Palpitations, PVC's

I think it is great that you are seeing a doctor. I am a 34 year old woman who began having palpitations two years ago immediately following the birth of my second child. I felt like an idiot going to the doctor but it was a very good thing that I went because it turns out that I have a pretty serious electrical problem in my heart called long qt syndrome. It is VERY rare and usually you would have other symptoms, although in my case the pvc's were the only symptom. Pvc's are surprisingly common. Many people have hundreds every day. I know how scary pvc's are to live makes me want to jump out of my own skin! Try to distract yourself by watching a funny movie or doing something that will occupy your mind because anxiety definitely makes them worse. Good luck with your tests and let us know how you are doing.
I've had them since I was in my late thirties. What is aggravating to me is that the nurses never notice this when they take my pulse.

It feels as though my heart is going to pound right out of my chest when that "skipped beat" occurs.

I think mine was/is caused by menopause, I started that a little young.

I've had every test done and my heart is fine. It was funny though, when I had gallbladder surgery it seemed to aggravate my palpitations. The nurse's aid was taking my pulse and about fainted, turned and ran out of the room and when she came back there was an RN with her and then another one and then another one, and then a couple of interns, a few residents, a couple of physician's I had never met, a cardiologist they had paged, a crash cart and an ekg machine. All of this in one half of a semi private room ( and all within 5 minutes, tops). Apparently because my heart was "skipping beats" my pulse was counted at 37. Scared those medical people to death. I felt fine. My mother (RN for over 50 years) happened to come in to my room after everyone else was in there and I will never forget the look on her face. I think that just about scared her to death. They kept me on a monitor for the next two days but I was fine :) I take no meds or anything.

I don't know what's wrong with me anymore I can't seem to post without going on and on.

All I really intended to say was that I hope they figure out how to solve this issue for you, Blondie :)


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