RANT ALERT Park Manners

Finally if you have your child on a leash, you are not a parent, you are a failure.

I have to address this one. You are just wrong. I never had to use on with my DD, as she was the sort who would happily hold my hand and walk next to me for ages. I would love to say that was due to my superior parenting skills :goodvibes but in large part, it was just her nature. I got lucky.

My mother had 4 kids and only one was a runner/darter. Back in the 50s when he was a toddler, she had him in a downtown store and he broke and ran. She gave chase, but was several feet behind him. As he neared the exit doors, someone came in and he ran out through the open door, just a sidewalk's width away from traffic. My mother was closing in, but he was going to run into traffic before she could reach him. Luckily, someone on the sidewalk spotted what was happening and grabbed him just before he made it to the street.

After that, she put him on a leash for his own protection. Not a child harness, as they didn't have those back then.....but an honest to goodness dog leash. I think it was around his waist. He eventually stopped running. As an adult, he would huff about being put on a leash and she would mutter, "At least you're still alive." She was a good mother who raised 4 productive children, and was not a failure. A failure would have thrown up their hands and done nothing.

I had a friend with a child who hated holding hands, but loved the harness. The toddler got the feeling of independence without having to walk with her arm UP for ages and she was safe just a few feet from her parents. The kid ASKED for the harness. It worked for them.

As I said, I never had to use one, but I didn't have an escapee runner. If I had, I would have considered using one.
Aren't people allowed to buy 2 drinks though? It could be the really drunk ones are the ones who have their friends getting the drinks for them. All I can say is that I have been to many Food and Wine Festivals, and if I saw anyone falling down drunk, I don't remember it. And many people are loud and annoying when they are not drunk too. You can't just blame that on the booze.

Yeah I don't think Disney could do much about it and it was a Saturday evening. Just really shocked watching people being held up so they didn't fall and just overall people just trashed. We walked the entire showcase without hardly stopping for a moment.... I love Disney and have been going since it opened. It was a learning experience if when to go there and when to pick a different park during that time of day. (And btw I'm on the east side of the mitten). :):);)
A few thoughts.....

#3: I have always carried a backpack when I am in the parks. I am a packer and I[B] like to carry more than I should.[/B] If you can get hit from it, you are way too close. If I feel your kid (or you) on my bag, I will "accidentally" hit you and say "my bad. maybe you were a little too close." When I see a backpack about to hit me, I sometimes do a preemptive strike and shove it away from me. So if you lose your balance over that, ooops.

#5&6: I have a very impatient person. I can walk faster with my stroller than without! I will bump into you if you suddenly stop and run around you like a mad woman because I do get very anxious waiting for slow people to go by. If you stop, I will try to hit you, but I can't promise anything but that my son will throw his food at you because you are now in his way. If you hit me when you could have stopped that stroller in time, you will probably find yourself kicked hard in the ankle. And if a kid throws food on me, it will likely come right back to him. He can wear that food all day. In your case, I'd say I was performing a public service.

Judging looks. I am 24. I have a 1 year old. Do not look at him because you think he is my brother. I am his mother. He knows that and you will if you cross me. Anger issues? You can't stop anyone from looking at your kid in a public place. Lighten up, Francis. (Spawn of Francis?) If they are looking at you, maybe it is because you are not acting like a 24 y.o. parent.
I do agree if I see a child or elderly person, I will offer up my wife's seat first :rotfl2:JK.

But the one thing that really bothers me is the parents that hold up CS lines that fill up 10 mugs of soda for their kids. I mean come on your 12 -14 year old kids can fill up a cup and get their own ketchup and mayo....
A few thoughts.....

...and then one day when this little food-throwing "angel" is 13, his impatient mother will bring him to EPCOT on his birthday, and he will find me getting a spoon out of a dispenser, and he will come up to me and say "GIMME A SPOON!" and...well...you know the rest.

Here's my rant - Parents, if you absolutely must bring your children to a table service restaurant, please be sure they know how to behave properly in that setting. If the restaurant's atmosphere is loud and family friendly, fine, but if it is quiet and fancier, it might not be the best choice for you. It's unfair to other people that are trying to enjoy a nice, quiet (and expensive) meal only to have your Johnny or Susie running, kicking, throwing things, speaking loudly, shrieking or whatever he is doing because you are not in control of the situation. Some kids are just happier with a Happy Meal.
1. If your whole party isn't with you, don't get in line. Not for a ride, not for a bus, don't do it. There's nothing worse than having a party of one or two in front of you turn into an extended family of ten cutting in front of you in line. Not cool. Sorry, but I have been known to not allow cutters to pass. I've only done it once at WDW and I very politely told the FOUR people that so and so was welcome to COME BACK to his new spot in line but that he would not be going ahead of my family.... I think I would have gotten a standing ovation had we all not been standing in line already. I got several comments stating they wished they could have say no to the line jumper. I'm not talking about the little kid & mom/dad trying to get back from a potty break. And yes, you can usually tell the difference. If your party can't go on without you I'm sure they will step aside and wait for you to catch up ;)

2. Yes your kids are in vacation, but don't let them run wild outside others room doors. Find a better place for them to expend their energy. My kids are repeatedly told to use "in door voices" when/if I think they are getting too loud. Luckily as they are now entering the teenage years they "get it" and I have to say it less :goodvibes

3. Don't get right up on me in line to enter the park, ride a ride or anywhere. Yes it's crowded, but a small amount of personal space is appreciated. agreed

4. Be courteous on buses. Elderly, pregnant women, small children, people holding children, do the right thing, give them your seat. Yes you paid good money to go on this trip too, but doesn't it feel good to do what is right? We've been known to step aside and let people go, we'll wait for the next one because we prefer not to be sardines. At the parks till closing... we wait a little bit and stroll to the exits knowing crowds are going to be ridiculous. In the grand scheme of things, does that 1/2 hour really make a difference in getting back to your resort? Especially if you didn't have to fight your way through/with the crowd of out of control strollers and scooters :rolleyes1

5. Don't stop in the middle of crowded walkways.
6. Don't walk at the pace of a snail 3 or more people wide.

These 2 are HUGE pet peeves of mine. I don't mind if you stroll, I don't care if you walk side by side, but if you are going to, please be aware of the people around you and step aside so they can pass. If you are lost, need to answer your phone, need to take care of your child in your stroller, etc.,please realize that someone is most likely behind you and step off to the side to take care of whatever task is at hand instead of stopping dead in the middle of all the activity.

As for the other "hot" topics - scooters on the busses... IMO, the busses are a perk of WDW not a right. They are not mandatory and you are not required to take them. When we go to WDW we drive so that we have the convenience of our vehicle. We opt not to take the busses 99% of the time because we do not want to wait for them, be packed in w/o a seat, etc. If you are so frustrated with the "free" complimentary transportation, you do not have to take it.

I do not care if your 12yo rides in a stroller, has a pacifier, pitches a fit, has a leash on, hair is blue. I do not care if you have tattoos and/or piercings all over your body. Feel free to dress in whatever attire you like.... HOWEVER, do not be surprised if you overhear me discussing my observations with my husband. They are my observations and I'm entitled to my opinion. Generally speaking, unless it impacts my vacation in a negative manner, you won't even know it but if it does, I will say it directly to you or have a CM handle the situation.

Realize that we are all on vacation including yourself. Think before you act...will that moment matter in 10 minutes, an hour, tomorrow. Don't judge a book by it's cover, you are seeing 1 paragraph in that persons story! Realize that alot of people are on a ONCE in a lifetime vacation, some people are there on a Make a Wish trip (children) or have a life threatening condition where this is the last memory making opportunity for those families - do you want YOUR actions to be the memory they have? Wouldn't you want it to be a positive one?
I have 2 pet peeves -

1. The parades - I scope out my seat 2 hours before they begin only to have the last minute arrivals feel that they have a right to my spot. I've been to Disney so many times I don't care about what I will miss this trip but the MK evening parade is a must do on every vacation for me.

2. My son is extremely tall - 6'6" + and he will usually stand up and move to the back row for the parades because even sitting little kids can't see over his head. He has had people tell him to kneel down and some have even asked him if their child could sit on his shoulders. Really - not his fault you're vertically impaired. :confused3
1. If your whole party isn't with you, don't get in line. Not for a ride, not for a bus, don't do it. There's nothing worse than having a party of one or two in front of you turn into an extended family of ten cutting in front of you in line. Not cool. Sorry, but I have been known to not allow cutters to pass. I've only done it once at WDW and I very politely told the FOUR people that so and so was welcome to COME BACK to his new spot in line but that he would not be going ahead of my family.... I think I would have gotten a standing ovation had we all not been standing in line already. I got several comments stating they wished they could have say no to the line jumper. I'm not talking about the little kid & mom/dad trying to get back from a potty break. And yes, you can usually tell the difference. If your party can't go on without you I'm sure they will step aside and wait for you to catch up ;)

And here I thought I was the only person to do this. I always say the same thing, no you may not cut in front of me, regardless where your party is. How about you pull out your cellphone and ask them to meet you at your position. I've been cussed at.....but I'm a thick skinned Jersey Girl and can take it!
Ok here is when I feel old but I was so disappointed at Epcot last October. The amazing amount of people so extremely intoxicated at the food and wine event was shocking. Didn't get there until later in the day and tried to go visit some of the countries but it was pointless. Sloppy drunks everywhere!!!! Fall down loud annoying wayyyy over served drunks. I will go in October again but will never be anywhere near the countries after midday. And let me say I have no problem with people drinking I drink often socially and sometime in excess but come on. I did have my kids (14 and 2) and of course played a role but still that was the first time I had been to something like that and was very disappointed.

Oh yes...I was there during food and wine festival a few years back. My family and I were eating at Rose and Crown and my daughter who was 9 at the time had to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately the only bathroom is in the pub area and so I brought her in the bathroom (it's very small only 2 stalls) and both were occupied so we waiting...well, a very drunk middle aged 'mom' barges in and asks her friend (who was in the stall) WHAT THE F ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?? my daughter was absolutely horrified, but the reply was worse...she kicked the door open (she was in the handicapped stall with the sink) and it ricocheted against the wall, almost slamming her in the face before she drunkenly stopped it with her hand and replies 'I WAS WASHING 'S' OFF OF MY HANDS, WHAT DO YOU THINK I WAS DOING??' ummmm:sad2: my daughter got a very awkward education that day about 'what was that lady's problem mom?' I muttled through it with a lot of ummm and errs but what was more sad was both ladies joined their families back in the pub for some more rounds...saw their kids on my way back yikes! Make no mistake I LOVE me some wine and I do enjoy it a LOT...but never in my life have I taken it to THAT LEVEL and in front of their kids...woah! I think it's usually the people who DON'T normally drink and want to 'live it up!' because 'they are on vacation, darn it!'....the people who DO drink regularly know when to stop and how to enjoy it properly because it's not a novelty.
Oh yes...I was there during food and wine festival a few years back. My family and I were eating at Rose and Crown and my daughter who was 9 at the time had to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately the only bathroom is in the pub area and so I brought her in the bathroom (it's very small only 2 stalls) and both were occupied so we waiting...well, a very drunk middle aged 'mom' barges in and asks her friend (who was in the stall) WHAT THE F ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?? my daughter was absolutely horrified, but the reply was worse...she kicked the door open (she was in the handicapped stall with the sink) and it ricocheted against the wall, almost slamming her in the face before she drunkenly stopped it with her hand and replies 'I WAS WASHING 'S' OFF OF MY HANDS, WHAT DO YOU THINK I WAS DOING??' ummmm:sad2: my daughter got a very awkward education that day about 'what was that lady's problem mom?' I muttled through it with a lot of ummm and errs but what was more sad was both ladies joined their families back in the pub for some more rounds...saw their kids on my way back yikes! Make no mistake I LOVE me some wine and I do enjoy it a LOT...but never in my life have I taken it to THAT LEVEL and in front of their kids...woah! I think it's usually the people who DON'T normally drink and want to 'live it up!' because 'they are on vacation, darn it!'....the people who DO drink regularly know when to stop and how to enjoy it properly because it's not a novelty.
Wow!! Look, I enjoy my wine too, but I can't even fathom behaving like that on vacation with or without my kids!!
Then you scooter tip the rude person whom hit your kid...

...I Kid...I kid

It honestly has to go both ways, be respectful to both scooter individuals and those who do not need them. I have seen both sides very rude with each other. I definitely agree with the line cutting. I understand taking little jimmy to the restroom and coming back with him while in line, but it is annoying to have 8-9 people think one person can hold all of their spots.

I would add just blowing up on your children in public. Act like the adult and take your child to the side and defuse the situation. Don't retaliate the temper tantrum with your own.

I've had the urge to go absolutely tharn when waiting in line for RSR at DLR. People (usually teen girls) cut back out of line, displacing everyone in back of them...and then show back up ten minutes later...clutching churros for their entire party.


New Rule: If you're going to disrupt a line by cutting out and then cutting back in, one must bring churros for everyone.
You may find it annoying to have to wait, but I bet anyone in a scooter would love the chance to be in your shoes, instead of on the scooter.
That is not really a relevant argument, though, is it? We all have hardships in our lives. It's not for us to judge each other on what those hardships may be. If I've learned something from threads like this, it's to show understanding and compassion to others. Who knows what they have going on in their lives? Being "fair" has no relevance -- there is no fairness in the world but that which we, as people, show to each other.
PLUS, if you get one of those leashes that have a backpack that looks like a teddy bear or something, you don't even need a purse for the day, your kid can be your pack mule. Modern technology, you've done it again!

(I say it as a joke, but should I ever have kids I'm entirely serious about this).
The little animal pack-leashes hold so little, though. Perhaps if you corralled half a dozen tots, all attached to tethers, maybe then you could fit in the water bottles, sunscreen, cameras, etc.? You know, like dogwalkers do.
Well, this makes me have to tell my funniest Disney story! Not that I condone my family doing it in public, but sometimes it just happens. The first time I took my oldest son to Disney he was 7. We were waiting for the Spectromagic parade and sitting on the sidewalk. He accidentally let one "slip" and it rippled on the pavement. We would have just let it go, but there was a young teenager with Down syndrome in front of us, and he was highly upset. He whispered to his mom, "He farted." His mom tried to quieten him down and said "shhh," which really upset him, so he stood up, pointed at my son and yelled "he farted, he farted!" Then he ran up the street yelling this. His mother had to chase him down. I was so embarrassed but cracking up at the same time. That's a memory me and my now 30-year-old son will never forget!
You know the receiving room in Tower of Terror? The one where they show you the video? That's a bad place for a SBD to hit.

But I'm, y'know, just guessing.
3. Personally I don't like the fact that because you have a DAS card you can essentially get an "old style FP" ticket then go ride something you have set up on FP+ perhaps grab a quick bite then head back to your ride that has the DAS que and then repeat throughout the day. Unless you paid extra for that DAS i see it as an added benefit that not all can participate in.

"What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it." --Andy Warhol

I wish I'd never learned about VIP tours. It brings out the class warrior in me, in an ugly way. I wish I didn't have to file past the first-class passengers on my way to economy. I wish that, at Disney, that most American of companies, we could all enjoy the same Coke.
I was just reminded of one the other day.

People who eat.... "Expressively" in line.

No, I'm not talking about your fruit snacks, granola bar, popcorn eating people. I'm talking about the full Turkey Leg open mouth chewing in your ear kinds.

It happened at least twice the last time I was at WDW. Cuddling and chewing? No thank you.

(I should mention that both times this did happen they were grown adults. It was bad.)

Please eat before you enter the line and refrain from gesturing back at the CM who finally sees it and asks you to wait until you're done.
...Turkey Legs!

I'm no vegetarian but I find the open-mouthed eating of turkey legs while walking or waiting in line or wherever you have to be a part of it to be disgusting. Again, I'm no vegetarian, but the smell of it -- not to mention the smacking and mouth noises -- ugh. I blame you, Toluca.
Those who do not know how to properly operate their ecvs or allow their children or grandchildren to steer for them. I do not mind if you ride your little ones. I did it when my nieces were that size because it was safer then them darting in front of me when I was on my own with them but DO NOT LET THEM STEER.
Do not ask me to move repeatedly from my table when you already took all the chairs from it for the table you are occupying. I am either eating my meal or waiting for my party to bring a meal which is why I asked you to please not take the chair. If I was not using an EVC then yes I'd be at the counter with them not at a table but hey look I am contributing something here.
Please do not glare at me when I am loaded on the bus. I do not like loading first then getting stepped on or smacked with your strollers, backpacks, and butts but I am told to do so by the driver so I don't drive over your feet.
Also do not believe that I always get on the bus first. I am happy if it is the first bus or even the second. On busy peak weekends I have waited up to 4 or more buses before one had room or a working lift. It's even worse if older buses have been thrown into service because of the demand.
When I am walking yes I may be slow. I try to stay out of the way but just like I am slow I can also be slow to stop. So if I trip over the stroller you just slammed in front of me I apologize. My first concern will always be for your child if they are in the stroller even when I am laying on the ground bleeding. But I do not deserve to be screamed at by you.


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