Pam's Low Carb Road (Comments Welcome)

Aug 15, 2000
I can't believe I'm even doing this. I'm more or less a lurker with a comment here and there, but I have decided to push myself forward (and downward)!!

BACKGROUND: 39 yrs. old , 5'3"
Homeschool mom of 3 (10,7 & 3)
Married to DH for 18 yrs.
Have lost 20 lbs. before WISH
Need to lose (gulp!) 140 more pounds
Have lost 6 more since starting WISH 8-1-03
Using Herbalife Lo-Carb (Much like Atkins but with shakes and snacks built in )

I probably won't be able to post but once a week. But I want a little more accountability built into my program and also a record that I can see.

I know that I will keep a running Monthly talley, weighing in officially at the end of each month.

I'm trying to keep to under 20 carbs a day and around 1200-1300 calories. I find I stall my weight loss if I go much higher than that. What I need to do is build in an exercise routine, but one habit at a time.;)

Thanks for all of the support you guys give. Just reading WISH everyday keeps me motivated and wanting to reach for more!!:wave: :teeth:
Hi Pam!

Just wanted to say you can do it! I know what you mean about posting...I don't even tell my BF, who I live with and have been with forever, how much I weigh!!! I will tell him AFTER I have lost all the weight!

And yes, being on the WISH creates a sense of accountability, which is one of the reasons I love it so much! That and everyone here is so supportive and encouraging.

Best wishes to you, onward and downward!


I know what its like to have a lot to lose. I started at 310, and am now at 238, and on my way to 175. It probably feels like a long journey to you, but just remeber that it just gets easier along the way as you change your habits and lifestyle. Also, I find it helpful to not concentrate so much on my overall goal, but really focus on the next 5 or 10 pounds. I was really psyched yesterday when I weighed myself and found out that I was finally out of the 240's and in to the 230's!! So now, I am looking forward to being under 235, then I will look at getting into the 220's and so on. I know you can't post here often, but try and keep a written list of what you is really helpful and will keep you honest.

Good luck!! I know you will get there:cool: :cool: :cool:

Welcome to the Journals board! The journaling will help, even if it's only once a week. I try to journal daily, but I can do that because I have a computer at home and at work. Don't look at the overall weight you want lose, just try to make mini goals for yourself as Frank mentioned. There's so many nice people on the WISH board and they're great motivators, so visit as often as you can. Best wishes!
Hi Pam

Well done on your weight loss so far.:D I'm another Pam, I'm currently 243lbs and would like to lose around 80lbs. I've found that these journals are a great way of keeping the motivation going, especially if people post to your journal giving you encouragement. Its really helped me, I'm British living near Cambridge in England and the thought of someone from another country supporting me is great. Frank & Castillo Mom are right, small goals are the way to go, even if its just a couple of lbs. I track my weight in kilos as well as lbs that way I can set mini goals based on either scale.

So, keep up the good work, post when you can and remember any exercise is better than none at all.

Welcome Pam!

We're in this together, keep focused & try to track all that you eat. Also any exercise does make a difference, a little 10 min walk at lunch will do wonders.

Set your mini goals, we'll be here cheering you on:wave:
Hi Pam!

You sound like you have a plan and now all you have to do is follow through. There may be bumps along the way, but we're all here to help you over them.

You go, girl!!
Thanks for all of the encouragement, guys.

I have really "fallen off the wagon" lately. I don't know what happened. I was in the zone and then I was totally out of it.
But one thing about me, I will never give up.

I'm back on plan now, and I figure I can still get a nice chunck off by Christmas. Right now my goal is for the next 15 pounds. I'm hoping to get that off by Oct. 1. Wish me luck!!!
Pam, every day is a new opportunity! You can do this! We're all rooting you on!

Hang in there! Each choice you make is a chance to choose to have a healthier body - the weight loss is a nice side benefit too!
Thanks for all of the support guys. I am "in the zone" again. I feel so good when I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

I have three friends who are now doing it with me and we communicate almost on a daily basis, so that is helping too.

Hey Doreen, I'm originally from Harrisburg, Pa. (Well, actually a little town called Highspire). My mom, sister, and her family are still there so I am down there A LOT!!! I Love it there! It's so close to so much. Thanks for the support. Your words were very encouraging.:D

Onward and downward!!!!:Pinkbounc
Doing great. Today is day seven cheat free.

I went shopping today and got spicy pre-cooked sausage patties and roasted soy nuts, all kinds of lo-carb stuff. Boy, did I have fun. I love to cook and try new things, you know, get away from the same old things.

Yesterday I counted 20 carbs. Today I'm going to try to see if I can get lower than that.

B- Herbalife Protein Bar - 1.5

L- 3 Eggs 1.5
2 oz. cheese 2
2 sausage patties 1

D- Crabcakes- eggs, crabmeat, green pepper, mayo,salt,pepper,hot sauce,pimentos

2 carbs per crabcakes X 2 cakes=4

Snack - roasted soy nuts 1
herbal tea
w/splenda 1


Sept 16, 2003

Doing good. I am going to try to write more often in this journal, though. Zurgswife, you inspired me.:D So here goes........

eggs 2
cheese 2
sausage 2
splenda 1
protein bar 1.5
cough drop 3.5 ( I REALLY needed this, stink!)
cheese 2
turkey 0
splenda 1

(needed a late night snack)
cheese 1
turkey 1
dip 3
total 20 whew! right at the limit :D

Feel pretty good today physically, even though I have a headcold/cough. Not a bad one thankfully. But my mind was a little discouraged. I let myself think about how long a road I have to hoe. I can't do that. I'll fail. I keep telling myself that if this takes 2 years, then it takes 2 years. One day at a time. Today is a day that I can't think beyond today. Just keep your eye on today and getting through. Yeah, just get through.......;)
Wow! 11 days cheat free is really great. How do you like the Herbalife products? I tried them a couple of years ago but they didn't work too well for me. It seems a regular low carb with no sugar, no flour works best for me.

It's great posting on the journal. So many nice people give you encouragement and support.

Each pound lost is considered a victory!

I'm trying to look at this whole process as a life change. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up for a long time. My joints are getting better even with such a small loss (13 pounds). If you watch Dr. Phil, he says that losing 10% of your body weight will result in a 60% reduction in one's likelihood of getting diabetes.

So keep up the good work. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Pam, you are right on track! Induction is tough, but you're doing very well! I hadn't thought about crabcakes until I saw them in your menus. I love them but the rest of the family doesn't. Maybe I'll splurge and make some just for me - I LOVE eating low-carb - we get to eat such yummy foods!!

I'm about 20 minutes south of Highspire and often drive through there on my way to work. What a small world!!

Keep taking those baby steps day by day. I, too, have a hard time looking long term. I feel much better when I try to just tackle one day at a time.

Every time you choose to eat healthy food or exercise, you are truly loving yourself! Keep making those good choices!! The weight will take care of itself, I promise!
Feeling absolutely FANTASTIC!

Herbalife Choc. Fudge Protein Bar 1.5
splenda 1
Choc. Coconut Bar (Very hectic homeschool day) 1.5
splenda 1
tea w/a little milk 1
6 oz chicken(packaged) 2
avacado 5
sour cream 2
salsa 2
cheese 1
soy nuts 2
splenda 1

Total 21 Carbs

Dinner on Wednesdays is at church. They were having sloppy joes tonight so I brought my own. I had bought a package of already cooked, frozen chicken strips just for nights like tonight. Man, 1 carb per 3 oz serving but it was really good. I made my own guacamole with a whole avacado (which I think is about 5 carbs when you take out the fiber, isn't it??) and salsa, put cheese and sour cream on top and a few hot jalepenos........WOW!! Yum, yum, yum. I felt sorry for the people that had to eat sloppy joes! :teeth: Got home about 8:15 and munched on some soy nuts while watching a little TV (which I have no time for, by the way, so why do I sit there...:rolleyes: ).

My three buddies that are doing lo-carb are doing great, too. I checked with all three today. All reported being faithful to program and losing weight, so that was encouraging, too.

Checked my Keto stick twice today. I know, I know....but it's hard not getting addicted to those things!:D I showed a moderate reading so I'm doing really well. Hope I see some action on the scales on Saturday. :cool:
Pamela, I used to hang out on the newsgroup and the people there always cut their keto-stix in half VERY CAREFULLY. If you really are addicted to using them, they can get expensive! Just thought I'd pass along the tip. :D
OK. Didn't get time to post this yesterday, so I'll do two days in one.

Sept. 18, 2003

6 pieces of sausage:teeth: 3 carbs
3 eggs 2 carbs
cheese 2 carbs
tuna fish 1 carb
mayo 0 carb
2 crackers 4 carbs
5 oz red wine 3 carbs
protein bar 1.5 carbs
splenda 1 carb
1 oz chicken(a little breading was on it) 2 carbs

total 19.5 Carbs

Felt a little tired today. Felt kind of weak. Thought maybe I might be losing too fast, which sometimes happens with lo-carb. Looked at my keto stick and it was dark purple. Yep! That was it. So I thought this would be a good night for that glass of wine I've been wanting.:teeth: I think I added the carbs right. It was Taylor red table wine. I couldn't find red wine on Atkins sight carb counter. Found it on another lo-carb sight. It said 2 for 4oz. So I made it 3 for 5 oz. I find it hard to believe that red wine is so few carbs. It is because it was on dry side and not a sweet dessert wine?? Oh, well.

Sept. 19, 2003

My keto stick was still medium pink this morning, so the wine must not have messed me up. Feeling pretty good today. Had my GYN annual (or not so annual for me :D but I'm going to be better) appointment today. First time at this doctor's office. Had a great NP. She was fantastic! This will make it easier for me to make that yearly appointment.

(I'm also reporting dinner, which I haven't eaten yet. I'm going to stick to this menu, though)

4 pieces sausage
(Iknow, I'm on a sausage kick lately) 2 carbs
3 eggs (Jumbo,jumbo) 3 carbs
cheese 1 carb
6 oz packaged chicken 2 carbs
sour cream 2 carbs
avacado 2.5 carbs
salsa 2.5 carbs
splenda 1 carb

Total 16 Carbs
Hi Pam, from southcentral PA! We have weathered the storm!! I hope your family from down this way are all safe and sound.

Your menus look great! Sounds like you're making such good choices! Knowing when to have a little something extra like a glass of wine and making that choice intelligently instead of when you're on a binge - I am so proud of you!!! You really are making this a way of life and not just a temporary diet! You are learning how to eat for the long term so you will never have to worry about gaining the weight back. You'll always know exactly what to do if/when the scale creeps up a bit.

Keep it up, Pam!!


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