Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Ok so question for coach and all my assistant coaches (paging @DopeyBadger )
I wasn't able to run last night because my husband had a later night dinner. I mean I could have but it would mean like an 11pm bedtime or later and I just couldn't do that. it ok to run my easy tuesday miles today and my normal thursday workout tomorrow? I do essentially the same thing on Sat & Sun all the time with an easy followed by a harder. Would you change anything if I was to go back to back during the week this week?
I didn't want to skip too much now that we are getting into the meat and potatos of the half training plan. mmmmm potatos....sorry side-tracked.

Just so you don't have to look it up.
EA 5 miles = 1:00:16
2mi WU, 4mi Tempo, 1mi CD = 38:27 easy, 38:36 hard
Fri off
6 mi EB + strides = 1:07:34
8mi LR = 1:26:54
total 4:51:47 with 87% easy, 13% hard

Go ahead and do the double back to back. The movement of the easy day from Tuesday to Wednesday isn't bringing a hard workout any closer to another hard workout (which is a bigger concern when moving days). Having the easy day tonight will make tomorrow's hard workout slightly harder, but only slightly. As long as this type of change happens sparingly, then you're fine. But just be careful making this swap too often because it does make Thursday a bit tougher.
Go ahead and do the double back to back. The movement of the easy day from Tuesday to Wednesday isn't bringing a hard workout any closer to another hard workout (which is a bigger concern when moving days). Having the easy day tonight will make tomorrow's hard workout slightly harder, but only slightly. As long as this type of change happens sparingly, then you're fine. But just be careful making this swap too often because it does make Thursday a bit tougher.

Ok makes sense and why I thought it might be ok this time (moving Thur for Fri for instance would seem slightly horrible.)
Trying to limit doing this type of thing for sure. Once roxyhubby starts his half training (his last sprint triathlon of the year is coming up!) then we'll have to really maneuver around each other's schedules. We have a giant wall calendar for our kitchen already in prep for that.
Listened to Hamilton for a change.

I used to listen to Hamilton all the time when I ran! In fact, it was how I motivated myself to run last fall (I hadn't heard the soundtrack before, but would only let myself listen to it when I ran... so every run ended with a cliffhanger that made me excited to go on the next run. I can't listen to it while running anymore (I tended to accidentally overrun my paces to stick with the beat), but I loved it when I was running in the 10:xx-ish range.

We have a giant wall calendar for our kitchen already in prep for that.

I love that you guys are both so goal-oriented with your sports. Great way for you guys to bond, great for Roxykiddo to see.
I used to listen to Hamilton all the time when I ran! In fact, it was how I motivated myself to run last fall (I hadn't heard the soundtrack before, but would only let myself listen to it when I ran... so every run ended with a cliffhanger that made me excited to go on the next run. I can't listen to it while running anymore (I tended to accidentally overrun my paces to stick with the beat), but I loved it when I was running in the 10:xx-ish range.

I love that you guys are both so goal-oriented with your sports. Great way for you guys to bond, great for Roxykiddo to see.

I always start Hamilton from the beginning so I rarely ever make it to Thomas Jefferson and beyond except for the one time I did an 8 miler to it. Maybe I need to start halfway through next time (but I love the first couple songs sooooo much!)

And that's really nice what you said about hubby & I. Sometimes it feels like we are always leaving each other to go run/bike/swim and we are ALWAYS tired but then we are also always so proud of each other. Kiddo has now just accepted us leaving the house to go run (or swim practice for hubby, etc) as a normal thing people do. So maybe when she's older she'll think it's normal for her to do that kind of thing?
I'm thinking past this fall we will both be happy to take a little break from it all...until we get distracted by new goals.
Have you seen Hamilton now that it's in Chicago, @roxymama ??
(Bonus Question- favorite broadway musical??)

Oh yes, I have. Here's the review from the first time I went when it had just come to Chicago.

And then I went again months later with my friend and sat in the third row. And cried like a baby because the first time I hadn't listened to the soundtrack at all so it was all just a huge surprise and the second time I was fan-girling hard :) I keep telling roxyhubby that he needs to take a half day off work and go try to get one seat at a matinee so he can see it again.
Oh I forgot to answer favorite broadway musical. Ugh, hard to top Hamilton right now.
Music Man for classic (that simpsons episode is the best btw.)
I weirdly really got into Legally Blonde the musical. I liked Wicked a lot for its music more than its storyline. Big fan of any Peter Pan adaptations. And just anything with a ton of dancing...give me all the dancing.
Cats creeps me out. I was in Cats in kindergarten and had nightmares about the painted face dancing cat people for a solid two years.
Running related update: I watched DIY cooking youtubes on the treadmill last night. Luckily no one was next to me (Wed nights are ghost towns for anywhere but the weights, must be the universal rest day) because they'd probably wonder why I was watching people deep fry donuts or folding omelletes, etc. I'm making breakfast for dinner tonight because the stomach wants what it wants. Though not the donuts...I don't have the supplies.

Hubby ran 3 miles at 8pm while I bathed the kiddo. He came back in 30:40 and said he'd done a 5k. And it was SO HOT OUT! I was like "daaaaaaaaang boy!"
Then I ran my easy 5 miles at the gym in the air conditioning and took my sweet time.
And that's really nice what you said about hubby & I. Sometimes it feels like we are always leaving each other to go run/bike/swim and we are ALWAYS tired but then we are also always so proud of each other. Kiddo has now just accepted us leaving the house to go run (or swim practice for hubby, etc) as a normal thing people do. So maybe when she's older she'll think it's normal for her to do that kind of thing?

I know that feeling of always leaving each other. I'm struggling with the weekend right now... my kid is in bed by 7:30 during the week (she's one and a half), so I don't get a ton of time with her during the week. We're hoping to do our 8 mile long run together and on the route that our half marathon in September will be on. That'll mean 3+ hours of weekend time that we've got to carve out where we could be doing something with her. She loves her grandpa and won't miss us while we're gone (plus she'll nap), but I still just wish there were more hours in the day.

I think Roxykiddo probably does already think it's just a normal thing people do - and you're showing her that you can each pursue separate goals while supporting each other and being active participants in your family life. What a great thing for her to internalize!
Oh I forgot to answer favorite broadway musical. Ugh, hard to top Hamilton right now.
Music Man for classic (that simpsons episode is the best btw.)
I weirdly really got into Legally Blonde the musical. I liked Wicked a lot for its music more than its storyline. Big fan of any Peter Pan adaptations. And just anything with a ton of dancing...give me all the dancing.
Cats creeps me out. I was in Cats in kindergarten and had nightmares about the painted face dancing cat people for a solid two years.

Ok. I am soooo jealous that you've seen it twice!! I am dying to see it, but somehow I always end up picking other places to travel. Ugh. It is coming to Omaha for the '18-19 season, but I neeeeed to see it before that!

Music Man is great- I just said "There's trouble in River City" last night and my hubby didn't know where that came from... Good thing he's cute. ;)

Wicked has to my favorite. I love Wizard of Oz and Wicked just tops it. I don't like Cats and while I love the music, I'm also not a huge Rent fan. Some other favorites include Mama Mia and Chicago.

(Also breakfast for dinner is always excellent. I have been in a rut of grilling burger or brats... it's too hot for anything else haha)
Oh I forgot to answer favorite broadway musical. Ugh, hard to top Hamilton right now.
Music Man for classic (that simpsons episode is the best btw.)
I weirdly really got into Legally Blonde the musical. I liked Wicked a lot for its music more than its storyline. Big fan of any Peter Pan adaptations. And just anything with a ton of dancing...give me all the dancing.
Cats creeps me out. I was in Cats in kindergarten and had nightmares about the painted face dancing cat people for a solid two years.
I remember the first time me and my buddies went on a road trip to Chicago...I got a little bit excited when I saw we would be driving through Gary Indiana (Gary Indiana, Gary Indiana). Let's just say it isn't all it's cracked up to be :sad2:
I love that my journal had a musical QOTD yesterday!!! And since I'm in the exact opposite mood to go running or talk about running or think about running (well until at least tomorrow) how about What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mine is peppermint!

And now I really need to see Spamalot, need to listen to my Wicked CD again (yes, one of my cars still has a working cd player that I use), and I need to tap dance with @sourire if I ever meet her. And now I will cancel my plans to take @CheapRunnerMike to go see the Gary Railcats play minor league ball next time he comes to our fair city :)
Have you seen Hamilton now that it's in Chicago, @roxymama ??
(Bonus Question- favorite broadway musical??)
Ok I couldn't let this question be out in your journal without piping in. I'm pretty Broadway/musical obsessed. Favorites are Hamilton (saw it in San Francisco and it was Ahhh-mazing!, Cabaret (love Fosse dancing and the creepy juxtaposition between the light, bawdy music and the underbelly of evil Nazis!), Les Miserables and Miss Saigon (both affected the way I looked at the world growing up), Wicked was such a fun Broadway experience, and yes! I love Music Man too (and any of those 50s/60s movie musicals).

Favorite ice cream? Tillamook Chocolate Mudslide. It's pretty much wave upon wave of chocolate heaven ;)

Roxy gets the Fun Friday Journal award! :yay:
Roxy gets the Fun Friday Journal award! :yay:



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