Pal Mickey (& Friends) Adventures & Fashions

UP Disney

Now known as Disney Yooper
Dec 26, 2005
The DDA adventure travels are winding down. Since there are still many of us that love to see pictures of all the Pal Mickeys showing their latest fashions and sharing their adventures, I have renamed this thread to include Pal Mickey adventures & fashions. This is to include Pal Mickey's disney friends fashions & adventures as well.

Pal Mickey Instructions
Information for buying blank tees for Pal Mickey can be found in post 61 on the top of page 5.​


Here is Nicky in his official DDA shirt for his photo identification card.​

There are three Pal Mickey's that will be venturing out into the world on their DDA (Disney Design Addicts) adventure. The pals are family members of babytrees (Theresa), my3princes (Deb) and myself (Vicki). To help keep the travels straight, each of the pals is using their middle name as a nickname. Theresa's pal is called Andy, Deb's pal is called Brooksie, and my pal is called Nicky.

Andy has already started his adventure in Vegas with KristineN. When she returns, we'll have her post some of his adventures. Nicky & Brooksie will be leaving in the next week to head to Julia & Nicks Mom and Triplefigs. When KristineN returns, she'll be sending Andy on to kc10family for the 2nd half of his May adventure. All three are booked through the end of the year with some scheduled visits into 2007. There will be a 4th pal starting his travels in June (Julia & Nicks Mom picked him up at WDW while there in May).

This is the thread where we would like anyone to post pictures or outline the pals adventures as they happen. I will be updating this post with their travel itineraries in the next couple of days. For those that take lots of digital pictures, the family members would love to get copies via e-mail or on CD. Our e-mail and mailing addresses are included in the pals luggage.

The boys are going to have so much fun! There are people already planning their itineraries.

ETA: Tommy, the 4th pal, has started his adventure with Julia & Nicks Mom. The itinerary for the pals is on post #3.

ETA 6/27/2006: Tommy contacted me and has requested that he make his permanent home with tinker1bell. He says that he loves me & my family for adopting him but thinks that tinker1bell needs him more than we do since we have Nicky. He was very convincing that tinker1bell has a very loving home so I gave my blessing.
This is so exciting!

Baloo, can we make this a sticky so it doesn't get lost?

I will update this map as the Pals start a new leg of their journey.
Press F5 to refresh and make sure you are seeing the current map.​

The Pals Itinerary

Ricky - UP Disney Pal
bear74 (home in TX, WDW 11/28-12/5) - until Dec. 15
kc10family (home in CA) - until Jan. 18
tmfranlk (WDW GG 2nd week in Feb., home in MA) - until Feb. 24
tink2020 (home in OH) - until March 24
amytheobold (home in LA, WDW 4/6-14) - until May 1
pooh67_68 (home in PA, Bday 5/3, Bday party 5/6) - until June 1
Currently open slot - until July 1
bear74 (home in TX for Olivia birthday 7/12) - until August 1

Brooksie - my3princes Pal
Triplefigs (home in GA) - until June 10
mommy2emmersNmo (Niagara falls trip June 23-July 5, home in MD) - handoff in DC
babytrees (home in CO, Washington DC DDA Meet) - until August 5
Glynis (home, Shakespeare Festival in UT) - until Sept. 5
tmfranlk (WDW Sept 30 - Oct 8, home in MA) - until Oct. 10
Julia & Nicks Mom (WDW Oct. 13-22, home in OH) - until Jan. 1
ReAnSt (home in PA) - until Feb. 1
Bengalbelle (home in LA, Mardi Gras 2/10-2/11, vacation 2/14-2/21) - until Mar. 15
Bethbuchall (home in NY) - until Apr. 22
Tammi67 (WDW Apr. 28-May 6, home in VA) - until May 18
currently open slot - until June 15
Yellowfish78 (home in OH) - until July 16
my3princes (WDW July 21 - Aug 11, 2007, home in VT) - until ?

Andy - babytrees Pal
KristineN (Vegas April 28 - May 3, home in IL) - until May 6
kc10family (home in CA) - until May 30
Tinkaroo (Hawaii June 2-11, home in TX) - until June 25
bear74 (home in TX, Olivia Bday party 7/15, Grandma bday 7/16) - until July 21
Ellenbenny (Poconos July 29-Aug. 5, home in NY) - until August 21
Steamboat Marti (home in NY) - until Sept. 18
Mrs. Heg (home in LA) - until Oct. 15
PrincessLeighsDaddy (home in OH) - until Dec. 15
lmartin2711 (home in GA, WDW Dec. 28-Jan 6) - until January 16
Tammi67 (home in VA, WDW 1/26-29) - until Feb. 16
babytrees (home in CO) - home for awhile

Nicky - UP Disney Pal
Julia & Nicks Mom (WDW May DDA trip May 18-21, home in OH) - until May 23
itdjbw (cruise May 26-June 3, home in GA) - until June 10
UP Disney (Japan June 18-30, Girl Scout camp July 15-30, home in MI) - until Aug. 1
My3princes (home in VT) - until Sept. 25
yellowfish78 (WDW Sept. 30-Oct. 8, home in OH) - until Oct. 30
Rosiejo (WDW Nov 4-18, home in UK) - ship to & from Disney
UP Disney (WDW Dec. 1-5, home in MI) - until Dec. 10
lovespoohbear (WDW Dec. 17-24, home in TX, birthday Jan. 13) - until Jan. 14
mommy2emmersNmo (WDW 1/20-1/29/07, home in MD) - until Feb. 19
UP Disney (WDW 2/23-3/4/07, home in MI) - home for a couple of months

Tommy - Tinker1bell Pal
Julia & Nicks Mom (home in OH) - until June 10
Tinker1bell & Steffy (home in PA, Washington DC DDA meet) - hand off in DC
pno4te (Washington DC DDA meet, DC Music Festival 7/27-7/30, NYC 8/4-8/6) - until Aug. 8
Legalslave (Virginia Beach Aug. 18-27, WDW Aug 30-Sept. 5, home in NY)
Still waiting to get Tommy back from Melanie - will schedule more trips once he gets back in circulation

Please review and send me a pm if I've missed someone or if the schedule doesn't look correct. I tried to make sure there is a week to arrive at the next location.

Below are people that are on the list for 2007 that I haven't scheduled yet. If anyone else wants to be added to the 2007 list, send me a pm and I'll add it here.

September 2007
kc10family DL DDA Meet ?

November 2007
Tinkaroo (DCL Wonder Cruise 11/25-11/29, GF 11/29-12/2, WDW Family GG 12/2-12/7)
A little history on how Pal Mickey's DDA adventure started. There was this crazy lady who posts on the DDA Trouble Free Zone thread who became addicted to her Pal Mickey and before long, many others were goners as well!
UP Disney said:
Ok. Not only am I addicted to this board but now I'm addicted to my Pal Mickey. I think I'm definitely going through my second childhood! :rotfl: Told you guys I wasn't old! I have been buying clothes & accessories for him since I've returned from my trip. :earsboy: Now that my girls are older they won't let me dress them up and show them off. What's worse is I want Disney to come out with a Pal Minnie so I can dress a girl 'cuz there are so many cuter clothes for girls. :earsgirl:

I am creating a webpage for my Pal Mickey. I've always wanted to play with webpages but am not ready to create one for the family (too many pictures to scan yet). Here is the link to the beginning of the webpage and a link to his pictures. Don't worry I'm being careful not to spend too much so that it interferes with my DVC plans!!!! :rotfl2:
UP Disney said:

Me & my pal

PM at our favorite resort

PM hanging at the POR pool

my3princes said:
I think an intervention is in order ;) When another obsession starts to get as big as your DDA addiction we need to send help. :rotfl: :rotfl:

In all seriousness your Pal Mickey looks really happy on his own webpage.

Deb has since put in as much time getting her pal ready for his adventure. I guess she needs an intervention as well.
UP Disney said:
Actually, I think I can claim my Pal Mickey addiction is an extension of my DDA addiction. I was looking for someone to design and wear my t-shirts since my girls and DH refused to wear one everyday (they were willing to have one sweatshirt and one t-shirt only). I have several in mind for Pal Mickey to wear on our Dec. trip. I'll post them when I get them done.
Julia & Nicks Mom said:
Hey Vicki -

I love your pal Mickey - would he like to go on the DDA trip?!?! :thumbsup2

(ETA: I have a Pal Mickey so I am not trying to get a free one for our trip!! :rotfl2: )
See, it was the Queen herself that made the first reference to him travelin'.
UP Disney said:
Would you like to take him on a DDA trip? I would love to send him to you so that I can live vicariously through him. You'd have to promise to get pictures of him.
PNO4TE said:
Yeah! We could get a DDA Pal Mickey and he could take turns going on WDW vacations with us all like Flat Stanley does with grade school kids :goodvibes
Julia & Nicks Mom said:
I was - as soon as I saw your website I thought - he needs to go on the DDA trip!! But I didn't want anyone to think that I was just trying to get a pal Mickey for our trip!! Did you ever find shirts to fit him that you can iron on? I might have to coordinate his wardrobe - they make tie dye crocs that small? :lmao:
He does have his own tie dye crocs now. He also has blank tees for those that want to coordinate outfits for him.
Tinker1bell said:
That is the funniest thing. I swear I remember telling Steffy that Pal Mickey needed different clothes!!! I could get into making things for a Pal Minnie cause I used to sew for my DD when she was little and then would make things for her Barbie
UP Disney said:
Ok, now I'm beginning to think I've went 'round the bend (as one of my elder relatives used to say) but I'm going to tell you my idea anyway. One of you, don't remember who, commented that it would be cool to have a DDA Pal Mickey similar to Flat Stanley. It got me thinking. I am probably not going to get a chance to meet most of my DDA friends in person, so I was thinking about having Mickey travel around and meet you instead. You'd be responsible to take pictures, sign his passport, get him a souvenir and ship him on to the next person. I'd provide the money for the souvenirs, pictures (unless you have digital) and shipping. He is going on the DDA trip, Japan at the end of June and WDW with me in December.

If I can't meet you all, at least something that belongs to me can share in your lives for a little while. I'd add to his website with where he's been and post pictures.

Is this totally nuts?

The rest is history. There were so many DDA interested that Deb & Theresa offered to have their pals travel as well. You can also see that there were many people that contributed to the DDA adventure plans.
Andy starts his travels. We rushed him off from Colorado with stuff coming from Michigan and Vermont so that Kristine could have him for her Vegas trip.
babytrees said:
Wanted everyone to know our Pal Mickey is off to his first destination!!

Kristine- I forgot to put in the note that I turned Pal Mickey....he just needs to be turned on to play games.

Our whole family has gotten into this!! Hopefully all have as much fun with him!!
KristineN said:
I told Theresa I would post a pic of Pal Mickey...he arrived this afternoon and is getting ready for bed now.


KristineN said:
I need to be like our vising pal Mickey and take time out to smell the roses!!!

Deb goes on a sewing spree. She made pj's shorts & pants as well as blankies for all three travelin' pals.
my3princes said:
I've got a few pages to catch up on, but I thought you might like to see what I've been up to the last couple of days. My job for the travelin' Pals was to make them blankets. I did that yesterday and had a bit of material left that I thought would make cute sleep pants. I tried to find a pattern last night, but no luck in the 10" size for boy dolls. I ended up creating my own today and made these sleep pants. I need to locate more material in my basement in order to send a pair of pants and a pair of shorts with each one. These are what I have done so far.


Different Pattern in both pants and shorts

My little model holding both of our pals

Nice start Vicki. My Pal aka "Brooksie" will start his travels soon. He is busy packing his luggage for his first adventure with the Figs. I'm sure he will have lots of fun. Since Denise is waiting for me to make some alterations on a halloween costume I plan to get that done and mail it all together. My goal is by week's end, but life seems to be in control of me right now instead of vice versa. As vicki said we would love to see photos, receive emails or postcards and if anyone cares to chat I know that my phone number will be included. Since I'm not able to chapperone I would love to get to know you all by any means possible. I'll post his pre trip photo once I have him properly attired and packed. ;)

Oh this is way too cute! :mickeyjum

I love all the Pals traveling outfits! :thumbsup2 You girls are so talented!

Looking forward to seeing the grand adventures of the DDAs Pals!
Bon Voyage Nicky,Andy and Brooksie! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Here is more on Andy's travels.
KristineN said:
Hello everyone!!! I'M BAAACK!!

Here are a couple of Pal Mickey Pics....


bear74 said:
Hey Kristine did pal Mickey win any money :lmao:
KristineN said:
lol... :lmao: He did better then he was working his "charm" on one of the showgirls!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I posted this on the big (no monsters for me) thread and thought I'd copy it here!!

Got a postcard from Pal Mickey yesterday!!! The girls are so loving his adventures!! I just wanted to publicly thank Vicki once again for being the nut that started this adventure. and Thanks to all the families who want to share their vacations with Pal Mickey, you are making it a fun year!!

I can type out his postcard when I get home tonight if you would like.
I'd love to see the first postcard Theresa - could you take a photo of it to post?

I'm really looking forward to one of the boys coming to visit us in England in the summer - we've already planned to take him to the seaside for the day for fish and chips and a walk on the pier :)
rosiejo said:
I'd love to see the first postcard Theresa - could you take a photo of it to post?

I'm really looking forward to one of the boys coming to visit us in England in the summer - we've already planned to take him to the seaside for the day for fish and chips and a walk on the pier :)

As soon as I figure out where all my equipment is for my digital camera. I hope to find it in this weekend's spring cleaning!!
Well, Nicky has left on his adventure to Kate's. I've had him ready for a week but really had trouble letting him go. I'm going to miss him terribly. You all take really good care of him for me! He finally said, enough already, I want to go see Julia & Nick. He should be to Kate's by Wednesday. Here he is all packed up & ready to go:

All of our Mickeys were/are well outfitted and I am so glad they get to vacation with our DDA friends!!

Thank you to Vicki for thinking up this wonderful adventure, Kate for the designs, Deb for the pj's and the rest of you for opening up your homes to our little buddies!!

Pal Mickey is in route!

What day will he be here? :confused3

What we will be wearing that day? :confused3

Will we have a surprise party for him?:confused3

Should I have a cleaning service come in before he arrives?:confused3

Will he enjoy pizza and movie night?:confused3

How does he feel about gymnastic class?:confused3

Is he afraid of airplane?:confused3

Will he, Tyra and Anelavee (dog and fish) all get alone? :confused3

Should I go rent him his own bed?:confused3

What is his favorite food?:confused3

Does he like Ice Cream?:confused3

Does he like time at the pool?:confused3

Would he mind visiting Ellie’s class?:confused3

Will he like our family?:confused3

So many questions!!!! So little time to figure them all out.:rolleyes:

I CAN DO IT!:thumbsup2

(this post was written by a crazy lady who has just downed a Monster Drink):crazy:
Here is Nicky's travel for the last couple of days. If all goes well, he should arrive at Kate's today.

In Transit
Scheduled Delivery:

Shipped to:

MAUMEE, OH, US 05/10/2006 1:34 A.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
MAUMEE, OH, US 05/09/2006 7:16 P.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
ESCANABA, MI, US 05/09/2006 1:33 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
UP Disney said:
Here is Nicky's travel for the last couple of days. If all goes well, he should arrive at Kate's today.

In Transit
Scheduled Delivery:

Shipped to:

MAUMEE, OH, US 05/10/2006 1:34 A.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
MAUMEE, OH, US 05/09/2006 7:16 P.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
ESCANABA, MI, US 05/09/2006 1:33 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN

HE WILL! Whenever the UPS site says "Sharonville, Out for Delivery"... it'll be there by 7pm! That's the last stop around here! :thumbsup2


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