Relentless Forward Motion (a.k.a. Running towards 40)

Hey Amy! I'm glad to see you back around the boards! You are a constant source of inspiration for me, and many others. :goodvibes
Hey Amy!!!!!!!!
Welcome back.I am so glad you guys are signed up for Applefest.I also printed out the training schedule on Runners World.I get the magazine but the site is awesome too.I am always on there.

Your workouts look great so far.I have one pathetic question(math genius that I am) How do you figure out MPH on a bike???????? I know DUH- but math is not a strong point believe me.

Sounds like Vegas was a blast too,glad you had a great time.

Hi, Amy. I have never been shy about repeating myself, so I'll say this again - the amount of activity you pack into a week is astonishing. I am honestly continually amazed at how active you are, and yet you still manage to do all the other things moms have to do. Inspiration, thy name is Amy!! And burn out is never a good thing, so I'm glad you are doing what you need to do to keep that from happening.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Hi guys...Just updating my week. Here is what I've done...

Workout Week (runs Fri-Thurs based on my new Long Run day):

Friday: 2 Mile run @ easy pace; 16 Mile bike ride
Saturday: Yoga 1.25 hours
Sunday: Speed Work on track 5 Miles. W/U mile; 1600 @ 8:05; 800 recovery jog; 1600 @ 8:35; 800 recovery jog; C/D mile
Monday: 2 Spin Classes taught (ugh!); 2 Pilates Classes taught. Legs were like bricks after teaching intervals!!!
Tuesday: 2 Pilates Classes Taught.
Wednesday: 6 Mile Long Run; Taught Pilates
Thursday: Taught Spin/Pilates; 75 min Yoga
Friday: Taught Spin; 2 Mile easy run

So my week was pretty successful with getting a lot of time on the bike (both road and spin) and continuing to follow my training plan for runs. I did not get to take any pilates classes due to teaching almost double my normal schedule this week.

Yesterday, because my body was starting to feel the effects of over-training (aching legs, etc) I decided to just take a gentle yoga class and gear up for my Tempo Run that was scheduled for this morning. The yoga felt great, as we stretched a whole bunch and nothing was intense.

This morning I headed out for my tempo run. I was concerned given the heavy load of the week prior. I did my mile warm-up at a really gentle pace albeit a little faster than I should have. The goal for the next 4 miles was to maintain an 8:52 mpm pace. Unfortunately, I just didn't have it today and ended up at a 9:05 mpm which is slightly slower than my tempo pace should be, but not bad considering my body was still feeling pretty worn out. I finished up with a nice and easy mile run for a total of 6 miles completed. Overall it was a good run despite the fact that my tempo pace wasn't normalized, I was either too fast or too slow for three out of four miles. Other than that, my legs ached a bit and I'm feeling a little dehydrated tonight. I went out and pigged out on eggs, hash, potatoes and toast...a great recovery meal as my body was craving protein. that's it for me. As it stands right now my teaching schedule is back to normal for the most part this week. I've also made plans to go see...

JIMMY BUFFETT in a few weeks. :cool1: Gonna' be a BLAST!!!!! That sure perked me up LOL! :goodvibes
Hey there! :wave: You did have a busy week girl! Glad this week is back to normal. Hope your legs have it a bit better this week!

Yay for Jimmy Buffett! Have a drink or two for me will ya! :thumbsup2 I'm super excited for ya! I always have such a great time at his concerts!

Hey Amy,
What a busy week you had.I am glad to see that you are continuing to run.I know a while back you said you may not have it in you(after the Goofy)

Where is Jimmy B going to be?I am sure he is sold out anyway.I always seem to miss it.

Have a great one,
Hi, Amy.:wave: Just stopping by to say I hope you are doing well and we miss you around here! Take care!

Hi Amy! Just checking in to see if you and Scott did hte Applefest this weekend, and if so how did it go!!!!


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