POTD Picture of the Day For Brides to Be

What about your newsletter or save the date?

Here's our newsletter:


It feels like I just sent these out!

Invitations are out next week!:thumbsup2

OOO Your news letter is so pretty! I would love to receive one of those in the mail! How exciting!
Invitations are out next week!:thumbsup2

OOO Your news letter is so pretty! I would love to receive one of those in the mail! How exciting!

Yay on getting invitations out!! :woohoo: :thumbsup2 I am DETERMINED to print ours this weekend for mailing Monday! :hyper:
I just confirmed my order yesterday. I am hoping they will be in by the middle of next week and in mail by the weekend. Fingers and toes crossed!:laughing:

Thank goodness for the save the dates! ;)
These are the ones I plan on using... not the best picture. sorry.


I got the note cards off ebay and then added the verse on the outside. On the inside there is a verse about saving the date on the right and then a magnet on the left that I will add our date too.
Beatles Blonde -- I used a template in Word that Vanessa (figmentfan) sent me. If you want me to send it to you, I'd be glad to. Just send me a PM with your email address. The one thing to remember is that the level of detail is dependent upon how much your guests know about WDW and how internet savvy they are. We are fortunate in that all of our guests except my MIL, SIL and BIL and one couple are very, very WDW savvy and everyone is comfortable with the internet. We were able to include a lot less information in our newsletter/save the dates because of those two factors.
I think it's time for a new POTD!

How about inspiration boards that you're using, or have made?

I want a chocolate and gold coloured wedding, so here are some boards I've found:




I'll make one myself eventually, but first I need to find enough images that are along the lines of what I want.
I think it's time for a new POTD!

How about inspiration boards that you're using, or have made?

I want a chocolate and gold coloured wedding, so here are some boards I've found:




I'll make one myself eventually, but first I need to find enough images that are along the lines of what I want.

This is all gorgeous - I love the chocolate and gold combo!
I think it's time for a new POTD!

How about inspiration boards that you're using, or have made?

I want a chocolate and gold coloured wedding, so here are some boards I've found:


I'll make one myself eventually, but first I need to find enough images that are along the lines of what I want.

Gorgeous, gorgeous!! That cake near the bottom and dress next to it are especially beautiful!!


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