Posting here so I don't get flamed on the CB

Wow, I have enjoyed (and gotten frustrated) reading this thread. The nerve of some people! In a lot of cases, I definitely agree, it's the parents, not the children.
I had an experience in a movie theater recently that may as well have been on a plane. I went to see a kids movie at around 9 pm (on a weeknight). Now, I expected there to be kids there, I expected it to be noisy, etc. Right before the movie started a group filed into the row next to me. What looked like 2 mothers and their 7 children. Now the problem was, the 2 mothers sat next to each other at the end of the row, the oldest child sat next to them, and continued in approximate age order down the row, leaving the 3 year old right next to me. So, 6 people were sitting between the 3 year old and the nearest adult. Whose brilliant idea was that? The 2 mothers spent the movie chatting, and the 3 year old spent the movie kicking the seat in front of her and trying to talk to me. The teenage boy in that seat was not pleased and turned around about every 30 seconds to let us know. I suggested to her that she stop, but she's 3! (and had no interest in listening to a random stranger in the seat next to her). The younger kids on my end of the row yelled, dropped food, took their shoes on and off... really they just needed some supervision, and they got none, ruining the movie experience for everyone around them. I finally got up and moved to nearly the front row (the theater was packed). Even as a 15 year old camp counselor I knew that with a group of kids, you put adults on either side of them, or in the middle. Come on! Sorry for the rant, but it is frustrating when parents just sit back and relax while their kids are ruining the experience for everyone else (whether on a plane, in a theater, etc.). I've worked with many kids and know MANY that are more well behaved than adults. but those who are not, need supervision from adults. I don't really get upset when kids are acting up, I just get upset when they're acting up and their parents don't even attempt to control them. Okay, rant over;)
::yes:: Been there done that! Just because I'm sitting on the end doesn't make me the designated babysitter. What would have happened if someone kidnapped that 3 year old. Oh wait, I know, the mom would blame the theatre for not watching her kid.

We have a lot of birthday parties at the movies, one mom's brother owns a theatre near by. We usually take 2 rows, the first 2 rows in the stadium seating, we plant 1 parent on each end in each row and 1 in each row in the middle. It quells the bad behavior and keeps the little ones from taking off to the bathroom alone.
I flew with my kids when they were little and I never had a problem with them. I made sure DH had one side and I had the other and we bought things in the carry-on bags to keep them occupied. I have taken DGS on a plane twice and he was also well behaved as I have stressed that with him from the time he was little. I take my DGD who is almost 4 to the movies at the early matinee, usually around 10 AM, because I know the theaters are fairly empty. I am training her on how to behave in public and this way we don't really disturb anyone around us. I try to be tolerant of other kids but I do get a little bothered by parents who do not try and control the behavior. Kids have melt downs but the parents need to be prepared for that situation.
Yep, that's a classic. I always yell, now that was productive wasn't it?!?!?

Glad that I am not the only one to talk to other cars! My kids think I am nuts- "Mom, who are you talking to??" I usually tell them that the car that just made us slam on the breaks/cut us off/etc. is not being courteous/is breaking the law, etc.
I like to yell out kindness. "THANK YOU so much for cutting me off" "Oh, what a gentleman" "Yes, please kiss my bumper for me". My youngest will always ask me "Mom, are you being facetious?" Cracks me up that he even knows what that means.
So I was driving with DS20 yesterday...I had an all day with the boys yesterday...DS20 early, and DS16 later :love:

Anyway, I was behind a truck, going towards road construction...way back they told us the right lane was I merged...and this !@$#$%^ Audi punk runs all the way up ahead of the line...cuts me off to get in behind the truck...and I start !@#$%^&...and "I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO DO THAT TO ME!!!!"

DS20's reaction..."Mom, don't be road raging"...I just cracked up...
too funny.. but that stuff just sets me off.. like what you are that much more important than the rest of society to follow the rules... so what you merged in front of slow/stop anyway..and saved yourself...what... 5 seconds..
see people like that, I would be kissin' the bumper in front of me. Give me attitude, it will be a cold day in hell before I let you in.
Oh you mean the Governor that drove down the GSP at 100 mph and nearly killed himself. He's a winner of the Darwin Awards.

That would be the one. I was so mad that night because our hospital did a great stroy with a mom giving birth and it was webcast to the father in Iraq. There were all the news channels there and we actually had good publicity then HE crashed and all the news stations flew down the street to cover his accident and his injuries. Sorry just a little bitter.
The webcast births are on the rise, I think they are great!
Hugs and kisses to the mom and dad and a big ol' smack upside the head to the Governor. Makes me kind of sad that I'm from Jersey, it leaves a bad image.
born here and going poor here. Highest insurance, taxes and for what?
A dirty ocean? :rolleyes:
Well I guess it is good location. Philly, NYC, the Shore. (not the beach)
The only time I grumble about kids on planes is when they are kicking my seat or running up and down the aisle. I feel so bad when they cry because their ears hurt. I get cranky when my ears hurt and I understand why and can do something about it. I hate to see little ones rubbing their ears.

Then again, I'm the adult at the gate, on the plane or in line for the ride that is chatting with your kids about their favorite Disney movies, cartoons, toys etc. After all, my Disney age is 9 so I can relate to the little ones!
I also hate those that decide the breakdown lane is another lane so they can cut into traffic if we are stopped. I pull my big honkin' SUV wayyyyyy over into the shoulder so they can't get by. Wait your turn buddy!!!!

OMG I do the same exact thing. If I have to wait in traffic - so dont you buddy. :goodvibes


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