Post family Disney-theme night ideas HERE!

Kari, LOVE LOVE LOVE your parties! They're so cute! (and your kids are adorable!)

would you consider creating a pdf of those monsters inc forms and e-mailing it to me? i'd love to use them for my own family night! they're fantastic.

keep up the good work!!
We had Cannonball Pasta, There be Treasure in this Salad, Sail the Seven Seas Dessert, Hide the Rum-less Rum. We all colored pirate pictures, took a pirate quiz, picked our pirate names and went on a treasure hunt where they followed clues until they reached their treasure boxes. It was a really fun night.










Kari b, that was amazing!!!! Can we come over? :)

Thank you!!! :lovestruc I'd love company that enjoyed this kind of crazy!

Kari, LOVE LOVE LOVE your parties! They're so cute! (and your kids are adorable!)

would you consider creating a pdf of those monsters inc forms and e-mailing it to me? i'd love to use them for my own family night! they're fantastic.

keep up the good work!!

Thanks so much! :):)

Oooh, I'm sorry I didn't save it (the scare report). :headache: Never thought about it or had anyone ask to use something of mine. I'm not very computer savvy, so I don't usually make stuff like that. The name badges I found online. Sorry :sad1:
Graciesmom....I love the family pirate picture.:lovestruc Your girls looked like they had so much fun!!!
Dinner & a Movie Night
:darth:Star Wars
August 28, 2011



I remember going to see this movie when it came out. I was just about 9 years do the math. We went with the neighbors across the alley from us. It was such cutting edge technology then, and watching it again after MANY years it seems so hockey and silly....but I remember being in total awe when I was younger. The sound track is still one of my favorites. I never really watched any of the other movies, caught pieces of them here and there but sci-fi really isn't my genre. My favorite character has to be CP3O...I think I relate to his personality the most. Young Harrison Ford still does something to this girl's fact I think he aged to be even better looking.






Goo and Boo (with Ab's help) made transporters that I found on
Boo hated making these...he got so frustrated and wanted to quit so many times...they are hard to make

Lightsabers & Jedi Training Videos



Then the boys and I made lightsabers and watched some youtube videos of the Jedi training program at DHS....guess what Goo wants to do now. So I am going to have to research more into this! The boys took their lightsabers outside and preceded to whack each other...the one time they complained I told them to they had 2 choices...1. Me taking the sabers away or 2. Me going back into the house and ignoring them...guess which they decided was best.

Wookie-Ookie Cookies


Boo wanted to be the chef tonight, so he made Wookie-Ookies (Wookie Cookies). I found this cookie recipe online. It is from the Star Wars Christmas Cookbook. They are so yummy.


Millennium Falcon Wiring with Asteroid Meatballs & Mastafar Lava Sauce
Jumbo Malasrtian Croutons (from Dex's Diner)


Interstellar Salad with Blue Milk Dressing


:yoda:Yoda Sundaes:yoda:


Wookie-Ookie Cookies :chewy:

I'm so glad I found this thread! DS (3) and I are dying to go back but won't be able to afford it until Jan 2013. I really needed something to hold me over until then :thumbsup2

So far we've had a Lilo & Stitch party and a Dinosaur party. I was hesitant on how much my 3 year old would really be excited about having these evenings, but he really seems to be enjoying them! This weekend I let him pick the color of juice that dinosaurs drink and he really got into it :thumbsup2 He drank his dinosaur juice all weekend :rotfl:

Our parties are little low-key compared to some of the others but we enjoy the family time :goodvibes. We've been using the suggested menus here and have been eating REALLY well these past two Saturdays :rotfl2:

Coming up this weekend, Pinocchio! Now I've got to look up what everyone is serving for this movie.

Have fun everyone!

**Oh and I'm DYING to try the Cheddar Cheese soup with pretzels, I love that idea! Unfortunately, it's going to have to wait a couple more months, I just can't eat soup in over 100 degree weather :)
We had our "Yogi Bear" night last night and go figure, the next movie DD drew out of the magic envelope is "Shrek". Oh man! Hopefully I will be back over here eventually- most of the movies in there are Disney and we keep getting the few non-Disney ones!
Thanks so much! :):)

Oooh, I'm sorry I didn't save it (the scare report). :headache: Never thought about it or had anyone ask to use something of mine. I'm not very computer savvy, so I don't usually make stuff like that. The name badges I found online. Sorry :sad1:

no worries. i might be able to put something together from the pics. just thought i'd give it a shot!

keep up the good work! :worship:
We had our "Yogi Bear" night last night and go figure, the next movie DD drew out of the magic envelope is "Shrek". Oh man! Hopefully I will be back over here eventually- most of the movies in there are Disney and we keep getting the few non-Disney ones!

I have Shrek planned for sometime in December...I am not sure why! Think green and gross and you should come up with lots of fun ideas.

Don't worry about the movies being non-disney...I am doing ones that go with Universal Studios and posting those ideas! I personally like to see any family movie nights me ideas for my own plus it is great to see families spending some time together!
We just got back on Saturday and I was going to recreate some of our meals.

Pizza Planet
Individual DiGiornio Pizzas
Caesar Salad
Individual Carrots Bags (didn't know they sold these)
Applesauce Cups
Minute Maid Lemonade (in our Resort Mugs :))
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Mama Melrose
Rolls w/ butter
Green Apple Slices
Small bottle of water
Spumoni Ice-Cream

I'm excited to see if my kids figure it out.
I think this is my favorite thread on the Dis :) We did a Nemo night on Sunday. We watched the movie in the afternoon. We painted fish shaped magnets and painted coloring pages.
For dinner we had octopus hot dogs, sea shell pasta shaped mac n cheese w/goldfish and blue ocean water to drink.
The kids had a blast!!
Here's DS playing while the movie is on.

DS, DD and DH painting magnets and pictures.

DS and DD at dinner!
Our latest movie theme day/night was Pinocchio!

Not alot of toys for this one so I went to the computer for help with some printouts for decor!

So we started the day off with the movie, even though we've seen this one fairly recently, it was still fun to watch! For movies snacks we had Monstro the whale crackers, Jiminy chocholate covered crickets and Pinocchio nose pretzel sticks! During the movie the kids did their usual coloring pages.

Between the movie and dinner the kids cut out some Pinocchio puppets which I tied string to and they did an activity page.

Dinner was what else, stromboli! This was a HUGE hit with the kids, they absolutely loved it, my oldest DS 16, raved about it so I took that as quite a compliment :cloud9: I also made angel hair pasta with sauce just in case the stromboli was a bomb, lol.

Our centerpiece, my Jim Shore figurine

Dessert was a very last minute decision, I was having a hard time coming up with something and the kids said they wanted cupcakes so I used what I had and made Figaro and Cleo in a fishbowl cupcakes.

After dinner we made a wish upon a star and the kids put on a puppet show!

Yesterday we did Shrek night!

The menu:


(That's green goo, not go- I always forget that my frame is smaller than the paper!)

Playing pin the tail on Donkey:


The kids made gingerbread men:


The food- ogre oranges, Puss in Boots (green) beans, Fiona's fish sticks with green goo (green tartar sauce), and Donkey Ditalini (green spinach noodles). They also drank swamp juice (Sprite with gummy fish and worms in it) and we had Shrek Shakes for dessert (green Shamrock shakes):


And we pulled from the Magic Envelope for next week's- finally, another Disney movie!

Just attended my nephews Peter Pan birthday party and it was AMAZING!

The pirate ship was just painted cardboard. The cutouts were just that, cutouts from black posterboard. Everything looked great and I knew you guys would appreciate it!

I've been going CRAZY looking for the "shadows" where did you find them?!?! I plan on doing that same thing for the kids B-day this saturday!!
Dinner & a Movie Weekend Double Feature:
Song of the South
Tom & Huck
(September 3rd & 4th)


This weekend we celebrated the end of summer and a long weekend in the cabin...and yet another chance to escape the heat the drought plaguing home. We got to have our movie night again with the K Quad Cousins who live down the street from us and have a cabin down the hill from us (plus everyone is matched up with a same age cousin except K3...but she gets along with everyone). I decided to pair 2 movies about the South as well as take advantage of the setting around us for activities to do with the movies...but only if the weather decided to cooperate...which it did not!

DH loves Song of the South and it really is a great movie. I know how politically incorrect it is but the music is wonderful and who does not love a good Uncle Remus story?! DH wanted a copy of the movie several years ago...and of course this movie is not released any longer in the United where do I go but eBay?! He was so excited to get it in his Christmas stocking. I had to do a lot of searching for Tom & Huck I have a subscription to Netflicks (but my mom had a VCR tape). The girls of course fell in love with Jonathan Taylor Thomas...who wouldn't he was such a cute kid!

*Go Fishing (did not happen, instead it was cold and rainy)
*Play Marbles (forgot the marbles)
*Play Fishing Game (the batteries were dead...)

So what were we able to do?

Make our own rafts and float them down the stream


K3 works on her raft


Ab & K4 work on their rafts


K2's raft floats...and we were all doubters!


Let's Race

Make homemade ice cream and cobbler


Goo helps make the cobbler...using Great Grandma's Recipe


K2 makes the homemade vanilla ice cream using Great Grandma's Recipe


We had planned a fish fry with all the trimmings (fried okra, fried squash, cole slaw)...but since we could not fish...we went to town and had Mexican food (that is southern, isn't it...south of the boarder?! :lmao:) And we had dessert back at the cabin...

Peach Cobbler & Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream


Last night we had our southern dinner...

Southern Fried Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Fried Okra


Lemonade & Sweet Tea


Mississippi Mud Pie

i believe i will have everything ready for my triplets Birthday party this Saturday.
I really wish they had only picked ONE theme.. all of Disney is a bit much!
Promise to post pictures, plus i have to start a PTR. most if not ALL ideas from this board!!!
Today was Mary Poppins day!

The menu:


We made kites...


Fed the birds (tuppence, tuppence!)


Did some chalk drawings (this is a chimney)


Ate some food:


Danced like Bert:


And chose next week's movie- Beauty and the Beast!

Ooooooh BOY am I BEHIND..
here are some pics of our Pirates of the Carribbean Night a couple of weeks ago.

We had cracken spaghetti and Pirate ship garlic bread.
We did pirate tic tac toe and pirate stamping, we also decorated our own treasure chests and of course watched the movie..we watched #2


I didn't get any good ones of them looking right at he camera! :sad2:


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