Paid parking is coming to WDW resorts March 2018

Will the new resort parking fees impact your travel (planned or future)?

  • Not at all

    Votes: 234 28.6%
  • I might consider staying off site

    Votes: 245 30.0%
  • I will keep my currently booked trip, but will not stay on site after that

    Votes: 161 19.7%
  • I will cancel my booked trip and stay off site instead

    Votes: 37 4.5%
  • I will not be returning to Disney parks in the foreseeable future

    Votes: 79 9.7%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 61 7.5%

  • Total voters
As long as everyone plays by the rules this thread will remain open!
Thank you.
I doubt if the topic is played out, and closing the threads will send the message to those from Disney who monitor this forum that we aren't honked off any more.
We are........
Luke told me that they pay close attention to threads exactly like this one when they want to gauge customer reactions to new projects and policies.
Imagine the outrage though if they decided to rescind the parking fees and raise the room rate by that amount. All the people that do not bring cars would be raging at the unfairness of it.
Imagine the outrage though if they decided to rescind the parking fees and raise the room rate by that amount. All the people that do not bring cars would be raging at the unfairness of it.
I'm sure there would be some, but many people have stated that they would have preferred a slight room rate increase that would affect everyone equally, as well as not blatantly appearing to be a money grabbing scheme targeted to only some of their guests without any increase in amenities or service. Also, much of the outrage is shared by those unaffected as well. The CM who called me said that he had heard complaints from many DVCers who are not even affected by this.
Imagine the outrage though if they decided to rescind the parking fees and raise the room rate by that amount. All the people that do not bring cars would be raging at the unfairness of it.

They literally raise the room rates by far more than what they are charging for parking every year, sometimes more than once a year.

Most people have no idea how much a room costs at any given time until they price out a trip. Raising room rates is expected and I bet no one can tell you how much a room at Coronado Springs or the Polynesian cost last March 25 without looking it up. No one keeps that kind of information in their heads so it is easy for them to get away with raising room rates. If they needed a quick revenue increase, they could have simply called this a "resort fee" and be done with it. Or raised the price of a soda by a dollar. This whole thing was just poorly thought out.
I'm sure there would be some, but many people have stated that they would have preferred a slight room rate increase that would affect everyone equally, as well as not blatantly appearing to be a money grabbing scheme targeted to only some of their guests without any increase in amenities or service. Also, much of the outrage is shared by those unaffected as well. The CM who called me said that he had heard complaints from many DVCers who are not even affected by this.

But they seem to raise the room rate anyway and its easy for people to say they would have rather them do it until they do and then we will still all be mad about it.
But they seem to raise the room rate anyway and its easy for people to say they would have rather them do it until they do and then we will still all be mad about it.
Well no one likes price increases period. However, raising a room rate while still keeping other things 'included' in the price can certainly come off better than going the opposite in that you're raising rates and separating or beginning to separate things off into a separate charge.
You should watch Walt Disney - American Experience on PBS if you haven't already. He wasn't just a great "golly-gee" kind of guy...I don't think anyone can easily dismiss the fact that the man was interested in success at all kinds of cost.

I have. I've also read much about him. I stand by my comment. Walt may have wanted success, but his approach and Igers are/were very different.
Imagine the outrage though if they decided to rescind the parking fees and raise the room rate by that amount. All the people that do not bring cars would be raging at the unfairness of it.

At least raising the room rate makes it more "equal." As others have said, some people have no choice but to drive. My family honestly finds it way too inconvenient to use the buses. I'm sure there's several other circumstances such as people who have slight disabilities (but do not qualify for a handicap sticker) and rely on a car. So many possibilities.
One thought I keep having... If this is the backlash over a $13-24 parking fee, can you imagine how badly upset people willbe when the tiered pricing goes into effect for multi-day???

In other musings, how much does income factor into how upset you are? I mean you would think that those with less income would be more affected/upset by the change. But it would appear that there are many who have decent income, who are still upset, even if it doesn't really "hurt" them, just because of the principle. This really seems to be a change that has people upset clear across the spectrum.
Times are so wildly different, it's really hard to compare the two.
Perhaps but in order for that to really ring true all companies would all be the same in how they approach things now. But even now not all companies approach their business strategy the same. And sometimes companies try to change their business strategy and it fails and sometimes it works.

Makes me think of JCP where they tried to eliminate coupons...didn't go over well with their customer base because their customer base loves coupons. They tried to radically shift due to current times forgetting the very people who were loyal shoppers.

I'm not invested in your overall discussion with the other poster just inserting an off-hand opinion.
Perhaps but in order for that to really ring true all companies would all be the same in how they approach things now. But even now not all companies approach their business strategy the same. And sometimes companies try to change their business strategy and it fails and sometimes it works.

Makes me think of JCP where they tried to eliminate coupons...didn't go over well with their customer base because their customer base loves coupons. They tried to radically shift due to current times forgetting the very people who were loyal shoppers.

I'm not invested in your overall discussion with the other poster just inserting an off-hand opinion.

Mostly I'm speaking ideologically - perhaps if Walt had all the technological advances, the enormously good public image that Disney has today - even though people are unhappy now - the popularity of their movies and new acquisitions (and whatever else :) ) that Iger has today, he may have acted the same. Just hard to tell.

But honestly, who the heck knows!
I hope our Mod doesn't mind but I've copied my post from the closed thread that dealt with my phone conversation with Luke, who said he reported to George Kalogridis, in case anyone posting on this thread is interested in, what I believe, was an honest exchange of information;
I just got off the phone with Luke, a WDW Guest Experience Services Rep.
He thanked me for my three e mails and assured me that George was concerned by the large number of similar complaints that he's received. We discussed the current atmosphere on boards such as this one and he said that they do monitor them closely and have been concerned by the large up swelling of unhappy Disney customers who are commenting on the situation. He said they are particularly concerned by the sheer number of people who have taken the time to write Disney and express their displeasure. (The number of e mails seems to be a trigger for them so if anyone out there hasn't written one yet, do so.)
I explained our family situation insofar as we aren't in the "upper class" income bracket and a trip to WDW is a major financial commitment for us. The conversation went into the background of Boomers like myself who grew up having Walt in our homes every week on his TV programs and having the MM Club on the TV every school day evening. I told him that it has been the long time Disney devotees who have sustained the Disney Company for over fifty years and that I, and I presumed many others like me, were disappointed in the money grubbing attitude put forth by the Company in recent years. I mentioned Mr Igers astronomical income figure and noted that he was likely a valuable asset to them but those of us attending the parks feel like we're giving him large amounts of money and he's milking us dry to maintain that income level.
He assured me that the upper Management are paying close attention to the situation and have been discussing the unusually large response to the new fees. I explained that it wasn't the parking fees themselves that brought this situation on but an overall attitude of the Disney Company that we should just shut up and pay up. I went on to give him my Wife's take on the whole situation and told him that whether we return to WDW in future years or not will likely hinge on if she decides to go one more time, and how she feels about the experience. She, like many others, wants a fair return on our investment and if we have to keep shelling out more, and more, money for an experience that gives us less, and less, enjoyment we will stop visiting.
In closing he told me to keep an eye on the Fan sites, like this one, and the Disney Blogs and to not lose faith in Disney just yet.
I mentioned to him that I'd seen where Catherine Powell, Head of Disney Paris, had been named as the head of Disney Western Region, which includes WDW, and judging by her reputation as a customer oriented leader I was hoping that she could convince George to return to the old policy of "Customer First". He said he hadn't seen the news about Ms Powell but he would share our discussion with George personally.
I've spent a considerable number of years questioning/interrogating people and have developed a very acute BS meter.
This conversation was, IMO, a fishing expedition, and not a "canned response" call, for WDW Management to feel out whether we are serious about our angst over the new fees or if we are just venting for the moment. He was contrite and repeated that Disney valued those of us who spend our hard earned dollars at their venues. My feeling is that they had no idea that this issue would balloon to the proportions that it has and expected it to dry up and blow away in a couple of days.
Perhaps if people continue to make this a talking point the Management will accede to their unhappy customers and take some measures to sooth over our damaged faith in their judgment.
BTW; He never once mentioned the ridiculous "Industry Standard" stance.
You should watch Walt Disney - American Experience on PBS if you haven't already. He wasn't just a great "golly-gee" kind of guy...I don't think anyone can easily dismiss the fact that the man was interested in success at all kinds of cost.
That documentary is not completely fair. It went out of its way to find faults and paint a “Walt wasn’t perfect” image. It’s a decent documentary but not as good as it could have been. I highly recommend Bob Thomas’s biography on Walt for the best look into him as a person.
That documentary is not completely fair. It went out of its way to find faults and paint a “Walt wasn’t perfect” image. It’s a decent documentary but not as good as it could have been. I highly recommend Bob Thomas’s biography on Walt for the best look into him as a person.

You want me to read? ;)

Thanks, I will look into it.
One thought I keep having... If this is the backlash over a $13-24 parking fee, can you imagine how badly upset people willbe when the tiered pricing goes into effect for multi-day???

In other musings, how much does income factor into how upset you are? I mean you would think that those with less income would be more affected/upset by the change. But it would appear that there are many who have decent income, who are still upset, even if it doesn't really "hurt" them, just because of the principle. This really seems to be a change that has people upset clear across the spectrum.
I think this change bothered people more because it targeted a specific demographic (people who drive) and it feels more unfair and “in your face”.
Well no one likes price increases period. However, raising a room rate while still keeping other things 'included' in the price can certainly come off better than going the opposite in that you're raising rates and separating or beginning to separate things off into a separate charge.

But even if they came out and said they were raising the rates to compensate for free parking there would be a lot of people up in arms saying why should they pay if they don't have a car. I think either way people aren't happy no matter how they said it. I think the only way they could have done this and satisfied the majority of people is if they charged for parking at a resort while they shopped or ate. This would make sure that people who actually are staying at the resort would have a parking spot. I think the biggest problem with the current structure is that it did nothing to deter the problem folks.
Thank you.
I doubt if the topic is played out, and closing the threads will send the message to those from Disney who monitor this forum that we aren't honked off any more.
We are........
Luke told me that they pay close attention to threads exactly like this one when they want to gauge customer reactions to new projects and policies.

Granted, there was a pretty big detour in that thread, but there were still definitely people wanting to talk about the subject at hand.

A warning would have been helpful. :confused3


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