Random acts of Magic/Kindness at WDW - what have you done?

matty what a wonderful story! You have a way with words.
matty-you have inspired me to retell my story because as you are all too aware, apperances can be decieving:

I wanted to tell of an act of kindness that was directed towards me. We were heading back to Riverside, from the MK, at night on the bus route. My dh and our 3 kids ages 7-2 and I. our youngest dropped her lovey!, her doll, that she just cant live without. She had fallen asleep on dads shoulder. Two young people saw it dropped and picked it up. Raced after us, but since it was sooo busy and noisy we didn't notice. They came all the way to the bus stop. I could've cried. Now the kicker, They both were somewhat scary looking (at least to a suburban mom like me) Leather, piercings, funny hair. But they were 2 of the nicest people out there. They were staying off site so they definetly didn't need to come all the way over to the bus stops. i tried to give them something, anything but they wouldn't take it. Just said they were glad to help.

the next day I saw them at RNR, all the fast passes had been given out and there was an hour wait. I ran up to them and asked them if they wanted to go on with me. I was child swapping. They did!, I was happy to repay in some small way their kindess
These are all so great! They all make me smile, and some have brought tears to my eyes (I'm a very sentimental person) :D

Anyway, here's my story of an act of kindness bestowed upon me...

I was at Super Soap Weekend last November with my best friend and on Sunday we were trying to get into the last Millionaire show of the day. The fast passes were all gone by the time we got there, so we decided to wait in standby. Now, for those who have never been to SSW, four soap stars join the regular contestants in the hot seat. I'm a soap FREAK, so I really wanted to get in.
We got in line and were almost definitely not going to make it in. We rounded the corner of the line nearest the street and a girl came up to us asking how many we had in our party. Just our luck, she had 2 fastpasses she wasn't going to use and gave them to us! We were so excited and ran in at the last moment.

Well, wouldn't you know it, I got into the hot seat for the first time ever!!! :D And got up to 32,000 AND got to meet a soap star up close and personal! To think we almost didn't make it in...

I'm now resolving to make more magic moments happen for other people while I'm there. Thanks for giving me some great ideas!
I love to take photograhs. When I go to WDW, I am also in town visiting my daughter who is a cm. Therefore, I spend a lot of time just roaming the parks by myself....usually looking for unusual, random things to photograph. Whenever I see someone taking a photograph of another person, or of a group of people, I ask if I can take it for them so everyone can be in the picture. They usually think you want them to return the favor for you.......when they don't have to take a photo for you, they usually leave you with such smiles on their faces. I just love doing that!!!!!!
Wow, Goofyposter, you certainly are full of the Disney Magic. Those were beautiful things you did for those lucky families! You brought a tear to my eye!! Keep up the good work!!
Groosch! GlennandAnn.....

Jurst remember....that it's not the 'size' of the act....but the act itself that matter's ter the person(s) yer effecting!....sometimes...a smile, a kind word, sum advice....can be as meaningful to a person as an all expense paid trip!!!...

....so I beg ya....anyone who's done sumthing nice...or had sumpthing nice done ter them....post yer experiences here! :)

...thur our actions...the Magic can Live! :)
I was waiting with my DS for DH to finish riding the Rock and Roller Coaster and we were sitting near a man and his son. The man heard me explaining to my DH what the ride was, etc, and asked me if I was going to ride. I told him there was not enough money in the world to get me to ride, and he laughed. When his wife and other son came back from riding, he turned to me and handed me a FastPass for the ride and said, "you've got to ride", and walked away. Being that I was 4 months pregnant at the time, I couldn't ride even if I wanted to, so I gave the FastPass to a kid who was going into the standby line.
I thought of another one!! The first time we took our DS to WDW he was about 6 months old. We were having our dinner at the American restaurant in Epcot and he was amusing himself with napkins or something else at the table. A cast member was cleaning tables nearby and kept smiling and talking to our DS. He left and came back with a huge dish of ice cream and gave it to our son saying that it was a treat from Mickey! It was the first time he had ever had ice cream, and boy, did he love it!!
While we were at MGM, my DH wanted to go on RnR and I didn't want to go. A lady approached us and offered us FPs. Her youngest son was too short to get on. So instead of me waiting alone for quite awhile, I was able to have a very pleasant conversation with this very nice lady who also waited for her DH and DS.

Later in the day I was sitting on the edge of a fountain and I noticed a family pulling off their little son's shoes and socks and examining his feet. He seemed to have a blister and was crying. I walked over and offered them a few pieces of moleskin ( Always have a stash for my poor feet). They were very grateful.

My DH will always offer his seat on the bus to a lady, and the 3 of us will always stand for anyone with babies, the elderly or anyone looking the worse for wear.
Last christmas, my brother and i were going to ride R&R and when we got to the line, the fast passes were ALL gone for the day, and the stand bye time was aver 2 hours. After about 10 minutes of waiting, a nice woman came over to us and asked if we wanted her and her sons fast passes because he chickened out. We were so grateful and were saying " are you sure? oh my gosh! wow, oh my! thanks so much! wow!" and we hopped on in the FP line with the womans husband and older son. We all waved back at the woman and her younger son, yelled thanks so much and were smiling so HUGE. We hung out through the preshow and the preboarding line with the husband and son, and then hopped on together, loved it, and then thanked them again afterwards!

Another thing that happened that trip was on my way from state college to orlando, i was flying byself to meet up with my folks for the christmas break, and one of my flights ended up being overbooked. A woman and her son were crying so much that they couldnt get on the plane and something about her husband and she was frantic. In the end, they started calling names up one at a time to get on the plane for the last few seats left, and the last two they called were me and the son. So i went over to the checkin desk and told them i would wait for the next flight if they would put the mother on the flight with the son too. the attendent looked really surprised, but said ok. I went back over the the mother and told her she could have my seat and i hope she has a very merry christmans. She and her son were SO happy and thankful, and crying even more, and i got a little misty eyed too because they were so happy to get on that plane. :) It was a great trip.
One day we were walking around MGM with our then 3yr old daughter. A boy about 10yrs old and his father came up and handed my DD a huge mylar Minnie balloon. He said, "Minnie wanted you to have this!" The look on my DD's face was priceless. They were apparently doing random acts of magic b/c they got a big kick out of it and had more balloons to give out to unsuspecting youngsters.
I have only been to Disneyworld three times but on all 3 trips I have found a lost child. (No, Silly, not the same child each trip) One was about 3 years old and the other two were around 5 years old. (Heck I even found a lost kid at Universal studios but that's another story.) It seems that lost children seem to find me and come up to me for help finding mommy and daddy. I am an elementary school teacher and must have that "not a stranger" look to me.

Everytime, that I have found a child, I have calmed them down got them to tell me their names and then stayed with them at the Lost child center until their parents have shown up. I stayed with one child over an hour waiting for Mom to show up. The CM told me I could go but the child wanted me to stay. He was crying saying he was afraid his parents would go home (on the airplane) without him. I assurred him that his parents were as frantic about losing him as he was about being lost.

Bev "a face only a mother could love" Hamilton
I bought those glow necklaces off of Ebay for the night time parades and they even were great in the dark rides for my little ones. What I did was purchase the package of 50 and each night as we would be waiting for the parade, I would prepare the necklaces with the clasps and slide them on my kids arms and they would just wander around passing them out to all the kids around us. They were being sold by the vendors right in front of our eyes for $3.00 a piece! :D

I knew it had paid off when my oldest took the necklace from around her own neck to hand out to someone else she saw that was wantingly looking her way. They loved handing them out more than they enjoyed wearing them. ;)

Also enjoyed offering to take pictures for families at landmarks. I just can't stand the concept of special vacation pics with mom or dad missing. ;)

Just back from our first magical adventure,
Tammy that's wonderful! I can picture the looks of joy on the kids faces. Where did you find a package of 50?
Just put "glow necklaces" into the search on ebay and you will get tons of results. Good deals too. Make sure to check feedback ratings to get a reputable seller.

I was really surprised I didn't see more of these brought from home. I think we gave the Disney vendors more business after people saw ours but again, $3 a piece, ugh! We packed them in the large tube they were shipped in and each day took some out and stuck them in the backpack. Of course, they started glowing as soon as they were bent at all but they last a day or two so it was fine and like I said, they were great for the dark rides too.

Hope this helps. It was great to have.

you can also order them from the oriental trading company. They sell a lot of things by the gross.
On our last trip, my 7 year old ds had a few too many snacks and that combined with his exhaustion made for a very ill tummy. We were in the middle of Epcot, heading for the bus, and had to stop a couple of times for him. We finally made it to the bus stop, only to find that the bus line for FW was huge. The bus pulled up, and was half full already. Several people at the front of the line noticed my son and his bucket, and let us go up in front of them to get on the bus right away. One nice lady gave us a mint in hopes of settling his stomach a bit. The kind looks of sympathy we got made me feel so much better....and getting back to the cabin faster made him better too!

Even though my youngest ds is 3, I always give up my seat to someone who looks like they can use it more than me! I am also very aware of helping people with strollers and all the bags that come along with having little ones!!

When my parents took me to WDW in 1996 for my college graduation gift, I remember we waited for an hour and a half to see Illuminations. We had GREAT spots right at the railing of WS lagoon. Well as the crowds were filling up a family stood behind us. It was a mom and dad, a baby and a little girl, probably about 6 years old. I remember hearing the parents speak rather meanly to the little girl. I knew she couldn't really see and was probably telling her parents that. But they were not sympathetic and the dad wouldn't even pick her up. So when the show started, I turned to the little girl and said "Here, stand in front of me." So she did, and I could still see fine, of course. The smile on her face was contagious! She was so happy that someone actually let her move up. I was glad I could share that magic with her. The sad thing was that the parents didn't even acknowledge her happiness. The little girl thanked me, but the parents were just miserable, IMHO. I didn't do this to get thanked or anything, but you'd think being a parent you want the best for your child and when a perfect stranger does something heartwarming, you think it would move a parent. Oh well.......the point is I made the little girl very happy and that made me happy!


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