When you get to the CM to order you should have your selection pretty much made.

The people who don't decide what they want until they are standing at the CM are the worst. We had a similar situation at Electric Umbrella one time. It was a mom/dad/son/daughter family. They all waited in line together for a while and then dad sent mom/son to find a table. When it was their turn, Dad didn't know what mom/son wanted and he sent daughter to find them and ask. Daughter came back with their order, but didn't specify which side son wanted with him kids meal - daughter goes off again to find out what side he wants. It was an exhausting process.

When it was finally my turn to order and I rattled off our entire order quickly, the CM thanked me so much for being prepared. He said I wouldn't even believe how many people get to the register and have no idea what they want even though they stood in line for 15 minutes with huge menu boards right in front of them the entire time.
We were at AK last May. A woman on an ECV was driving it haphazardly through the crowd waving wildly and yelling to get out of her way. DH yelled at me to move quickly as she was almost upon me. I jumped over and she just proceeded by still waving and yelling. If she had hit me I would have been sure to land on her. I have knee replacements and the last thing I need is to be hit by a wild ECV driver. We also got cut off frequently by people in a hurry or trying to get in front of everyone for the ride or a family of 8 walking side by side along the path. I just say "Really!" That one word makes me feel better and I go on to enjoy my day. I try to only get upset if I am about to be injured by someone.
One time, we were on a trip to Disneyland and walking through the Grand Californian Hotel. 3 old ladies on ECVs were barreling through the lobby at break neck speed with no regard for all of the other people around them. It was nuts. 1 of them shouted to 1 of the other ECV ladies, "THEY'LL JUST HAVE TO MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!"

Last spring, we went to Disneyland and I had a severely injured toe that was so painful to walk on that I had to use an ECV for a couple of days. I was a nervous wreck driving that thing. Going through Adventureland on it was quite an adventure. I've never said, "I'm sorry," and "Sorry, excuse me" so many times in my life. :-)


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