Project 365 - Friday, January 16th


<font color=blue>We have 4 cats, 1 anole lizard, a
Sep 21, 2000
What did you take a picture of today? :goodvibes


It's early but I have already taken mine - it's of the outside thermometer and its below zero reading! It does get cold here in MA, but below zero readings are not very common.

I'm not sure yet... I have to work, so maybe I'll take my camera. Or I can take a pic of the thermometer. I'm getting tired of pics of birds, and my crap room :rotfl2:
Either the temp of -9 or them at the allergists place today. Maybe one of chic-fil-a too. :thumbsup2
Not sure today. My MIL will be here to watch DS while we go to my company dinner so maybe one of her with him.
I took one of the computer monitor that showed the little temperature block reading 6 degrees. I may take a different one later, but I've got that one now! :thumbsup2
i was thinking the thermomter also, but i think i'll take one of dh and his mom at dinner tonight. i usually try to take a pic of my dh with him mom and dad on his bday every year. but fil is a p.i.a.:rolleyes2 , so maybe i'll just do my mil.:)
I'm taking one of my kids all home.. we have a SN** day... they were on a 2 hour delay... teachers/ bus drivers started arriving... bus drivers couldn't get our buses started @ they had to call it off.... Now to figure out when they will make it up w/ our built in sn** days... our first one is this coming Monday.. hopefully they will just give us that off and make it up in Feb.... ;) (Keep fingers crossed that we can have a 4 day weekend).... With that said... I'm sure the kids would love to take a group photo of them celebrating NO school today!!! ;) OH, and we are at a balmy..... -12 with a wind chill of -27!!!
Happy Birthday to DH, Holly! Good luck with the picture!

I'm not sure what today's picture will be. Y'all will be the first to know when I figure it out! ;)
Happy Birthday to your DH Holly!!!
SIOH ~ Aren't you suppose to be working? LOL

NO!!!!! God bless cold weather!! We have no snow, but they called it off because it's between 1 and 6 degrees in the county, and they didn't want kiddos standing at the bus stop! I was so glad they went ahead and called it last night! :cheer2:
We are at -12...and they didn't call it until they went to the bus barn..and the buses wouldn't start at 830am! I was complaining the moment I saw it was -12 that this was NOT a good idea!!!!

Glad they called it off for you all..this is too cold to be out in for anyone!!!! DH's truck was like "you have got to be kiddin' me".... I need to start my van later but I'll wait the sun is peeking I'll wait till lunch time and let her run for about 10 mins...
I'm not sure yet... I have to work, so maybe I'll take my camera. Or I can take a pic of the thermometer. I'm getting tired of pics of birds, and my crap room :rotfl2:

Pic is of the ingredients for my first batch of Amish Friendship Bread...DUH!!!
Let's see... we have a movie date today. I am taking 6 kids to see hotel for dogs -- ages 3,6,8,9,10,10. I guess the photo will either be of them in the car or actually in the theater.

13 degrees here right now -- cold enough that for the first time this winter, DD did not agrue, cry, whine, or roll her eyes when I said winter coat, hat & gloves.
Let's see... we have a movie date today. I am taking 6 kids to see hotel for dogs -- ages 3,6,8,9,10,10. I guess the photo will either be of them in the car or actually in the theater.

13 degrees here right now -- cold enough that for the first time this winter, DD did not agrue, cry, whine, or roll her eyes when I said winter coat, hat & gloves.

how about you hand your camera to someone to take your pic...pulling your hair out :rotfl2: I kid! I kid!!

Our theather has the big cardboard out outs, that would be cute too...

I hope you and they like the movie!
The thermometer at 26 below zero when I got up....don't know what it actually got down to. I hope this is the last time I have to do that!
Mine was of the thermometer at -6 this morning. We have certainly seen colder, but it seemed like a good one for today................P
mine was of the -3 temp gauge in my car this morning. OMG!!! Was it cold!!!! No delays though, I think they kept the buses running all night.
Glad they called it off for you all..this is too cold to be out in for anyone!!!! .

and my dh is out there working in it! poor guy. it just way too cold.

mine was of the -3 temp gauge in my car this morning. OMG!!! Was it cold!!!! NMo delays though, I think they kept the buses running all night.

good one buffy.

our school system called off school yesterday because it was cold. now today is colder and they have school??:confused3
duh. someone take you head out of your butts and figure it out.


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