Organizing 101/Jan- Family Room

Today didn't work out the way I had planned...

List for today:

DS starts back to school :goodvibes yup, and I missed him
Candles out of the windows nope....
Start taking down tree Ummmm, nope......
Retrun uniform gift (I already have 2 navy scrubs...)Ummmmm, nope :confused3
Maybe hit ACMoore for swap items...OHHHHH the paper for my Recipe Swap...and spent a long time trying to find things on the net for my other swaps....

OH, and will walk on the treadmill :rotfl: And can you say nope?

List for tomorrow:

Make sample for jewelry class
visit with my friend at Mike's
return uniform
pick up kids
Candles out of the windows (unless Dh does it for me :goodvibes )
Tree undecorating
Not even going to think about the treadmill :sad2:
Take tree down in my bedroom, yep a romantic tree (silver/blue/white)..
Make eye appointments for DH and DD13 (I'm next)..
Epcot sign ups 9am
DS10 to basketball by 9:20am
SS15 pick up 9:30 from basketball and take him home after dropping off DD at basketball..
DD13 basketball 10am..
Home to check swap sign ups
Work on more title pages and scrap at least 5 pages
Download photos and order them
Pay bills

Print calendar out for menu to hang on fridge
fix dry erase calendar so that we can see what is going on...
update my pocket calendar w/ DH dr appt next week/ 4-H events coming up
So today,
take DS to school and pick up later bad mom, made him ride the bus
fold laundry and put away (yesterday's laundry is already put away :yay: )done
call about jury duty at appointed timedone, no duty this week
grocery shop after taking DS to schooldone and MADE dinner
call preschool if jury duty because little bit will have to come with medidn't need to
wash kitchen floordone
(trees are down) take boxes to barn.I have way more boxes than I thought. They are in the garage until DH can load them in the pick up. Too many for my minivan

And start on my swaps if there is time. Printed out my recipe for a second time, first was way too big and no room for embellishing

I went through DVDs & VHS have a box to give away. Alphabitzed the Disney DVDs and put the rest in catagories. Photographed the equipment in the livingroom. Got Serial Number from TV, DH said to forget the ones on the VHS & DVD player as they are so old and new ones are less than $30. So my list from B&MB is DONE!!
PS- even took off the glass on the lights on the ceiling fan and washed them in the sink, how cool is that?
Tomorrow -
post sign ups for Epcot page kit
update it after coming back from preschool
do laundry-again
Todays goals:
1. Go through bags and baskets in the family room and sort out things. POut them all away.- went through 1 bag but I still have 1 bag and a basket left
2. Get some scraping done on my birthday album.didn't do this at all but I almost finshed my recipe swap
3. Vacum blinds and couch.ambish for my first day back to school and teaching Bible study- didn't even pull out the vacum cleaner


1. Go through the last bag and basket in the family room.
2. Finish the recipe swap.
3. Package up everything I need to mail for a PO run on Friday.
4. Vacum blinds and couch.
5. 10 minutes on eliptical machine- I only did 6 minutes today- although I did walk 2.3 miles also.
6. Get 4 more pages ready to go.
Yesterday's List:
1. Fold laundry and start next loads. - nope
2. Get DS to tennis camp (unless it rains). - yep
3. Get DD to twirling lessons (unless it rains). yep
4. Pick up picutres at Walgreens. - yep
5. Get DD new dance shoes. - yep
6. Sign up for DD's new dance class. - yep
7. Unpack from Disney trip (while watching marathon of America's Next Top Model). - nope
8. Try to get homework started so it won't be a rush next week when school starts back - tried and failed

Well, nothing happened in the house yesterday, try again on todays list, as I am inspired by PrincessNancy!
1. Get DS to the dr at 9:00.
2. Get DD to twirl teacher at 10:00
3. Unload Dishwasher.
4. Fold laundry start new laod.
5. Scrap two pages.
6. Unpack!

Wishing everyone luck on the lists today!:wizard:
Ok, I have to keep a running tally on here..because I keep checking in here..and forgetting to mark my paper list off...
Take tree down in my bedroom, yep a romantic tree (silver/blue/white).. Done
Took large tree down! Done..but I do believe the ornaments multiply once they are on the tree! Anyone else notice that??
Make eye appointments for DH and DD13 Done, even managed to schedule mine w/ our previous doc.. he became a member of our insurance!!!! Yeah!!!!
Epcot sign ups 9am still working on
DS10 to basketball by 9:20am done
SS15 pick up 9:30 from basketball and take him home after dropping off DD at basketball.. done, boy you'd think SS15 was a young girl..he primps before he can come to the van.. geesh!
DD13 basketball 10am.. done
Home to check swap sign ups still working on
Work on more title pages and scrap at least 5 pages -nope
Download photos and order them nope
Pay bills done and still have money left over!
Clean out/switch purse done

Tonight: Last night...
Print calendar out for menu to hang on fridge done
fix dry erase calendar so that we can see what is going on... done
update my pocket calendar w/ DH dr appt next week/ 4-H events coming up done

The list for tomorrow.. will be posted tomorrow.. no time tonight!! LOL
-The tree is now bare, DH needs to take it out so we can bring the ornament bins in. Not enough room for both. LOL
-The DVD's are done but I need to buy 2 more binders, we ran out of room with 30 DVD's to go.
-I had lunch. :thumbsup2
- I shopped on line for a craft cabinet and found one. Now to come up with $230.00. :scared:
-I walked 2 miles and even managed to run, well jogged, 1 lap of those 2 miles. Not bad.

Tonight I have to scrap!
My Christmas Tree is still up!!!! I need to take it down tonight!!!! :lmao: Not sure if that will happen or not, but I will try! :thumbsup2 That's all I can do is try! We have little Thomas for the weekend! So it will be lots of fun, fun, fun and mess, mess, mess!!!!! Oh well!!! I don't care, he is only around every other weekend and we get so little time with him... I would rather play and have fun than clean!
List for today:
Make sample for jewelry class done
Haircut done
visit with my friend at Mike's done, and bought paper for the pet swap :dogdance:
return uniform Nope, next week I guess
pick up kids yeah :goodvibes
Candles out of the windows (unless Dh does it for me :goodvibes ) What a nice DH, got it done for me :love:
Tree undecorating Only if I feel like doing some during Ugly Betty and GA reruns...sigh
Not even going to think about the treadmill :sad2: and I didn't :rotfl2:

List for tomorrow:
drive kids to school
tree undecorating
pack for work (beading kit from Christmas :santa:)
work 3p-11p
Exercise done
Desk cleaned out
File cabinet cleaned out
Scanned images for swap stuff

De-decorating is on the agenda for this weekend.
post sign ups for Epcot page kit done
update it after coming back from preschool done
do laundry-again done

Have kept the room in tiptop shape. I can now find my remote. That's pretty cool. I hated always looking for it.

Tomorrow -
have to get up early for allergy shots before school
drive to and from school
finish Valentine's Swap
put dishes away from washer that is running right now

Thank you all for keeping me accountable. Reading all your to-do's and daily accomplishments is a really pick me up. :cheer2:
Keeping this daily log of things I must accomplish on here.. has done wonders.. I find myself getting more things done..which allows me to come sneak in here more often.. It's a win-win situation!

DD to basketball 10am
Bank x 2
drop off bills (no need to waste the stamps)
laundry to basement will do on Sat.
Clean desk in kitchen

overall a quiet day! Yeah!

DS10 scrimmage game at 11AM
SS15 has a tournament at 9AM but I won't be going.. DH will take a few of the kids...
I only met one of my initial goals for today because my Dad called and asked me if I wanted to go to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch as his Christmas present to me. How could I resist? Yum! I did go to the post office to return my package with him, but I didn't feel like going out again afterward so I focused on in-the-house tasks. I made HUGE progress on the goals for this thread.

- Recycle old magazines, flyers, mail order catalogs. Sort the rest. DONE
- Cull piles of photos- separate the good, the bad, and the ugly. Toss the bad.:eek: :faint: share duplicates with friends and family. Set aside the rest for now. N/A - this is done on a regular basis.
- Go through CD's, videos, books. Create piles for keepers, loaner-returners, donation or resale. Books, DVDs, and Videos done. CDs are in another room and I will get to those later.
- Paw through the stacks of games and toys; collect missing pieces and put them in appropriate boxes. Create stacks to donate, to toss, to store elsewhere and to keep in the family room. Donate what you can't use. Done.
- Start inventory list of model and serial numbers for your TV, stereo, VCR, DVD player, etc., for your homeowners insurance.Done for all the things in the living room.

-Vacuum and clean floor, walls, bookshelves, entertainment centers, windowsills, mini blinds, and ceiling fans. Done in a big way! I went over every inch of that room tonight. I don't clean often, but when I do I go all out!
- Dry clean or launder drapes, throws, and area rugs. If possible, switch sides when rehanging drapes to minimize sun damage. Done - I did all the curtains in the whole house so I've got a jump on other rooms! Who knew my curtains were white and not off-white!?
-Spot clean sofas; vacuum cushions and sofa base; flip and rotate cushions. Dig down the sides for lost coins Not yet - I want to pick up some upholstery cleaner for the sofas.

-Choose a drawer or find a basket to hold remotes. Or attach infrequently used remotes to components with Velcro. Already have a box for these.
-Buy acid free photo boxes or albums for pictures. Spend 1/2 an hour a week arranging albums. N/A but I did replace a couple albums that were ready to fall apart at the seams and completely reorganized the 'Photo album/scrapbook bookcase' that I had deconstructed about a month ago and never put back together.
- Designate a basket or box to hold on-load tapes, books, videos. Write return dates on the calendar. Already have a spot for these.
-Initiate weekly 5 minute cleanups with family members( :rotfl2: ) to keep things moving toward their designated spaces. N/A. DH does way more cleaning than I ever do and 99.99% of the clutter in the house is mine.
-Once organized take a photo or videotape of the room to keep with your home inventory list.Not yet - once I take the donation boxes out of the room.

I feel like I accomplished so much! I took "before" pictures. When I take the "after" I'll post them.

Goals for Friday:
1. Take car in for an oil change by 8:30 at the latest. (This will force me to get up and out early and start my day.)
2. If it's not raining, walk for at least 30 minutes while I wait for the car to be done.
3. Target for upholstery cleaner, trunks, and something I'm forgetting.
4. AC Moore for swap supplies.
5. If AC Moore doesn't have what I want, go to not-so-local scrapbooking store for backup.
6. Recycle all printer/fax cartridges.
7. Place online photo order.
8. Take GPS unit that I bought DH for Christmas out of the box and get it ready for him to use.
9. Clean living room set and then take picture of my finished room.
10. Start on at least one swap.
Thursday's goals:

1. Exercise 30-40 minutes (I'd like to do this before work)--nope, but DH said we'd both start exercising on Saturday to get me back in the swing of it.
2. Follow my WW eating plan--done
3. Call to schedule appointments--done
4. Be less negative at work!!--did pretty well with this
5. Get to work with everything I need--done
6. Weigh in to determine starting weight for diet--done (even though I wish I hadn't!)

Friday's goals:

1. Follow my WW eating plan
2. Get cheer stuff to work
3. Again, with the less negativity!
4. Deliver birthday cards I need to deliver!

I have quite the list I want to accomplish this weekend, so I hope that works!

I hope everyone has a great Friday!! :cheer2:[/QUOTE]
rlovew;16210375Thursday: 1. Go through the last bag and basket in the family room.[COLOR="Red" said:
not yet[/COLOR]
2. Finish the recipe swap.ready to mail today
3. Package up everything I need to mail for a PO run on Friday.still getting it all together
4. Vacum blinds and couch.did the blinds, recliner, and loveseat
5. 10 minutes on eliptical machine-I did 6:30 and never got back on
6. Get 4 more pages ready to 4 pages ready to go and 2 pages completely finished

Friday's goals:
1. Vacum out couch.
2. Go to Post Office
3. Survive CPR class
4. 4 more pages ready to go.
5. Finish MK swap design.
6. Return videos to Movie Gallery.
Well things have gotten in the way of my progress this week but I do have plans for today.

Go to the Bank
Go to Grocery Store
Give the house a spit shine for dinner company
Prepare Dinner for company
Work on last of swaps (almost done so it will get there this weekend)

Hmm when you write it out it looks like alot to do. LOL

This weekend is all about taking down Christmas and going to my companies holiday party tomorrow night.
Walked 2 more miles today, did a load of laundry, ran the dish washer and worked on the bills. And the kids even made it to school on time today! :cheer2:

Off to finish the living room.
I've already got my idea for my title Rebecca!!!;)
Off to finish the living room.
I've already got my idea for my title Rebecca!!!;)

I haven't got the newest update to the software that more easily lets me weld words- everyone is going to get the same one- I just don't know what it will be. If I have time I will make a special one for the group- If I feel I don't have much time then I will cut one I already have welded together. Anyway, I will definately send the same title to everyone- I can create it and then have the machine cut it over and over again from a 12 X12 piece of cardstock. If you have a phrase or word you would like you can PM me and I will think about it.

I haven't got the newest update to the software that more easily lets me weld words- everyone is going to get the same one- I just don't know what it will be. If I have time I will make a special one for the group- If I feel I don't have much time then I will cut one I already have welded together. Anyway, I will definately send the same title to everyone- I can create it and then have the machine cut it over and over again from a 12 X12 piece of cardstock. If you have a phrase or word you would like you can PM me and I will think about it.


I'm not picky! I'll think about it though.


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