Organizing 101/Feb- Home Office/Scrap Room

To do today:
Dishes done
Sort laundry for tomorrow done
Makes beds - 1/2 done 2 to go done
DS10 pick up take to BBall practice done
DS6 make sure his bball practice stuff is ready done
DS10 pick up and take to DD's bball game done/homwork done during the game dd didn't play and at halftime/between games
DD13 bball game done, poor girl is black and blue..she spent a lot of the time on the floor after lose balls or when she got the charge against her.. the opposing team literally knocked her off the feet..
Dinner, gotta fit that in somewhere done
sweep/dust living room/family room area done

Wed. Goals:
Continue NOT to freeze; more of the yuck stuff tonight & tomorrow

I'm making todays list a light list because DH is working from home. He has an appointment w/ his neurologist.. Let's hope things are still going good!!:goodvibes

I'll check back in when I can...
Wed. Goals:
Continue NOT to freeze; more of the yuck stuff tonight & tomorrow

I'm making todays list a light list because DH is working from home. He has an appointment w/ his neurologist.. Let's hope things are still going good!!:goodvibes

I'll check back in when I can...

Good luck!
Wednesday's goals:
laundry fold and away
living room
100th day
grocery list
store kind of
DD Bath
DS5 meds x 3 DONE
200 crunches

Some of this list hinges on us having school, not having school, or having a delay. The "Thing that shall not be named" is coming tonight. 1-3 inches blech! And possibly tons more on Friday, depending on it's path.

Well we had school today, but I got nothing accomplished. DD has a really bad cold and was miserable so I held her all day. And I mean all day, minus the time it took to drive to and from school. My mom came over long enough to take DD so I could at least go get food for dinner for the next 3 nights.

The night however is still young so I hope to report back with progress on the financial front. Oh and I need to wrap up my tax stuff too. Going to the Accountants on Sat. Wish me luck!
I'm in for this month too. No matter how hard I try to keep it organized, my scrap room always needs a lot of work.

Part of me was hoping this month was the kitchen because my cabinets desperately need to be organized. Of course, I could do that on my own... :lmao: Nah, I'll just wait for Buffy to tell me to do it!
Well I got productive last night on other things. I paid a couple bills and actually shreaded all my shread pile. My DH was very impressed. LOL I also filed all my paperwork away instead of just putting it in a pile. All of that however ment I didn't get the tree all the way done. However I also got the coloreds and the reds done so all the laundry is clean. Woohoo

Not much on todays list since I have theater tonight.

Continue on tree - ALMOST DONE NOW
Pick up Grandmother for theater - THE SHOW WAS GREAT

I got my stuff done yesterday as little as it was. I had to add in clean the kitchen since my DH decided to stop at the store on the way home incase the weather got bad for today and then he decided to cook. LOL I can tell you how many times he's cooked since we moved since he made a complete mess of the kitchen. He knew were nothing was and just kept pulling stuff out. The food was good and I know its the thought but man it would have been easier if I had just done it. LOL

Onto today:
Work (at least until it looks bad or clears up or whatever its going to do here today)
Finish the tree
Work on more scrap desk clean up
Cook dinner
Pay the last couple of bills that of course came yesterday after I had just done everything else.

Off to work and wait on the snow. They are calling for it to start around 8:30 here.
Wed. Goals:
Dishes done
Laundry will finish today
Continue NOT to freeze; more of the yuck stuff tonight & tomorrow still working on
grocery done

I'm making todays list a light list because DH is working from home. He has an appointment w/ his neurologist.. Let's hope things are still going good!!:goodvibes done minus some confusion on there part!!

I'll check back in when I can...

Neurologist appt.. GREAT!!! Looks good.. enough so that she pushed his next visit back an extra month so he goes back in May.. Yeah!! ;) They some how lost his original appointment yesterday.. so when he showed up they were shocked.. HELLO??? Uh, can't pull a date and time the neurologist will be in her office out of my hat (I'm good but not that good).. So, DH had them print a copy of their computer that showed his next appt. time (at the bottom is scheduler's name and date and time it was scheduled)..

Thursday's Goals:
Finish Laundry
Kdg. pick up
DS10 to practice
DS10 from practice
Pick up DD's school bag/clarinet (she has a game away tonight and doesn't want to drag it with her)
Pay bills

Thanks!!! He was home w/in 20 minutes of his appointment time.. I was about to go nuts when he was right back.especially after they lost his morning appointment. but she is one that likes to do her job and keep small talk to a minimum until after she has done her testing and evaluation.. She keeps her office going and you don't have much wait time at all.. Now, if we could get her to train some other doctor's offices life would be grand!!!
I got my stuff done yesterday as little as it was. I had to add in clean the kitchen since my DH decided to stop at the store on the way home incase the weather got bad for today and then he decided to cook. LOL I can tell you how many times he's cooked since we moved since he made a complete mess of the kitchen. He knew were nothing was and just kept pulling stuff out. The food was good and I know its the thought but man it would have been easier if I had just done it. LOL

Onto today:
Work (at least until it looks bad or clears up or whatever its going to do here today) - DONE
Finish the tree - DONE and now all christmas is put away
Work on more scrap desk clean up - DID some of thisCook dinner - DH helped again but I did most of it
Pay the last couple of bills that of course came yesterday after I had just done everything else. - DONE

Off to work and wait on the snow. They are calling for it to start around 8:30 here.

Ok lets see whats on the agenda for today.

Work this morning
unload dishwasher
more scrap room cleanup
pack for heading to Charlotte tomorrow
cook dinner
go to gymnastics meet (I make DH go to one a year over at NCState. He's ok with it as long as there are more then two schools. That way he has constant action with only two schools competing he gets really bored. LOL I'm just glad he goes along)

ok off to get some work done this morning. With the weather yesterday even though we were here not a whole lot got done. We stood around and talked most of the day.
Thursday's Goals:
Finish Laundry done; needs put away
Dishes done
Kdg. pick up done
DS10 to practice done
DS10 from practice done
Pick up DD's school bag/clarinet (she has a game away tonight and doesn't want to drag it with her) done but almost forgot because I was doing :laundy:
Pay billsdone

Friday's To Dos:
Put away laundry
Kdg. pick up
Pick up DD from school- she has to clean out her locker! AWFUL!
Clean up both desks
Call Dsis to set up time to stop by on Sat.
OK! Got the bed set up last night! Thomas is very excited about having his own room!!!! He is 5 years old!!! Now the rest of my house is trashed!!! Oh well... that will be taken care of tonight when he goes to sleep in his very own new bed! I can't tell you girls how excited he is!!! He doesn't have his own bed at home, or his own room. So this is really exciting for him!!! I made him a Mickey Icon blanket to put at the bottom of his bed and I have a pillow that is almost complete, I just have to buy the pillow form for it or get some stuffing!!!

Now to find a place or corner of my house to crop!!! This is important!!!! Must be able to crop! :lmao:

Love the man, love the child, but gotta crop!!!! :rotfl2:
He doesn't have his own room at home.. poor little guy.. This is another magical first for him..and you created with a Mickey theme!! How thoughtful!!!

My stepsons come over to their own rooms and they laugh because when they are gone (which isn't often any more) I have scrapbooking supplies on their beds! Especially when I'm doing LOs.. I want room to move things around so I use their beds!
Not to sound snarky or high on my horse but doesn't the kid need a room and a bed per any custody arrangement? I know that sometimes in custody issues that a social worker comes to see if there is adequate living space for children.
I just find it odd. But what do I know, my boys all share 1 room. :rolleyes1

Your such a good Mama Maria!!! :grouphug: I'm sure you'll find a place to put your things!
He doesn't have his own room at home.. poor little guy.. This is another magical first for him..and you created with a Mickey theme!! How thoughtful!!!

My stepsons come over to their own rooms and they laugh because when they are gone (which isn't often any more) I have scrapbooking supplies on their beds! Especially when I'm doing LOs.. I want room to move things around so I use their beds!

Maria... you do rock. I know Thomas must feel very special.

Nancy LOL..... I barely go in DstepD room when she isn't here never mind doing scrapping in there!!! We have lived together for almost 6 years and I just recently asked it is was okay to store my spinning wheel in her room (it is ackward for elsewhere and too attractive to 2 year OLD) when my DH and I can't sleep in the same roon... fighting, snoring etc either one of us have even slept in her bed.... and she by far has the best matress in the house :rotfl:

Just goes to show everyone's situation is different.

Buffy- We DstepD had a walk-in closet that was her room for quite awhile. I don't get it they had the space but that is a different story.
Today I have no outside errands planned (except surprising my DH for lunch) so I want to make a lot of headway on cleaning up my scrap room. It's gotten so bad I'm back to scrapping on my lap. Have to clear the tabletop!

The next goal (which I am DREADING) is dealing with the paper monster piles - I am so bad about putting stuff into the file cabinet. If it goes in at all, it gets shoved in the front in the "to be sorted" file, which of course is the biggest file there! But it must be done and this month is a good time to do it.

This weekend I actually got an item on the first page checklist checked off. DH was sitting in the computer chair and noticed the arm was wobbly so he tightened all the screws. Isn't it nice when they do something without being asked?
Well, I just need to find the alcohol to clean this nasty keyboard, shred some paper, well really we burn it so that won't happen for a while, but then I am done with this room. Having no curtains in here is a big help. We just put in a new harddrive, so all the culling and backing up of files & photos was done last month.

DH says thank you - again - for motivating me.
I am in BIG trouble! My room now looks like a bomb hit! I probably should've started with a small area but instead I pulled everything down and I have bags and bags of junk to go through and stuff all over the floor. Guess I'll be up late tonight! :sad2:
I am in BIG trouble! My room now looks like a bomb hit! I probably should've started with a small area but instead I pulled everything down and I have bags and bags of junk to go through and stuff all over the floor. Guess I'll be up late tonight! :sad2:

1 bag and box at a time. Go through them quickly and pull out stuff you don't need or want then go back through more thoroughly. Don't worry you can do it!!!


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