Our 3rd Annual Holiday Trip to DL in November - November 22nd - 25th, 2013 Post #3416


Love that you got Dave Smith to sign your book.

I was really interested to see all of the archive merchandise in the cases. A work colleague was showing me a picture of something he's got in his collection....it's a Mickey themed bug spray can. The old fashion kind where you put the liquid in the barrel and there is a piston that you pump. He's been trying to find out where it originated from as no one seems to know. :confused3

Dave Smith is a very nice gentleman and it was nice of him to sign my book during the tour.

Looking through all the cases with the merchandise is very nice to see and see.

The next update will be up shortly.
Day 2 – May 4, 2013 – Part 9

On our last update, we just finished going through the Disney Archives and now are at the Disney Legends Plaza to see all the different plaques of all the people that contributed to the Disney Company. It was something that I really wanted to see and we got to see the Disney Legends Plaza.

After Kelly let us go around the Disney Legends Plaza, I took on the task of going around the whole Legends Plaza and get pictures of all the different plaques.

The first one was Lucien Ades for Music, Angel Angelopoulos for Publishing, Poul Brahe Pederson for Publishing and Roberto De Leonardis for Film and all four of them were inducted on April 11, 1997.

The next one had some hand prints along with their signature. Orlando Ferrante for Imagineering, Buzz Price for Imagineering, Leonard Goldenson for Television, & Tim Conway for Film

I remember this one back in 2009 when Betty White and Bea Arthur were inducted at the first ever D23 Expo back in September 2009. It was neat to see both their plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza

Rue McClanahan and Estelle Getty were also inducted in 2009 during the D23 Expo.

Floyd Gottfredson for Publishing and Al Taliaferro for Publishing

Lillian Disney and Edna Disney plaques

Neil Gallagher Imagineering and Don Iwerks for Film Productions

Oliver Wallace for Music and Dorothea Redmond for Imagineering

Everyone was spread around the Disney Legends Plaza to see and take pictures of the plaques

Phil Collins for Music and Maurice Chevalier for Film & Music

Sir Tim Rice for Music and Sir John Mills for Film

Wally Boag and Fulton Burley for Attractions

Betty Taylor and Edwar Meck for Attractions

I Just kept looking down at all the plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza and it was going to take awhile to get all the pictures of the plaques during our limited time at Legends Plaza. I was determine to get every plaque during the tour.

Frank Wells for Administration and Jack Lindquist for Attractions

Russi Taylor for Voice and Wayne Allwine for Voice

Burny Mattinson and Walt Peregoy for Animation

Right across from the Disney Legends Plaza was the Animation Building

Alan Menken and Howard Ashman for Music

George Bruns and Frank Churchill for Music

Harriet Burns for Imagineering and Joyce Carlson for Animation & Imagineering

Retta Scott for Animation and Bob Broughton for Animation & Film

Dave Smith which we met a while ago and get to see his Disney Legends plaque along with Lucille Martin for Administration.

Tom Murphy for Administration and Roone Arledge for Television

That’s it for this post and I will have more pictures from the Disney Legends Plaza during the D23 Day at the Walt Disney Studios and Archives.
Day 2 – May 4, 2013 – Part 10

On our last update, we were at the Disney Legends Plaza seeing all the different Disney Legends plaques. It was neat to see all the different plaques of all the different people. Seeing the hand prints of some of the them were neat to see and I had to get a lot of pictures of them. This was a lot of picture taking that afternoon and it was fun.

Now back with more pictures of the plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza. There were a lot of people who have contributed to the WD Company that I have known for my experience with Disney and some I have never heard until I went back and looked at their names.

Ron Dominguez and Cliff Edwards

There was Tim Allen plaque and Dick Jones which is the voice of Pinocchio back in 1940 WD film.

Kevin Corcoran and Tim Considine

Tommy Kirk and David Stollery

Joe Grant and Jack Hannah

Ken O’Connor and Peter Ellenshaw

Donn Tatum and Card Walker

Irving Ludwig and Harper Goff

Tommy Kirk and David Stollery

Ron Dominguez and Cliff Edwards

Claude Coats and Bill Evans plaques. I remember Claude Coats name a lot since he has done a lot of different attractions at Disneyland which his best works were Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion.

Sir Elton John and Joe Ranft

Peter Jennings and Jimmy Johnson

Mary Costa and Norman Ferguson

William Garity and Hmilton Luske

The famous Sherman Brothers (Richard and Robert) plaques which are known for their different music of the rides at Disneyland.

Now I got to another plaque that I have been looking forward to see was the Julie Andrews plaque. This is one of the few plaques that I have been looking forward to see at Disney Legends Plaza.

Julie Andrews plaque which she was dedicated on October 22, 1991.

There are two familiar names that I know so well at Disneyland. Art Linkletter and Steve Martin. Art Linkletter was the broadcaster for Disneyland opening in 1955. Steve Martin worked at Disneyland as his first job. I remember Steve Martin being played in the lobby of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln lobby before you enter the show.

It was neat to see Jack Wagner plaque. I know Jack Wagner name from the Walt Disney World Monorail famous Monorail message. He has done a lot of various announcements at Disneyland and WDW.

Kathryn Beaumont and Kurt Russell

Vladimir Tytla and Wilfred Jackson

Eric Larson and John Lounsbery

Wolfgang Eitherman and another one that I looked forward to was the Herb Ryman plaque. Herbert Ryman is a well known artist and did the first art design of Disneyland. Wolfgang Eithermanis one of the Disney’s Nine Old Men which were the core animators at the Walt Disney Company.

Mary Jones and Mary Anne Mang

That’s it for this post and I will have more pictures from the Disney Legends Plaza during the D23 Day at the Walt Disney Studios and Archives.
Day 2 – May 4, 2013 – Part 11

On our last update, we were at the Disney Legends Plaza seeing all the different Disney Legends plaques. It was neat to see all the different plaques of all the different people. Seeing the hand prints of some of them were neat to see and I had to get a lot of pictures of them.

Back to more pictures of the Disney Legends Plaza. I must have took over 100+ plaques during the time we were at Disney Legends Plaza. It would have been nice if we got to stay a little bit longer but I wanted to get pictures of the plaques as much as I can. It was neat to see some of my favorite Imagineers plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza and there were some people that I haven’t seen yet during the time.

Milt Albright and Cicely Rigdon

I finally was able to see the other Disney Legends plaque which was Roy E. Disney. Also right next to him was Normal Palmer


James Algar and Lloyd Richardson

Fred MacMurray and Ub Iwerks

Les Clark and Milt Kahl

So after awhile, I decided to take individual pictures since we were at the Disney Legends Plaza for quite some time. It was a mistake of taking individual pictures during the time but I will get to that later. Here are more pics of the plaques.

Ralph Kent

Bob Gurr plaque. He is one of my favorite Imagineers since he has designed a lot of Disneyland attractions during the early days like Autopia, Haunted Mansion, the Monorail, Submarine Voyage and Matterhorn Mountain.

Alice Estes Davis was known for the costumes for the films, television and the parks. I remember last year that she was honored with a window at DL.

Rolly Crump is another Imagineer who help developed the Haunted Mansion. I remember watching Disneyland: Secrets, Stories, & Magic DVD from the Walt Disney Treasures tin that Rolly Crump work which was the “Museum of the Weird” concept and was incorporated into the Haunted Mansion.

Paul Winker and Andre Vanneste

Armand Palivoda and Virginia Davis

Before I went on over to more plaques on the other side of the Disney Legends Plaza, I got to see the Disney Legends Sculpture. It was so neat to see the Disney Legends Sculpture at the Disney Legends Plaza.

On this seventy-fifth anniversary of The Walt Disney Company, we dedicate Disney Legends Plaza and The Disney Legends Sculpture to acknowledge and honor the many individuals who imagination, talents, and dreams have created the Disney Magic.

Back to more with the plaques at Disney Legends Plaza

Kay Kamen and Don Escen

Hayley Mills and Buddy Baker

Mel Shaw and Chuck Abbott

Jim Cora and Hideo “Indian” Aramaki

Now I got to see Marc Davis plaque which is another plaque that I wanted to see which he is one of the Original Nine Old Men and have done a lot of films and attractions.

Ward Kimball is another one of Disney’s Nine Old Men. I remember Ward Kimball name for all the inspirations of trains. Another interesting fact about Ward Kimball is that his name is on Engine #5 at Disneyland when they added the Ward Kimball in 2005 during Disneyland 50th anniversary.

Frank Thomas is another member of Disney’s Nine Old Men

Ollie Johnston another one of Disney’s Nine Old Men

Al and Elma Milotte

Larry Lansburgh

Paul Kenworthy

That’s it for this post and I will have more pictures from the Disney Legends Plaza during the D23 Day at the Walt Disney Studios and Archives.
I appreciate that you say what the Ledgend was known for too. I'm enjoying my Disney history lesson. I think I would really enjoy this tour too :goodvibes
Thanks for sharing. Really love seeing these.

Thank you PiO.

I appreciate that you say what the Ledgend was known for too. I'm enjoying my Disney history lesson. I think I would really enjoy this tour too :goodvibes

Your welcome TK. For watching all those Disney parks shows online and from the DVD's, it is nice to learn a lot of the history of the Disney Theme parks. You will really like the tour and it took me a long time to finally attend the tour at the WDS.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2 – May 4, 2013 – Part 12

On our last update, we just finished going through the Disney Archives and now are at the Disney Legends Plaza to see all the different plaques of all the people that contributed to the Disney Company. I was so excited to see some of my favorite Disney Imagineers plaques during the D23 Day at the Walt Disney Studios and Archives tour. It has been a few posts since I have just been showing all the Disney Legends plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza.

Now back with more pictures of the plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza.

Ben Sharpsteen

Charles “Chuck” Boyajian

Charles Boyer

Bob Jani

Tom Nabbe

Another plaque that I was looking forward to seeing was Roger Broggie. Roger Broggie was another train enthusiastic that has helped Walt Disney build trains at the Disney parks and worked with Walt Disney to help build the Carolwood Pacific Railroad in his backyard. I met his son Michael Broggie a few times at train exhibits in Sacramento and at the D23 Expo when he was with the Carolwood Pacific Railroad group. Another interesting fact about Roger E. Broggie is that one of the steam engines at the Magic Kingdom Engine #3 has his name on it. It is the 4-6-0 “Ten Wheeler” green steam engine.

Joe Fowler plaque. Admiral Joe Fowler was the construction boss for Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Another fact about Admiral Joe Fowler has his name at the dock harbor at Disneyland where the Mark Twain and Columbia ships are stored when not in service. The last one is that his name is on one of the ferries at the Magic Kingdom.

Dick Van Dyke plaque

Glynis Johns

Matsuo Yokoyama

Masatomo Takahashi

Jack Olsen

Bill Sullivan

Hideo Amemiya

Vesey Walker

Carl Barks and Sterling Holloway

Fess Parker is known for his portrayals of Davy Crockett and Bill Walsh.

Dick Nunis and Charlie Ridgway

Yale Gracey and Al Konetzni

Paul Frees and Don Edgren

Ginny Tyler and Al Dempster

Annette Funicello was the most popular Mousketeers on the Mickey Mouse Club and Jimmie Dodd.

Richard Irvine

John Hench

That’s it for this post and I will have more pictures from the Disney Legends Plaza during the D23 Day at the Walt Disney Studios and Archives.
Day 2  May 4, 2013  Part 13

On our last update, we just finished going through the Disney Archives and now are at the Disney Legends Plaza to see all the different plaques of all the people that contributed to the Disney Company.

Now back with more pictures of the plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza.

Ruthie Tompson and Grace Bailey

Art Babbitt and Floyd Norman

Dick Huemer and Marge Champion

Jimmy MacDonald and Clarence Nash

Pinto Colvic and Buddy Ebsen

Just when I got the Pinto and Buddy plaques, we were told by Kelly that it is almost time to head on out of the Disney Legends Plaza and over to our next destination. So I had to get pictures of all four plaques together since I wont have time to get a couple of the plaques together.

Bob Schiffer, Randy Newman, Carl Bongirno and Ron Logan

Marty Sklar, Fred Joerger, Leigh Harline and Ned Washington

It was so neat to see Marty Sklar plaque at the Disney Legends Plaza

Blaine Gibson, Bill Cottrell, Marvin Davis and Bill Martin

It was difficult to get as many of the pictures as possible so I had to rush and get all the plaques in one picture before we left. Some of the people in our group started to follow Kelly and move on to the next location. But I was determined to get all the plaques before we left.

Barbara Walters, Frank Gifford, Toshio Kagami, and Bob Booth

Tyrus Wong, Ken Annakin, Robert Stevenson, David Tomlinson

David Hand, Adriana Caselotti, Fred Moore, and Thurl Ravenscroft

Hugh Attwooll, Robert Newton, Richard Todd, and Neil Beckett. Some of them I had to get quickly so some of the plaques were a little off on the side when I was getting a picture.

Robin Williams, Leota Toombs Thomas, Tony Anselmo and Bill Farmer. I remember these names since they were inducted during the D23 Expo back in 2009.

Angela Lansbury, Dean Jones, Wathel Rogers, & X Atencio

Everyone is walking down over to where Kelly is but my DA and some other people were still around the back to look at the rest of the plaques and statues. The next one had Ilene Woods, Buddy Hackett, Richard Fleischer, and Tutti Camarata.

Roy Williams and Winston Hibler

Dodie Roberts and Becky Fallberg

Cyril Edgar, Wally Feignoux, Didier Fouret, & Mario Gentilini

Gaudenzio Capelli, Gunnar Mansson, Arnoldo Mondadori, & Cyril James

Sam McKim, Antonio Bertini, Armand Bigle, & Horst Koblischek

My DA and I were still in the Disney Legends Plaza while our group was almost over at the Michael D. Eisner Building. But she told me to a picture of her right at Partners statue. It is so neat to be able to be close to the Partners statue which resembles the same ones at Disneyland and the MK.

Dedication speech: Walt Disney once said, We should never forget that it was all started by a mouse. But we at The Walt Disney Company know it was all started by a man. He was born 100 years ago today, but his legacy as a storyteller and entertainer lives on& it urges us all to continue the work& to make the magic fresh and new& for young and old, for generations to come. It was dedicated on December 5th, 2001 for Walts 100th birthday.

After getting a picture of the Partners statue, we head on over to the Michael D. Eisner building.

But first, I had to get a picture of Friends statue which is the same exact one at the MK in WDW. I wanted to get pictures right next to both statues, but we had no time and had to meet up with the other groups. The security guard told us that we had to meet up with the rest of the group.

So my DA and I head on over to the Michael D. Eisner building to meet up with the rest of our group and it was neat to see the building up close with the Seven Dwarfs.

Thats it for this post and I will have more pictures from the Walt Disney Studios during the D23 Day at the Walt Disney Studios and Archives. It was so neat to see all the different plaques at the Disney Legends Plaza including the three statues. It was neat to see the Partner's statue up close where you can't even touch it at DL and the MK.
You need a return trip to the WDS to get a close up of all the plaques. :thumbsup2

Definitely. We didn't have enough time at the Disney Legends Plaza to get all the plaques and I wanted to get some pictures with me in it at the Partners statue and Friends statue. It is so rare to be able to touch the Partners statue where you can not even get so close to it.

I have some wonderful news for my trip followers. My aunt, (not my DA who goes with me to DL a lot but my aunt who went with me during the January 2013 trip with DD2 which is now DD3) DD3, my cousin code name Chris and I are going to do a quick trip to the DLR on June 28th to 30th. My aunt wanted to to do something nice for my cousin (her niece) for all her hard work at school where she is doing well as an A student. And what better treat to give her is to go to the DLR. My cousin hasn't been to the DLR since 2009 and she has been looking at all my pictures and videos that I have took while at the DLR these last few years. This was very hard for my aunt DBF since she has no time to take off and she told us that DD3 would have a great time with the three of us. There were somethings that we haven't finished during the January trip and this would be nice to complete those rides and shows that we have missed. It has been tough for my aunt, my family, Chris and me since my grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago and we are having her funeral tomorrow. When we talked about a possibility of going back to the DLR she wanted to have some time away from Sacramento and she thought that this would be a perfect way to do it with DD3, Chris and me.

I know that this is a bad time to visit the DLR since it will be very crowded and on touring plans website that the weekend will be a 10/10 crowd level. So we have to plan our schedule really well. We would have planned this way in advance and not so close during the busy summertime but my cousin has summer school and work that this was the only time available she had during the summer. I talked to my aunt and my cousin about this these last few days since I am barely on the boards except when I do my updates from my May trip with my DA. We will be planning on what to do these next few days after the funeral tomorrow. Mostly I would plan a trip 60 days in advance but Chris couldn't take time off in July or August and my aunt didn't want to go when it is very hot and I still have my August trip during the D23 Expo. So this was the best time to go even though it is on short notice.

We will be staying at Best Western Park Place Inn since my aunt wants to be at a close hotel right from the DLR and does not want to stay at a hotel with a shuttle since they could take time to get to pick us up and drop us off at the shuttle pickup/drop-off area. I looked at the prices for the DLR hotels with the AP discount and the cheapest was at $284 for PPH. The prices at BWPPI was at $161. The prices are very high and I wasn't surprised at the rates during the summertime.

I will update you later on during the week of what we will be doing. But one thing for sure that my aunt had asked me is that we will be doing one character dining experience with DD3. We have done AG and GK during the January trip and now I am looking at the other three character dining restaurants (Surf's Up at PPH, Storyteller's Cafe at the GCH, & Plaza Inn at DL) as the choices. She told me that they might consider eating at AG or GK again during the trip. Another restaurant that she might consider is the Blue Bayou at DL. After riding PotC and saw the BB restaurant, that is something that she wants to eat. So we will have to make reservations as quick as possible since it is inside the 60 day reservation time.

Also one more thing before I call it for the night. My DA and I are going to move our Holiday trip to the DLR one week back since her colleague at work can get off during the weekend of 22nd to 24th. She asked me if it was alright to change the dates and I had no problem with it. At first, I had no problem since it wasn't during Thanksgiving week since it will be way busier than the usual first weekend of the Holiday season at the DLR. It will be difficult to wait one more week during our Holiday trip but it should be fun with more people to talk to and do other things at the DLR during the Holiday season. I will keep everyone updated on that trip along with the June trip.
YAY!!! Another DLR holiday booked in. Congrats, Bret.

Is the 22 - 24th trip in September?
YAY!!! Another DLR holiday booked in. Congrats, Bret.

Is the 22 - 24th trip in September?

Actually PiO, My aunt and I have now a planned trip back to the DLR on June 28th to 30th later this month. My aunt wanted to get away from Sacramento and what better place to do it is going to the Happiest Place on Earth. For a short time and during the heavy part of the summer season she had no problem with a quick trip. I would never go during the middle part of the summertime for a trip because of the high crowds. But this trip is for my aunt to get some rest and for Chris.

A change of plans on who is going. DD3 who we thought is going with my aunt, Chris which will be called DC and me during the trip but my aunt DBF didn't want to let DD3 go without her. So DD3 is not coming with us and Chris mom which we will call DM is coming with us. Chris, DM and my aunt are very excited to go to the DLR later this month.

I was fortunate to look on the Disney Blogs yesterday since I saw that the ticket and AP prices just went up today. It was a very short notice that Disney told all the people that the prices for the parks went up. At least it wasn't a big increase as last year. I was fortunate to renew my AP yesterday and saved $20. I had to pay $629 with the AP renewal discount to go back to the Premium AP. I am not planning on going to WDW this year. But everything changed last year when I upgraded back to the Premier AP where I didn't even plan on going back to WDW. This time I won't be going back since I looking at options of going next year when the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at the MK is complete. If I haven't renewed my AP yesterday, I would have paid $649 with the discount. When I told my aunt about the ticket price increase yesterday, she went to the DL website and ordered the tickets. She bought 3 3 Day PH tickets at $250 and the total was $750. She would have to paid another $10 per ticket if she had ordered the tickets today and after. She saved $30 yesterday by ordering the tickets.

When I talked to my aunt yesterday about possible sitting restaurants during the trip, she was intrigued with Big Thunder Ranch BBQ, Blue Bayou, Cafe Orleans, and Carnation Cafe. It will be tough to get into BB on short notice. But these are the four restaurants that my aunt is very interested. I haven't talked to DC about the restaurants but she wants to try Carnation Cafe. We will go over the plans of what sit down restaurants we will do during the trip. The quick counters will be determined during the trip but one thing for sure is that we will be going to the Cozy Cone because my aunt wants to get the Chili Cone Queso. Hey TK, if you are reading this post and I know that you have experience at BTR BBQ in the past where I haven't done it in quite some time. I would like to hear your experience at the restaurant and which time during the day would you recommend? (Lunch or Dinner)

We will be staying at BWPPI since I made the reservations last night. This is the most I have ever paid for staying at BWPPI at $161 a night without tax and the total was $376 with tax (this does not include the parking where it will be $10 a night). My aunt made it clear that she wants to stay at this hotel and not the others since it is close to the crosswalk.

All four of us will planned on what we will be doing during the trip. One thing for sure that I will be doing no matter what is seeing "Mickey and the Magical Map" at the Fantasyland Theatre which just opened recently. They told me that they will want to see WoC and we will be doing my plan like I do when I see WoC. For the DISers have read my previous trip reports, you know what I am talking about. But for the DISers that don't know what I do, you can find out from my past trip reports.

PiO - The 22nd to 24th I said during my last post was for the November trip. My DA and I moved our Holiday trip back from November 15th to 17th to the 22nd to 24th in order to go with her colleague family. Her colleague couldn't go on the 15th to 17th so the 22nd to 24th was the time she could get off and we pushed back our dates to match theirs. I was first worried about how the crowds would be during the 2nd weekend but when I looked at the dates it is not during Thanksgiving week which was nice. So my DA and I moved our dates back and we we will be there later during the Holiday season. I really wanted to go during the Halloween season this year like every year since I got the AP but I am going to cut back since I will be getting the new iPad 5 when it comes out that month.
Thanks Bret. I like Cafe Orleans for meals. But I hope you get into BB.

Not long to go to the trip this month!

That's a great saving on the DLR tix. I got my WDW and UO tickets earlier in the year when there was the first chatter about price rises. I figured that Disney and Orlando would raise prices sometime during the year and as I had the money allocated, I bit the bullet in April; and May. It was rather short notice but then it always is.
Hey Bret

Great news about more trips for us to follow along and see your fantastic photos.

Only 5 days until I am finally back at Disneyland after 6 long years. Very excited.

We will be going to the Studios on the ABD tour - so I was going to try to skip your photos - but couldnt stop myself looking. :rotfl: Now I cant wait to see it all myself.

On a personal note I am sorry to hear about your grandmother and hope the funeral goes well and wish you and your family all the best at this sad time.

Take care and keep reporting.
Gosh Bret!

I completely missed the fact that your grandmother passed away. I'm so sorry! :flower3:

(And I feel so bad about reading that properly!!!)


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