Pin Trading in the disney stores

@ Pegasus - My main collection is of Cheshire Cat pins. I have 35 of those, as well as two Cheshire lanyards. In the pic below, the top 3 rows are all Cheshire pins. Then there's 3 rows of villains, a row of Jessica, and then a random mix of all my other fave pins. The rest of my collection kept in a pin book. My board needs updating with my newest pins, but I'm gonna do that when I get back from DLRP.


PS. :confused: What does DD/DW/DS mean?

That boards looking good, there was a point when I could fit all of mine onto a board, but now my pins are even outgrowing my pin bag!

I'm heading to the oxford street store, and hopefully DBoyrfriend won't be too freaked out by the fact, I dont want to just buy stuff, but trade stuff!

Also DD/DW/DS are just shortenings of peoples "titles".
DD = Dear/Disney Daughter
DW = Dear/Disney Wife
DS = Dear/Disney Son
Are they trading in Bluewater yet, I dont want to take a trip up there to find out they are not.

The best bet is to find the number for the Bluewater Store and give them a call before heading down there. They will tell you over the phone if they're currently trading or not :thumbsup2

We are planning a trip to York this week so are hoping that they are trading in the Disney store there. DW, DS and DD all enjoy trading and each has their own favourite. DW collects Tigger ones and has 46, DS has 30 Stitch ones and DD has 30 Pluto pins.
They are obviously finding it harder to get any new ones now (other than ebay) so we have been buying some of the LE ones from here in the hope that they will be able to trade them for some of the older pins with the traders outside the pin stands in the parks.

Sounds like you've got some serious traders in your family! I love the idea of taking some of our LE pins over to WDW and trading them. I may have to keep this in mind and pick one or two up before my trip next year!

@ Tinks - :goodvibes Trading pins at WDW is awesome. We even managed to attend their monthly Pin Trading Night whilst we were there last year. :eek: It was a massive room just filled with people and their pins! It was really awesome.

@ Twink - :lovestruc Yay! I'm so happy to hear that! When I went in yesterday my Small World pin was still there, so I'm glad it got picked up later on.

@ Pegasus - My main collection is of Cheshire Cat pins. I have 35 of those, as well as two Cheshire lanyards. In the pic below, the top 3 rows are all Cheshire pins. Then there's 3 rows of villains, a row of Jessica, and then a random mix of all my other fave pins. The rest of my collection kept in a pin book. My board needs updating with my newest pins, but I'm gonna do that when I get back from DLRP.


PS. :confused: What does DD/DW/DS mean?

I love your pin board! :goodvibes I'm currently putting mine into box frames, nearly completed a full box. Once done I'll post a pic :goodvibes I'm going to check out your pins on too, it'll be great to see which ones you have! Anyone else on Pinpics? :)
Just gave Bluewater a ring and they have started trading, So I'm off up there tomorrow to see what i can find. Hope i find something i like.
I'm off to Meadowhall tomorrow so I'll report on the trading there. All my pins are locked away in storage at the moment so I can't trade but I'll have them back soon enough! Just typical all this has begun within weeks of me moving from Leeds with easy access to Disney stores to Lincoln where there are none! :(
:) Thanks for all the comments on my pin board. I actually only got it recently. Before I go it, all my pins were crammed into my pin book. It didn't look anywhere near as nice as the board looks.

@ astro - X3 Thanks for telling me what DD/DW/etc means.

@ Tinks - :goodvibes Ooh, I can't wait to see what your frames looks like. And let me know when you've added your collection to PinPics.

I popped in the Manchester Disney Store after work today. The two Cast Members I spoke to were really lovely. I traded for the new Stitch Core pin with the ukelele, and one of the Mickey uniform lanyard pins.

:( My mum had a bit of an accident at the Trafford Centre store though. She somehow lost 4 of her pins. She doesn't know how she could've done it, but she has, so she's pretty upset. She reckons that they somehow must've fell out of her backpack when she was taking it off her shoulder or something. She phoned up the Trafford Centre Disney Store once she got home, but there was no answer.
:) Thanks for all the comments on my pin board. I actually only got it recently. Before I go it, all my pins were crammed into my pin book. It didn't look anywhere near as nice as the board looks.

@ astro - X3 Thanks for telling me what DD/DW/etc means.

@ Tinks - :goodvibes Ooh, I can't wait to see what your frames looks like. And let me know when you've added your collection to PinPics.

I popped in the Manchester Disney Store after work today. The two Cast Members I spoke to were really lovely. I traded for the new Stitch Core pin with the ukelele, and one of the Mickey uniform lanyard pins.

:( My mum had a bit of an accident at the Trafford Centre store though. She somehow lost 4 of her pins. She doesn't know how she could've done it, but she has, so she's pretty upset. She reckons that they somehow must've fell out of her backpack when she was taking it off her shoulder or something. She phoned up the Trafford Centre Disney Store once she got home, but there was no answer.

I'm also looking forward to seeing this frames. Thats pretty sad about losing those pins, but at least they're only pins and not a purse or phone, which would be much worse.

Also, went to the oxford street store, and they were pretty excited by the pin trading. They were fasinated that i'd been doing it for so long, and how i dont forget that which i have and dont have in a collection of 300 pins... I traded for one of the mickey cast member pins, the stitch ukelele one and a guido pin. Also bought the stitch with frogs LE pin and the toy story one. Will be heading to hopfully the uxbridge and/or harrow disney stores on thursday, so hopefully will be able to buy/trade more!
Just gave Bluewater a ring and they have started trading, So I'm off up there tomorrow to see what i can find. Hope i find something i like.

Good Luck - I'm sure they'll have something that'll catch your eye!

I'm off to Meadowhall tomorrow so I'll report on the trading there. All my pins are locked away in storage at the moment so I can't trade but I'll have them back soon enough! Just typical all this has begun within weeks of me moving from Leeds with easy access to Disney stores to Lincoln where there are none! :(

Queenie, the CM's are being quite good about you buying a couple of the £3 current pins (as long as they're not already on the lanyard) and trading those in for ones on there. So maybe why yours are in storage you could get a little pin fix that way :goodvibes

:( My mum had a bit of an accident at the Trafford Centre store though. She somehow lost 4 of her pins. She doesn't know how she could've done it, but she has, so she's pretty upset. She reckons that they somehow must've fell out of her backpack when she was taking it off her shoulder or something. She phoned up the Trafford Centre Disney Store once she got home, but there was no answer.

So sorry to hear your Mum's unfortunate incident! :( I'd try again with contacting them though, maybe once they answer there might have been some nice Disney loving person have give them in to the counter!

I'm also looking forward to seeing this frames. Thats pretty sad about losing those pins, but at least they're only pins and not a purse or phone, which would be much worse.

Also, went to the oxford street store, and they were pretty excited by the pin trading. They were fasinated that i'd been doing it for so long, and how i dont forget that which i have and dont have in a collection of 300 pins... I traded for one of the mickey cast member pins, the stitch ukelele one and a guido pin. Also bought the stitch with frogs LE pin and the toy story one. Will be heading to hopfully the uxbridge and/or harrow disney stores on thursday, so hopefully will be able to buy/trade more!

I'm looking forward to my frames being done too :goodvibes I'll most definately post pics once they're done.

I love how the CM's are excited by the trading, I've called at the Trafford Centre store this evening (en-route to picking up my signed Bret Hart book :love: ) and traded a couple more. The girl at the tills was really enthusiastic about it and was quite happily chatting about the pins. I got a lovely Cindy pin & a CM Mickey.

Masamune - I've listed some of my pins on PinPics, still searching for others for now. I'm on there as Tinks1984 :) I have no-where near as many as you do though :laughing: I love your collection!
@ Twink - :lovestruc Yay! I'm so happy to hear that! When I went in yesterday my Small World pin was still there, so I'm glad it got picked up later on.

It was in the afternoon, around 3/4ish that I went along and got the pin, the CM said that I was her first ever trader, which made me feel a little bit special :) They said that pin trading had been popular on Sautrday as far as they were aware.

I'm hopefully going to the the trafford centre tomorrow so I may end up with more of your or your Mum's pins!

Oh and I've joined PinPics too!!! I've not to as great a collection as most of you, but I'm certainly more than happy with it so far:thumbsup2 look me up I'm on there as Twinklebelle
@ Tinks - She's gonna try ringing them again today. :( She's not holding out much hope. Like Astro said though, it could've been much worse. At least she didn't lose her phone or her purse.

:goodvibes Your collection is really nice. Everyone's gotta start somewhere! My collection keeps changing, because some of the pins currently on there are ones that I bought off eBay specifically for trading. I picked up that full Princess toddler set and the Lady and the Tramp set for the combined total of £16.20 (that includes P&P). :) So it works out at £1.47 per pin, which is an awesome price for trading pins.

@ Twink - Your collection is great too! :eek: I want this Scar pin of yours so badly. Scar is my 2nd fave Disney character after the Cheshire Cat.

Did you get it off Disney Shopping like PinPics says, or somewhere else?
I am going to see if I can do a little pin trading this afternoon too and maybe buy a few more pins to take to trade at WDW in the summer. We are heading into Birmingham so I will take my lanyard with me. I have my pin collection on pinpics too, I am on there as Danauk.
@ Tinks - She's gonna try ringing them again today. :( She's not holding out much hope. Like Astro said though, it could've been much worse. At least she didn't lose her phone or her purse.

:goodvibes Your collection is really nice. Everyone's gotta start somewhere! My collection keeps changing, because some of the pins currently on there are ones that I bought off eBay specifically for trading. I picked up that full Princess toddler set and the Lady and the Tramp set for the combined total of £16.20 (that includes P&P). :) So it works out at £1.47 per pin, which is an awesome price for trading pins.

@ Twink - Your collection is great too! :eek: I want this Scar pin of yours so badly. Scar is my 2nd fave Disney character after the Cheshire Cat.

Did you get it off Disney Shopping like PinPics says, or somewhere else?

Thanks I do love my little collection, I did get the Scar pin from Disney Shopping, they will ship directly to the UK but at the current conversion rates it would be expensive! I don't really collect villians but Scar is also one of my faves so he was hard to resist.

Well it looks like I'm not going to make it to the trafford centre today, I'm not going to get there til Friday! I hope that they still have some pins worth trading for left!
@ Danauk - :) You have so many Minnie and Tink pins. Are they the two that you mainly collect?

@ Twink - I love Disney Shopping. I've ordered tonnes of them in the past. I find that if you order a lot, the shipping costs don't seem so bad. :mad: It's the £20-£25 extra in customs I have to pay that stops me from ordering off them.

I went to the Manchester store for the last time this week. :laughing: I don't want them to think I'm totally obsessed, so I won't be going in again now until Sunday, or even next week. I traded for one of the most gorgeous Tinker Bell pins I've ever seen!


Isn't it lovely? They had both lanyards out today, so I'm guessing that this pin must've already been on the 2nd lanyard, as I can't imagine anyone wanting to trade this one away. The other one I traded for was the Mickey cast lanyard pin in the red uniform.
Oh my gosh Masamune - that Tink pin is beautiful! How'd you get so lucky with them? :lmao: Each time I've been into trade (with the exception of your Mum's Animal Kingdom one, as I love that one!) there's not been any that really strike me! I trade of course, but I'd love to get a unique one! Here's hoping I will one day :wizard:

I'm off on PinPics now to have a nosey at all your collections...:cutie:
Just a little tip for anyone from the UK wanting a whole load of trading pins for their WDW trip.

We bought 100 pins recently from a nice eBay seller who is actually from the Orlando area. He had the pins shipped to our resort rather than our home address. He took our reservation details and check-in date and when we arrived at the resort the pacakge with the pins was waiting there for us!

Doing it this way means you only have to pay local shipping charges and you don't end up having to pay the customs and VAT charges that you might otherwise suffer if you had them sent to the UK.

@ Tinks - :goodvibes Like I said, I think that that Tink pin must've been on the 2nd lanyard all along, I was just lucky to be the one to grab it first. Lol, I don't like the idea of not going in the Disney Store for 3 whole days, but I just don't want them to think I'm a crazy person! :laughing:

@ Adict - :) Good idea! I doubt I'll ever get to go to WDW again though.
Well I traded a pin in the Birmingham Disney store yesterday, the guy said I was his 1st trade ever, then a manager was chatting to me asking how I knew they had stared trading as they had only begun there 2 days prior.I traded for the flying Tinker Bell core pin which was great as I was intending to buy that in the store yesterday anyway!!

@ Masamune, yes I collect Tinker Bell and Minnie pins. I also collect park and ride/attraction pins from the Disney parks I have been to and hotel pins from the Disney hotels I have stayed in. That Tink pin you traded for is lovely, I have never seen one like that before.

Well I better go and sort my pin trading bags out, I bought a few pins for traders for my August WDW trip and I need to replace the pin on my lanyard I traded for yesterday.
Can't wait to pop into the Cambridge store and do some trading. Just received all the web exclusive pins from the Disney Store website. DW is so pleased with her new Stitch pin.
Some really good pin collections on here - I'm almost tempted to take all my families out of their wallets just to get a pic of them all, but I won't as it would take ages to get them all out then back in again.
The pin board looks really good Masamune, and it looks as though you are like us and have some specific things to look for - as well as some that just catch your eye.
When we return in Oct I am planning on collecting the pins for each of the rides we have been on. Not sure how many that will be but I'm sure it will be a fair few.
One question for you all - have any of you found any good pin bags anywhere. DD bought the blue book for her pins, but once you have pins on each page it looks unsightly and doesnt close easily. DD and DS bought the backpack type bags, but these are very difficult to get the pins into - especially when you want to put pins at the bottom of the page.
When we return in Oct I am planning on collecting the pins for each of the rides we have been on. Not sure how many that will be but I'm sure it will be a fair few.

I do this! In my pin bags I have a page for each of the 8 parks I have been to (4xWDW, 2xDL and 2xDLRP) and then on each page I put the rides I have been on. Then I have a seperate page for pins of Disney hotels I have stayed in and park yours I have done.


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