Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

I SO love MNSSHP and can't wait for your report!!!!

*being a 12-year-old boy for a second* Pretty sure there's a fart joke to be made somewhere in there :eek:

I just ruined your thread, didn't I? :teeth:

Fellow coach at cross country practice yesterday: "We're going to do some speed drills and there is a Swedish name for them, but I'm not going to tell you what that is right now."
I SO love MNSSHP and can't wait for your report!!!!

Fellow coach at cross country practice yesterday: "We're going to do some speed drills and there is a Swedish name for them, but I'm not going to tell you what that is right now."

I just made this, because I'm clearly an odd duck.

I was a couple of days behind and don't even know where to begin with all of the awesome on this thread today. Tacos, fritters, fart jokes, swag...

But MOST OF ALL: You totally have a sub-1 in the bag. Super excited to see how this one plays out!
I was a couple of days behind and don't even know where to begin with all of the awesome on this thread today. Tacos, fritters, fart jokes, swag...

But MOST OF ALL: You totally have a sub-1 in the bag. Super excited to see how this one plays out!

I need to start calling it that. A sub-1. It sounds so bada$$.
Like I'm part of a Breaking 2 type running project!
Finally got on disboards for the first time in a couple of weeks-- I've been so anxious to read your race recap. Wow!! What a tough race! You proved yourself big time with that half marathon. I can't imagine running a race in that kind of heat and humidity. Seriously, girl, you are one tough runner!

I'm so excited to see you be amazing at your 10K!

And woohoo to WDW this month!! :dogdance:
Finally got on disboards for the first time in a couple of weeks-- I've been so anxious to read your race recap. Wow!! What a tough race! You proved yourself big time with that half marathon. I can't imagine running a race in that kind of heat and humidity. Seriously, girl, you are one tough runner!

I'm so excited to see you be amazing at your 10K!

And woohoo to WDW this month!! :dogdance:

I've been jealous of your running pics on IG lately, what cool scenery you get to experience!!!
The race was tough. I think if the summer had been hotter like last year I'd have handled it a tad better, but it just hit me like a brick out of nowhere. Honestly glad it's in the past.

YAY WDW THIS MONTH!!! (Just got my disney destinations envelope in the mail with the "how to reserve dining" and "how to get the MDE app" and I just have to laugh because I check that app all the time for wait times on days when I'm not even on vacation.)
Right? My journal is basically like a mashup of "run fast" but "eat all the things." popcorn::

"Run fast but eat all the things" is actually the Mission Statement at CheapRunnerMike Industries...I may or may not be making t-shirts.

Add me to the list of I'm-so-excited-that-it's-October-because-I'm-going-to-WDW peeps!

BTW, Hallowishes at MNSSHP are my favourite fireworks at WDW...enjoy!
"Run fast but eat all the things" is actually the Mission Statement at CheapRunnerMike Industries...I may or may not be making t-shirts.

Add me to the list of I'm-so-excited-that-it's-October-because-I'm-going-to-WDW peeps!

BTW, Hallowishes at MNSSHP are my favourite fireworks at WDW...enjoy!

I'm finger crossing we get a fireworks view from our hotel room (there's a good chance) so I can have some bonus hallowishes the night after in park hallowishes!!
I read today that if you write down goals or say them to other people, that you have a 50% better chance at making them happen then if you hold them on the inside. (copyright DB 2017)
So it would be kind of fun to also put goals here that vary from do-able to CRAZY but still things I want. There's things here that are pretty much a pipe dream. But it's a disney board and aren't we all supposed to be wishing and dreaming and snorting pixie dust?
These could literally take years and I'm getting older so some may just be dreams. But whatevs...pixie dust.
It's like making a Christmas list. You know you aren't getting everything you ask for in one year (or at all) but you still circle all the toys in the catalog.

No particular order (I've already had my coffee so I'm blaming caffeine for the really wild ones) I realize my goals here may look fairly easy to a lot of you very athletic peeps, but there are quite a bit of reach goals on here for me personally.
1. A 5k starting with a 26. 1b. starting with a 25 (ACK)
2. An age group place for 5k in a race with 10+ people in my age
3. A negative split 10k. 3b A negative split race longer than 10k
4. A sub-1 hr 10k
5. A mile starting with a 7
6. A mile in a race starting with a 7
7. A race longer than 5k with two or more miles starting with an 8
8. A half marathon PR 8b. sub 2:16 half marathon
9. Running a 5k with my hubby and kiddo all together
10. A marathon (ACK...maybe...ACK I wrote it...ACK..but it's still ACK???!)
subnote: Chicago and WDW are really the only ones I even kinda have in my head.
11. Complete a rundisney challenge
12. Finishing a sprint Tri
13. Going on long bike rides with hubby and kiddo 13b. buying a new bike
14. Running through the Cindy castle
15. Winning a race (because no one showed up or everyone turned the wrong's a recurring really....I dream that all the time.)
16. Weighing 145-150 lbs for longer than a few months at a time.
17. Short shorts in a race (I'll start saving for more body glide now)
18. Finding a neighborhood running friend
19. Talking as many disboarders as I can to run Chicago area races with me :)
20. Running a rundisney race with my husband or my kid or both
21. Do a ragnar
22. Earning the 5yr Hot Chocolate legacy medal
23. Finally be strong enough to actually do the monkey bars so my kiddo doesn't roll her eyes at my lack of upper body strength

I think those look good. May as well say them out loud (or type them.)
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I read today that if you write down goals or say them to other people, that you have a 50% better chance at making them happen then if you hold them on the inside. (copyright DB 2017)
So it would be kind of fun to also put goals here that vary from do-able to CRAZY but still things I want. There's things here that are pretty much a pipe dream. But it's a disney board and aren't we all supposed to be wishing and dreaming and snorting pixie dust?
These could literally take years and I'm getting older so some may just be dreams. But whatevs...pixie dust.
It's like making a Christmas list. You know you aren't getting everything you ask for in one year (or at all) but you still circle all the toys in the catalog.

No particular order (I've already had my coffee so I'm blaming caffeine for the really wild ones) I realize my goals here may look fairly easy to a lot of you very athletic peeps, but there are quite a bit of reach goals on here for me personally.
1. A 5k starting with a 26. 1b. starting with a 25 (ACK)
2. An age group place for 5k in a race with 10+ people in my age
3. A negative split 10k. 3b A negative split race longer than 10k
4. A sub-1 hr 10k
5. A mile starting with a 7
6. A mile in a race starting with a 7
7. A race longer than 5k with two or more miles starting with an 8
8. A half marathon PR 8b. sub 2:16 half marathon
9. Running a 5k with my hubby and kiddo all together
10. A marathon (ACK...maybe...ACK I wrote it...ACK..but it's still ACK???!)
11. Complete a rundisney challenge
12. Finishing a sprint Tri
13. Going on long bike rides with hubby and kiddo 13b. buying a new bike
14. Running through the Cindy castle
15. Winning a race (because no one showed up or everyone turned the wrong's a recurring really....I dream that all the time.)
16. Weighing 145-150 lbs for longer than a few months at a time.
17. Short shorts in a race (I'll start saving for more body glide now)
18. Finding a neighborhood running friend
19. Talking as many disboarders as I can to run Chicago area races with me :)
20. Running a rundisney race with my husband or my kid or both
21. Do a ragnar
22. Earning the 5yr Hot Chocolate legacy medal
23. Finally be strong enough to actually do the monkey bars so my kiddo doesn't roll her eyes at my lack of upper body strength

I think those look good. May as well say them out loud (or type them.)
For #18, have you looked for a Moms Run This Town chapter in your area? I know my local chapter (which includes SRTT ‘she runs this town’, since I’m not a Mom), has group runs several times a week. It can be a good place to meet people of similar pace.
For #18, have you looked for a Moms Run This Town chapter in your area? I know my local chapter (which includes SRTT ‘she runs this town’, since I’m not a Mom), has group runs several times a week. It can be a good place to meet people of similar pace.

I'll look into that! There's local run groups (the college by us has one) but they meet when I'm normally commuting home or making dinner. I figure I'll meet more people as kiddo gets more activities too. #soccermom

I'm already targeting two moms (that sounds bad...what's a better word?)
Love that you wrote these all out! Definitely excited to see you cross these off, and will be cheering for you along the way.
Catching up after a few days, busy vacationing!

Add me to the WDW list - currently sitting at Atlanta airport waiting for our MCO flight!

Adding to the food discussion (another one who runs partly so I can eat yummy things) we had beignets at Cafe du Monde - OMG they were superb. We got done at Ralph Brennan’s at DLR and didn’t think much of them, big soggy dough gobs. But those heavenly powdery crunchy delights mmmmmmmmmm
Catching up after a few days, busy vacationing!

Add me to the WDW list - currently sitting at Atlanta airport waiting for our MCO flight!

Adding to the food discussion (another one who runs partly so I can eat yummy things) we had beignets at Cafe du Monde - OMG they were superb. We got done at Ralph Brennan’s at DLR and didn’t think much of them, big soggy dough gobs. But those heavenly powdery crunchy delights mmmmmmmmmm

The coffee is strong at the Cafe du Monde, the doughnuts are too hot to touch
But just like a fool when those sweet goodies cool
I will eat til I eat way too much
-- Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy speaks the truth :)
Love that you wrote these all out! Definitely excited to see you cross these off, and will be cheering for you along the way.

I have easier ones I can achieve right now and I don't really need to race every race (some I still rather enjoy just running for fun/sightseeing/character-stopping/bling-hunting), but figure I'd go big or go home with the list. Why not?

Well I'd say that looks like a great list. Let's go ahead and knock out #3a and #4 in 11 days. :car:


Catching up after a few days, busy vacationing!

Add me to the WDW list - currently sitting at Atlanta airport waiting for our MCO flight!

Adding to the food discussion (another one who runs partly so I can eat yummy things) we had beignets at Cafe du Monde - OMG they were superb. We got done at Ralph Brennan’s at DLR and didn’t think much of them, big soggy dough gobs. But those heavenly powdery crunchy delights mmmmmmmmmm

CAFE DU MONDE IS HEAVEN! The often imitated, never duplicated, world champ of beignets!
I'm jealous of you on several levels right now.
The coffee is strong at the Cafe du Monde, the doughnuts are too hot to touch
But just like a fool when those sweet goodies cool
I will eat til I eat way too much
-- Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy speaks the truth :)

You're a parrothead??? Awesome!! The roxyhousehold is full parrot. We even have a budding parakeet who is rather good at "Fins"

We're going to need some more people but I'm totally game for a dis Ragnar. Preferably in Illinois or Wisconsin.

If I write this down as a goal does it make it 50% more likely to get others to join?

Probably! I've been too scared to think about ragnaring because of feeling like I'm not the fastest human on earth and I worry that the kind of people who ragnar are used to being a bit speedier. So I can A) work on getting faster or B) find people who are happy with me at any speed/just want to have fun and crush it at our own level of crushing.
Also I got free "dude wipes" at my last expo and I have no use for them yet.

Psssst @FFigawi check out 10 and 11! :eek:

Shhhhhhhhhhhh :rolleyes1
Nothing to see here

Also, you rock and I know you're going to crush this list. ::yes::

I should the first mile of Tink 2017 with Ariel once I figure out time travel to my list.


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