Revival of the angry thread!

Now, here's my expert medical advice: apply Vicks to the soles of your feet, put socks on. Have Rick make a pot of ho-made chicken soup with lots of gahlic - or a spicy gumbo. Mix honey & lemon juice and liberally add bourbon/whiskey of choice. The Vicks and soup will actually help you. The honey & lemon fight infection and the bourbon's soul purpose is to mask how sh!tty you feel!! :lmao:

If you don't feel better the next day, use more bourbon!:thumbsup2

Stay on the couch today & watch college football! :flower3:

:surfweb: Okay..I read this three times...

Vicks on the soles of your feet? :confused3

:scratchin I'm sure I'm missing something (I big surprise there :laughing:)...but I've never heard of this before.

Soooo...inquiring minds want to know... :confused: What's the deal with the Vicks?..and does it really work? :confused3
:surfweb: Okay..I read this three times...

Vicks on the soles of your feet? :confused3

:scratchin I'm sure I'm missing something (I big surprise there :laughing:)...but I've never heard of this before.

Soooo...inquiring minds want to know... :confused: What's the deal with the Vicks?..and does it really work? :confused3

Yes! It actually does work! Do exactly what Debbie told you and go lay down! Seriously, you'll feel a lot better tomorrow. As for the honey all will laught at me....I was coughing and felt generally puny a few weeks ago. I had to sing at church in a couple of hours and knew there was no way I could ever sound halfway decent with all the crud going on in my head. I'm such a goody goody~ I really struggled with this choice...oh the implications of it...what if somebody smells me.:lmao:, but what the heck, a couple tablespoons of honey and whisky can't hurt. So yes, I DID drink whisky before I went to church that day! I'm such a sinner. But I sang through the whole service ;):rotfl:
I want to ask that anyone who has Kanye West on their Ipod or has his cd's throw them the flip away. This guy is a POS and he sucks anyway so I doubt anybody has his albums. He doesn't deserve a nomination IMO.
now, now,,let's not get ahead of ourselves here, I'm sure he must have a good reason for being the worlds biggest "richard" (can't swear on this forum)
I want to ask that anyone who has Kanye West on their Ipod or has his cd's throw them the flip away. This guy is a POS and he sucks anyway so I doubt anybody has his albums. He doesn't deserve a nomination IMO.

You're right! I certainly don't have any of his stuff and now even if he actaully came out with something good, I still wouldn't buy it!:rotfl2:
:coffee:Okay...this comes under the category of "you can't make this stuff up" of those truth being stranger than fiction type things.

As some of you may recall, I have been having some issues with our new neighbors.
At 6:30 husband and my son left for work and school. Being that I had a terrible headache, :headache:I went back upstairs to lie down for a bit. Managed to doze off, only to awaken at 7:30 am to this very loud banging noise coming from outside.. directly under our bedroom window..which had been opened. I was startled and immediately said out loud.."WTH IS THAT!?" :confused: It would seem someone was out on my neighbors driveway (which runs right up against our property line)..banging on something. The noise stopped when they heard me. At this point I figured I wasn't going to get any sleep..may as well go downstairs and have some coffee. :coffee:

Anyway, about an hour later, I hear the loud banging noise again. This time coming from the back yard..and my dog is barking. I went to the back door to let the dog in and could see my next door neighbor bashing something on his PVC table. Well, apparently it wasn't doing the trick and he then walked onto his driveway..where it borders with our property. Now my curiousity has been raised..and I've got to know what it is he's doing. I quickly went to my dining room window.:tiptoe: and peeked out to see exactly what it was he was banging (okay wise guys....let's not go know what I mean:rolleyes1)...

Turns out..and I KID YOU NOT...he is trying to smash open a COCONUT..on the belgium block border. :eek: Yep..::yes:: you read that correctly. He's smashing open a coconut :sad2: on his driveway. I guess he wanted it for breakfast.:confused3

I'm not sure if this is another one of those cultural differences..or what.:confused3
All I can say is...I'd like to smash some nuts too. pirate:

Oh..and another thing..I really think we can use a "WTH?" smiley.:rolleyes2
Do the guy a favor, Phyllis, and send him over a bag of shredded coconut. Maybe they don't sell it that way in his country.
Both good suggestions.:laughing:

I wonder ..:scratchin. Should I sprinkle the bag of shredded coconut out the bedroom window down onto him. (maybe he's never seen snow?..might be comical:lmao:).or TOSS THE MACHETE out the dining room window and risk a bloody mess so near to my newly sided house?


Seems funny now..but I tell ya 7:30 this morning..I wasn't laughing.
I need to vent. We got our electric bill a few days ago. It seemed a little high to us. :confused: We noticed it was an "estimated" bill, so dh decided to call the electric company and make sure they hadn't made a mistake. The customer service rep had dh go outside to the meter and read the numbers to him. Then he recalculated :teacher: the bill (keep in mind a few days have gone by since we received the bill and at least a few more days since they estimated the amount and mailed the bill). Our new amount to pay is $70 LESS than the estimated amount!!!!!! :banana: Dh must have gotten a csr who is fed up with his job because this guy told my dh to always call when you get an estimated bill. He seemed genuinely angry :mad: that people keep getting ripped off this way! So, while I'm really happy that we saved ourselves $70, I'm really angry about all the other estimated bills we've received and never realized they were estimated. How many other months did we over pay!!!??? What a scam!!!! :furious:
If the meter is outside, I wonder what their excuse is for having to estimate it in the first place?
I need to vent. We got our electric bill a few days ago. It seemed a little high to us. :confused: We noticed it was an "estimated" bill, so dh decided to call the electric company and make sure they hadn't made a mistake. The customer service rep had dh go outside to the meter and read the numbers to him. Then he recalculated :teacher: the bill (keep in mind a few days have gone by since we received the bill and at least a few more days since they estimated the amount and mailed the bill). Our new amount to pay is $70 LESS than the estimated amount!!!!!! :banana: Dh must have gotten a csr who is fed up with his job because this guy told my dh to always call when you get an estimated bill. He seemed genuinely angry :mad: that people keep getting ripped off this way! So, while I'm really happy that we saved ourselves $70, I'm really angry about all the other estimated bills we've received and never realized they were estimated. How many other months did we over pay!!!??? What a scam!!!! :furious:

Kelly - If you want to get "royal treatment" from your power company in the future (and if it's not owned by the city or county) call your state's utility commission and file a formal complaint. Utility companies hate PUC complaints!! It gives them a black eye the next time they ask for a rate increase. And yes....always call when you see "estimated" and then call your PUC. Unless your meter is inaccessable due to a fenced, locked yard, or being in the garage/inside the house, or you have a fenced yard with a loose dog in the yard, there is no excuse for them not to read your meter. Their meter reader was just lazy that day.

Glad you got the best of them. :yay:


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