Palpitations, PVC's


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Aug 18, 1999
Premature Ventricular Contractions

Has anyone ever had these?

I'm doing a self diagnosis here....from what I've read on the internet, that is what I'm having.

I've felt my pulse when it happens, and my heart is skipping a beat. It also feels like a thumping in the chest.

I'll sometimes get these after I've had a coke or a cup of coffee (caffeine induced) but I've also had them just sitting in a chair doing nothing, long after the caffeine intake.

I have an appointment with my PCP next Tuesday, and I'm sure he'll refer me out, which is what I want. My father had two cardioversions done a couple years back, so I guess I'm pre-disposed to cardiac problems? I don't know.

I need to find out what is going on.

Sheesh....getting older sucks!:mad: :(
Probably about 12 years ago. The doctor did an ekg, and said that was what I had, but didn't give me anything for it. It drove me nuts for a while, it was this constant fluttery feeling. Over time it stopped, and aside from an occasional isolated flutter, does not happen anymore. Apparently it is not harmful, it just feels really weird. I never did find out what brought it on in my case. Good luck. Oh, by the way, I am 40...I guess I was having them in my 20's.
Yep, I've got benign PVC's. It took me 2 stress tests, and echocardiogram and about 10 ekg's to tell me that it was normal for me and it didn't mean anything. The doctor said there are beta blockers they can put you on if it is really bothersome. Otherwise, I guess you just live with it.
Tried to delete this after I double posted........but for some reason I can't delete it ! Sorry!
I've had benign PVC's too. For a period in my 20's and then again in my early 40's. They all but disappeared after I got checked out by my PCP and assurred I was not going to die from them...AND I eliminated caffiene ..........I would have them at night lying in bed long after any caffiene intake too......or maybe I just noticed them more then when I was "still". Stilll occasionally get that flutter if stressed, or having induged in alcohol or chocolate ;)

I agree, getting older sucks :teeth: but try not to worry, you're doing the right thing getting checked by your PCP :)
I have had them and continue to have them even on the beta blockers. I know it is a very scary feeling sometimes.
Thanks for the input!

I've read that most of the population has them, and don't even realize they're having them. It's just that some of us are more in tune with our bodies.

I'm sure it's nothing, but once you hit a certain age (I'm 42 now :eek: ) all the little aches and pains and a fluttering heart seem more serious than before!
I'm having them right this very minute. They have been driving me crazy for the past week!!:rolleyes: It is very unnerving.:o
I'm having them this very minute too!

I also heard they are very non-life threatening. More of a bother than anything to worry about.

I agree, they can be very unnerving...:(
I used to have PVC's a LOT, every day. At my physical I mentioned them to my doctor, he said to give up caffeine and they would probably go away. I gave it up (for the most part) and they did go away. I have one only occasionally now. Oh, he said stress can bring them on too.
I have both, and it is mitral valve prolapse. I strongly suspect this will be your diagnosis. It is worsened by stress, caffeine and not drinking enough water and staying hydrated. It is usually not life threatening, though if it worsens enough, rarely the valve may need to be replaced. But mostly you just avoid caffeine and take the antibiotics before dental work and surgery. {{{Hugs}}} Let us know...
The palpitations can also be a symptom of menopause. I don't have symptoms as frequently as I did a few years ago, and I do take a beta blocker, but just knowing that I won't suddenly drop dead has helped me to deal with the occaisional flutters without going into a total panic each time they hit. I underwent alot of testing to find out that my symptoms were most likely associated with menopause.
I am 33, and I have had benign PVC for several years now. I am on Beta Blockers again, they really don't seem to help much. I have had an echo and a couple of EKG's and they show nothing abnormal, no mitral valve prolapse or anything. Just PVC's. They are usually most noticeable at night, when resting but sometimes when I am active as well. They do bug me sometimes, but I have been told many times that they are harmless, just annoying. At home I drink caffeine free pop, but when out I get regular coke or Iced tea. Mine don't seem to have much pattern in what triggers them.

Mine don't seem to follow a pattern either...and I have been getting them for years.

It's just that as I get older they seem to come more frequently, so I'm getting it check out.

Thanks for everyone's help! It's probably benign PVC's!
I'm glad you posted this. I've had similar symptoms on occasion, usually with caffeine but not always, but when I mentioned them to two doctors they both pretty much shrugged it off since it wasn't severe or common for me.
I'm also going to ask for a Cholesterol test...I have no idea if mine is high or not, haven't had it tested in 13 years! :eek:
Saw my primary yesterday and he ordered an echo, holter monitor, and bloodwork.
Wow BWVDenise, I wonder if my PCP will do the same!

I see him next Tuesday! I'd rather they order too many tests, than not enough!


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