Posting here so I don't get flamed on the CB


Rum makes math fun!
Feb 18, 2005
I really need to get this off my chest. I have typed this several times in response to threads about unruly children getting booted off planes. It happened again this week on Southwest. But I never post it because I know I will hear but but but........ This is just one woman's humble opinion on flying with children. If you read the whole thing, I thank you for bearing with me.

Granted the children needed to be under control but my children are very well behaved on planes and we still get the nasty dirty looks from at least 1/2 the people on the plane. The "great here we go again" look.

The last flight to WDW we took in Dec was shortly after that toddler got tossed for being disruptive. We got attitude before we got on the plane. I can hear you when you mumble to your flight companion that I had better keep my kids under control, or else. You know what my kids were doing? Sitting in a row, in the chairs, reading and playing Game boy. There was no need for the comments and the looks.
After we landed I got the whole, oh they were so good, we never even knew they were on the plane. Um, hello how could you miss them you shot me a dirty look as you boarded. I even heard a few "damn kids" comments. The kids weren't doing anything!!!!

On the return flight, DD2 was tired and scared. She thought it was another ride, so she cried as we waited for the plane. Again more dirty looks. We told the attendant at the gate that she would fall asleep soon. We actively tried to keep her occupied and calmed, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. She did fall asleep as we boarded the plane, she slept through the whole flight too. However my boys were in need of assistance getting their things from a back pack. Every time they said mom (in a low "airplane" voice, lower than an inside voice.), I got the nastiest look from the guy in front of me. I guess you can't please everyone, but he did catch grief from his buddies behind us who entertained my boys the whole way home. He complained they gave him attitude back.

My long winded point is to not judge others based on stories you hear on the news.
I hear ya, sister!!! For a mommy of 5.. I know exactly where you are coming from!!

My kids are well-behaved but are in need of assistance with somethings.. We also got the dirty looks and the "comments"... Its ashame that some people think they are so much better than the rest of us... it's just ashame..

I'll travel w/ your 4 and my 5 any day rather than the ones that have drinks, have got to join the "mile high club" while my Dchild needs to go to the bathroom, and than want to pass judgement on my kids!
I hear ya, sister!!! For a mommy of 5.. I know exactly where you are coming from!!

My kids are well-behaved but are in need of assistance with somethings.. We also got the dirty looks and the "comments"... Its ashame that some people think they are so much better than the rest of us... it's just ashame..

I'll travel w/ your 4 and my 5 any day rather than the ones that have drinks, have got to join the "mile high club" while my Dchild needs to go to the bathroom, and than want to pass judgement on my kids!

The drinking on planes really needs to stop.

Can you imagine the looks if we got the 9 of ours on a plane together?!?!? :rotfl:
Vent away, I agree with everything you said! I have had my kids on the plane and got the looks...And I just had to gave back the rude looks...I don't know them, they don't know me or my kids, and we will never see eachother again. My kids were always well behaved on the plane....slept or played quietly, maybe I was lucky...

I have also been on the other end, sitting next to a woman with a child on her lap. She took my seat, told me that mine was "that one" pointing to the middle one...OH no it wasn't I would never pick the middle, but I let it slide. The rest of the flight, this brat was touching me, trying to get my attention, and when I didn't give it, he started hitting me...yeah, and the mom let it happen...she knew what he was doing, and I guess thought I should entertain her kid or something. When I told her he needed to stop it, she acted surprised, like she didn't know...P L E A S E!!! It was the LONGEST flight!!!
Vent away! I hear ya, sista! People today.... ARGGH. Don't get me started. :mad:
One time mom and I were on a flight back from WDW and the little boy behind us was is such pain from his ears. I felt his pain, I have been there and still am. I helped the dad keep him calm, taught him my ear popping tricks etc. The mom did nothing! I'm sure she was frustrated with him but I guess unless you know the pain they are in you can't sympathize.

I probably wouldn't have let the seat change slide though. I'd have been like, your kid, your seat. Dh books seats now by booking the aisle and the window first, because he knows the carriers book the middles last. Odds are we get that 6th seat anyway. But now that DD is 2 we take up the whole row anyway.
WE took night flights for WDW once.. the kids slept... until of course we hit that air turbulance on the approach to Tampa.. the kid next to us screamed.. the man behind me (sitting across from screaming child) ask my DH to stop our child from screaming.. DH said, I'm sorry it's not our child..and if you had been paying attention that child was sound asleep when we hit that turbulance and it startled her.. perhaps you need to go to sleep & I'll kick you out of your seat and we'll see how you react.. He shut up! LOL

Now, on the way back.. we had 2 kids with me.. DH had to take the littlest.. it was the trade off... we got seated next to a very nice lady who was coming to our state to visit her newest grandchild.. so she was excited to sit next to a 2-yo and play... DH and her talked the flight back..come to find out she was coming to our hometown...
WE took night flights for WDW once.. the kids slept... until of course we hit that air turbulance on the approach to Tampa.. the kid next to us screamed.. the man behind me (sitting across from screaming child) ask my DH to stop our child from screaming.. DH said, I'm sorry it's not our child..and if you had been paying attention that child was sound asleep when we hit that turbulance and it startled her.. perhaps you need to go to sleep & I'll kick you out of your seat and we'll see how you react.. He shut up! LOL

Now, on the way back.. we had 2 kids with me.. DH had to take the littlest.. it was the trade off... we got seated next to a very nice lady who was coming to our state to visit her newest grandchild.. so she was excited to sit next to a 2-yo and play... DH and her talked the flight back..come to find out she was coming to our hometown...

I can so see your DH saying that! Mine would say it too. How sweet that the grandma was happy to sit with your kid.
DH always gets offered first class upgrades so we try to give it to someone if they get stuck in between us. Occasionally the flight attendants will either give them that seat or find them another one. We try to fly when we think the plane won't be as full but that's getting harder with all the cut backs.
Ok so I'm reading the vents, and I'm thinking.... What friggin morons flying to
Orlando, home of the "Happiest Place on Earth" think they will be on a plane void of children?:confused3

I have four. And simply... stuff happens! You gals are way better than this Bronx raised NY'er! I would so give 'tude right back! Give up my seat?! NEVER! I hate when children are prejudged. And you know, there are no "problem children" just problem parents :rotfl2:
Ok so I'm reading the vents, and I'm thinking.... What friggin morons flying to
Orlando, home of the "Happiest Place on Earth" think they will be on a plane void of children?:confused3

I have four. And simply... stuff happens! You gals are way better than this Bronx raised NY'er! I would so give 'tude right back! Give up my seat?! NEVER! I hate when children are prejudged. And you know, there are no "problem children" just problem parents :rotfl2:

Oh I give 'tude. I used to work in NYC, and being from CT I don't mind giving you a piece of my mind. But on occasion I do it in a sly mean mommy way. I use it as a tool on how to teach my children not to judge. And to be kind or helpful to strangers. The trouble makers hear me too, I make sure of that one.
And the whole Orlando thing?! That's what I was thinking too. Duh people, my kids are all dressed in matching Bright Red mickey shirts, where the heck do you think we're going, Vegas?

Now having 4, do you feel like you're on display all the time to begin with? I sure do. It's so funny when we come marching down the terminal single file, matching shirts, dad in front, and mom pulling up the rear with the stroller and the mommy bag. Although we are on display when we just go out to eat too. I swear they stick us at the table in the middle of the room on purpose!
One of the first trips I took with my kids by myself was to WDW. I hurried to the gate only to hear a more senior member of the population mutter how unfair it was that I was getting to board the plane before him. Of course, I was a bit stressed, so I told him I'd gladly wait in his spot if he took mine because flying solo with 2 kids under the age of 4 was hard enough without snide comments. Needless to say he didn't take me up on the offer. Later, his wife commented to me as they were leaving the plane how good the kids were. I just smiled and said thank you. Some folks just don't have a clue!
oh, don't get me started on this topic!!

I don't know when/if ever we'll fly with the kids.
This is a sore topic for me too. The thing that really gets my goat is, I know Buffy's kids. They are the most well mannered children one could ask for. Always entertaining and engaging. I would take sitting next to them over sitting next to a business man any day.

We had a situation where the airline was trying to separate all of us. DD was about five at the day. No, not going to happen. You are not putting my minor child smack dab in the middle of two strangers. Fortunately, the airline put us in the very last row, but together. Two men came along, having a meltdown about the though they might be separated, they had work to do. The poor flight attendant switched a few travelers traveling alone to accomodate them. The business the two men had? :confused3 Snuggling up and having a nap together.

Now, I understand that people traveling together like to travel together, and that is all well and good, but to lie, and not even try just to comprehend another's life needs is just narrow minded.
this is such a sore subject and i only have one.
on our way home from wdw last summer the over booked our flight. so when we got to the checkin the attendant said sorry not enough from for the 3 of you. so you and you (points to dh and i) can fly now and he (points to john) can fly on the next available flight. i could not even help myself. i looked her square in the eye and said "lady, if you think my 5 year old son is going to sit in an airport and wait-get it wait by himself- for the next available flight you are out of your freaking mind!!!" i made such a scene it was not even funny. oh there is so much more to the story but that's it in a nutshell. ok fast forward we do (all 3 of us) get on the plane and no seats together. and they were like ok find a seat and do it now!!!! nobody would move to help me out. i was not looking for 3 seats just 2. ds and i, or ds and dh just so we could sit with him. nope. this nice elderly grandparents couple who were flying to rhode island to meet their 1st great grandchild said to me "honey, please sit him here with us. we will take wonderful care of him." so i did, because i had not choice and they were wonderful to him. helped him with his snack, zipped up his sweatshirt when he got cold. - now across the isle from him were two adults around 60ish-him in the window seat-her in the isle seat. i asked very politely, can you please sit next to your husband so i can sit across from my son. she looks at me and says no! i've been on vacation with him all week, i don't really care to sit next to him!!!! are ya kiddin' me lady??? that nice grandmother, sat forward and said to her "please help this nice young lady out so she can sit across from her little boy" and she did. not not without huffing and puffing. what a ride. and we were early to check in downstairs with the luggage but the machines were broke and it set us back an hour which made us late at the gate. i'll never forget it!
sorry for the rant!
I've been on both sides of the fence on this topic. I've flown with my kids and I've been without kids. My most memorable "anti-kid" ;) story is Stephen who kicked the back of my seat the entire plane ride with his mother saying "Stephen, don't do that. Stephen, you're bothering the lady, Stephen etc...." I'll never forget him and I do blame Mom more than Stephen. And there was a kid running up and down the aisle with his mother chasing him and calling his name, until the flight attendant stopped him and made them both sit down.

Then there was the man who carried on because the airline made him check his oversize luggage, and the woman who lay in the aisle kicking because she didn't get a pillow (removed from flight), and the......

My point is, like most things in life, there are kids that you'd rather weren't on your plane and there are adults that you wish weren't on your plane. And, on a trip to Orlando, I generally enjoy watching the kids who are so excited about the destination.
I see where you are coming from completely! While everyone might be a little tired on the flight, they need to understand that kids are kids. And especially a 2 year old who is scared! I dont know how anyone could give you dirty looks about that.

Now kids acting up and being out of control, while the parents just sit there is another story. But I would never judge someone's children based on stories I have heard on the news.
I was also on a short flight - about 30 minutes or so - once, and the cabin power went out as soon as we were in the air. They said it wasnt a problem, but it was dark and hot. There was a 2yo girl in the seat in front of me who got very scared. The only thing she wanted to do was hold my fingers. I was only about 22 at the time - and I leaned forward the whole flight and let her hold my fingers, so she wasnt upset.
I was also on a short flight - about 30 minutes or so - once, and the cabin power went out as soon as we were in the air. They said it wasnt a problem, but it was dark and hot. There was a 2yo girl in the seat in front of me who got very scared. The only thing she wanted to do was hold my fingers. I was only about 22 at the time - and I leaned forward the whole flight and let her hold my fingers, so she wasnt upset.

I bet there wee some adults that were scared too and wished they had a hand to hold!
This is a sore topic for me too. The thing that really gets my goat is, I know Buffy's kids. They are the most well mannered children one could ask for. Always entertaining and engaging. I would take sitting next to them over sitting next to a business man any day.

Awe you are such a sweet Auntie! :hug:

this is such a sore subject and i only have one.
on our way home from wdw last summer the over booked our flight. so when we got to the checkin the attendant said sorry not enough from for the 3 of you. so you and you (points to dh and i) can fly now and he (points to john) can fly on the next available flight. i could not even help myself. i looked her square in the eye and said "lady, if you think my 5 year old son is going to sit in an airport and wait-get it wait by himself- for the next available flight you are out of your freaking mind!!!" i made such a scene it was not even funny. oh there is so much more to the story but that's it in a nutshell. ok fast forward we do (all 3 of us) get on the plane and no seats together. and they were like ok find a seat and do it now!!!! nobody would move to help me out. i was not looking for 3 seats just 2. ds and i, or ds and dh just so we could sit with him. nope. this nice elderly grandparents couple who were flying to rhode island to meet their 1st great grandchild said to me "honey, please sit him here with us. we will take wonderful care of him." so i did, because i had not choice and they were wonderful to him. helped him with his snack, zipped up his sweatshirt when he got cold. - now across the isle from him were two adults around 60ish-him in the window seat-her in the isle seat. i asked very politely, can you please sit next to your husband so i can sit across from my son. she looks at me and says no! i've been on vacation with him all week, i don't really care to sit next to him!!!! are ya kiddin' me lady??? that nice grandmother, sat forward and said to her "please help this nice young lady out so she can sit across from her little boy" and she did. not not without huffing and puffing. what a ride. and we were early to check in downstairs with the luggage but the machines were broke and it set us back an hour which made us late at the gate. i'll never forget it!
sorry for the rant!

we had the whole seat switch thing too. They had changed our plane at the last minute and never notified us. We get there and everyone is strewn all over the plane. We had to fight and the attendants bribed men with free drinks to switch us around. Why can't the airline double check to see if minor children are flying with adults. It can't be that hard!
I was also on a short flight - about 30 minutes or so - once, and the cabin power went out as soon as we were in the air. They said it wasnt a problem, but it was dark and hot. There was a 2yo girl in the seat in front of me who got very scared. The only thing she wanted to do was hold my fingers. I was only about 22 at the time - and I leaned forward the whole flight and let her hold my fingers, so she wasnt upset.

Awe that is so sweet. :goodvibes Made me teary!


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