Organizing 101/Feb- Home Office/Scrap Room


Rum makes math fun!
Feb 18, 2005
I opted to add in the scrap area because some of us don't have a home office.

1. Go through drawers to separate junk from usable items such as pens, tape, and stamps
2. Divide paper stacks into piles; to pay, to do, to read, to visit, to file. Group other materials such as user manuals, warranties, receipts
3. Cull old papers from existing file systems and countertops. Use a shredder for sensitive, outdated documents such as bank, credit-card or investment statements.
4. Clean out old files on your computer, and scan your computer disks for errors. (Use the help icon on your computer's operating system for more detailed instructions.)

1. Wash down surface areas and clean insides of drawers
2. Use cotton swabs lightly dampened with alcohol to clean keys on keyboard
3. Vacuum and clean office chair. Tighten screws and oil mechanism if necessary
4. Vacuum and clean floor, windows and window treatments as necessary

1. Create and label folders, envelopes, binders, or accordion files for your papers
2. Open mail near the wastebasket; throw away what you don't need. Then immediately file the rest.
3. Keep a central a paper and/or online calendar to mark important dates and appointments
4. Keep a basket near the door to hold things that belong in other rooms
5. Make a master list of all your financial accounts, insurance policies and other important financial information. Keep it in a fireproof lock - box with other important documents

Happy Cleaning everyone!!!!
Tuesday's goals:
load of laundry - DONE
pick up living room
Fed Ex
finish Mexico
call milk company
100th day (DS5 and DS6)
dishes - DONE
grocery list
DD bath
200 crunches
DS meds x 3 1st dose done
Ok I'm in for this one. Its on my list and since my open hous eis in march this area needs to get cleaned up. LOL

Todays todos:
Work - currently doing LOL
Finish taking down christmas tree from living room
Load of whites

Thats about all I'll get to once I get home.
Well, I'll get started on that tomorrow..
You know.. I've always made it a habit to throw unwanted mail stuff away (the stuffers, junk ads, etc).. but I've made a habit of throwing the credit card/mortgage solicitations into the shred drawer and DS6 shreds that draw every 2 weeks as a "chore".. he loves it..

To do today:
Sort laundry for tomorrow
Makes beds - 1/2 done 2 to go
DS10 pick up take to BBall practice
DS6 make sure his bball practice stuff is ready
DS10 pick up and take to DD's bball game
DD13 bball game
Dinner, gotta fit that in somewhere
sweep/dust living room/family room area
I'm in for this one. My computer room is the home office. My DH will be very happy if I clean this area up for the topper, uhm I mean, him. My scrap area is in my bedroom, so I'll keep that one for that room.

I've not been posting my daily to do's as I found that even though I am more accountable, I do spend more time here reading than I do doing. But I promise, the house and laundry are being kept up with. :thumbsup2
Hey, I mostly have this room. The second bedroom is the computer/scrap room. The desk/file cabinet is in the bedroom, but I basically finished that stuff last month. But I did find a little more to shred.
OK Buffy, are you the master mind reader or something???? How did you know I was going to have to work on this room now??? AND that my office and scraproom are one????? Scary I tell you... Scary :scared1:

Well, my mother just rented her house, so I was able to get a bed for the little chereb! so now to find a place to put a bed in my small house! Well my crop room is going to be the place!!! YES Girls, I am giving up my cropping table for a child... What is this world coming to???? Anyway, I have to find a place to put everything!!! THAT my friends is the scary :scared1: part!! Now I am forcing myself to really take stock in my scrapbooking supplies and see what I really, really NEED and just get rid of what I never use. That room needs to be organized so the boy has a space of his own! Even if it is only every other weekend! Holidays and vacations! I am excited though, I am taking him shopping this weekend to buy the bed sheets and comforter of his choice! Should be fun! I can't wait to see what he picks out!
OK Buffy, are you the master mind reader or something???? How did you know I was going to have to work on this room now??? AND that my office and scraproom are one????? Scary I tell you... Scary :scared1:

Well, my mother just rented her house, so I was able to get a bed for the little chereb! so now to find a place to put a bed in my small house! Well my crop room is going to be the place!!! YES Girls, I am giving up my cropping table for a child... What is this world coming to???? Anyway, I have to find a place to put everything!!! THAT my friends is the scary :scared1: part!! Now I am forcing myself to really take stock in my scrapbooking supplies and see what I really, really NEED and just get rid of what I never use. That room needs to be organized so the boy has a space of his own! Even if it is only every other weekend! Holidays and vacations! I am excited though, I am taking him shopping this weekend to buy the bed sheets and comforter of his choice! Should be fun! I can't wait to see what he picks out!

If you need to get rid of anything let me know!! I'll take it!! I need more supplies!!!
As for getting a bed together for the little guy! Yeah!!! That is great!!! I think it's great you are going to take him shopping and let him pick out the stuff for his "own room".. We have done that here w/ my stepsons; it makes it more personal for them..
I am jumping in here and will try to maintain a list of those finished here on the first page of this month.

Let me know if you need paper or money for postage for this month.. I'd be happy to help out in anyway.. just let me know!!! ;)
If anyone who is hosting a swap that I am in due in February and wants to send cardstock sheet or stamps to help cover things I would appreciate it. I will be sending January's title out after the weekend or with swap materials that are due in early Feburary. I am planning on cutting the MGM out of black cardstock that I have left from the ABc swap in which I cut letters. I still need to go back and check on the number I need to cut.
I'll be mailing back in March, but I'll put in some cardstock and stamps for you then.
Do you have any ideas what you are doing to do for the Feb. title?? I'll definitely send some paper and stamps when I send your items back in mid-Feb.. no problems there!!! ;)
It doesn't matter to me. Does anyone know what they would like?- I chose MGM only because it was the one park we were not having a swap for at this time. Now that I learned how to weld letters it doesn't take too much time to make words, although it does involve 3 seperate programs. I would rather due something everyone can use.

OK Buffy, are you the master mind reader or something???? How did you know I was going to have to work on this room now??? AND that my office and scraproom are one????? Scary I tell you... Scary :scared1:

Well, my mother just rented her house, so I was able to get a bed for the little chereb! so now to find a place to put a bed in my small house! Well my crop room is going to be the place!!! YES Girls, I am giving up my cropping table for a child... What is this world coming to???? Anyway, I have to find a place to put everything!!! THAT my friends is the scary :scared1: part!! Now I am forcing myself to really take stock in my scrapbooking supplies and see what I really, really NEED and just get rid of what I never use. That room needs to be organized so the boy has a space of his own! Even if it is only every other weekend! Holidays and vacations! I am excited though, I am taking him shopping this weekend to buy the bed sheets and comforter of his choice! Should be fun! I can't wait to see what he picks out!

A room for the boy huh? This is getting serious! If he's only there every other weekend can you keep the closet for your scrap stuff and just have a larger dresser for his clothes?
Hold old is he again?
A little trunk would be nice for toys too, that way the toys aren't all over the place but he can still have stash there.

I guess I need to come over and help you get things organized! LOL
I have 3 boys in 1 room, I am the master of space planning. Yep a 2 bedroom house for 6 people, good thing we like each other, well, most of the time anyway.

We also don't have a scrap room or an office, DH uses the dining room as the office, so technically I need to work on the dining room. :rolleyes: I need a bigger house!
OH NO!!! I was sooooo hoping for the dining room this month. My scrappy craft room is just terrible! Ya know, I'll post before and afters if I get this one really aren't going to believe it...
Tuesday's goals:
load of laundry - DONE
pick up living room 1/2 DONE
finish Mexico DONE
call milk company DONE
100th day (DS5 and DS6)
dishes - DONE
grocery list
DD bath To cold
200 crunches
DS meds x 3 DONE

Wednesday's goals:
laundry fold and away
living room
100th day
grocery list
DD Bath
DS5 meds x 3
200 crunches

Some of this list hinges on us having school, not having school, or having a delay. The "Thing that shall not be named" is coming tonight. 1-3 inches blech! And possibly tons more on Friday, depending on it's path.
Ok I'm in for this one. Its on my list and since my open hous eis in march this area needs to get cleaned up. LOL

Todays todos:
Work - currently doing LOL
Finish taking down christmas tree from living room - ALMOST DONE
Load of whites - DONE

Thats about all I'll get to once I get home.

Well I got productive last night on other things. I paid a couple bills and actually shreaded all my shread pile. My DH was very impressed. LOL I also filed all my paperwork away instead of just putting it in a pile. All of that however ment I didn't get the tree all the way done. However I also got the coloreds and the reds done so all the laundry is clean. Woohoo

Not much on todays list since I have theater tonight.

Continue on tree
Pick up Grandmother for theater
My biggest problem is that my scrappy craft room is also the dump for things that don't have a home...DH just dumps them in here...mail, kid stuff, books and papers, pots and pans, curtain rods...anything at all...

So, I have this huge paper tiger in here, and I shred and shred and it never seems to go away. I also have a huge basket of sewing that I just can't seem to finish. And I know I'll read all those magazines...eventually....

Looking at it in baby steps with the final goal to be able to rearrange the room for better space usage and work flow...It will take the full month!!!


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