Project 365 - Friday, January 16th

no! what kind of comb? i burnt my ear last week and head this week. i guess i need the comb!
Any comb that is somewhat heat resistant. Use it under the pieces you are straightening to hold the hair. If that makes sense.
I guess PO3 you can now officially be know as a "drive by" in the drive thru!

I would have loved to seen that.. I'm laughing hysterically right now!!
I guess PO3 you can now officially be know as a "drive by" in the drive thru!

I would have loved to seen that.. I'm laughing hysterically right now!!

i know funny right?!
i just had to laugh as i drove away. :rotfl2:
can you just pic it now??:rotfl2:
maybe my pic of the day should have been the drive thru sign!
Any comb that is somewhat heat resistant. Use it under the pieces you are straightening to hold the hair. If that makes sense.

oh forget it! i need to be an octopus to do my hair now. you should see me in the am. its really funny. i kinda look like this guy... :clown:
really i could use a few more hands. and my hair is so long that i need a few more inches on my arms!
i know i'd be a complete freak of nature!!!!! but i'd have nice hair!!!!
oh rebecca that's awful. i went to the drive thru at the credit union yesterday and my window would not go down. HELLO. i just looked at the lady (who i know -thank goodness) and shook my head-pointed at the window and drove off laughing) you have to have that in your book.
i'm glad you had a good time with Hope. welcome home!

Maybe it is a Ford thing- I don't know what kind of car you have but the cashier at the dealership said she had gone on vacation and the front driver's side window stopped going down and so they would pay through the person in the back seat when going on toll roads (all over FL). Anyway on the way back that window went out also so they had to open the door.

oh forget it! i need to be an octopus to do my hair now. you should see me in the am. its really funny. i kinda look like this guy... :clown:
really i could use a few more hands. and my hair is so long that i need a few more inches on my arms!
i know i'd be a complete freak of nature!!!!! but i'd have nice hair!!!!
You can do it Holly!!!
nope. mines a volvo. or as dh calls it the hollvo. and it would not go down because it's frozen shut. maybe next week it will open up. if it gets out of the sub zero temps.
That is why I was laughing so hard.. I could just picture it!!! You :waving: at the teller in the drive thru window..and her thinking :scratchin "what a fruitcake"!

believe me when i tell you- that is exactly what she was thinking. what a nut that girls is. and to boot i was laughing so hard she probably thought OMG that girl is on something!
Mine is a ford..and 2 wks ago it wouldn't open either...and I won't even try it when it gets into single digits for fear of it not closing!!!
i am all alone in this office laughing my butt off. if someone comes in right now they will think i've gone crazy!:rotfl2:
nope. mines a volvo. or as dh calls it the hollvo. and it would not go down because it's frozen shut. maybe next week it will open up. if it gets out of the sub zero temps.
A hollvo!!! :rotfl2: I have a Volvo too Holly... Ashvo doesn't work as well. :rotfl2:
ooohh you do? what kind? and if you tell me a xc-90 i'm going to :faint:
because i so want that one.
ooohh you do? what kind? and if you tell me a xc-90 i'm going to :faint:
because i so want that one.
No, I wanted a smaller car so I went from a Ford Expedition to a Volvo S60. Big difference- love it!
No, I wanted a smaller car so I went from a Ford Expedition to a Volvo S60. Big difference- love it!

i love the S60 too. i happen to love all of them. i really want that xc90, but i don't want a new payment. and my plate is my last name and it's due this month for renewal and dh said "maybe it's time you give that up?"
and i said "not on your life! i love my vanity plate" and he said, "but did you see how much it costs you to drive around with you fancy smancy vanity plate?" and i said "i don't really care. i love my car and my plate. the end!"
so that was that!
and you're right Ash. big difference. do you miss the big car?
i love the S60 too. i happen to love all of them. i really want that xc90, but i don't want a new payment. and my plate is my last name and it's due this month for renewal and dh said "maybe it's time you give that up?"
and i said "not on your life! i love my vanity plate" and he said, "but did you see how much it costs you to drive around with you fancy smancy vanity plate?" and i said "i don't really care. i love my car and my plate. the end!"
so that was that!
and you're right Ash. big difference. do you miss the big car?
I really don't miss it. I hated driving something that big, hated parking it, just really didn't like it. The only time that I kinda wished the Volvo was bigger was this past weekend when we went to the ranch. But we loaded up DH's Explorer and went on our merry way!
I really don't miss it. I hated driving something that big, hated parking it, just really didn't like it. The only time that I kinda wished the Volvo was bigger was this past weekend when we went to the ranch. But we loaded up DH's Explorer and went on our merry way!

yup Ash. we me too. sometimes we take 2 cars too. my mom rides with me and the boys take dh's bronco.


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