Page trade?

I am so pathetically overitred - I don't even remember what I sent you pictures of!
nevermind trying to scrap right now -
I am thinking on it though!
TOUGH one FantasticDisFamily!

Two of my kids have Duel ear infections right now - hopefully tomorrow the meds will kick in and I can sleep and not feel like I am covered in snot and miserable! lol
I started them - but these are tough!
Did a certain package arrive in your mailbox yet? :Pinkbounc

You're doing better than I am! I have the pics for the pages I have to do on my table with the pages and a title cut out...but that is all. Ok, I do sort of have an idea floating in the back of my brain now all I need is to find the time to sit down and do them! August is usually such a good scrapping month for me and this one, well isn't!

Don't stress on it!

I received my pages today. They are great. I love the boy sayings.

Patty, I haven't even started on yours yet. Hopefully I can run out tomorrow and get some things. I would like to get them out by Friday.
WDWMom said:

I received my pages today. They are great. I love the boy sayings.

Glad they arrived OK and that you like them.
Lisa said:
Did a certain package arrive in your mailbox yet? :Pinkbounc

THANK YOU!!! I totally love the pages I will take pictures and post them. Sorry I didn't get back on sooner I havent been feeling well with my ankle so movement to and from anywhere but my chair and scrap table have been limited..

SOrry about that my daughter was still logged in and I didn't realize it..

But I do love my pages they are very awesome and I can't wait to get an album to put them in.. Or I might just fame them and hang them on the wall..
I'm so glad you liked your pages. I really enjoyed doing the pages for you. :) Sometimes layouts just fall into place so easily, and with your pictures that is exactly what happened. A family vacation to DL made it a great topic. :earsboy: :earsgirl:

Hope your ankle feels better soon. Prop it up and crop! Hey, what else is a girl to do under the circumstances.
I think my pages are done
(I always spend a while looking and tweaking and adjusting something like this...)
I will get them postal by the end of the week!
Well I can see everyone is getting near to being done so I guess that I'd better get in gear on this! Especially since I was the one that started the whole thing!

Patty, I can't wait to see what you came up with!

Sue - I got my pages today - GREAT job -
I gave you the ones I was dreading doing too - lol
That vacation album is now 2 pages closer to being done - thanks again!
and mine will go postal tomorrow -
I should have gone today but I was L A Z Y
I just realized I never mailed your package, it has been sitting in my scrap room. I will take it tomorrow to mail. I promise. :flower:
Lisa -

Finished your pages over the weekend - now I just need to mail them. THought I had a mailer but if I do it is invisible. Friday is probably the first chance I'll have to get to the post office so they should go out then.

That's fine. I can't wait to see your work.

I am glad you like the pages. Now you just need to finish the rest of the book!
RoRoLovesEeeee said:
I just realized I never mailed your package, it has been sitting in my scrap room. I will take it tomorrow to mail. I promise. :flower:

I'll be on the lookout for them.
I just wanted to let you know that your pages are not quite finished yet. I had bought some emelishments on ebay just after I recieved your photos. BUT, the lady never sent them nor did she contact me about them, I have JUST finally gotten ahold of her and she assured me she was mailing them on monday after my little tirade. Hopefully I can finish them this weekend otherwise they might be a tad late if I have to buy the items all over again from someone else. I apologize for this delay :(

Katdisney: That's fine!!!! I understand and its no big deal. i just can't wait to see wht you do with them. Talk to you soon.

Pigletspal: Your pages went postal yesterday so hopeflly you should have them by Monady at the latest.

=KatDisney]I just wanted to let you know that your pages are not quite finished yet. I had bought some emelishments on ebay just after I recieved your photos. BUT, the lady never sent them nor did she contact me about them, I have JUST finally gotten ahold of her and she assured me she was mailing them on monday after my little tirade. Hopefully I can finish them this weekend otherwise they might be a tad late if I have to buy the items all over again from someone else. I apologize for this delay :(

I have finally finished them and I do think they turned out pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Especially since they are the first pages I've ever I tend to do more swappin then scrapin and creating things that I will use "someday"

Now if you would like to wait and see the pages I created then do NOT click on the link Im about to provide. But everyone else can :P

I have also included the pictures of the pages I recieved back from Lisa that are just awesome! Im actually framing them instead of placing them in an album ::MickeyMo
Kat, you did a great job on your pages! Excellent for first pages! Thanks for sharing. I can't believe you are framing my pages. Where is that blush smilie? I am really glad you liked what I did. :goodvibes

Roorooloveseeeee, your daughter is adorable.


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