PJ & TR: Claire & Mike - WP/KWR/SCP - 30 Dec 09 - **Inside Disney Weddings Podcast**

We headed into the GF where my step-dad already was as he was coming down with a cold and took some photos by the Christmas Tree.


Great pics!!

Can I ask if you wore a crinoline under your dress? I have the same dress as you and I am not sure if I should wear one or not :goodvibes
I'm so glad everything went so well dear! I love your pictures!

BTW DF found out I was talking to someone from London on the boards and got all smiley. (thats where he lived and we met before he moved here) We miss it so. We have another 2 years before we move back!

How exciting getting to live both here and the USA.


I totally felt (and still feel!) the same exact way about our wedding! :goodvibes

Great update! :thumbsup2

Thanks Hun x

Great pics!!

Can I ask if you wore a crinoline under your dress? I have the same dress as you and I am not sure if I should wear one or not :goodvibes

I had a hoop as it has a crinoline built in. Hoops are good as they keep the dress off your legs esp if its hot.
I had a hoop as it has a crinoline built in. Hoops are good as they keep the dress off your legs esp if its hot.

Ah... Mine doesn't have a built in crinoline. Just not sure whether to have A line or ballgown. What did you have for your dress? Apologies for my questions :)
Ah... Mine doesn't have a built in crinoline. Just not sure whether to have A line or ballgown. What did you have for your dress? Apologies for my questions :)

Are you sure its not? I don't mean a full crinnie, but I definately had a lot of layers under there and some netting.

I've no idea what I had, the dress shop just lent me a hoop.
December 31st 2009

We did not want to leave our room at the GF the next morning as we knew it was unlikely we'd ever be staying there again and almost cartainly not in a concierge room. I took advantage of the huge bath to have a swim and we got some breakfast to eat in our room. We packed all our stuff up including my dress and said a sad goodbye to our room but then decided to stop and have some more snacks before getting the monorail back to the Poly.



My Dad was waiting for us in reception as we were spending the day with him before taking him to the airport.



We decided to take my Dad to the Boardwalk to show him round.


We had lunch in the bakery, before making a circuit round the lake. At was during this walk that my Dad completely shocked me by saying "I can see why you keep coming back now". (Since we have been home he has shocked me more by saying he wants to go back).





We headed inside the hotel to have a look around as well.


At some point my Dad realised he'd lost his glasses so we went back to his hotel in the hope that he'd left them in his room, luckily he had and he picked them up at reception. It was then time to take him to the airport. It was an uneventful but profitable trip as my Dad gave me all the dollars he had not spent.

DH and I had time to kill before we had to get ready for our ADR with the rest of our parents so we went to DTD and looked round the shops. Back at the Poly we got dressed up as it was NYE and got the monorail to the Contempory as we were eating at The Wave. Both sets of parents turned up on time and we didn't have to wait long to be seated. Both my Step-Dad and Mum were both now suffering from colds so has just spent a relaxing day at their hotel. DH's parents had gone to Hollywood Studios for the day.

Everyone in enjoyed their meal and we had a nice server except at the start of the meal she said we would get complimentary champagne and then never gave it to us.

As my parents were ill they headed back to their hotel after the meal while we got a lift with DH's parents back to our hotel were I put on a warmer outfit and then we headed to the beach to watch the NYE fireworks. There was a great atmosphere, we set out a blanket to sit on and then put the other one over us. The fireworks were nothing short of spectacular. As we were too busy watching them we didn't really take any photos sorry.



After the fireworks we said goodbye to DH's parents and went back to our room.
January 1st 2010

Today we were off to Animal Kingdom with both sets of parents. The night before we had agreed to meet at 9am outside the Rainforest Café, Mike’s mum had even written it down so she wouldn’t forget. We pulled into the car park and found my parents were in the car park space 1 car along from us. We strolled over to the meeting point and took some photos by the Christmas tree, the photopass CM mustn’t have scanned our card properly as those photos never appeared on our account so I’ll never know what was in the gift box I was given to hold.


By 9.15am the sun was trying to shine but we’d not heard from Mike’s parents so he gave them a call on their mobile expecting them to say they were in the car park, nope they were at their hotel having breakfast. I was so furious, my parents who were both feeling under the weather had got here on time why couldn’t they, I did feel bad for DH though as he must have been feeling embarrassed by them. So his parents say we did call you and left you a message, they called our hotel room and left a message there, do you remember me telling you about the fuss his mum made about getting a new mobile phone so she could phone us in the states and yet they decide to ring the hotel phone and don’t think to ring our mobile. We listened to the message they’d left when we got back that evening, the message said “So what’s the plan for today?” WHAT’S THE PLAN!!! It’s the same plan we talked about last night and which you wrote down so you wouldn’t forget. After Mike got off the phone telling his parents to ring him when they arrived we headed into the park and straight to the safari. I hadn’t been sure how busy the park would be today, on one hand people might have been sleeping in after a late night last night or they could have been making the most of the last few days of their holiday, it turned out that the park was quiet all day. So we got onto the safari with no wait, I love seeing the animals and so does DH.






We then headed to get some breakfast just as the heavens opened and it started to pour with rain. We sat undercover by the Dawa Bar and this is where Mike’s parents met us. We finished our breakfast and the rain eased off but it continued to rain on and off all day. We suggested to Mike’s parents that they go on the safari and we’d go and see It’s Tough to be a Bug, which is what we did.

Next we headed to see Flights of Wonder but sadly due to the weather they cancelled it so we headed to see festival of the Lion King instead, this was Mike’s mum’s favourite attraction of the trip she told me later. Straight from one show onto another, this time it was Nemo, it’s not my favourite thing but it was inside.

After this my parents decided to leave for the day as they both still had a cold and the damp weather wasn’t helping. We headed to get some lunch at Pizzafari then onto the Pangani Trail. About half way through this DH and I said goodbye to his parents and left the park as we had to return our hire car. Mike’s parents stayed in the park and I know they visited the other trail and went on the train before leaving.

It was really easy to return our hire car at the car care centre and then Alamo dropped us off at the Poly. We hung around the hotel and then got ready for our ADR at Boma with both sets of parents. My parents picked us up as we no longer had a car.

Not sure when this photo was taken so I’ll pop it in now as I’m a bit short on photos today!


We were seated quite quickly and everyone ordered drinks, I asked for a Very Berry Punch cocktail but got asked for ID and I had none on me, my Mum was not at all impressed by this but I understood. Everyone really enjoyed their meal and we made arrangements for the next day. After this morning we just told both sets of parents to ring us when they arrived at the Magic Kingdom and we’d tell them where we are.
January 2nd 2010


Mike and I caught the monorail to the Magic Kingdom for about 9am, the sun was hinging today but it was still cold.



We decided to go on Space Mountain first. No idea why DH is pulling this face.


Next we picked up some breakfast in the bakery, just as we were finishing Mike’s parents rang to say they were here so we said we’d meet them at the rose garden.


The park wasn’t crowded again so I took the opportunity to get a bit arty and took this photo:


First stop was the shops as both Mike’s parents were cold so his mum got a fleece top and his dad got a woolly hat, I suggested we paid so they’d get our AP discount but his Dad wanted to pay on his CC, I said they wouldn’t get the AP discount then but nobody believed me, of course they were told they couldn’t have the AP discount and so DH paid for the items, it is very frustrating when you’re the expert and yet no one listens to your advice. Next stop was the jungle cruise and then pirates. Mike’s mum was worried about falling out of the boat on the drop but we assured her she’d be fine.

I’m afraid I’ve totally forgotten which order we did the rest of the day in. But I know I rang my Mum wondering where she was to be told they’d decided not to come as they still felt ill and wanted to get better for their cruise the next day. That was fine but again what was with the parents not ringing us to tell us what was happening, I’d given my mum my mobile so she could ring us that morning to let us know what they were doing.

Next up I think was photo time, this was the first time I’d seen the fairy godmother as I had to get a photo.


She wanted to know where my groom was and demanded he got in a photo as well.


Then I got a photo with my MIL by the fountain.


I know we went on the CoP and someone tried to leave mid way through so we saw the first bit twice. We also went into the Hall of Presidents, and on It’s a Small World (I think). Lunch was at the Columbia Harbour House which was pretty busy but everyone enjoyed it.


We got a spot for the parade but it wasn’t a good spot for photos because of where the sun was and the shade it caused.













We tried to go on the Liberty Square Riverboat but we just missed one. We rode a complete circle of the train. We went on the TTA and saw Mickey’s Philharmagic. As we all had to pack we didn’t want to leave too late. As we missed the riverboat we decided to get the boat back to the Poly, we had to wait quite a while but it was a nice trip across the lake.



Then the in-laws were able to walk to the car park. Back in the room I packed up all our stuff and then after getting ready we headed to the Tambu Lounge to get some cocktails, I went for a Very Berry Punch of course and DH went for a Pina Colava which he loved, he said it was like raspberry ripple.



Our parents joined us for our ADR at Ohana. Everyone loved the food and we got a special pudding.


At the end of the evening we said goodbye to Mike’s parents, they were heading on a cruise the next day from Miami so we wouldn’t be seeing them again. I arranged with my parents for them to pick Mike and I up the next morning to take us to the port, my parents were going on a cruise as well from the same port as us but on a different cruise line and that’s when our honeymoon would really kick in!

DH and I ended the evening by going down to the beach and watching Wishes sat on one of the swing chairs covered by a blanket.
January 3rd 2010

Woohoo its cruising time! We got up, packed the last bits and called bell services. We asked them to take 3 of our suitcases over to AKL and store them there while we were on our cruise which they did with no problems. We headed down to grab some breakfast before my parents picked us up. I was very sad to be leaving the Poly, it was a beautiful hotel, with lovely rooms, a fab beach, great location because of the monorail and I hoped we would be able to return here one day. I was also sad to be leaving my bouquet behind.


One last photo before we left.


We drove to the port with no problems and said goodbye to my parents, their ship was docked next to ours and was much bigger. We got through all the official bits with no problems and looked at the ship model.


We headed onto the ship and were introduced; I hadn’t told DH about that, he thought it was very funny. We headed straight to Parrot Cay to get some lunch. DH was very excited by the buffet and we both sampled lots of items.

We headed to our room stopping to admire the ship along the way.



We were pleasantly surprised to find our luggage already there and then I tried to break the record for most photos taken of a cabin.


















Waiting for us was a card and some badges.


I unpacked our bags and then we went to have a look around and then head to the sail away party. We went to the spa and we were shown around and DH treated me to a massage which I booked for our day at Sea. We then went outside and I saw Mickey coming out of another door and heading up some stairs so I quickly ran after him.


We had a walk around and then found a place to stand and off we sailed. I waved like mad to the ship my Mum was on in the hope they’d see us.


We moved over so we could see the stage and the party started.


It was pretty cold out there but we stuck it out. After it finished we went back to our room to get changed and went to the Golden Mickey’s show before onto dinner at Parrot Cay. We were seated at a table for 6, the 2 other couples were also honeymooners, one couple was American, and the other couple were Chinese but they lived in America. Conversation wasn’t lively with me and the America wife doing most of the talking. The Chinese couple only really spoke when we asked them a direct question.


I had Island Roasted Rib-Eye of Beef with Double-baked Potato and DH had pork (I think – sorry I didn’t take very good notes).



I think these were our puddings (I thought I took photos of all the food but I don’t seem to have enough).



After dinner we walked round the ship some more. At some point we went onto the Internet but that may have been earlier. We went to Wavebands and watched a Mr & Mrs quiz which proved very funny. I guess the contestants thought as it was Disney the questions wouldn’t be about anything rude but they certainly where, but asked in a very un-rude way. One question was where is the most unusual place you have “discovered the magic”. After it finished we had a dance and then retired to our room.
Awesome updates!!!! :thumbsup2Can you leave your bags with a Disney resort while you're cruising??!!?!? That would be so great if we could do that! I didn't know it was possible!

I'm loving all the pictures and can't wait to hear more about the cruise! Which one did you guys do again? I can't remember!

More please...:cool1:

Awesome updates!!!! :thumbsup2Can you leave your bags with a Disney resort while you're cruising??!!?!? That would be so great if we could do that! I didn't know it was possible!

I'm loving all the pictures and can't wait to hear more about the cruise! Which one did you guys do again? I can't remember!

More please...:cool1:


Yep Disney are happy to keep your bags while your cruising, saves a lot of space in your cabin!

We did the 4 night wonder cruise.

More! I put up 4 days at once and you want more ;)
I just wanted to say that your pictures look great! It looks like you guys had a really nice trip - isn't Disney at Christmas the best?
wow so many great posts in one day! I love your pictures and can't wait to read along on your honeymoon cruise!
I've just realised I missed a bit off Day 10. At the end of our meal each couple was presented with a cake and they sang Happy Anniversary to us to a tune they'd made up.


Well done on a 4 day update!

Brings back good memories of our first cruise experience, will have to try and get on another cruise sometime!

I feel for you with the stressful family stories!
Fantastic update Claire you have got me VERY excited about going to WDW in December hehe!:goodvibes
Great update!! Looks like you had a nice few days in WDW but even better to head off to the cruise with your new husband :lovestruc !

Thank you for all the pictures of the cabin & ship so far - I'm 'researching' everything to do with DCL now for my Disneymoon!

Btw did you mind sitting with other couples at meals? It's something I'm a little apprehensive about - our travel agent has already requested we get the smallest sized tables available... do you think that would be for 2, or 4? :confused3 Thank you!

Looking forward to more!

Emma princess: x


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