Relax…Keep Calm…A Taking It Easy Adult Trip to Food and Wine The End!! 5.21.15

I'm definitely like Keith in this scenerio. Not much into frills and fancy meals. That said, if someone booked an ADR at Cali Grill you can bet I'll be there. :laughing:

That's interesting. For some reason I thought they had a dress code there. Perhaps it was because the folks I saw checking in before were dressed up so maybe I just assumed. OK, this is getting better.

I can't lie. If I had to make a ressie for here, I would be most concerned with getting it to coincide with Wishes. Well done!!

I've seen Wishes from a few different vantage points now, but this is one I have not. Just glorious.
Back to the room, though...due to the intimacy of the room we were put in, there are no real pictures. It was just as well since I could just enjoy the moment and soak it all in!! I did snap one picture from my chair:

Hey!!! That's the same room we were in!! We were at that table to the left in your pic. I wonder if that's where they put all the Mississippi folks? I'm glad Keith liked his meal. We really enjoyed Cali Grille!
What fun to try new things - first the Peoplemover and then California Grill! I love the presentation of the food at Cali Grill. It is just so pretty! I kinda agree with Keith about the price/amount of food, but it is even more about the experience.

ETA: Great fireworks pictures! You had a great view. Could you hear the music well?

The presentation and attention was awesome at California Grill and the experience made it 100% worth the cost. I think once the experience sunk in with Keith, that was what won him over!! The music is perfect! It is piped in to the viewing area so there are no hearing issues. The view is perfect! Glad you enjoyed the pictures!!

I'm definitely like Keith in this scenerio. Not much into frills and fancy meals. That said, if someone booked an ADR at Cali Grill you can bet I'll be there. :laughing:

That's interesting. For some reason I thought they had a dress code there. Perhaps it was because the folks I saw checking in before were dressed up so maybe I just assumed. OK, this is getting better.

I can't lie. If I had to make a ressie for here, I would be most concerned with getting it to coincide with Wishes. Well done!!

I've seen Wishes from a few different vantage points now, but this is one I have not. Just glorious.

There is a dress code but it does include shorts with specifications, no muscle type shirts and a few other "no" articles of clothing. Some people were very dressed up wearing suits and cocktail type dresses which was what made us feel under dressed, especially in the room we were in. Keith had on nice khaki shorts and a polo shirt which others did have on and we noticed this once we were outside. You definitely should check out California Grille if the opportunity arises and plan for the fireworks...although you can return with your receipt and watch the fireworks if your ADR is earlier. But timing it all together is perfect. And I know how you love Wishes...this viewpoint is different but lovely looking from above!

Hey!!! That's the same room we were in!! We were at that table to the left in your pic. I wonder if that's where they put all the Mississippi folks? I'm glad Keith liked his meal. We really enjoyed Cali Grille!

How cool we were in the same room!! So, were they making us Mississippians be tucked away or treating us as important? I'll go with being treated important! :D I was glad he enjoyed it in the end too! We really enjoyed it and I hope I get back soon!
And so a new day dawns at WDW! Sunday morning we were up bright and early!! I'm thinking it was around 9:15 or so...

The plan for today was Hollywood Studios! Rope Drop to TSMM and then some great FPPs!! Well, sleeping beyond Rope Drop nixed all of that!! (This is okay, though, remember this is a relaxing trip!!)

Breakfast isn't a big deal (daily) for us, so usually we bring things to munch on until time to eat real food! We had some sausage and biscuits that needed heating so while Keith got dressed, I walked to the food court to utilize the microwave (probably the one thing I really don't like about value/moderate resorts-no microwave).

The morning was lovely!! The grounds were quite and peaceful, so I enjoyed my little walk to the food court.

Stepping out our room door each time rewarded us with this view:

Our room for the week!

And then I set off for my little walk!

Waiting for the biscuits to heat up, I snapped this one inside the food court:

and this one...

And then it was back to the room!!

The directional signs make it easy to find your way around!

Once back to the room, Keith is ready so we head to the bus stop as we eat. This was the plan for FPPs on this day:

Once we arrive to Hollywood Studios, I screenshot for time purposes as we enter the park:

Does anyone notice the problem with this? If you guessed that it is 10:21 am and the Tower of Terror FPP time is 9:20 am-10:20 am meaning I missed my most favorite ride in all of the land...then you'd be CORRECT!!! :mad:

I already knew this wasn't happening, so on the bus ride, I had made adjustments on the handy dandy My Disney Experience app. This is one thing I really, really like about the whole new FPP system. What I don't like is that if you don't grab things at 12 am on the 60 day mark, you can pretty much kiss the thought of getting a FPP for that attraction. Anyhoo...our new FPP line up looks something like this:

Another thing I always do is screenshot my FPP plans since the wi-fi inside the parks seems to freeze when I need it most! It is easier to just pull that picture up!

Since it was pretty close to the Indiana Jones show, we make our way over. This is one of our favorite attractions at DHS, even though it never changes over the is always EXACTLY.THE.SAME! But who can resist a good Indy show... and Harrison Ford-real or not!? A few shots from the show:

Continued in following post...
After the show, we decide to look for food and head to what has become our favorite go-to at DHS:

But it is packed!!...this is why every tour guide book recommends eating at "off" times and 11:40 am or so is not really an "off" time. So like any Disney pro...we bypass food and look for fun things to do (because standing in lines are not fun!!).

Well, for us, fun and no lines = TSMM and FPP!!!

Oh those stylish 3-D glasses!!

I really stink at this game!!

We exit and decide to go to what I believe is a required in you MUST go before Park Exit is Allowed!!! (and I know I am not alone! Right Rob?! :rolleyes2) This attraction is one thing I believe led Keith to "get" Disney...most specifically Walt Disney. And the movie at the end is the great big bow on the whole present! So of course I am speaking of One Man's Dream!

They finally removed the "New" Fantasyland display and had some new items displayed.

Waiting for the next movie to begin:

Movie over, we head outside and decide to try ABC Commissory again...and this time the line is manageable! And I actually have food porn this time!!

Keith got a burger and fries:

I got the Oriental Chicken Salad:

The hamburger was standard but still good. The salad was a new try for me and it was SO VERY good! And a lite alternative to burgers for lunch!

We both chose the themed cupcake:

For anyone that is not aware, this character is Olaf. He was in a Disney movie called "Frozen". It's one of those "forgotten" movies that you can't seem to find anything about in the parks...or maybe I'm wrong...

These next three pictures have a greater meaning that you will see in a few short seconds...

After lunch, we head off in search of something to do. We love to people watch and just soak up the atmosphere on Hollywood Blvd. This is one area that I will be highly upset if Disney tries to change!! We get lucky and find a bench!

I looked in a couple of shops and then go back to find Keith. I call Madison (who is at college) and while talking to her, we are approached by one of the Citizens of Hollywood. She has heard that they are about to do a casting call.

And before long she finds out the rumors are true!!

It is pretty warm and we decide that a break is in order! One last picture before heading back to the room for a swim and short rest! (and the Muppets 3-D FPP? Wasted FPP #1!!)

Oh yes and one last thing before I leave y'all for the time being!! Remember the random Olaf pics? Madison and I had texts back and forth the whole trip and this came from those pictures! (She loves Olaf BTW)

Have a lovely Sunday!!!
Wow, I'm genuinely a little surprised you couldn't fund a later time for ToT.

I haven't seen a full Indy show in ages. I do love heading there with a newbie though. It makes for some great entertainment watching the "extras".


I know right??? Like Hercules and other forgotten movies, just nothing there for Frozen at all.

Awww I see my Evie Starlight. :love:

Haha, now that is a cute interaction with Madison. So glad you eneded on a high note.
Nice update! I can't tell you how many FP+ we've missed too. I'm surprised you didn't try ToT anyway...sometimes it's not that long of a can happen...right after I win the lottery! :crazy2:
Thanks to the "new and improved" Dis, I fell way behind. :sad2: I love love love your pictures of the resort and room. We sure could use those over on the other site that I'm writing for. Hint! Hint! Hint! You know I've never even considered California Grill for dinner. I'm afraid that John will be like Keith and look at the tiny portions and go :confused3. :laughing: But, the food does look quite good and the view of Wishes looks amazing.

Every single time that I see Streetmosphere actors at Hollywood Studios, I think of you guys. I know that ya'll enjoy them just as much as we do.
Wow, I'm genuinely a little surprised you couldn't fund a later time for ToT.

I haven't seen a full Indy show in ages. I do love heading there with a newbie though. It makes for some great entertainment watching the "extras".


I know right??? Like Hercules and other forgotten movies, just nothing there for Frozen at all.

Awww I see my Evie Starlight. :love:

Haha, now that is a cute interaction with Madison. So glad you eneded on a high note.

Honestly, I can't remember if there were any ToT FPPs left or if the times just weren't agreeable. I do know that the 4th FPP had just begun but there was never anything we wanted to use because so little remained available. I knew you'd react like that to One Man's Dream...and Evie Starlight!!

It still baffles me why they have so little Frozen in the parks...I searched and searched just for Olaf!!

Nice update! I can't tell you how many FP+ we've missed too. I'm surprised you didn't try ToT anyway...sometimes it's not that long of a can happen...right after I win the lottery! :crazy2:

It feels so wasteful missing those FPPs! I liked the paper ones simply because you could create a little magic for someone and hand the the FP over if you knew it was going to not be used. I wish I could remember the ToT issue...shocking for me to pass that one up, right!? I did luck out on the band trip to ride 7 times in a row due to everyone being at Fantasmic! THAT was fun!!!

Thanks to the "new and improved" Dis, I fell way behind. :sad2: I love love love your pictures of the resort and room. We sure could use those over on the other site that I'm writing for. Hint! Hint! Hint! You know I've never even considered California Grill for dinner. I'm afraid that John will be like Keith and look at the tiny portions and go :confused3. :laughing: But, the food does look quite good and the view of Wishes looks amazing.

Every single time that I see Streetmosphere actors at Hollywood Studios, I think of you guys. I know that ya'll enjoy them just as much as we do.

I know what you mean! I get so far behind with this new format!! But I'm glad you got caught up! I am more than happy to share the pictures with you! Anytime, just let me know!!! :thumbsup2 Keith and John are SO much alike!!! Even though the portions are smaller, the food is SO GOOD, service is impeccable and the fireworks view was worth the price!! It's definitely a special occasion place for us, though!

I am the same way with you guys and Streetmsophere!!:goodvibes
After we had a break at the resort, we needed to go grab some things and found a Walgreens not too far. We decided just to drive to Hollywood Studios from Walgreens instead of heading back to resort and catching a bus. Getting to Walgreens was painless and super easy. Driving on to DHS (or MGM for some readers who aren't accepting the name change :rotfl2:) was easy, peasy and soon we were making our way through the gates:

We were directed to the parking lot...which caused Keith to get "highly upset"...there were other lots closer to the entrance that were empty but we were "forced" to park here:

Lots of "complaining" ensued!! :laughing: And then we waited for the tram...

We boarded and rode to the entrance...

As we got ready to disembark, Keith realized in his state of "why do we have to park 10 miles away!!!!", he forgot his Magic Band. So we hop directly back on and ride back to said parking area 10 miles away....

Keith gets his Magic Band from the car and we wait for another tram...and finally board...

Somewhere along this 45 minute journey, I took a picture of a palm tree framed by a perfectly blue sky!!

And this whole journey made Keith declare Disney Transportation the MOST AMAZING THING EVER!!!! I know a lot of people don't mind driving and do so a lot to the parks, but every time we try it, there is nothing but issues! Ah...but at last all was right in the world and we were entering the park!!!

Now the reason we were back at DHS was due to a dinner ADR which I had changed from Raglan Road the previous night while standing in line waiting for BTMRR...have I mentioned that I REALLY like My Disney Experience!?

Since this was a change, we didn't really have anything planned so we decided to go to another favorite attraction!

I seriously cannot wait to see this sans the hat blocking the view in 35 days!!!! :cool1: I personally had little against the hat but I think the new look fits more with the view down the street... but hat or no hat...technically, I don't care!

We had to wait outside in the humid heat for a bit...

A peak at the hat through the trees...

FINALLY indoors and air conditioning!!!

And the movie...also excited to see the new tweaks with the agreement with TCM!

And then we loaded into our tram and we were off!!!

Disclaimer: I used three cameras this trip: my DSLR, my point and shoot and my I-Phone which takes crappy pictures for the most part. On this night I chose to go camera-less and used my I-Phone so pictures aren't great!

I've seen the movie but after seeing Univ. of Southern Mississippi's AMAZING performance of "Mary Poppins" this past February, I will forever see this movie differently!!

Our tour guide this trip was awesome! We have rode this many, many times. We have had good, bad and just eh guides but today's was the best we've ever had!! Even once we were taken over by the Gangster...she was pretty great too!!

And then the Aliens attack!!!


The Wizard of Oz!!

And as we reached the end...I was prepared to snap this picture. It had not been long since we lost our Genie!! :sad1:

I love this ride just as it is. Improvements are okay and even changing out some scenes. But I would be sad if this attraction went to away!

Continued in following post...
Now what to do!? Well, there was a band playing...I think maybe it was something to celebrate that Disney movie, Frozen, I think it was...but the music was electric and exciting and fun. So we made our way to Min and Bill's Dockside Diner to grab a few beverages and then we found a table next to Echo Lake where we sat, relaxed and enjoyed the music.

Gertie wasn't too faraway:

Enjoying the night!!

Just looking around!

It was then time to go check-in for dinner!! We were eating at 50's Primetime Cafe which is one of our favorites!!

Our ADR was 8:05 pm and we were seated pretty close to right on time!!!

And soon the food arrived!! Both Keith and I ordered the sampler (sorry, I started chowing down before I remembered to take a picture!!)

As we ate the restaurant began to empty out (we weren't the last ones though):

And also the Frozen fireworks show boomed and boomed while we ate!!

And for the grand finally!!

Overall, the day was pretty awesome!! It was laid back and relaxing!!! Next up is Monday...and I need to get a move on this thing!! Did I mention I'll be back in 23 days?!?!?!?
I'd ask what Walgreens you went to, but there are about 24325854454 of them in the area, lol.

Seriously, who isn't over the name change by now? :rolleyes1

It's weird that while I loved using Magical Express and all that, I still kinda missed the trams. They just remind me of when I was a kid I guess.

YAY for awesome GMR CM's!!!! It sure does make the ride better, doesn't it?

I might actually be trying 50's Prime Time next trip, so very exciting to see it.
I'd ask what Walgreens you went to, but there are about 24325854454 of them in the area, lol.

I know, right?! It was only two miles away from Port Orleans...but then the next one is only 2.3 miles away...:laughing:

Seriously, who isn't over the name change by now? :rolleyes1

It's been'd think people could "let it go!" by now!! :confused3

It's weird that while I loved using Magical Express and all that, I still kinda missed the trams. They just remind me of when I was a kid I guess.

Totally can understand this!! It's all about the experiences whether it is transportation, the attractions, or just the little things...I'm all about nostalgia!! (I probably over-dramatized the situation some too!! LOL)

YAY for awesome GMR CM's!!!! It sure does make the ride better, doesn't it? Oh yes it does!!!

I might actually be trying 50's Prime Time next trip, so very exciting to see it.

Oh I hope you can get there sometime! It is good comfort food and to me a good value if paying out of pocket! We have had some awesome interaction experiences and at other times, none...but that I mentioned that. He was an excellent server but we were getting tired and loved watching the antics around us. He did little things like throwing twenty straws at us.
Moving right on along since I have 34 days until my next trip!!! (Sorry if I'm rubbing it in!! :rolleyes:)

Since I really can't recall what time we arrived. let's just begin at the park!! (Although I do know it was not rope drop but not late into the morning!)

I personally love Animal Kingdom. The touches that are all through out the park are very immersive to me. I am very interested in Avatarland although I know lots of people are not...I forced myself through the movie once this land was announced and it was...well, anyway, the plans for this park look so cool and I know if Disney puts their minds to it, it won't matter what you think of the movie, the land could be pretty amazing!!

Keith does not care for Animal Kingdom. He doesn't like zoos either...he "allows" me to go to AK for short periods because he is nice like that. Initially, I was going to go at Rope Drop and do the things I like and then we were going to meet up somewhere. But while I was getting ready, he was awake and decided to tag along. I only took my I-Phone this day so all of the AK pictures are iffy, with some better than others.

We leisurely walked through Discovery Island which is something we rarely do. We usually have things to do!!! But as we were lingering, I noticed someone very special to me!! I think I've only had a couple of trips that we missed seeing DeVine!!

We moved along and ran across this little guy who looked so cute:

And then it all went to the birds...

And this guy...

And back to the birds...

We decided the first attraction would be something we both can enjoy!! On our way to Africa, we passed over the bridge where I take a picture EVERY.SINLGE.TIME much to Keith's chagrin!!

And the new area that we didn't get to:

Now, I am thinking maybe we had FPP for AK this day, but I am not completely sure. I do not have a screen shot but I also don't remember standing in line long at all for Kilimanjaro Safari and no pictures which means I didn't get bored.

What I DO remember is a family at the holding area for the next jeep (not sure what that's called so hopefully you understand!). It was mom, dad, little 3 yr old-ish boy and little 6 yr old-ish boy. Cute family in matching t-shirts...awwwwwww. Until... the dad holding cute little 3 yr old (politely) pushes (maybe guides is better) cute little 6 yr old-ish boy to board the jeep. Only the CM (very nicely) stops them because this isn't their jeep, it will be the next jeep. All innocent...this happens to people all of the time. Dad apologizes to CM who smiles and says no problem...BUT at the same time this nice interaction takes place...Mama Bear lays into dad...and I mean lays into him! Speaking loudly and not nicely about how dumb, stupid, and any other derogatory without cussing name you can think of dad is and he nearly put their kids on a jeep they shouldn't have been on...blah, blah, blah. Keith and I stood their with our eyes and mouth wide open. WHERE.DID.THAT.COME FROM!?!? Next jeep loads and it is our turn to stand in the holding area. I tell Keith he better not try getting on that one, it isn't ours and the CM laughs. We talk briefly about how awkward the whole thing was and how bad we felt for the dad. I bet that was a FUN safari for that guy!!

Anyhoo, long squirrel story!! :rolleyes1 I just feel bad when vacations can go bad for people. And usually because sometimes, even us adults need a time out break and a little downtime!!

So now we are happily loaded on our jeep and ready for the 2 week journey into the wilds of Africa!!!

Reflection pictures....

Hungry, Hungry Hippos!!!!


Continued in the following post...
And elephants!


More elephants...

The lion!!! And can I say this picture is one of my favorites and most shocking!! My phone must have been scared of the lion and decided to take a pretty decent picture-especially with the fact I had to zoom in!

The zebras

After our lovely safari, we made our way to Expedition Everest!!!!

Along the way Keith gets a phone call so we stop on one of the little cut away areas and while he talks I take a few tree pics:

And then I decide to get in on one:

And a flower nearby:

Expedition Everest was down...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they weren't sure of the time it would be back online, so we move on to the Land of Walls...

About this time we hear a vicious growling! We look around and think maybe it is coming from Malaharajah Jungle Trek...maybe?? We hear it again...where IS that coming from!? Oh it's our stomachs!! It's lunch time!!! We are in DinoLand by now so we decide to hit up Restarauntosarous for the first time. This place turned out to be very good!

We got burgers and fries but we topped them with tons of things from the toppings bar!! Here is mine:

For dessert I got a mango cheesecake thing that wasn't that great. No picture of that, but you're not missing much!!

We decide to make our way out of the park at this time but to where I am not sure!! I know where the pictures pick up though, so maybe straight there...ahhhh but you must come back for that reveal!!

As we exit, Keith spots a bench by Rainforest Cafe, close to a waterfall. He suggests sitting for a short spell. Some shots from our sitting a spell:

So long for now!!!! Next up is an evening of fun at my favorite park!!!
Well, I missed two updates. First let me say, I can't believe you are going back so soon!!! Hooray for 34 days and counting!

Too bad about the TOT FP+. I like the idea of being able to move things, but I haven't actually done it with the app. We love 50s PT too! Such good food and fun! It really does look a lot like my grandma's house! That brownie sundae is so yummy - although it takes 4 of us to eat it.

I have got to remember that there is a movie in One Man's Dream. We have walked through the exhibits, but never stayed for the movie. :(

I love the texts with Madison. Will she be on break when you go next month?

I bet there was some serious backstory for the family in front of you at the Safari. I really hope their day got better! Love your giraffe pictures! It looks like you had some good luck with animal spotting.

I have never even considered eating at Restaurantasaurus. I probably have way to picky of eaters in my family.
Driving on to DHS (or MGM for some readers who aren't accepting the name change :rotfl2:)

And just when you get used to DHS, they're gonna change it again! Disney's CEO Iger let it slip during the annual stockholders meeting earlier this year that a name change is forthcoming. I'm guessing Disney's Hollywood Adventure.

We leisurely walked through Discovery Island which is something we rarely do. We usually have things to do!!! But as we were lingering, I noticed someone very special to me!! I think I've only had a couple of trips that we missed seeing DeVine!!

I'm so jealous!! I look for her every time we go to AK and have NEVER seen her.

What I DO remember is a family at the holding area for the next jeep (not sure what that's called so hopefully you understand!). It was mom, dad, little 3 yr old-ish boy and little 6 yr old-ish boy. Cute family in matching t-shirts...awwwwwww. Until... the dad holding cute little 3 yr old (politely) pushes (maybe guides is better) cute little 6 yr old-ish boy to board the jeep. Only the CM (very nicely) stops them because this isn't their jeep, it will be the next jeep. All innocent...this happens to people all of the time. Dad apologizes to CM who smiles and says no problem...BUT at the same time this nice interaction takes place...Mama Bear lays into dad...and I mean lays into him! Speaking loudly and not nicely about how dumb, stupid, and any other derogatory without cussing name you can think of dad is and he nearly put their kids on a jeep they shouldn't have been on...blah, blah, blah. Keith and I stood their with our eyes and mouth wide open. WHERE.DID.THAT.COME FROM!?!? Next jeep loads and it is our turn to stand in the holding area. I tell Keith he better not try getting on that one, it isn't ours and the CM laughs. We talk briefly about how awkward the whole thing was and how bad we felt for the dad. I bet that was a FUN safari for that guy!!
WOW!! I don't understand it. Okay, she might have been tired, not felt well or just a cranky b***h but there is no excuse for doing that...especially in public!! Want to take bets on how long that marriage lasts? Someone call Dr. Phil! Sighhhh

Great update!! :thumbsup2 I'm looking forward to the next one!
Moving right on along since I have 34 days until my next trip!!! (Sorry if I'm rubbing it in!! :rolleyes:)

Yeah, you're rubbing it in. But I get it. ;)

I agree regarding Avatarland. No matter what, it's going to be incredible.

Oh I love DiVine. I haven't seen her a lot sadly, but one trip I seemed to see her constantly. There's something really beautiful about her.

Goodness, what a "show" while waiting to board the Safari. I swear some people get bent out of shape for the most peculiar reasons. What I think of most though is, what is this woman like when hubby actually does do something bad or wrong. Of course, in fairness, one never knows the circumstances behind an outburst. It's just as likely to be something that was building for a while and this is just what brought it out. You just never know I guess.

There is one universal truth at Animal Kingdom for me. When Everest goes down, you quickly notice how few actual rides exist there, lol.

Keith spots a bench

Favourite attraction in Disney I'm pretty sure. :D
Well, I missed two updates. First let me say, I can't believe you are going back so soon!!! Hooray for 34 days and counting!

Too bad about the TOT FP+. I like the idea of being able to move things, but I haven't actually done it with the app. We love 50s PT too! Such good food and fun! It really does look a lot like my grandma's house! That brownie sundae is so yummy - although it takes 4 of us to eat it.

I have got to remember that there is a movie in One Man's Dream. We have walked through the exhibits, but never stayed for the movie. :(

I love the texts with Madison. Will she be on break when you go next month?

I bet there was some serious backstory for the family in front of you at the Safari. I really hope their day got better! Love your giraffe pictures! It looks like you had some good luck with animal spotting.

I have never even considered eating at Restaurantasaurus. I probably have way to picky of eaters in my family.

I'm trying to wrap this up before my trip, so I have been rolling the updates out faster, although last week was crazy!! I think you will love the movie!! You should stay next time!

Madison will be going with us on our trip! Chris cannot, though, since he has a real grown-up job now and can't get time off. We are taking my aunt and uncle also, they wanted to tag along with me on a trip! :cloud9:

I really felt the same way about the family. You never know what is going o with someone and 3-5 minutes doesn't provide the story. It was awkward being so close and pretending we weren't right in the middle of it!!

I also hadn't considered Restarauntasorous before but it was a coll you were in a dig sites tent...and the food was decent.

And just when you get used to DHS, they're gonna change it again! Disney's CEO Iger let it slip during the annual stockholders meeting earlier this year that a name change is forthcoming. I'm guessing Disney's Hollywood Adventure.

I'm so jealous!! I look for her every time we go to AK and have NEVER seen her.

WOW!! I don't understand it. Okay, she might have been tired, not felt well or just a cranky b***h but there is no excuse for doing that...especially in public!! Want to take bets on how long that marriage lasts? Someone call Dr. Phil! Sighhhh

Great update!! :thumbsup2 I'm looking forward to the next one!

I saw that too...I think the little boy was a plant to try and get info!! I'm thinking Hollywood Adventure too since they have alluded to making it similar to California Adventure. You haven't seen DeVine?!?! I hope you get to one day! She moves so gracefully and at times is completely camouflaged...very cool!!

I felt really bad for the dad. He really didn't say much...probably trying to cause less of a scene. Could be a lot in that short snippet to cause he outburst, but boy was it awkward for us! That area is tight! and we were right in the middle of it all! :sad2:
Yeah, you're rubbing it in. But I get it. ;)

I try to refrain...I promise I do but sometimes it just leaks out!!!! (33 days BTW!! :jumping2:)

I agree regarding Avatarland. No matter what, it's going to be incredible.

Oh I love DiVine. I haven't seen her a lot sadly, but one trip I seemed to see her constantly. There's something really beautiful about her.

DiVine is simple but so very cool...I get uber excited every time even though I've seen her many times!

Goodness, what a "show" while waiting to board the Safari. I swear some people get bent out of shape for the most peculiar reasons. What I think of most though is, what is this woman like when hubby actually does do something bad or wrong. Of course, in fairness, one never knows the circumstances behind an outburst. It's just as likely to be something that was building for a while and this is just what brought it out. You just never know I guess.

I've seen both sides personally so I know what you mean. In my job, I always have to remember that families have things going on no one really knows about and even if they lash out at me, it actually can be much deeper. But I also have an ex-family member that would lash out at their spouse, say hateful ugly things in front of whoever was around...not pretty. So who knows what background my story was awkward for the CM, Keith and me!

There is one universal truth at Animal Kingdom for me. When Everest goes down, you quickly notice how few actual rides exist there, lol.


Favourite attraction in Disney I'm pretty sure. :D

:laughing: Keith and my uncle are already betting on who "rides" the most benches May!!



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