Riddle me this! (a SECOND riddle on page 3!)

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**LK smacks self in head and wraps duct tape around her mouth**
I'm not even going to TRY that one this morning, OK! I had a late night, and my brain isn't ready for that kind of thinking this morning!
Don't hate me because my lawn is beautiful......

I can feel everyone's pain in the lawn. We've spent the last 5 years getting ours into what I call "walk on barefoot" condition.
And this looks like it will be the year....EXCEPT for a pesky little mole problem in one far corner! I feel I'm caught in an episode of Caddyshack (that is NOT A CLUE)
Lars - you got the second one! :)

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I am becoming quite compulsive in my quest to return my lawn to its former beauty, Stephanie!

It also feels good to be out there working on it!

By out there, I mean outside, not out there like in slight daffy.

Although, on reflection, it could be both. :)
Stephanie! Second riddle pants for you too!
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Lars - I've updated your pants to be FPP for the second riddle!
Marla! You got the second riddle!
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Diane! Second riddle pants for you!
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Weird - figured out the hard one but took awhile on the easy one

Have a good day everyone

Here's hoping the social studies projects turns out to go over as well as the snake one on Monday
I doubt our lawn will ever be "barefoot grass" at the new place. We plan to start mowing the meadow where it isn't dug up, and that means prickly grass for awhile.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!



Hmmm....are those forget-me-nots??
Good morning all! We are having our last nice day before the rain comes in. I am nuts but I really hope it rains this weekend. This is our last weekend before my family is in for my sister's wedding and I have a TON to do around the house. I have a feeling a lot will be moved from one room to the basement though :p

If John doesn't show up today, I might have to break down and give that guy a call. Make sure he really is okay.

Our back lawn is in bad shape too right now. Ours though are from junk that was on the ground (leaves, twigs and the like) before our big snow. It took well over a month before we could get to it all and still some is very heavily pushed into the ground :( We are almost done getting it all off, and the good news is that we see grass growing back in all the other areas so we have hope :)

Oh wow... that second one I think I actually know... I think it was brought up in one of my science classes.
Nice spring curtain today, OK! Nope, not forget-me-nots! Look like Iris and some kind of generic yellow flowers to me!:)
Morning Riddlers ...

Alright ... Alright ... go ahead and pinch me ...
It really happend ... I'm a homeowner now!
Closing was Friday.
It went without a hitch, which
was unusual and VERY welcoming considering
all the ups/downs the whole process has been
over the past several months.

So I've been moving/cleaning, cleaning/moving over
the past few days, and finally am starting to settle in.
Now, if I could just get some furniture ... LOL

Anyway, thought I would share that with all of you and
hopefully I'll be able to spend more time now on my favorite

Happy HuMp dAy all! :D

I forgot to set my alarm last night! I haven't done that since I accidentally on purpose did that as a kid! LOL

Hi and Bye!!!

I'm sending a really stupid guess for the first one and the second one is on the tip of my tongue.

Have a great day all!
BTW, since when did OK start torturing everyone with 2 riddles ... hahaha :D
Congratulations Rob!!
ain't it fun having a mortgage!;) :p
We need pictures of the new place!!


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