Relentless Forward Motion (a.k.a. Running towards 40)

Hi Amy,

Congratualtions on the PR. I am sorry the second race was so tough for you. What struck me is that you finished. This is the second race (that I know of) that you completed when not feeling well. Your time wasn't what you wanted, but you did finish. You are an inspiration to all of us.

As for taking a break from running, well it isn't like you plan on quitting exercise. You have done a ton of races in the last couple of years. You have battled injury and illness. You have a crazy schedule, no offence. By taking a break, you may find that you miss running, and come to appreciate it. Just a thought.

Take care woman,
Hi Amy,
Sorry to hear about your 15K,your body was definately trying to tell you something.Taking a break is not always a bad thing,you may come back faster and stronger if you step away for a while.

Love your PR for the 5K,way to go!

Have a great weekend,
Hi Amy,

Stopping by to say hi and to see how you are doing. :hug: The trip report was great! :thumbsup2 It sounds like you both had a wonderful time!:goodvibes

Hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend ahead!:hug:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Because dancing bananas are the next best things to banana splits. Which are the next best thing to ice cream. And I also give you these:

:sunny: :drinking1 :teleport:

Because your next trip, even if it's not to the DL 1/2, should involve all those things. But not this:

Hey Amy. Hope all is well with you. :hug: Check in when you can.
Hi, Amy! Just thinking about you - check in when you have a minute!


More dancing bananas for you. :banana: :banana: :banana: And, for good luck, "The Banana Song":

Amy, Amy, bo-bamy
Banana-fana fo-famy

I hope you're doing well! :banana:
Hey Amy,
How is it going? What a weekend this is going to be.I would say summer is here.

Hope all is well with you,
Hi Amy,
Ok I'll say it was the heat and humidity ;)

You must be out there right now.

My husband was out there yesterday and had heat exhaustion.I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance.

Take it easy out there,
Linda haven't journaled here in so long. TOTAL LTO. I need to clone myself or something LOL! It's been quite busy around here...between softball, field day, teaching a bunch of classes, training, certifications, yada yada yada....the past two weeks I've been unable to dis or computer much at all.

But...I can happily say that through it all I have managed to stay on track with my training and workouts. Managed solid 6 Mile Long Runs the past few weekends. the mid-week shorter runs in the books as well. I've slowed my pace down which is due in part to the new run/walk intervals and also because of the heat and humidity. I'm cycling quite a bit both in spin class and on the road :). I've also managed to hit two to three classes of yoga and pilates per week. Phew...

Beyond that the kids have been super busy with ALL sorts of things. Just found out today my DD was asked to sing the National Anthem at the opening of the large softball tournament in town this weekend. So in addition to playing 6 games she'll have to sing too LOL! Kinda' cool....but just never ends.

Thank you all for checking in on me. I hope to get on here a little more later today...but I wanted to let you all know I'm not MIA :). :hug:
Whew...glad you are not MIA :hug: That would suck. :rotfl:
Hi, sweetie! So glad to hear you are doing okay, even if life is crazy. :hug: What a wonderful honor for your daughter to be singing the National Anthem! Enjoy all the craziness - it will pass all too soon and then they go to college and you don't get to go to all this stuff.

Glad to hear that you are still getting your runs in and I hope you are finding that you enjoy running again! :cool1:
Hey girl. I'm glad you're ok. And congrats on the great runs! :thumbsup2

Trust me, I know all about the craziness that life is right now. I'm so looking forward to school and soccer ending very soon. ::yes::

Congrats to your daughter too. How cool that she gets to sing as well as play!

Take care and keep us posted!
Hi Amy,

I'm glad to hear things are going well for you even though you're super busy.:hug: What an honor for your DD to sing the National Anthem at the tournament!:thumbsup2 I bet you are super proud of her.:goodvibes

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!:hug:
Good morning Amy,
Congratulations to your DD that is exciting.Hope they do well in the tourney too.At least this weekend looks better than last.

I am glad to hear everything is well and it is just being a mom that has kept you off the boards.

It is so easy to let ourselves be the ones that get put on the back burner but you continue to inspire in how you fit it all in.

Have a great weekend,
Hi, Amy. Glad to hear from you - I totally understand about LTO, it happens to me all the time!

Congrats to your DD - I'm sure she did an awesome job!

You are one whirling dervish, woman - I don't know how you do it. What an inspiration you are.

Hope you are having a great day and try to get some REST, for crying out loud!;)



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