RANT ALERT Park Manners

Kids pulls down chain in Soarin' line. Father reconnects it and says nothing. Same kid pulls down the chain again.

I'm pretty easy going in the parks and can ignore just about anything but the clanging of the chains in the lines drives me crazy, it's like nails on a chalkboard and makes me tense. I love listening to the atmosphere in the parks but I've started bringing ear bud headphones just for those occasions when I'm stuck next to a bunch of kids playing with the chains.

I don't even blame the kids, they are bored from standing in line and Disney provided something that is a noise maker, they can twirl, they can spin, they can wrap around poles, and they can hook/unhook/hook/unhook through the entire line. To adults they are a queue device but to a kid the chains are just a toy intentionally put there to keep them busy.
1. Kid spitting Cheerios onto the floor at the Indiana Jones show in DHS. Parents' attention is directed elsewhere. 2. Kid terrorizing ducks with stroller in World Showcase in Epcot--mom and dad observe, say nothing. 3. Kid kicking walls of Fast Pass line in Soarin'. Mom observes, then continues to talk to husband. 4. Kids pulls down chain in Soarin' line. Father reconnects it and says nothing. Same kid pulls down the chain again. 5. Mom buckles kid into Soarin', then promptly pulls out her smartphone and fiddles with it during the entire ride. 6. Guest blows his nose into sink in men's room in Frontierland, then walks out.

Not a Disney rant, but I teach school, and see lots of kids who seem to have a sense of "entitlement."
1. Kid spitting Cheerios onto the floor at the Indiana Jones show in DHS. Parents' attention is directed elsewhere. 2. Kid terrorizing ducks with stroller in World Showcase in Epcot--mom and dad observe, say nothing. 3. Kid kicking walls of Fast Pass line in Soarin'. Mom observes, then continues to talk to husband. 4. Kids pulls down chain in Soarin' line. Father reconnects it and says nothing. Same kid pulls down the chain again. 5. Mom buckles kid into Soarin', then promptly pulls out her smartphone and fiddles with it during the entire ride. 6. Guest blows his nose into sink in men's room in Frontierland, then walks out.

I was in a moving line for Finding Nemo one time while the grown woman in front of me was eating something kind of messy. It was something like nachos with cheese and lettuce and sour cream. She then dropped it on the ground and kept walking. She intentionally dropped this gooey awful mess for hundreds of people to walk around, and appeared to never give another thought to her careless action. I may be showing my age, but back in my day someone who did something that rude and obnoxious at least took some pleasure in being rude and obnoxious.
One trip we were waiting at the Poly for our ADR time. I was hanging out downstairs by the soon to be gone fountain:sad2: and there was the little brat who was ripping the plants out and then tossing them into the water. I looked around for an adult, and when I didn't see one, I said something like" What are you Doing" to him. He stopped.

Another time waiting for an ADR at the Crystal Palace another brat was throwing his ball into the flower beds and then climbing in after it. Repeatedly. With his parents standing right there, watching him.
You should have picked up a spoon, licked it and then handed it to him with a big smile and said here you go Sugar. Like a true southern bell.

Ooooooh you are RIGHT! That would have been a much better (and classier) way to handle the situation. princess: I was just so taken aback at his demanding and completely unapologetic attitude that my military mouth instantly took over and...well...he got what he got...bless his heart. :rotfl2:
I was in a moving line for Finding Nemo one time while the grown woman in front of me was eating something kind of messy. It was something like nachos with cheese and lettuce and sour cream. She then dropped it on the ground and kept walking. She intentionally dropped this gooey awful mess for hundreds of people to walk around, and appeared to never give another thought to her careless action. I may be showing my age, but back in my day someone who did something that rude and obnoxious at least took some pleasure in being rude and obnoxious.

You should have done something.

And to everyone here who has had an overt lack of respect done to you (the spoon kid) or seen someone just act like a complete ******, you should do something. Publicy embarrass them with a smile so that everyone knows how much of an *** they are, or a slob, or just with a lack of respect for someone older and/or younger.

I always, ALWAYS will go up to a parent of a child and try to embarrass the child infront of their parents, most of the times the parents are embarrassed and apologize to me and then you hear under their breath "OMG HOW COULD YOU...I WILL..." and if they don't I make it a point to then "pass it forward" and contact someone who works there and embarrass the entire family.

If someone dropped their nachos on the floor I would politely tap them on the shoulder and say "excuse me, you dropped your refuse on the floor can you please put it in a garbage so nobody steps on it or no animals gather and eat it?" and if he or she refused I would get out of line (leaving my fiancé there to keep the space) and get someone from Disney to come over and then say loudly "excuse me, that man (or woman) in green just dropped their garbage here instead of putting it in the trash, can you have someone come to clean it up so nobody steps in it?"

Public shaming is the only way people learn
You should have done something.

And to everyone here who has had an overt lack of respect done to you (the spoon kid) or seen someone just act like a complete ******, you should do something. Publicy embarrass them with a smile so that everyone knows how much of an *** they are, or a slob, or just with a lack of respect for someone older and/or younger.

I always, ALWAYS will go up to a parent of a child and try to embarrass the child infront of their parents, most of the times the parents are embarrassed and apologize to me and then you hear under their breath "OMG HOW COULD YOU...I WILL..." and if they don't I make it a point to then "pass it forward" and contact someone who works there and embarrass the entire family.

If someone dropped their nachos on the floor I would politely tap them on the shoulder and say "excuse me, you dropped your refuse on the floor can you please put it in a garbage so nobody steps on it or no animals gather and eat it?" and if he or she refused I would get out of line (leaving my fiancé there to keep the space) and get someone from Disney to come over and then say loudly "excuse me, that man (or woman) in green just dropped their garbage here instead of putting it in the trash, can you have someone come to clean it up so nobody steps in it?"

Public shaming is the only way people learn

I LOUDLY told the next cast member I saw that, THAT WOMAN RIGHT THERE threw her nasty dish on the ground right back there. It's a mess and will have to be cleaned up immediately.
Recently, we were watching the "movie under the stars" at POFQ. All during the movie, a handful of children were shrieking, running around, and torturing a frog. Ironically, the movie being shown was "Princess and the Frog." My DD8 said, "Momma, they're killing the frog! Do something!" I hopped up, walked over, snatched the frog up, put it into the bushes, and nicely asked the children to stop so the frog could rest. Not ten minutes later, they had returned to their disruptive, pseudo-sadistic game. I got back up, snatched the frog up AGAIN, and said in my very best teacher voice, "Go find your ADULTS and SIT with them!" I got dirty looks the rest of the movie, but afterwards another parent thanked me. Can't turn off the teacher, even on vacation.
I can't stand the total lack of respect that some people have for others. Why go sit down for the movie in France and talk loudly (did you never learn how to whisper?) about something unrelated? As annoyed as I would be if the talking was just commentary on the movie, most of the time it is not and it ruins the atmosphere. I really don't want to hear about your (fill in the blank). I certainly don't want to deal with your out of control kids because you are too lazy to parent them. If people simply showed respect for others, almost none of the rants here would be an issue.
We're on our way home now and this was one trip where I really noticed people having no concern for others.

On the Great Movie Ride, two guys behind us discussed Game of Thrones the entire ride and when they got to the big Joffrey episode a couple of weeks ago I finally whipped around and informed them not everyone had seen that episode and to kindly stop talking.

The big one though was that we had to detour to the emergency room after being attacked by a woman manically driving a stroller who knocked me over. I'm now rocking a pink cast covered in Mickey stickers thanks to her really wanting to get to Toy Story Mania.
Ok here is when I feel old but I was so disappointed at Epcot last October. The amazing amount of people so extremely intoxicated at the food and wine event was shocking. Didn't get there until later in the day and tried to go visit some of the countries but it was pointless. Sloppy drunks everywhere!!!! Fall down loud annoying wayyyy over served drunks. I will go in October again but will never be anywhere near the countries after midday. And let me say I have no problem with people drinking I drink often socially and sometime in excess but come on. I did have my kids (14 and 2) and of course played a role but still that was the first time I had been to something like that and was very disappointed.
It's really amazing that Disney continues to serve visibly inebriated guests more alcohol. There are serious liability issues fof them if someone leaves the park after drinking all day and night, and then drives. We love the F&W festival as long we avoid the weekends when most of the out of control drinking seems to occur.
It's really amazing that Disney continues to serve visibly inebriated guests more alcohol. There are serious liability issues fof them if someone leaves the park after drinking all day and night, and then drives. We love the F&W festival as long we avoid the weekends when most of the out of control drinking seems to occur.

Aren't people allowed to buy 2 drinks though? It could be the really drunk ones are the ones who have their friends getting the drinks for them.

All I can say is that I have been to many Food and Wine Festivals, and if I saw anyone falling down drunk, I don't remember it. And many people are loud and annoying when they are not drunk too. You can't just blame that on the booze.
If you insist on parking your double stroller in front of a shelf of merchandise in a store and bring out lunch for your kids-don't get pissy when someone asks you to move so they can reach the merchandise you are camped in front of. It is a STORE!
We're on our way home now and this was one trip where I really noticed people having no concern for others. On the Great Movie Ride, two guys behind us discussed Game of Thrones the entire ride and when they got to the big Joffrey episode a couple of weeks ago I finally whipped around and informed them not everyone had seen that episode and to kindly stop talking. The big one though was that we had to detour to the emergency room after being attacked by a woman manically driving a stroller who knocked me over. I'm now rocking a pink cast covered in Mickey stickers thanks to her really wanting to get to Toy Story Mania.

I think we need to hear this whole story! Were you able to report her?
I think we need to hear this whole story! Were you able to report her?

She never stopped. Luckily a cast member saw the whole thing. Disney was great about it however! And in case anyone is curious, Celebration Hospital is as much like Disney as a hospital can be. Clean, efficient, and very resort like!


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